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By the ocean blue...

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When Fyre was finished, she looked over at him. "I didn't expect that to happen..." she said softly then laid down on the moss, following his example and feel asleep.... but her dream quickly turned sour, as it was a shadow on the sea and some long forgotten monster awakening.

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Fyre woke in pain from thrashing about in her sleep. Her wounds where healing, but in her recent fit, she reopened some of them. High tide had come and was flowing out, so they've been asleep for about two hours.


The catfish spat water at Jacus to wake him and help redress Fyre's wounds.

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Jacus flailed in confusion at the water but stopped when he remembered where he was. "Oh man... never fall asleep on a rock again Jacus..." He looked over to Fyre and smiled, "You okay over there?"

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"No... I had a bad dream and tore open one of my wounds... could you help me? I didn't tie the bandages right..." she was as sitting up, pressing moss to her wound, breathing heavily. Her skin had a slight tan, but now it was white as the shell behind her. Her dream still frightened her, as one can see in her near glowing aquamarine colored eyes, wide and stilted like a snakes.

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Jacus when over to her and reapplied the bandages. "I'm sorry for causing you any trouble... you lowered your guard for me and were able to be attacked... Your extremely unique, I don't want my being here to cause you harm."

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Fyre laughed then winced. "Nonsense! That's the most fun I've had in months! I mess with my sister's all the time, it's not my first time being bitten, she would have came out at me even if you weren't there. I'm glad you were though..... She would've killed me, or left me there to bleed out if you weren't. Aren't you glad you didn't sit and drink all day? Now you can tell your crew that the infamous Captain Jacus Von Fang got kissed by a siren and lived...." She joked.

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Jacus laughed, "Oh they wouldn't believe that. Call me a drunk who sat in the sun too long. But it's a memory I will keep to myself... would have been nice to be conscious for the kissing part."

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"And I would have liked to not be in pain and barely conscious myself! Ah, but life isn't fair like that. Of course they'll have to believe you if they saw me with their own eyes! Hmmm.... the next time you are by my homeland of Scotland, summon me.... I would like to see it again. The sea is my home, as I bet it is yours too.... but it is good to see a coastline where you have so many fond memories there..." She crawled out of the bed onto the smooth floor, moving like a snake with arms across the watery stone and to the tank of jellyfish.

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Jacus looked around and laid back. Is was calm and quiet here, with the only real sound being water and the ocean waves outside. He could see why Fyre liked it so much, "So beyond your singing and kiss, what other types of sea magic do you know?"

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Fyre thought for a moment. "Well, my blood keeps salt off, it separates it from the water really...... um.... I can travel though strong currents like doorways. Because my father who can make whirlpools by bending the currents I can do that to a extent, but it's tiresome. I can talk normally underwater, although that's what all water folk can do... oh! I'm... my bite is toxic, like the purple sea urchins... and some jellyfish. Because of that I'm immune to most venomous sea creatures."

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((Let's just say Tyne has been looking for Teyna all this time because I'm not sure what to do otherwise. (As for Embrye though I have no idea what he's been doing so. I'm going to take it they already had lunch and all of that I guess?)

By the way, the only reason I asked is because it says Teya on her form.))


Okay, Tyne was starting to get worried now... Or, more accurately, he had started to get worried an hour and a half ago, and was now switching to panic mode. Not that he showed it. He had something against showing panic in front of others, even though there was no one but fish around. But panic was fear, and fear was weakness, and weakness was danger, and danger was bad. At least, that's how his mind processed it. He was probably lost, and had no idea where he was. He had probably went in circles though. ...Actually, looking at the scenery... Yup, he was. He let out a groan, shaking his head and causing ombre purple hair to cover his face and therefore block his view. While also getting some in his mouth and eyes. Just great. He always did this. Downside to having long hair and swimming; It got everywhere. Cutting it was too much of a bother though. ...Plus, he was a bit attached to it.

Change of plans. He took off in a random direction, towards the port if he remembered correctly. "Teeeynaaa!" he called out, drawing out her name and making sure not to add any of his panic whatsoever to his tone. None. Not at all. ...Okay, maybe just a teeny, tiny bit. He couldn't help it though. I mean, your first friend who you didn't completely shut out after your caretaker died has gone missing? Odds are you'd be pretty worried too. Especially if- Oookay, off that topic now, let's not get all sulky when you're supposed to be looking for someone. Tyne groaned and called her name out a second time. "Teeeynaaaa!"

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Jacus thought for a moment, "So a siren's kiss isn't deadly, it's when they get their teeth involved." He chuckled to himself thinking to some girls he knew that liked to bite lips. "So... what made you decide that you didn't want to kill humans? Surely there is a story behind that."

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((Hehe... I thought that's how I spelled it. I changed it. It's now Teyna thanks for that pointer. And yes, that's good))


Teyna stayed in one place. Her belly complaining loudly, but she didn't move, until she hears Tyne. Quickly she dashed to his voice, and tackled the older silver tailed male from behind clinging to him like a five year old it's favourite toy during a storm.."Tyne!! Oh thank Poseidon you came looking for me! I got lost and was scared to look above because of those awful humans might be up there waiting to attack me!" She let him go reluctantly, knowing he didn't like to be touched. Her wide violet eyes where much like his own, but hers where brighter, more like a dark lilac color, bright and slightly pastel like, but still clearly purple.





Fyre thought for a moment. "Not exactly. It's hard to explain. Toxicity of my bite is controlled. If I bite you, I can paralyze you or kill you...sometimes it can....um." She coughed. "Anyway, my bite is mostly from my dad, any siren can kill a sailor with a kiss. If I wanted too, and willed it, instead of my breath helping you breath underwater.. it... draws it out, suffocation rather.... and drowning at the same time."


She played with her hair, braiding a long strand of it. "There is a story about that. I used to be like the merpeople. Then I turned 142 and.... my mom died. She was killed... by sailors. I got angry, and..... killed many. My dad told me to stop, when I did listen, he locked me in a ... well in this shell for a month. He gave me a crack where he'd slip in food and stay guard so I didn't escape. He told me he wrecked the ship that caused her death, The Red Sea and her captain rested in his graveyard now.


He told me about the... monster. His grandfather was a hatchling and saw it happen.... then he told me that my kind is dieing. We are fading away. It was then I realized... I ... I had to work with mankind. It's... the only way to survive....You said you didn't want your name forgotten..... I on the other hand, would be forever remembered as a sailors boon and fear, and only my races name would be used.... my own name nonexistent...."

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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Jacus looked to her, "Heh, so your sea monster father was the one that told you to stop? As ludicrous as this sounds, I might want to meet him... unless he still has a dislike for humans... or likes the taste. Both good reasons to avoid something that could easily take out my life."

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As soon as someone tackled him and caught him in a hug, Tyne started spouting incomprehensible noises. As soon as whoever tackled him spoke, however, he quickly shut up, realizing who it was. He turned to face her after she let go, deciding not to lecture her about physical contact without warning him first, because she was probably terrified and she already knew that he disliked being touched. "If any human ever attacked you, I, personally, would go up to them and punch them right in the face," he deadpanned. "...Oh! That reminds me of the reason I was looking for you in the first place, but before I start talking about that, how in the sea did you get this lost?" He let out a sigh. "You know what, never mind. I'm just glad you're safe." He gently patted her head, quickly drawing back his hand soon afterwards as he realized he was using his right hand, which was the injured one.

"Now then. I'm sure that you're hungry. And though I don't have much of an appetite, I should probably get something to eat. So, how about we head back to the reef and then I'll get something for us to eat?" he offered. He used to always bring food when he visited, due to the fact he usually only visited when it was around lunch. But that was quite a while ago. Maybe thirty years? He couldn't remember it all that clearly. "And then I'll tell you about something really weird I discovered." He classified the humans as something really weird, simply because they weren't hostile.

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Teyna nodded, seeing his bandaged hand, but didn't say a word to the older merperson. The thing he wanted to tell her was probably how he got it. She followed him to the reef, it wasn't far from where they were. "I was daydreaming and got lost... I'm sorry I worried you... It's been awhile since we talked. Hasn't it?" She waited until he brought food then ate listening to his story.




Fyre smiled. "He won't attack of you don't now. He said he only has enough energy to hunt and sometimes capsize a ship if they hurt him. You can see him at night, dawn and dusk is when he comes up for air. You can find him by the loch Ness inlet. He sleeps in the inlet and hunts several miles out from it."

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Jacus smirked, "Because I bet he would stop by my boat and say hello instead of flicking his tail and sending my boat to the bottom."

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"If you make enough noise he might stop by to see what is going on... he's curious like me and doesn't fear humans. But again, none of your men attack him, he will flick his tail and send your ship down. Better yet, when he looks show him my scale! He will recognize it and ask you how you got it."

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"I do that all the time. ...It has been a while. I've been meaning to track you down but I've been a bit... Preoccupied." Tyne left, returning with said food, and was silent for a bit. He figured it was best to just jump in, especially since most didn't expect anything less from him. "I met a human," he began, slowly. "...She was drowning, and I'm not sure why, but I... Saved her. And then I waited until she woke up. ...We spoke. She was nice. Didn't hurt me at all. She seemed... Sad, when she saw my scar. She gave me a bracelet... And we've been meeting up for the past few days." He took a deep breath in. "Today was different though. There was... A man. He's the descendant of the one who gave me the scar. But... He came to return my scales. He actually threw his knife as far as he could away from him when he was returning it, and was crying beforehand, because he lost the pouch with the scales. ...Humans... Are weird."

He let out a sigh, shaking his head and oh hey, his hair was everywhere again. He glared at it, then realized how childish that was and moved it out of his face again. "I gave the scales to the girl though. There's no use for them anymore, not for me. ...I also made her a bracelet. If it can even be called that. It was literally a mess of charms I found from the sunken human objects. She showed me a painting she did, too." He raised his violet eyes to meet Teyna's own dark lilac ones. "The cut's from grabbing the girl's knife. She seems to have a bad habit of nearly drowning. She bound it, though." He paused. "...Aaand I ended up kissing her because I don't like seeing people drown in front of me," he muttered after a moment, averting his gaze and sort of hoping that Teyna wouldn't hear that. But at the same time he didn't really care. He wasn't even sure why he said it. He just felt that he shouldn't keep secrets from her.


((And now we have Tyne's view of it all.))

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Jacus laughed, "If he's a protective father, he would hold me down and demand to know what I did to you." He pulled out the scale and admired it's color again. "It's a shame you are hated by most... your very beautiful."

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Teyna didn't know whether to be horrified or concerned or worried about her friend. "You met humans? And they didn't attack you right away?" That was the only thing that seemed to stick in her wandering young mind. It astonished her that humans, the very reason she feared the surface, was actually nice instead of horrible two legged people who waves swords and knives in her nightmares.


She curled up in a tiny ball, being only barely five feet long, excluding the six inch fin, she could float in a little ball. She wanted to believe him, he had no reason to lie to her and tell stories as wild as that. He had every reason to fear humans. "I .... I don't know if I can believe you Tyne... I'm sorry but it's all so... different from what you told me before. Humans are dangerous, their nets tore up Nema's fins and she can't swim now. I told you about the old mermaid who raised me..... I don't know, if your story is true... I wouldn't know to trust them.... unless I meet them myself, but I won't be going near any human to find that out!" She shook her head, hair floating around her like jellyfish tentacles, but she had a part of the front pinned back so it doesn't get in her face. She backed away and sank down onto the sand. "I don't know Tyne. I know our kind is dieing, and what we have to do, but I don't like it. Not one bit!"





Fyre's cheeks turned the color of her hair. She smacked him lightly with her fin getting water on him. "You play a dangerous game flirting with a siren, boy. Hmm.... that sounds more like my dad. He was very happy I got my colors from him. I am a daddy's girl. Did you know your father?"



((this is more like her dad, only red and black with grey stripes. I might draw him when I get inspection to. But he has claws, not just fins))

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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"I understand completely." Tyne swam over and sat beside her, closing his eyes and letting out a sigh. "Honestly, I'm waiting for one of them to stab me when I'm not paying attention. ...They've killed the only person I dare call my mother, left both a physical and emotional scar on me, and now they're trying to befriend me. ...Ah, right, I didn't tell you about my 'mother' before. Well, that's a story for another time." He opened his eyes, staring out into the sea. "I don't agree with any of this, not one bit. But some part of me is just... Curious. Curiosity is a dangerous thing, I know. But..." He let out a groan. He never was able to say what he thought. "So is not knowing anything." He gently patted her on the back, ignoring the fact it was his right hand he was using again. "You don't have to come with me at any time if you don't want to. If you ever do, I'll make sure they don't hurt you. But it's your decision in the end, and I won't dare go against it. Especially since I understand how you feel." He withdrew his hand and stretched, reaching his arms over his head before placing them back at his sides.

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Jacus waved his hands, "No flirting! Just complimenting. Besides, I don't see the danger when it's between friends." He sat back and smiled, "Ah dad... I was born without him around. So it was just mom and me. With my love for the ocean, I joined the navy as a first mate. Our crew was sent to hunt down the "Ocean's Flame" for pirating... who would have thought that the Flame was daddy dearest."

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Teyna nodded slightly, understanding what he meant. She was indeed curious about these humans. "I.... might come. Sometime.... I, would like to see for myself what these humans are like... if you'd let me follow you...." She said quietly.




Fyre tilted her head. "Never thought I'd hear a human call me a friend. Wait, you.... sank your father's ship?" She looked out at the cave wall her skin a pinkish green from the glow of the jellyfish and florescent moss that adorned the cavern. "Even if I never met my dad, I don't think I'd be able to hurt him...... He is my father.... "

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