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Phill made sure to apply a little more pressure getting at all those tight knots and slowly undoing them. Phill smiled as after ten minutes they were out but he slowly massaged the birthmark a little more curious if that was what caused the moan or not.

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Romero moaned again stretching out even more fingers digging into the soft carpet.. "where did you learn to give a massage? ...... " he sighs happily. "You have magic fingers.." he murmured.

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Phill blushed "i was taught by a tutor when i went through a phase where i wanted to be able to give massages to people or do therapy. I decided not to though but i still can give good massages.." He purred as he let his hands go down to romeros calf's and started massaging him there. "your back should be knot free."

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"Hhhhmmmmmmm......………………………okay...." he sounded like he was half asleep. He continued to purr like crazy toes curling a little when he started on the legs. Ice skating made them tight, but he took an ice bath after a gruleing three hour work out to relax them.

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Phill made sure to get the knots out or romero's legs before laying beside him stopping there for now though he was biting his lip. He looked away shyly as he relaxed " a little better?"

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"Vary, although my neck and shoulders are bothering me a little. " HR purrs. He was kidding, but, never in his life had he felt so relaxed. He loved it! Phill was amazing at this!

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Phill blushed "well im used to giving full body so its weird to stop but i could at least get your neck and shoulders. Phill slowly kneaded romeros shoulders getting the knots out and relaxing him as he purred comfortably.

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Phill blushed a deep red as he started. He wasn't sure how romero would react but he said it was ok.

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Phill blushed feeling the bites on his neck and scratches on his body. "no it's fine but uhm how we gona explain the marks on our necks i'm pretty sure she won't believe anything about a vacuum cleaner to test it yours has bite marks so im sure mine does too..but hey it was nice now lets just hope we didn't alert the neighborhood with those yowls."

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"We're in the middle of nowhere. And I'm sure mom wouldn't mind.. she um

Has guys over Evey two months, granted her bites mean blood but they have them all over." He yawned again and purrs falling asleep.

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Phill giggled as he thought about it. He purred loudly "I shoulda just asked to stay here I don't want to leave." Phill saw him start to fall asleep and gave romeros ear a little love bite whispering "sleep well, have some nice dreams."

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Phill slept for ten hours then woke up close to Romero. He giggled as a thought came into his mind. "My birthmark really is lucky it led me to you then it also helped luck wise yesterday."

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Romero smiles and purrs. "It sure is.... it helped me find you. " he got up, his marks an angry red as he stretched. "I'm gonna shower and get dressed. " he heads to the bathroom and got in to the shower.

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Phill got up the marks on his neck already purple blue in color while the scratches were a deep red. He nodded and went to go take a shower himself as he purred happier than ever.

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Romero got dressed and sighs heads down stairs finding his mother at the table reading the paper. He took a breath to ask her something.


“No. He will not be staying here; I’ll put my foot down on that. I don’t mind him staying over but you guys could have at least done that on a Saturday, Phill has a suspension today but you don’t. I had to call you in sick! You won’t be getting in to a good collage if you keep missing days!”


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Phill had snuck down curious and heard how angry he had made her. He looked down and snuck off hiding in an adult room with a yellow door underneath the bed. He felt like crap for making romero miss a day of school as well as making her angry. He just didn't want to be alone anymore. He stayed hidden as long as he could.

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Romero could be herd arguing with his mother. “But mom! He has no other family!”


“I care for him as I would care for you, but I offered him a place here, He wanted to find his own place. I will not offer it again after he spent his money on that apartment.” She sighs. “I am not angry at him, but, if anything I am at you Bram… you should know better. An Olympian cant miss a day of practice, it is crucial. You should know that!”


A sad voice answered her. “I do momma……. I know….. I’m sorry…”


Abbies heals can be herd in the adult hallway. “I said he can stay here when ever he wants, but I prefer the weekends and Fridays, you both need to focus on school work. And no more fights at school! You got kicked out of three of them for sass mouthing and fights Romero Bram; I can’t find anymore schools that will take you if you do this again!”


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Phill felt stupid he didn't want to be a burden and he hadn't understood she offered him to stay here she didn't ask him so he thought she didn't offer. He kept curled up, first his brothers death now he was hurting them too. Phill felt stupid he could always rent out the apartment to others and get money to repay her. He did focus on his school work he has been getting straight 90's his whole life, sure he was rough around the edges but is that really driving everyone away.. He let himself cry but silently so he wouldn't be found by anyone hearing him.

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Abbie opened the door to his hiding room and sighs. “I am a vampire Phill; I can hear your heartbeat a mile away. Come out. We’ll talk; you are an adult aren’t you? Seventeen right? Come out and talk to me.” Her heels clicked to the bed and it barly made a sound as she sat on it. “What is the matter?”

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Phill didn't feel like talking that much but he came out sitting on the bed. He looked down mumbling "do i have to i don't like to talk much."

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