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I'm pretty sure my boyfriend is ready to break up with me. We've been fighting a lot lately and I took it too far last night. He said he needs time to think about it, but I can tell that he doesn't think our relationship would going to end well if we continued dating, even though we do still love each other. He's my best friend. I haven't stopped crying once today, which doesn't help, but I don't know what to do. I just want things to go back to the way they were before I was so awful to him. I never meant it. I didn't think. And I think I'm about to lose the best person in my life becase of it.


I really need a hug.

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I've almost broke up with my s/o a few times. (We're still together and it's been 3 years.) I know how this feels and trust me, I couldn't stop crying either.


But if it does end, know there are other wonderful people out there. You may fall even more in love with someone else. Moving on is hard, but sometimes it's what must be done. You deserve good things. Hopefully good things = your current boyfriend, but perhaps it isn't and someone better is out there.


For now, I would suggest trying to work out what needs to be done if you are to stay together. For example, one of the times me and my s/o almost broke up said my s/o had to see a therapist if we were to stay together. Now what needs to be done may not be so extreme, but if you two want to stay together, I would suggest really really communicating with him right now. And if you haven't already, it's never too late heartfelt apology for things you regret.


Anyhow. I hope things work out for you in the long run. Remember that soon, this will be in the past and it will be less painful. So hang in there. <3

Edited by irrelevantindigo

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Figured. Didn't get asked to prom, friends left with their partners no go, and spent the night alone as usual. On the bright side the second time for senior year I made honor roll, nothing below a B, all As and just the single B. Dad, as you can guess, same typical attitude.


I graduate Fridsy and I'm nervous. I bought s beautiful dress for afterwards as we're going out for dinner but I'm not the skinniest and while I wanted to lose weight I'm gaining..but if cut back on so much and have been excercising.. Life just feels unreal right now, like I shouldn't be at this point. I'm nervous and worried and I want to leave but I also don't because there's a whole new world out there..


I'm not going to know anybody, leaving my friends behind, and still I don't have anybody to get close and really talk to about it. I'm just alone, aside from my mother. No significant other, no friends my grade nor going to the college I'm going to..


At this point I'm not even worried about people replying to this so just, you don't even have to.

Idk, there's like not much positive to focus on haha

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When I started at college, I didn't know anyone there either, but it was there I ended up meeting the greatest group of friends I've ever had along with my current boyfriend of 2 years, when I left school I was also quite nervous thinking I'd probably keep to myself all year but it ended up being the best time of my life, and most people I know say the same thing (:

I'm sure it will be great for you too^

Edited by SallyPuddy

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@Nora: Boyfriends are overrated. Didn't go to prom either. I'm nearing 21, and I've never been in a relationship (none of my crushes felt the same way about me, and nobody really is interested in me...). Not having a SO isn't the end of the world!


Sometimes I contact my 1 or 2 highschool friends through facebook, and I was pretty alone and unknown at first. But finding friends in postsecondary is so much easier than in high school, since there's so many people to choose from.


Just rock out and have a good time at the post-grad! You made it!

Edited by TehUltimateMage

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I'm getting to the point where when I do something wrong I can't let go. I beat myself up over it for hours and days after the fact and I can't stop it.

My families moving ****ing again and I cant tell if its for better or for worse because we are going back to the place we moved from. I broke a picture I wanted to take with me and I can't pack it because now its broken and its my fault because I shouldn't have left in a place where I could step on it. My family is acusing me of pack ratting my clothes and possessions but I can"t help but feel thats unfair because I'm just given all these things from my siblings who I hardly ever see anymore I can't just drop these things.

I just need help with all this anxeity and stress and emotions.

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@Nora Prom is overrated and expensive. Don't worry about it. There are also much better places you can go to dance wink.gif I met my s/o of two years at a swing dance.




My best friend just got engaged Saturday night. Yay, right? Not feeling it. Her boyfriend is broke, sometimes emotionally abusive, and they haven't been dating six months -- they don't even know when their "anniversary" is because they broke up and got together so many times they lost track. It's been the hardest thing for me to watch her try to date and "fix" this guy, and now he's gone and proposed (he half-assed it, by the way) and she actually said yes??? Knowing them, they'll just end up breaking it off at some point and getting together again, but it makes me so sad to realize she now gets to experience engagement as the same tough relationship dating has been -- one where she doesn't go a week without crying but at the same time always talks about how happy he makes her when he isn't being terrible.


I'm really angry and frustrated. I hope she drops the ring down the drain.

Edited by digipup

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I'm getting to the point where when I do something wrong I can't let go. I beat myself up over it for hours and days after the fact and I can't stop it.

I can say the same about myself, and there's no other way to put it except that it's an awful state of mind. Even the most ridiculously minor things, such as a string of bad luck in a game, eats away at me for hours or even days and puts a serious damper on my mood in the meantime.


I wish I could tell you how to relieve your anxiety, stress, and negative emotions, but I've been fighting the same battle, so I can't offer very much beyond my empathy for your situation. What I can offer in terms of advice is to try to take time for yourself, even if it's a few minutes here and there, to do activities you enjoy. This may give your mind a welcome reprieve from the things that have been bugging you.

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Despite promising that nothing will happen for several months, my mother has put the house up for quick sale. That means I have to find somewhere to live fast, but I can't get a decent mortgage with anyone so I'll probably have to surrender most of our pets (my mother bought them for her, but she isn't taking them with her and I've grown close to all of them as their primary caregiver, because my mother is lazy af) in order to buy or rent a tiny squat in one of the roughest areas in the country. So basically I'm going to lose both my home and my family in one fell swoop with the added bonus of moving into a high crime area just so I can stay close to my job.


Also, I'm still not sure if I have anxiety, depression, stress, all three or if I'm just overreacting and making it all up in my own head. Sometimes I see articles about this stuff and think 'That's me' but other times think 'That's not me' and wonder if I'm just being a prat about the whole thing. I know the smart thing is to go to a doctor but I'm terrified they'll just turn around and say 'No you're just lazy and stupid' (though perhaps not in those exact words). Also I still feel awkward about the last time I went to see them and broke down trying to talk about the sexual abuse I went through as a kid, especially since their only recommendation was to check out some websites. And I really want to know if I have dyscalculia or not. Again from what I have heard it ticks a lot of boxes, but also again I'm worried about just being stupid and lazy. Also my doctors from over the years can't seem to decide if I actually have CFS or not.


I'm also worried about my dad. He's drinking a lot and smoking again. Whenever I try and talk to him about it he tells me off for nagging him. He's developed a cough and I know he's as stressed out as I am. Also I think something may be wrong with his feet because some of his toenails are green. Try and get him to go and see a doctor and he just shrugs it off (British male pride may be at work here).


Also at thirty I still can't drive a damn car. I want to learn to drive, but I get so nervous every single time I get behind the wheel that I start feeling sick, which makes me feel terribly guilty at needing to be driven everywhere and a complete loser. Having no social life at all (no seriously, no in the flesh friends, what a pillock am I right?) I can't turn to anyone for help except my dad but I feel bad about doing it for all the reasons listed above.


Right now I am feeling so freaked out I have decided to vent all of this online to a bunch of strangers in a lame ass attempt to get attention. Please help. Send brownies.

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Oh Fortune! That's horrible! *Send brownies* I know how you mostly feel about moving out. I'm trying desperately to move out of with my friend right now and it's hard cause she has no car and her family is moving houses right now. I'm frustrated to no end because I have no other place to go and I don't want to leave my cat behind.


My brother is almost 26 and can't drive for certain reasons, but it's not as horrible as they make it out to be. You take your time on learning how to drive.

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So not exactly feeling upset, but I am sort of freaked-out at myself. Sometimes, when in contact with other people that I find annoying, I get intensely angry. The people aren't out to get me or anything, I just find their personalities/likes to be irritating. I don't let the anger show on my face, but I can feel it.


Like about a week ago in a crafts thing, I had to restrain myself from stabbing some guy with a boxcutter I was holding at the time because he kept repeating some nonsensical phrase. I stopped myself because he didn't deserve to get hurt over such a minor thing and I would have gotten in massive trouble. On a few other occasions I have been very close to punching people just because I found them irritating.


I don't understand why I get so angry over these little things, and I don't want to end up harming someone someday because of it, so I need some advice.

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I feel so alone. My only friend is moving houses and transferring jobs. My dad is adamant about staying while the rest of my family is gung-ho about moving. I don't know what to do at this point. I feel like sobbing my eyes out because of how alone In feel right now.

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My whole life is literally in pieces right now, I feel so lost and alone....

My boyfriend and me had a baby at the start at this year and baby is sadly very poorly, he started to get sick at two weeks old and so far he's not improving. The doctors have suggested a milk allergy and reflux but we're not sure, all we know is he's not eating and not happy. We've had countless hospital trips and diagnoses but still he cries or whispers day and night.........


The near constant crying had a big effect on me and my bf and we're now so close to splitting. It started with bf yelling at me when baby cried, I don't try hard enough and it's not good enough, the doctors aren't doing enough either he says. I begged him to help me, do anything to help. But no, he didn't clean or help me with baby, when I told him baby was poorly I was told he's fine, teething, it's a phase etc. I cleaned our home and cared for baby myself for 3 months, maybe more, with 0 help from him.


I isolated myself and baby, I couldn't take the yelling and I have a responsibility as a parent to protect baby from anything negative. I love baby and it's not fair for bf to be that way, I cried to him to stop and again asked for help... again I got nothing.


Nearly 6 months on and bf has cheated on me with a girl online, I read all his messages and the smashed up his ipad, I fell to the floor and cried. I grabbed baby and left for my mother in laws house, I never wanted to see him again, after all he told this girl he "loves her". Sadly rather than my mother in law being home, his grandma was, I was quickly told off for being childish, however I had not to,do her what he had done as not to cause bf issues.


Bf arrived and explained his side, he had cheated as I had isolated myself and baby from him, hetc claimed it was my fault. I told him he never helped with baby he just put baby down and ignored it, he said because I'd isolated baby from him he didn't know how to care for him.....


Now here we are, I've explained the full story to bf today that: yelling > isolation/protect baby > cheating. I'm miserable, baby I still poorly and seeing doctors twice a month if he's not in hospital, I can't sleep I just cry, I hate to look in the mirror because surely his cheating means I'm to ugly and not good enough. My whole life's been shattered and we are both miserable. He wants to keep trying but it feels different, he's not himself anymore,  he's not the man I fell for.  I found a YouTube video of him and her playing a game online, he's himself with her like how he was with me. 

I'm also now very sick from the stress, I've developed a cyst on my ovary from the stress, I have stomach pain a lot now from it and cant eat much. 


I don't know what to do, I just want my boy back. The one I fell for, the one who loved me and would do anything for me but I think he's gone?

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17 minutes ago, kitty39 said:

My whole life is literally in pieces right now, I feel so lost and alone....

My boyfriend and me had a baby at the start at this year and baby is sadly very poorly, he started to get sick at two weeks old and so far he's not improving. The doctors have suggested a milk allergy and reflux but we're not sure, all we know is he's not eating and not happy. We've had countless hospital trips and diagnoses but still he cries or whispers day and night.........


The near constant crying had a big effect on me and my bf and we're now so close to splitting. It started with bf yelling at me when baby cried, I don't try hard enough and it's not good enough, the doctors aren't doing enough either he says. I begged him to help me, do anything to help. But no, he didn't clean or help me with baby, when I told him baby was poorly I was told he's fine, teething, it's a phase etc. I cleaned our home and cared for baby myself for 3 months, maybe more, with 0 help from him.


I isolated myself and baby, I couldn't take the yelling and I have a responsibility as a parent to protect baby from anything negative. I love baby and it's not fair for bf to be that way, I cried to him to stop and again asked for help... again I got nothing.


Nearly 6 months on and bf has cheated on me with a girl online, I read all his messages and the smashed up his ipad, I fell to the floor and cried. I grabbed baby and left for my mother in laws house, I never wanted to see him again, after all he told this girl he "loves her". Sadly rather than my mother in law being home, his grandma was, I was quickly told off for being childish, however I had not to,do her what he had done as not to cause bf issues.


Bf arrived and explained his side, he had cheated as I had isolated myself and baby from him, hetc claimed it was my fault. I told him he never helped with baby he just put baby down and ignored it, he said because I'd isolated baby from him he didn't know how to care for him.....


Now here we are, I've explained the full story to bf today that: yelling > isolation/protect baby > cheating. I'm miserable, baby I still poorly and seeing doctors twice a month if he's not in hospital, I can't sleep I just cry, I hate to look in the mirror because surely his cheating means I'm to ugly and not good enough. My whole life's been shattered and we are both miserable. He wants to keep trying but it feels different, he's not himself anymore,  he's not the man I fell for.  I found a YouTube video of him and her playing a game online, he's himself with her like how he was with me. 

I'm also now very sick from the stress, I've developed a cyst on my ovary from the stress, I have stomach pain a lot now from it and cant eat much. 


I don't know what to do, I just want my boy back. The one I fell for, the one who loved me and would do anything for me but I think he's gone?


*Hugs and gives milk and cookies* I am really sorry to hear that. You and your baby will be in my prayers, you don't need to be with that guy. Once a cheater always a cheater. It's his fault in the first place, not yours. He abandoned you when you needed him most and refused to help in anyway shape or form. Have you tried to go to your parents for help? Just take a deep breath and try to focus on getting better for your baby.

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38 minutes ago, Dalek Raptor said:


*Hugs and gives milk and cookies* I am really sorry to hear that. You and your baby will be in my prayers, you don't need to be with that guy. Once a cheater always a cheater. It's his fault in the first place, not yours. He abandoned you when you needed him most and refused to help in anyway shape or form. Have you tried to go to your parents for help? Just take a deep breath and try to focus on getting better for your baby.


Thank you. 

We've talked about, well more argued about breaking up and it always come back around to him saying it my fault and him claiming to be trying to "fix" it. I'm actually scared to leave him as he says if we break up hes taking baby with him. Baby NEEDS to stay with me, I'm the only one fighting to get baby healthy again. If I leave theres a good chance him or bfs dad will get baby since bfs dad has a good lawyer and lots of money.


if anyone's in this thread looking to make friends, feels lonely, just wants to chat etc, send me a pm, I'd love the company! :)

Edited by kitty39

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2 hours ago, kitty39 said:


Thank you. 

We've talked about, well more argued about breaking up and it always come back around to him saying it my fault and him claiming to be trying to "fix" it. I'm actually scared to leave him as he says if we break up hes taking baby with him. Baby NEEDS to stay with me, I'm the only one fighting to get baby healthy again. If I leave theres a good chance him or bfs dad will get baby since bfs dad has a good lawyer and lots of money.


if anyone's in this thread looking to make friends, feels lonely, just wants to chat etc, send me a pm, I'd love the company! :)

That is completely awful news if he takes the baby! But hopefully they'll look at the fact he hasn't done anything to help with the baby. Most of the time the mother ends up getting custody of the baby so hopefully that will happen. That guy is a complete jerk 

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17 minutes ago, Dalek Raptor said:

That is completely awful news if he takes the baby! But hopefully they'll look at the fact he hasn't done anything to help with the baby. Most of the time the mother ends up getting custody of the baby so hopefully that will happen. That guy is a complete jerk 


Thank you so much for your input and support Dalek,  I've had no one to talk to sadly.

I'm still very torn up about it all, especially his sudden change of character with me :( I doubt we will be together much longer but for the time being we are, if that changes I'll update. 

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Minor vent but I'm about to scream at the screen right now.


I tend to jump into discussions on facebook when news articles post something that make people jump to conclusions. Right now I try to explain to people that the missing boy who was found in a car wasn't left there by his parents. And that we don't know how long the parents were searching for him before they called the police.


But the comments are full of people yelling "Don't leave kids in the car!!1!" and "Who doesn't miss their two year old until after two hours!1!!"


One women is question me why I defend something like this, specially when I don't have kids of my own. (This is why I want to scream at the screen.) Why can't I expain to people that they are accusing parents for killing their child when it seems to be an accident? Why can't I tell them details about the incident that might explain what really happened?


Luckely I have a couple of people thanking me for the information and standing up for me. I have to hold onto that.

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The "why do you talk about this, you're not even part-of-group-x" argument is usually pulled by people who have been proven wrong and don't want to admit it, and instead are seeking fault in the person who proved them wrong in an attempt to make their own defeat "not count". When you see something like this, you know they have nothing better to add.

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I recognize this woman. I have debated with her about another article about vaccin. She's an antivaxxer and her reading comprehension is not the best. She misread things that are pretty obvious for the rest of us and no, she didn't have any proof about her claims about "poison in vaccin".


This time she couldn't wrap her head around that "other family members" could mean kids when I wrote that the kid who died played with other family members with only one adult at home.

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Hello everyone. I'm not sure if any of you will remember me, but I was quite active here a few months ago. I stopped playing, found more interesting things to do, but, once again, I've come back here to talk to you guys. Things have been pretty hard for me, and I remember how talking about those things here really helped me feel better. 


As I said earlier, I was here almost everyday, but one day, I just left. I was browsing Dc everyday at school, and often during classes, or during my lunch time. Then, one day, my school realized that 99% of the students had VPNs and Proxies to bypass the school, and they blocked most of 'em. That meant that I couldn't access Dc anymore. During this brief time (because in less than a week everyone found new VPNs) I discovered Reddit, and some Cs:go Item trading subreddit. I slowly joined, and after a while I was starting to get accepted in the community. One day, I notice they were hiring for moderators, and I sent my application. Then, a few weeks later, I was accepted for the trials! I joined the chat room with all the staff, and it felt so good to have friends and people to talk to (because I am pretty alone irl, you'll see later). Everything was going nice, after 10 days the official post appeared with the new accepted staff, everyone's name was in it... except me. I was the only one that wasn't taken. This feeling of having friend and being accepted was just gone, and that hurts. I talked to some admins and they told me that I could do the next trials in a few months and that I would be taken. 


One time, I was on the subreddit's discord. I made a little joke, nothing too mean, but the discord's staff is pretty... special and they didn't like me too much, and was muted for 48h (24h for the joke and 24h because "it would be better for you to stfu longer lol"). I was really tired that day and did a stupid thing, I alted. Now I got caught, my main got banned and I was in sh*t. Well I did the best thing I could have done: I alted 12 times more. I don't know how I could have done something this stupid, but I basically killed my reputation and went from a nice dude to a complete idiot. But then, I saw the message. One little message that really killed me inside. It was from an admin, the highest one. The message was simple, but deadly: "Because of what you have done on Discord, you will not be accepted in the trials anymore". Even if this message was sent a while ago, it still hurts. I just lost my place with these people, these friends, and I was once again lonely.


You see, I'm not the type of guy that has many friends. I've always been alone, from my childhood (Didn't have any brother or sister or cousins, basically was the only kid in the family) to today. I tried to make some friends, but I never really found my place anywhere. I had a good friend last year, but he was kicked from the school due to his grades, and this year, I was alone again. I was friend with some guys (all three of them had the same name), but I realized they had a pretty bad influence and I stopped hanging out with them. Now that the school year is over, the only thing I can do is wait to see who will be in my class next year, and try to make friends. Being alone also meant that I never had a girlfriend. When I was younger, this never really was a problem, but now that I'm getting older, It's something I start to care about. Only thing is that I'm a shy guy, and never was able to ask a girl out. Of course, nobody asked me out, because I suppose being the lonely guy that spends his time on his computer isn't really attractive. This year, there was this girl I liked. I wanted to ask her out, but I never got the balls to do it. I don't what that to happen again next year, but I don't really think you can snap your fingers and get rid of your shyness (or whatever it's called) like that.


So yeah, that's my life in a nutshell. If you have any advise, just tell them and I'll be happy to read them. I'll try to play dc again, but I'll probably be less active than before.

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@kreepers_killer: I understand how you feel. I feel those parts where you feel shy and only want to make friends. And yes, up to the part of having a gf. Well, all I have to say is that it will come, in the proper time. Maybe Life, the gods, the Fates, or whatever, thinks that you aren't ready for such things so they decided to not give it to you. I know this from experience. Years ago, I was whining of not having that many a friends in college and that I was separated from my high school friends, who were more or less together in the same university. However, I realise that it was so I can fulfill my dreams. It was a quest that I had to do alone. I realised that those people joining the bandwagon of college courses just so that they can be with their friends do not really know what they want in life, and as a result, they were unhappy about their choices. Whereas, there I was, in my college course that I really wanted.


furthermore, I realised too that the reason Life separated me from others so I couldn't have many friends was that there was some considerable amount of bad drama going on that I was oblivious, unaware of! It spared me the heartbreak so I could do what it was that was most important: to study and be good in my classes. Life knows that I do not handle much social drama and stress. B) And now, boom! I'm a proud graduate of the course of my choice!


i suggest that you do best first in your studies. All things will fall into place. Ask people what their likes and hobbies are, admire something good you saw in them. Then who knows? You could easily earn a friend or two.

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I'm sorry for bad english. If you can't understand, just pass it or I'll send the original text. Please do not make fun of me. That's very shameful and cause endless anger.

I pondered to post this or not for many times. Today, I decide to do it.


I have many issues. But mostly..

(I used this grammar checker)


1.I'm weak-willed

Most of my plans turned to fail. Even I set easier plans.

Do something every day...? I wish I could sustain these well.

I gave up home recorading because of inferiority complex.(Song cover, RAP) what a stupid reason... But the feeling always win. actually, I'm tone-deaf person. Need to take lessons for a long time..!

2.Anger that makes nonsense

That reason why I'm not really welcome unasked advices/critiques.(When I felt anger because of unasked advice, I feel like I'm just trash.) But, not at all of these..!

My brain is telling me "That's the truth. So you must admit it", but my heart is pounding with such ridiculous anger :(


And I get furious very often because of past events in my memory. Even there's no reason to be such angry. - I wish I could forget or enfeeble such enduring memories.

Normally, I don't express my anger around me. Just swallow these. (But I know I'm limited to swallow feelings.)

That's shame I can feel anger even caused by my misbehavior.


3.Odd, unusual personality

So many people say I'm odd and unusual. Maybe that reason why I rarely together with people in real life. For avoid troubles.

And to be honest, I'm very unsociable in real life. Most of My relationships are turned to hurt or ignore each other in the end.

Currently, I start to avoid people at first. Because I'm feeling uncomfortable in real life relationships. (Internet relationships are okay for me though.)


Why I'm born with such odd personality? Why I can't become normal person?


(So ironic thing, I'm not really lonely.)

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@Kyath The Dream Worker I think I understand what you've been saying, but I'll ask what your native language is just in case, maybe we share a common language and that might make it easier. :)

I apologize for having to use some personal experiences in my answer, I don't want to make it seem like I'm making it about myself, but I think it'll help making myself clearer this way.


On your first point, it's not strange to be a bit weak-willed when you're so young as we are. (I saw we were both 20 on your profile page.) I feel like being strong-willed comes with age for most people, especially if you aren't an extrovert. I wouldn't worry too much about that, and focus instead on what you've managed to do every day. Even getting out of bed and getting breakfast is an accomplishment! I used that when I was struggling with insomnia to keep myself motivated to wake up earlier, and that really helped me getting on with the rest of my day, and later getting more things done like doing some cleaning and making sure I kept up with more schoolwork than before.


On the second point you've made; It's understandable to get upset when someone is giving you advice, however well they might mean when they give it to you! I think the best you can do is to tell them it makes you feel a bit upset, and mention that you appreciate their advice regardless of that fact. (I'm assuming you feel appreciative in this example, but if you don't, you can say that instead, and maybe you appreciate their thoughtfulness. :) ) I used to struggle with irrational anger against certain strangers because they looked like someone who'd hurt me in the past, and thinking about these things when I was on my own helped me lessen that anger. For me it always helps when I consider situations before or after they happen, so I can figure out how I'm supposed to react to things. This might be different for you, but perhaps it's worth a try!


On your last point, I think it's very nasty of people to tell you you're odd. Honestly, everyone is different from one another, and yes, some are more different than others, but no one is truly "odd". They're their own version of normal in my opinion. Some people say hurtful things like that to feel better about themselves, so I wouldn't take what they've told you for granted. It's true that I can't tell too much from reading a bit of text alone, but the fact that you've chosen to post this tells me you have courage and consideration for yourself. That last part is very important in my opinion. You clearly want to better yourself, and when you feel better about yourself, others will naturally feel better about themselves when they're near you. There's nothing wrong with a bit of social anxiety, I think we all have some to some extend. I really can't speak in front of strangers if I'm supposed to tell them a story, I do much better in casual conversations. Perhaps you can start with talking to people who share a hobby with you (or do something you love to do with other people), you don't have to jump all the way in if you don't want to! I opened up to people after I got a job (retail), and even more so when I got a job I really liked doing. For me it helped seeing the same people almost every day at work (or school, depending on what you're doing). The best way to become a bit more sociable is unfortunately to force it upon yourself a bit in the beginning, but the payoff is worth it I think!


Feel free to send me a message if you want to talk about anything. I hope my advice has helped a little bit.

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What do I do? I blocked my mother on my phone so now she's calling me at work. My job is to answer the phone, so I can't refuse to pick it up. I can't have a panic attack at work.

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