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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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"Unfortunately, I don't have anything that can help you out," Aeolus responded. Then he thought about a certain dragoness who could help her out by using magic. "But you can try asking Enamora, the pure-bred magi dragoness, for help. She may have some spells that will help carry the extra stones," he advised. Then Baltia flew into the forest.




"Hmph!" huffed Tavurth with an equally disdained look that Juna gave him. Then he walked with Atlas and the others back to where the horde is at. Tavurth said to the horde leader, "Aeolus, Axle's here."


The disaster dragon looked at the group and said, "Good, now let's get down to business."


Atlas asked him, "Alright Aeolus, what is it you want with Axle?"


Aeolus answered, "I need to see him about a certain story that Dracul told me. The wicked indeed do lie, but they can also tell the truth if they are willing." Then he looked at the white dragon and said, "Axle of Shadow Wind, we heard that you killed someone named Crimsrion Drago and have purchased slaves of all races. Is that true?"


The magi looked at him dumbfounded and asked, "What?! I just already told you that this was all a lie!"


"Indeed you did, Atlas," the horde leader said. "But I need to hear an answer from Axle himself, since there are some things that you don't know that goes on in his life."




The guard saw another man with a coat-wearing girl approaching the camp. "Greetings sir, welcome to Camp Sundown!" he said.

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Baltia vaguely noted the otherr dragon's arrival, but continued heading off to hunt. She dipped to collect some stones, then flitted from shadow to shadow, searching for a good target. Spotting a small doe not far into the forest, she threw a stone at it, stunning it briefly, and bit it several times on the ears. This let it bleed, without trying to bite through thicker skin. Once the doe fell over, she moved to its neck and scratched that open, confirming the animal's death. She left her kill to hunt some more and came back with two rabbits, as much as she could carry, and dumped them onto the deer. She waited a while, then sent a telepathic message.

((She'll send the message next post. Has to take some time for her to hunt, otherwise she's be OP xd.png))

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Ronan nodded. "Alright so what's next? Got the name done, and I'm sure you've already covered a lot of research, what else is left?" He wasn't sure yet until something dawned on him. "Hmm, we'll need equipment. We'll need to find someone who can help us get the necessary training equipment. Wooden dummies, weapons, weights, etc." He went on listing a few things.

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Axle at first did not know who Aeolus was talking about, but a few second later, his mouth fell open because he know the name belong to. Both Juna and Mekarth let a small growled out at Aeolus and gave him that look like they were going to rip his throat out.


"Aeolus is it? Well I have to deny you the a lot of information of Crimsrion Drago, Who real name is Drago Rionscrim. I hate to say it but that certain event is classified to just the lords of Shadow Wind and us. The only thing you can know is that Drago was turn to a vampire dragon, and what was done to him was not death, but was sealed away. Everything else I can't say." Axle sounded nerves and Juna and Mekarth seemed un-ease now.

"Than the slave thing. Though that is partly true, he did however forgot to tell you that soon after, with in about 20 minutes, they were freed. Soon after that they were given the choice to live among the city as legal citizen or to leave and find their own path. The ones that left were always welcome to come back if they need to, and a few did. The ones that stayed, most live among my walls and get provided education, work skills, training, and nature knowledge. I provided everything for every race, Human halfling and Dragon alike. Food, shelter, water, A place to call home. Most of the guards that protect my castle are formal slaves, even my generals are formal slaves as well. If you don't believe me on that, contact a dragon by the name of Akil. She currently the one in charge of protect my castle when I left. Though that is her name, I had to give it to her because she had none." Axle said as he than look at Juna, who seem to have that look at Aeolus like she was just waiting for him to make a move, like she want a reason to spring on him.



Azera look at the guard, "I looking for a woman that came here just a little bit ago. She should have an arrow like this with her." Azera said as he pulled out one of his now eleven arrows he had from his sheath and showed it to the guard.

The girl try her best though to hide behind Azera and try to make her self vanish behind Azera, like she did not trust the guard.

"I would like to speak with her for a second." Azera said as kindly as he could.

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((Okay, I understand. Also here's a gift story for you: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...story-512374133 ))


"Let's see..." Minerva said as she turned back to her laptop to look. There were two more steps left: one about obtaining business license and the other about understanding employer responsibilities. "There's two more steps, but it'll be done soon," she assured as she clicked on the link to step 9. After Ronan thought about getting training equipment, the woman said, "We can get some of them at the sports store, a Hayanese shop, and order some online. I know a sports shop over at one of the shopping centers."




The disaster dragon was unfazed by the two sibling's angry looks. After Axle told him about Drago, Aeolus noticed how all the three siblings looked nervous about the mention of him. He wondered what made the former dragon lords weary of the vampire, but decided not to press on the issue as it was unimportant compared to the next one. "Okay then," he simply replied. Then Axle told him about how he freed the slaves and gave them the choice to live in Shadow Wind as a legal citizen or leave to be free. Most of his guards and generals were former slaves.


Atlas decided to tell her friend, "See Aeolus? That red-scaled censorkip.gif*** was lying to you! He tried to get you to go after Axle so that he can keep Shadow Wind in hell."


"Yes, I see the truth now, Atlas," the disaster dragon said. The white dragon did seem pretty honest about his story and even backed up his innocence by suggesting to contact Akil. "Clearly, Dracul is the guilty one who needs to be punished for his crimes." Looking back at the white dragon, he asked, "So Axle, what will you do from here on out? Do you plan to return to Shadow Wind someday and retake back your home?"




The guard observed the arrow for details. Then he answered, "I'm afraid I haven't seen anyone around with that. But you can come inside and feel free to ask anyone. Hope that'll help you find someone you're looking for."


As Kathia ate her lunch and drink her water at the wooden table, she planned out what spells she should teach her students. The plant blessing spell was going to be first as she knew the people needed to farm their food and produce healthy crops. Then the next spell would be the anti-cockroach spell, which worked against all insects and not just roaches. Combined with the plant blessing spell, it'll further help to keep the produce as healthy and undamaged as possible. These two spells would be great for farmers and gardeners alike.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Red ninja'd me by almost two hours... Dang school.))


Jericho chuckled at the guards attitude. He cold tell that he was already going to like this place, and if everyone was as joyful here, there will also be plenty of targets to steal from. "Rittevon, huh? I haven't heard of them doing any work in well years. Actually, didn't they close down?" Jericho was more or less talking to himself, though was loud enough to be heard. The guard, seemingly without missing a beat, turned and started to welcome a new pair of people. Jericho couldn't very well get a good judgement of the two, having most of his observation points blocked by blades of grass, weeds, and the cloaks that the pair wore. Though, regardless, Jericho just had a upsetting vibe that caused him to worry while looking at the two. Then the man perked Jericho's interest. He had pulled out an arrow and was showing it to the guard, asking if the guard has seen it before. Jericho sat up from his spot in the grass and turned to look at the arrow. Sadly, Jericho couldn't quite see the arrow, not that it would make a difference if he could with the lack of knowledge in archers that he has. Jericho sighed and decided to go ahead and get up. He made his way inside, stopping for a brief moment to thank the guard.

Edited by Forsaken Rider of Dreams

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Axle look at Aeolus for a second before replying, "I have to finish the quest my father sent me on first before I can return back home. Once I do return home, I will have no choice but to take back our home and force Dracul out and who ever follows him." Axle said. Both Juna and Mekarth seem to calm down a bit.



Azera put the arrow away and nod his head thank you to the guard, as both him and the girl that was still trying to hide behind him went into the camp. They started their search for the woman and went high and low of the camp going back and forth. It took them a couple of minutes to find her. "About damn time I found you." Azera said to the woman that found him in the street a while back.

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The guard answered, "Well I don't know much about them or what they're doing now. But I believe they've always been working for the city." Then after the pair went inside the camp, the man thanked the guard. The guard tipped up his cap in response and said, "Have a nice day, sir!"




Then she thought up a few more spells to teach her students like the no-wind spell and the book-blessing spell. Speaking of the latter, she thought to give this spell a short practice to refresh in her mind how to perform that spell. The girl opened up the beginner's guide to magic to see how the spell was done again. Then she started to cast that spell on each of the spellbooks she purchased. After she was done, she was greeted with a surprise welcome from Azera, who was accompanied by a young girl this time. "You're the same guy from before," Kathia said. "Azera, was it? What brings you to Sundown?" she asked.




"So you'll be fighting Dracul then," said Aeolus. It was just as expected; Axle was going to war against his own relative. But before the horde can get themselves involved for a chance to learn Shadow Wind's layout and plan a strike there for much later in the future, he asked, "Will you be expecting large number of Dracul's forces when you return home? Or will this be a duel to settle things once and for all?" Hopefully it was the former, so that the horde leader will have an excuse to "aid" the three siblings and dethrone the tyrant. If not, then he can always use Atlas to telepathically show him the image of the location in case they ever need reinforcements to come.

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Akuma peered closer as he saw bubbles rise towards the top of the water. The mage broke the surface violently, sending water into Akuma's voice. He snarled in response, recoiling at the feeling of the cool liquid on his face. He wiped is away with the sleeve of his hoodie before turning to glare at the form of Nick, who was now splashing around in the river. He wondered how he managed to swim in jeans and a cloak. The hybrid shook his head after a moment, baring his fangs at Nick instead, "You can splash around in the water all you want. I'm staying up here where it's warm. And dry" he added, moving back in the grass a few feet from the edge so he couldn't be grabbed. Akuma shuddered briefly at the thought of water.


Chi chuckled as Zeditha woofed down the stew. She on the other hand, took her time, nibbling at the pieces to savor the flavor. "Just don't choke on it. Don't need to wake up the baby. It's nice and sunny today, so it shouldn't take long to dry those hides. They'll make something nice and warm like a blanket for her. Rabbit fur is wonderfully soft" she mused, looking up at the ceiling as she spoke.

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Ronan nodded. "Alright, sounds good." He smirked. "Again, thanks for this Minerva." He wanted to give a token of his affection but he didn't know what to do so he made his way to the stairs to go upstairs.

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((Zeditha gained the power to woof stew! biggrin.gif))


Zeditha looked up from her stew, and realised that there was not much left for her. Grinning guiltily, she slowed down and allowed the flavour to fade away nicely on her tongue. She looked back to Mia - still sleeping peacefully - and smiled, then continued eating slowly.


Baltia sent a telepathic message to Aeolus: I have a deer, but I'll need help getting it back. I'm not that far into the forest, so just follow the scent.

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"Anytime, Ronan!" the woman said with a smile. Then read the last two steps and finished off writing the notes to starting a business. After that, she clicked the back button to return to the search engine website and typed in "how to run financials." Minerva read the entire article and got the process understood. Now with everything she needed done, she went to go look for Ronan.




Baltia contacted Aeolus, saying that she needed help getting the deer back. 'Alright, I'll send someone to help,' he replied. He made a telepathical connection with Enamora and said, 'Enamora, Baltia went hunting in the forest and needs your help to bring back the deer. Also she's trying to collect some stones for herself. Can you create something that should help her carry everything she needs?'


The magi dragoness replied, 'Certainly, I'll go track down her scent and help her out.' Then she went into the woods to look for the dark myst. Soon, she found Baltia and went up to her as she said, "Hello Baltia, nice catch you have there."

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He was in his room. He sat in the window sill staring out blankly. He looked somewhat peaceful, but also appeared as if he was reminiscing. He kept triggering his hidden blade and retracting it, over and over. Each time reminding him of each of his kills with it.

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Baltia flew up happily at the sight of another dragon. "Thanks," she chirped. "I'm a little bit small to carry it though... " she giggled, then turned her attention to the ground, where several small stones lay in a pile. "I was also wondering if you had any spells to help me carry lots of stones? Humans have bags, made of things like animal skin... And dragonskin... But I figured that it wouldn't be a good idea to be carrying around a human item among a dragon horde." She smiled, and looked cute. She was quite good at that, too.


((All of Baltia's skills - except telepathy, which is an innate dragon skill - are learned... She can fly impressively, hide very well, look adorable when she needs to, and she can hit almost anything with a small stone.))

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((Sorry if I hadn't posted recently, I kinda have nothing for Yopple to do...))

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((Okay, I understand. Well hopefully when the horde starts training, then there'll be something for you to do.))


Minerva found the man practicing his fighting moves with what looks like a blade attached to his wrist. That kind of weapon looked strange to her; perhaps it was something made in the southwest region. "Ronan, I'm done reading up everything we need to do business," she said.




"Yes, I can see," the magi dragoness said with a smile. Then she looked to the stones and Baltia asked if the magi had any spells to help carry the stones. "I most certainly do," said Enamora. "Watch this!" She cast a magic spell and light blue sparkles came together to form a transparent light blue bag with a soft and smooth feel. The bag softly with grace descended down to the dark myst. "I have to warn you; it only exists for 24 hours. So if you need me to renew its time, just let me know, okay?" said the magi. "And also, using any kind of mana crystal on it will work just as fine, too."

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Baltia looked over the bag carefully, poking it gently, then picked up a few stones and dropped them inside. She made sure not to do so gently, as she would't always have time for that. The bag held them nicely, and she found that she could wrap the bag around her middle, just forwards of her wings, and it was easy to carry. "It's perfect!" she chirped happily. Then she realised its limitation. "How do I use a mana crystal on it?" she asked sheepishly. She picked up the rest of the stones and deposited them in the bag.

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He looked back to her as he retracted the blade one more time. "Alright, so what's next?" He asked cause he didn't know. He was new to the whole 'business' thing. "Do we need to go talk to people now?"

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Axle had to think of what Aeolus ask, and was about to reply before Juna step in. "Dracul is a bit of a, loose cannon. He would more likely go to war against us." Juna said as she shock her head.


"She's right. Both him and Arch just recently took Shadow wind, which would mean they had to have an army to back them up. So a war over our home is more possible than a single on dual." Axle said "Though your help would be welcomed, there a small problem. Do to the lay out of Shadow Wind, there are to many places for slip and ambushes. We would have to teach each dragon here, single handed, the whole lay out of the city." Axle sound calm but upset a bit. He know they would need their help in the fight against Dracul. "There more risk than reward in that option. The last thing I would want is Atlas to follow me all the way back to the city with the young she have with her. If she does though, I would have no choice but protect her and the young to the best of my abilities."



Azera notice the book in the woman hands, but ignored it. "I came by to ask a favor. I was wondering if you had clothing for the girl that is with me right now. I, um, kind of found her on the road a bit ago, and she seems to suffer from memory lost." Azera sound calm. He was not so sure on what to do about telling her that the girl might end up being the small dragon, or if the fact he could trust her. "That is the only reason why I'm-" Azera started to say before he notice a Shadow flicker past him from above. He look straight up and saw the shiny scales of a Sky drake, going extremely fast, almost toward the mountains.


(Spinx will be Spinx, causing trouble and trying to get Axle.)


Spinx have fold the map up, put it away and call up his undead Sky drake. He mount it as it started to take to the air, as he command it to fly towards the mountain at high speed. He was planning something, or was going to cause something.


The drake took towards the direction of the closes mountain over there by a camp he saw earlier on the map. If this was the mountain that his prize was going to, he would get there first.

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Enamora watched the dark myst pack the stones in the back. After a comment from her, the magi beamed, "Thanks; I'm glad I can help." Then she answered the question, "It's simple, sweetie. You just hold the crystal and feel for the magic energy inside. Then you use your mind to channel that energy into the bag."




Ronan wanted to know what to do next to get his school started. Minerva suggested, "I have a friend whose brother is an architectural designer. We should go see him first before we go get our loans and license." Whitney's older brother, David, had graduated from a university with a bachelor's degree in architecture. He was also a very smart man whose grade were always excellent. He will be the perfect guy to hire for his services.




Aeolus understood that last part of Axle's words well and agreed with them. The hatchlings would certainly be a liability in this war. They needed a safe place to be in until the war against Dracul was over. "Your concern is in the right place, Axle. And fortunately, I know a good place where Atlas's nieces will be safe."


"You do?" asked Atlas, eager to hear what her friend had to say. "Show me in my mind where it is, Aeolus. I'll gladly send them there right now."


The disaster dragon replied, "Okay then, this is the place I am talking about, Atlas." He telepathically sent her an image of the largest room of Doubloon's cave village and said, 'This is where I stayed for one night before forming the Vulture Horde. The leader of this village is Chief Doubloon. When you meet him, tell him that I sent you here for your nieces to stay at until Shadow Wind has been saved. There'll be hatchlings there for them to play with.'


'Thanks Aeolus, I owe it to you,' said the magi gratefully.


The disaster replied, 'You're very welcome.'


Atlas went past the horde dragons and made her way over to the hatchlings. "Danielle, Kylie, say good bye to these dragons. I'm taking you over to a village," she told them.


Taking what their aunt said literally, the hatchlings looked at the horde and said their goodbyes to them. The dragons smiled back at them with a few returning their goodbyes. Bam waved at them and beamed, "Bye, it was nice having fun with you. We should play again some time!" Then Atlas teleports herself and her nieces to the village.




Azera told Kathia how he found girl and that she needed some clothes. The teen felt kind of sorry for the girl suffering amnesia. Then suddenly, a shadow flew over them and the teen heard frightened gasps and shouts from the campers. "Dragon!" shouted a man. The people went to scurry their children inside tents for their safety, while those who had been trained in archery today went to Megan's car to get the bows and arrows Kathia purchased. Even though the sky drake was gone, the students still aimed in case another one showed up.


Kathia snorted, "Hmph! Damn dragon's getting everyone get riled up. I hope that one didn't come from Windfall. That's the last kind of dragon we need here." Then she calmed down and said to Azera, "Anyway, there's a supply truck somewhere around here that has some spare clothes for her. I'll show you where it is." Then she got up and led Azera and the girl over to the truck. "Here it is, that's where you'll what you're looking for," said the teen.

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Ronan nodded. "Alright, let's go. I'll wake up Drake." He got himself dressed in his assassin's gear but didn't equip all of his weapons, only his sword and dagger. He left his hood down since he had no reason to hide his face anymore. He went down to where Drake was and slapped his snout which usually woke him up. Drake snapped awake. "C'mon big guy, Minerva and I need a lift." Ronan said to him. Drake came out and stretched his wings to get ready.

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Nick stuck his tongue out at Akuma and shed his cloak, balling it up and tossing it at the lounging hybrid. "Come onnnn." he let out swimming closer to the side of the river bank. "There is a shallow bend in the river not to far down from here where the current slows down." He went on flipping over onto his back and kicking against the current to stay even with Akuma. The river was nice and cool, not to mention surprisingly clear. "I'll teach you how to swim so you won't have to be so afraid of a little water all the times. You're a strong kid, you can get over it."

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A bright flash appeared at the village entrance and the two guards, both of them male geode dragons, got startled by sudden appearance of the magi and two hatchlings. "Hey, who goes there?!" cried one of the guards.


The magi answered, "My name is Atlas and I need a safe place for Danielle and Kylie to stay until we save a city from an evil dictator who needs his ass handed to him." She looked down briefly at her two nieces. Looking back at the geodes, she continued, "Aeolus told me to come here for that."


"So you need shelter, huh?" asked the guard on the left. "Okay, I'll let our chief, Doubloon, know about you and Quartz here can take you to him." The guard closed his blue eyes telepathically contacted the chief. When it was done, he reopened his eyes and tilted his head to the inside of the cave to gesture allowance of entrance. "Well welcome to the village. Go tell Chief Doubloon about your story and he'll let these hatchlings stay."


Quartz stepped from his post and said to the family, "Right then, follow me." The Firestars followed the geode through the tunnels and got to the chieftain's cave. "Chief Doubloon, Atlas and company are here."


The orange-winged light brown dragon, who was laying on a hard soil slab, looked at the guard and replied, "Okay, send them in." Quartz stepped back to the side and allowed the Firestars to pass. Doubloon looked at the magi and said, "So you must be Aeolus's acquaintance, Atlas, right?"


"Yep, that's me," Atlas confirmed.


The chief told her about Aeolus, "Your friend helped out with the building of this village and possibly saved us from the getting hunted by the humans near us."


The magi smiled with pride and said, "He sure is a good guy, ain't he? He even destroyed a group of humans who were going around killing dragons. And now he's going to help me and Axle save Shadow Wind from that censorkip.gif***, Dracul."


Doubloon smiled and said, "Ahh, always playing the hero, isn't he? You're lucky to have a friend like that, Atlas."


"That I am!" the magi beamed with a grin.


Then the chief went on to business and told her, "Anyway Atlas, we'll keep these hatchlings with you safe here until your return. Just don't let anything bad happen to you until then, okay?"


"You have my word, sir!" Atlas promised. Then she looked at her nieces and told them, "Danielle, Kylie, you two be good while I'm gone, okay?"


"Yes, Aunt Atwas!" said the hatchlings simultaneously.


Looking back at the chief, Atlas said, "Alright Doubloon, I'll see you later." Then she teleported back to the lake.




After Ronan was dressed in his usual attire sans the hood, Minerva followed him downstairs and outside to wake up Drake. The woman got onto the dragon and waited for the man to get on before they took flight.


((Sorry if it was very brief.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Baltia grinned. "Thanks," she chirped, deciding it was better to drop the magic conversation at this point. She still had no idea what the magi meant, but it was a conversation for a time when there wasn't prey to be transported. "So, could you help me take this back? There's more than I'll eat, but we can share." She gathered a rabbit in her claws, and rose into the air, struggling under the weight of even such a small animal.

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((no worries tongue.gif))


Ronan hopped on and Drake took off. "Where am I taking you two?" Drake asked them since he needed directions. He kept his flight low only about three or four stories high.

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