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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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The guards did the same thing, except the swimmer went south and the digger north. Soon following that every guard seemed to left except one, the warrior who choose Hex in the first place. They were just leaning against the wall. Dracul just smiled a bit. "And that just leave one job for you, the one who becomes a symbol. You should feel honor about this Lumina, only a few people get to become a symbol." He said as the warrior took off their gloves and helmet. It was a human, but the look in his eye was like he was not mentally there anymore. He bit down on his hand hard, till he drew blood. Drops of blood landed on the ground as he muttered something, almost sounding like draconic. Soon following that a purple circle appeared on the ground around the chained dragon. It started to creep close to Dracul, and he took a step back getting out of range of it.


"Well as much as I would like to stay and watch this once time event, I don't need to be a part of this symbol. So goodbye Lumina, we will never meet again." Dracul said as he took to the air. The circle got another layer of an inner circle with now writing starting to appear. The warrior was still chanting, and a bit louder now. It was a bit draconic but not a one of the recent tongue, but the ancient draconic. A few words could be understood, one that would hint at what his symbol Dracul mean. Soul, Harvest, Rip, Body and Hers. As the spell went on the power of it started to intense more and more, and sooner or later something was going to give.




Lucian first undid kylie collar, which all he did was snap it at a point just under the hinges of the collar. He did the same with Danielle collar next. He then slipped over their necks the two pendants his armor created.


"Listen carefully, because I don't have time to repeat myself. First, you need to exit out of one the broken windows around here and get back on the street, that rocky flat black thing outside, and follow it down the way I was originally heading. About two roads, not small alleyways, thin roads that go in between the buildings, but one with cars left on them that are as wide as that black road is. Take a Left on that road till you come across a large hole in the ground." He said before he coughed again. "There in the hole should be rushing water, like a rapid. You are to jump into it and it should give you a one-way ticket to the ocean." He said as he gave a mental image to Kylie, seeing how her name he now know. "Use that to show them to pick you up before you fly out the end of the pipe. Now about the spheres I gave you. They are called armor spheres, and they will protect you in the pipe for the most part, but that it because the armor will be ripped to shred by the water pressure and you sliding down the pipe. They will automatically trigger when your lives are endangered, and it will encase you in a light-weight armor that will protect you, so if you are endangered before you get to the hole, it won't slow you down." He coughed again, as a massive amount of blood this time came out. He leaned back against the wall looking up at the ceiling.


"It strange I never thought I would leave this way, Protecting the two I so cruelly took from their friends, against the rulers of shadow wind. Then again, I could not sit by anymore and listen to their twisted ways, and their unfillable promises." He said before he laughed a bit. "I'm such a fool for believing them."

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Dracul told Hex that she was going to become a symbol. To anyone's ears, that didn't sound so bad. But a symbol of what? The dragoness raised one of her fore legs up to herself as she flinched in surprise from the arcane circle. Then Dracul said something about the symbol and left. Hex had an ominous feeling as she wondered what the heck was going on. She found her answer when she understood a few of his words. The dragoness's eyes went wide in terror; they were going to rip her soul out of her body. As the spell was near completion, Hex screamed, "Noo!" She tried to fly away for her life, despite the chains keeping her in place of her doom. She didn't want to die, she had to get out of here now.


Just then, she heard a familiar voice call her name, "Hex!" The lumina looked and saw Eitri with a group of humans and dragons following him. They were all rushing to the scene.


Hex cried out to the night magi desperately, "Eitri, help!"


Eitri replied, "Don't worry, Hex. We'll save you." So he cast a lightning spell at the human warrior to try to kill him and stop the spell before it was completed.




After the collars were removed and replaced with pendants, Lucian gave them directions on how to escape the city and told them about their armor spheres. The sisters felt uncomfortable with the sight of Lucian coughing up lots of blood that Danielle had to shrink away a little. Kylie said, "Uh... thank you, mister! We gonna go now."


"Bye!" said Danielle before they left and followed on the 'man's' instructions. They got out through the hole of the broken window and ran through the streets.

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((And surprise))


Lucian watched as the two girls left, and waited a few minutes before he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He popped one out and put it in his mouth and reached into his other pocket and pulled out a lighter and light the cigarette. "So I take it you accomplish your mission, Lord Lucian." A voice came from the shadow.


"What do you think. I sent the girls to the broken pipe over on Rasend st, like you guys wanted. Once the hatchlings take that water pipe to the ocean, whoever comes to collect them, you should be able to track from here with a simple spell, if you are ready for them. Now am I allowed to die in peace for once and not be brought back to life every 30 minutes, it wearing thin on my soul." He said as he took a puff of his cigarette. He got his answer when he felt his body come full of energy again. He gritted his teeth and crushed his cigarette in his hand and slammed it against the wall, punching a hole in the wall. "You Damn Rat."


"There is still much more for you to do for our lord, plus you already are dead. Now report back to the master and get your next mission." The voice said as it faded. Lucian picked himself up from the ground and clean his face. He walked out the bathroom and out towards where he dropped his scythe and picked it up. He opened the door to the alleyway and there was someone standing there, with a very angry look on her face. "That was not cool, Father." She said.


"You jeopardized my mission, just be glad I got told to stop, or I would have killed you." Lucian snapped at her, and she grabbed his arm. "At least let me put you out of your misery. It the least I can do." She said kindly, but he jerked his arm from her grip. "It won't solve anything, not when they have my sphere in their possession. Even if I'm killed, I'll just be brought back to life, till they find no use for me anymore." Lucian said as he started to walk away before he stopped. "And who said you could have those two as slaves?" Lucian asked.


Her respond to it was "He did tell me to take one of them, but you grabbed hold of both of them, so I fought you for one, but that kind of backed fired it seems."


"Ts" Lucian snapped and he walked the opposed way of the hatchlings and disapparated into the light of his own mist.




The mage that is casting the spell stood in the exact same place, as the lighting struck the target, or seemed to. After the boom on the mage the spell would have lifted, but it did not, meaning the mage was still alive, as the smoke cleared up showing the mage unharmed. He still continued to chant as the circle now showed a third inner circle. The ruins soon started to form.


An archer with the group shot an arrow from a distance and saw what was protecting him, an invisible shield spell. The splinter the arrow into little bits as it shimmered a bit. A melee human took charged passed, but as soon as he did, he was stopped dead in his track, as the lighting Eitri first cast was now coming back and struck the man dead, making him crisped from the shock. Then the shield started to turn into a yellow color and released a large amount of energy at the group, that one of human with a large tower shield took point of the group and used his protect spell and blocked the spell, until his spelled shield cracked and shatter taking the rest of the force from the spell sending him sliding back, as the front of his shield was now scorched. An archer got on the back fo a drake and took to the air and shot and arrow again at the mage from the air, with the same thing happening to this arrow as well, as a beam now appeared in the air and shot at the drake. The drake avoided the beam. The archer then shot another arrow, this time towards Hex direction, and it was engulfed in blue flames. Not only did it miss what the archer wanted, but the arrow flew around Hex completely and back in the direction of the archer, at extremely fast speed, at which the drake could not avoid, killing the archer.


As the spell continued to increase in power, the pressure now in the circle started to grow even more as well as get colder, as something started to appear from within the circle.

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((Chapter 49 is almost over, but first I need to see if LordTorch would make his next post, or if he wants to timeskip, so that he don't have to deal with his trouble of doing it.))


The Firestar sisters had ran down the roads needed to get out of Shadow Wind. They eventually found the huge hole that Lucian had mentioned; the hole that would take them outside to the ocean. Danielle pointed out, "Wook, Kywie! It's da hole. We gotta go in."


Kylie said, "Yes, we do." Now that they were much closer to their freedom, the sisters ran to the hole and dropped down there into the rushing water below. The moment they were below the surface, the moment they felt their eyes being stung coldly by the water and the powerful momentum of the water's high pressure pushing and carrying them down the river. They even breathed in a bit of water that felt weird on their nostrils. Up until now, the hatchlings had no idea that a rushing water could feel like this and it was terrifying to say the least. They rose up to the surface and they began to scream in fear as they splashed their arms and forelegs frantically. "Help us!" shouted Kylie.


"Help!" screamed Danielle. Their cries of help seemed to gone unheard as they were carried off through the rapid river. Just as the tunnel started to narrow, their pendants activated and the sisters were covered in blue armor that protected them during this rough water ride. Though they were armored, the hatchlings were still scared. They hoped that this scary water would just hurry up and take them to the ocean, where it would be over.




Smoke appeared from when the lightning bolt hit the spellcaster. Eitri and Sally watched the scene before them and waited for the magic circle to disappear. It never did and when the smoke cleared, they were surprised to see that the man was still alive. He was being protected by an invisible shield, now yellow, that seems to be blocking all attacks. The group did their best to defend and strike back, but their efforts seem to failed. Eitri knew that if Yopple was here, then his passive ability to nullify all magic would be an instant win. Just then, the arcane circle got closer to completion and the power within it started to affect Hex. The dark lumina let out a high-pitched roar as the circle started to suck her soul. Hex yelled in fright, "SOMEBODY HELP!!!"


Eitri was put on a desperate rush to save the dragoness's life before it was taken from her. He looked at her chains and knew that he needed to destroy them fast to save her. He had seen the archer attempt this by firing his arrow at the chains linking Hex to her post, only to miss and get himself killed. But the night magi was not going to make this same mistake. He was going to strike at the chains's base on the post instead. He cast his energy spell at the base in hopes that it would be destroyed and free Hex.

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Axle group of warriors that were with Eitri saw that he was about to cast a spell on the post base, and when the rock broke apart around it, revealing that the post was still intact, and still rooted to the ground. It seemed the post goes even further down than a few feet. The drake that was air born came back down and landed on the ground, and removed the dead archer from his back. The look in this drake eye said more than what he could explain. He was in pain emotionally, but he was also very angry. All his armor fell off his body revealing a Howler Drake. He suddenly had an aura that surrounded his body as he started to walk towards the opening, every soldier from Axle did something, because they already know what was coming. Helmets were taken off and placed over their chest, well most of them, minus the one that was blocking spells from hitting the small group. He stepped passed everyone. He started to walk passed Eitri before he stopped. "Your friend better be worth it, outsider. If she is not, I will come back and kill you myself." He said before he charged at the circle spell.


The circle Spell engulfed him into the spell, and he felt the intense pressure and cold. He saw the shade thing in the circle, and his aura ignited into a bright white flame. and ran towards Hex. He went right for her neck and gripped hold of the collar and started to rip it from her neck. He burned like a raging inferno, that when the collar finally snapped the shade creature was about to form completely behind him and he know. He used every ounce of his energy to a kinetic force and blasted Hex straight clean out of the circle. She might have broken bones because of what he did, but that would not matter when he felt his body go cold, as the grim reaper appeared and ripped his body into two and pulled his soul out of his body.


The warrior Mage open his hand showing a bright White orb as it burned like a raging inferno, and he opened his other hand, and every warrior under Axle loyalty saw it. An orb of blood. The drakes body turn to dust and blow in the wind as the mage started to walk away with both orbs .

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Ronan looked back at Minerva and said, "Yeah well, it's usually better for newbies to start off easy. Once you get used to it, then you can handle the harder stuff and overcome them to be a better fighter." That he knew from experience as his fresh start to becoming a warrior wasn't simple. When he first started training with his master as a child, he initially thought it was going to be easy as pie and that he would be a fighter fast. Reality however showed him the truth that nothing in life was easy and that it takes hard work to achieve every personal goal.

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((Eitri was actually going for where the chains start on the post and not the post itself, but I'll let it slide.))


"Okay, I understand," said Minerva. Then she glanced to the food and said, "Well anyway, I'm going to eat now. We can probably start this training stuff later or tomorrow." She picked up a paper plate out of the stack it was on in the plastic bag container. Then she took out the fork and dinner knife to go with it. She cut off a chicken leg and put it on the plate along with some vegetables and rice. Once her plate was fixed, she went to the table and sat down to eat.




Eitri grimaced when he found that his spell has been ineffective at destroying the chains, though it did some damage to the post it was connected to. Then he and Sally looked around at the group as all of them, save for one, removed their helmets. The horde dragons were confused as to what was going on. Then the howler drake threatened Eitri's life if Hex's was worthless for his archer friend's life that has been sacrificed to save one dragoness. The night magi slightly dropped his jaw as if to gasp silently. It was unnerving to be threatened like that, even if he can defend himself with magic. Then the howler sacrificed his life to save Hex as he ripped the collar off and shot her flying off like a bullet against a wall. "Who-aaaaaah!" she screamed before she hit the wall on her back, where her main pair of wings broke.


As the grim reaper was about to attack, Eitri shouted to the drake, "Watch out behind you!" But it was too late, the reaper killed the drake as his body disintegrated into dust that was blown away by the wind. Now the night magi understood why the soldiers held their helmets like that; they were paying respects to their comrade who was to lose his life. The enemy mage had received from this: two orbs, one white and one red like the color of blood. Eitri and Sally could have sworn they've seen these orbs before. They looked like the ones Axle had during their attack on him when Dracul and Arch tricked the horde into thinking he was a bad guy, but they were different colors. Eitri wondered if the orbs the mage had were anything like the ones Axle once possessed. After the enemy mage left, the night magi went over to Hex, who was groaning in pain from the broken wings on her back. He asked her, "Hex, are you okay?"


The dark lumina shot him a glare, though her anger wasn't directed towards him, and yelled, "No, I'm not okay! It's those stupid hatchlings' fault; they're the reason why our people got killed, why we got taken to this wretched place and how my wings are broken. We should have never taken them in!"


Eitri tried to reason with her, "Now, now Hex, calm down. I don't think anyone could have predicted that this would happen. We didn't know Dracul had someone in their ranks who can tell where everyone is at. You know? Kind of like the guardians of nature who watch over all in their territory." It was no one's fault, except for the villains and he didn't want the dragoness to go blaming Danielle and Kylie for all the bad things that have happened.


Hex rolled her eyes in displeasure as she groaned, "Oh great, just great! Now we got some omnipotent nutjob who can see all and then get us captured again. He's probably watching us right now. That's it, when we get back to the village, we're going to tell Chief Doubloon to dump these two brats out of our village."


Eitri frowned at her attitude that was putting him off. Dark luminas sure were mean and spiteful about people and things they don't like. He held in his anger and calmly questioned her, "You may do that, but what's to stop Dracul from coming back for you? I mean think about it. Why take us if he was only interested in the hatchlings?"


The dark lumina spat, "Well gee, I don't know."


Hex may not know the answer, but Eitri sure do as he answered, "Perhaps he wanted some slaves." He remembered from the meeting back at the lake that Shadow Wind had slavery still going on. "Slavery's a notorious aspect of this culture here and the Spell probably didn't affect this place at all," he told her. He wondered how the Spell was unable to free all the slaves here. Was Shadow Wind's magic technology that good? Then he asked, "Hex, where are the others?"


Hex answered, "They've taken everyone different directions to do their stuff. Sparqus went down to the right to fight, Pixie's being forced to fly at the left, Todora was taken down south to swim and Vika is being made to dig up north."


Sounds like Sparqus was going to fight for Dracul's entertainment, perhaps a death match in a tournament or some kind of cockfight. But with the others, Eitri wasn't exactly sure why they were being made to do these things. He inquired next, "And the hatchlings?"


"I don't know," growled the dark lumina at the mention of Atlas's nieces. "I didn't see them since we got here. They're probably being worked to death somewhere else."


Well now they know where the villagers are, but location of the nieces was still unknown. The night magi said, "Alright, we'll focus on getting our friends back for now. You stay with the Vulture Horde and get either Hewey or Cirrus to heal your wings. We'll go and get the others back."


"Good, now hurry up," Hex urged him.


Eitri teleported her over to the Eternal Wind clan village, where one or both healers were most likely present at the time. Now with one saved, he only got 6 more dragons to rescue. With the villagers sent in 4 different directions, Eitri needed the help of three other groups to save the others. He thought about enlisting the help of Yopple and Enamora, since they can both teleport. With three groups, they can rescue three of the villagers easily, but he needed to figure out how to save the fourth. He would have to make a new group out of the them for this, but who to put in there. He'll have to find out once the others get here. The night magi formed a telepathic bond with the comrades he thought of and asked them first, 'Yopple, Enamora, have you found Atlas's nieces yet?'


Enamora answered, 'Not yet, we're still looking.'


Yopple answered, 'No I have not.'


'Okay,' said Eitri. 'Well I just saved one of the villagers and found out where the others are being taken. I need you to teleport yourselves right over to me now, so that I can point to you where they've gone.'




Enamora looked at her group and told them, "Everyone, Eitri has just found the prisoners, well his fellow villagers to be exact. We're going to teleport over to him right away."

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Tomas looked at Enamora. "Um you are not wearing a protection collar, so teleporting might be a bad idea. You see the city is full of magic that can trace people around the city if they are using spells of any kind. Right now you have not used any spells, and let try and keep it that way."


((That it I have nothing left. I Could write a 4 paragraph and reveal another Lord, but I don't want to. Where the fun in that.))

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((Chapter 49 has been released: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...hp-49-626740411 ))


Enamora decided to trust Tomas's words as he knew more about Shadow Wind than she did. She said, "Alright, we'll stay then." Now she may have learned that Shadow Wind can track magic users, but Yopple and Eitri might not have known. If Yopple teleports now, then he would be tracked. The dragoness decided to warn Eitri right away.




Yopple's group warped in in front of Eitri's group and they waited for Enamora to come in as well. The night magi heard the dragoness tell him through telepathy, 'Eitri, tell Yopple not to teleport or use any spells. The city will track any magic users without a protection collar who use spells.'


Eitri frowned, having unintentionally making a mistake without realizing it. He had forgotten that dragons needed collars to avoid being tracked down and now Yopple was in danger because of him. Feeling bummed with himself, he replied, 'Oh great, now you're telling me. Yopple just got here.'


Enamora asked, 'Oh no, that means... Eitri, what do we do?'


Looking at the ground in regret, the night magi said, 'I don't know.... I just don't...' It looks like Yopple will have to fend for himself if the enemy force comes to attack him. He may be able to prevent his enemies from using magic, but he would still have to face the threat of physical weapons, especially from the arrows being fired at him. 'Let's just hope him being a cassare means their tracking magic won't work on him.' He hoped his guess was right for Yopple's sake, he'll need it. 'Anyway, if you can't teleport, then I'll just pick you up. Wait for me, okay?'


After Eitri ended telepathy, Yopple thought, 'She's taking a bit long to get here, what is she doing?' She should have been with him here at the same time he teleported, but yet it's taken like half a minute since he arrived.


Eitri told his group, "I'm going to get Enamora, apparently she just told me that you can't use magic here without getting traced by the enemy."


Fable, who was in Yopple's group, was shocked to hear this fact as he cried, "What?! You mean our group's going to be hunted down?"


"Maybe," said the night magi. "But if we're lucky, their means might be magical and Yopple's probably blocked it." Then he looked at cassare and told him, "But Yopple, that doesn't mean you should cast anymore spells. We don't know exactly what their means are and we shouldn't risk it."


Yopple asked, "What about you? Wouldn't your teleportation bring them to you?"


Eitri answered, "No, because my collar keeps them from finding me. I know it sounds crazy to not track down your slaves, but trust me, that's how it works here." Without wasting anymore time, he walked away out of range of the cassare's anti-magic field and teleported to Enamora's group, which he then warped to the others. Since he's the only one who can teleport, Eitri decided that he needs a fourth group for this. 4 whole groups were much better than splitting 3 to form a new one, because then each group would have more soldiers to combat their enemies. He telepathically asked a certain female black ghost, 'Volkin, are you busy? I need you to help rescue one of the villagers.'


Volkin's response was, 'Sure, I'll be glad to help. Take us to where we need to be.'


'Got it,' said the night magi. Then he warped over to Volkin's group and took her with him to back to where the others were. Now that he had all four groups to go out and rescue the villagers, Eitri told them the plan, "Alright, now that we're all here. We're going to send each group to rescue the slaves that went off in different directions." Pointing to each direction as he assigned the groups, he said, "Group Two will go to the west to find a monarch dragoness named Vika, Group Three will take the north to save an imperial fleshcrowne named Pixie, Group Four goes south to rescue Todora the dorsal dragon and my group will look for Sparqus the sapphire in the east. Everyone hear me?" They all said 'yes' to the question, making Eitri glad that he won't have to repeat himself to waste anymore time. They needed to save the villagers now before they lose track of them. "Good, let's go save them." Then the 4 groups went to their assigned directions to free the slaves.

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He nodded to her. "Of course. We can begin whenever you wish." He waited for her to finish taking what she wanted from the food before he took some. He sat across from her at the table. He closed his eyes and said quietly to himself, what would appear to be, a prayer of some kind. Minerva wouldn't be able to hear it, but it would seem strange that a warrior would have some kind of spirituality to him like this.

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((Hey red, the reason Lucian named changes was because I Misspelled it the first time.))


Eitri's Group

(30 Minutes)

Nothing Interesting happen with the group as they travel, but soon all of Axle warrior stopped following Eitri. There was only a small little dragon left on one of the human warrior shoulders. The Human said something to the little dragon and it scampered off the human shoulder over towards Eitri and repeated the message. "Excuse me, but the warriors will not follow you anymore in that direction. Anything passed this section is hostile territory, and they will be sighted fairly quickly. The area you are heading towards is the Death Arena, does exactly what you think. Anyone that head that way fights for their lives for entertainment. That is my message from the human who is now the leader of the group." He said as he ran back to the human shoulder and stayed there.




Tomas's Group

(30 minutes)

Tomas group wander for a bit before the group stopped like Eitri group did. He spoke up so Enamora could hear. "Stop. If you continue down that road, you leave this sector and enter sector number 43, an unsafe area. We consider this sector safe for the most part because it has very little activity in it, but if we step foot in that sector, anyone is at risk of death or even being captured, that your chances of getting out of here is very slim or nothing at all. I will not risk my unit to follow you that way. There is to many trap spells and anti-magic zones that will stop us in our tracks." He said.




Yopple's Group

(25 minutes)

The group followed around the large orange dragon before someone stopped and one of the dragons asked the human what was up. The human respond back and the dragon know what was up now. "Yopple is it, The mapper just said we are coming close to the sector border, and that is the end of which we can follow. Also we have another problem on our hand, something just tipped his alarm spell just behind us and it coming fast on our tails. The only thing out here that tracks is the M.Slaver Dragons, So we have to hide now. If you can Suppress any magic you have or any auras, or it will find you. If it finds you that it, nothing we can do for you. Do to your size I would hide inside a building big enough for you to lay low till this thing pass by." He said as all of the Axle soldiers started to hide in varies places. They scatter everywhere, some in broken down cars and under them, some in run down buildings, and some down manholes. Tomas hid inside a large mailbox.





(30 Minutes)

Same thing happens, however, The group leader dragon spoke up. "Excuse me, but you just passed our sector border, and we can not travel with you further on, however, if you do continue we will wait for your return here. I will warn you there are traps and spell in there that will capture you, so be wary on where you step."




((Will say group 5 came across the massacre of the courtyard where the hatchlings were at.))


((We can start present now so Everyone else can get back into the part so things are so random anymore))

Edited by draco8967

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((Okay, I'll go write your reason for this change in the description of the recent chapter. Also, I made a change to chapter 49's ending. Go check it out if you want.))


Miverva watched Ronan pray and thought that it was strange of him to have some spirituality like this, but she wasn't going to judge him on it. It was his religion, whatever he had, and she must respect it. Though she wondered what kinds of gods he believed in. The woman continued to eat her food as she awaited the time to ask him about it.




After a little while, the sewer river swept Danielle and Kylie towards the end of the tunnel. By now, their armors have been completely shredded just like Lucian said would happen. The river took them out of the pipe and they fell down the waterfall to the ocean, screaming in terror. The fall itself was just as scary as the rushing water. Pretty soon, they splashed down into the ocean, where they sank below the surface for a bit before rising back up. But now they have swallowed in more water and the sisters were started to choke from it. They were beginning to drown as they splashed frantically, trying to stay above the surface for their own lives. They both cried out telepathically to the one dragoness who can save them, 'Aunt Atlas, help!'




Atlas and the others teleported over to Aeolus's location at the lake. To her surprise, she saw that they were back at the lake and that there were a lot less dragons around him this time. The magma magi here must have teleported them here for whatever reason his leader had. Before the dragoness could say something, Aeolus spoke first, "Welcome back, Atlas. How did your trip to Trident Mountain fare? And who are these two with you?" The horde leader held back his distaste for the halfling under his calm exterior.


Atlas introduced her friends to each other. To Aeolus she said, "Aeolus, meet Ohimia and Garin. We met them when we first got back to Rudvich." Glancing to the lumina, she continued, "Ohimia is training to become strong enough to defend herself." Then she looked to the halfling, "And Garin here is helping her out." She turned her attention back to Aeolus and said, "They both wanted to come with us to help us to fight the bad guys."


"Is that so?" asked the horde leader, eyeing the new friends with her. "Two strangers who only knew you for two days and they already want to go into war with Dracul and Arch. How peculiar..." He wondered what motive they had for wanting to join a war that had nothing to do with them.


Atlas wanted him to know that sometimes people helped others just from the goodness of their heart with nothing they wanted in return. She told him, "Hey, I decided to help Axle on the same day I met him."


"Which resulted in your nieces being kidnapped," Aeolus reminded her of the foolishness she pulled. The magi's tongue had been grabbed by the cat that she couldn't say anything back to her friend's statement. It was after all, her fault for getting Danielle and Kylie into trouble like that. But she didn't regret helping Axle though, because she believed that wicked people must never be allowed to get away with anything. Aeolus turned his attention back to the new friends and asked, "Garin and Ohimia, correct? What brings you to help Atlas and Axle against our enemies?"


((I'll get to Atlas rescuing her nieces soon. I just got to get to the right moment for her to leave.))




For half an hour, Eitri rushed through the street, tracking down Sparqus's scent and hoping the group's running speed would lead them to getting to him fast. But so far, they have not seen his fellow villager in sight. The night magi was getting discouraged by how long it was taking to find him. How much distance have the slavers put between him and Sparqus? Did they use some kind of magic spell to get away this fast? Suddenly, the footsteps behind Eitri came to a stop as he and Sally kept going until they noticed the silenced and stopped as well. They turned to look back at the group as a little dragon told Eitri that the group could not enter hostile territory that held the Death Arena and that they would be listening to one of the humans in their group from now on. "What?!" cried the night magi in disbelief at being abandoned just like that. "But Verona gave you guys to me to help free my friends and Sparqus is going to fight for his life. We can't leave him there to die. Who knows what kind of dangerous dragons he's up against?"




After the warning about the dangerous sector that Tomas told her about, Enamora and Annar both looked dismayed about the situation. Now how were they supposed to rescue Pixie? Enamora would be powerless without her magic there and they don't know where the traps were hidden. Annar could use her small size to scout ahead, but then she may accidentally trigger a trap. The horde dragons felt that it was hopeless to rescue Pixie like this and decided that they would have to tell Eitri the bad news.




Yopple and Fable stopped just as the cassare heard his name being called. It seems that his group could no longer follow him into the sector's border and the alarm spell had triggered the m. slaver dragons into hunting them down. After Axle's soldiers went to hide, Yopple started to look for a hiding place of his own. Fable followed after him for he knew that Yopple's anti-magic field would protect him from the m. slaver dragons. The cassare went down the line of buildings look for the one that would hide him perfectly. So far, every one of them was too small for him to fit. He murmured in frustration, "Darn it, where can I find a place to protect me?" Just then, he smelled draconic scents coming from behind, but thankfully they were distant. Yopple glanced behind him and found that the street was still empty. They were still safe, but the fact that he smelled the m. slavers meant that he was running out of time. Yopple hurriedly ran to find a hideout before it was too late. Just after he rounded the corner, he found a bridge standing over a vast lake. "Perfect," he said to himself.


Fable asked him, "What's perfect?"


Without a response, Yopple snapped his jaws onto the pygmy. It was not to eat him, but to hide him inside the mouth until the coast was clear. The cassare flew over to the lake and held his breathe as he dove down below the surface. He laid flat on the lake bed as he watched for whatever happens above the surface. The thick blue color of the lake would keep him hidden from all lookers above.




After listening to the warning, Volkin replied, "Okay, I understand." If the group didn't want to follow the horde dragons across the border, then she, Onslou and their flower pygmy comrade would have to be on their own for this. "We'll see how we'll survive out here."


Onslou gave her a questioning look as he asked, "And just how are we going to get past all these traps? We'll need a cassare to block out any spells they throw at us and we don't have one."


The pygmy nodded his head, saying, "Agreed, we're just sitting ducks out there." Then he suggested an idea as he glanced away up into the upper corner of his vision, "Unless maybe I can go scout ahead and see where all the traps are."


Volkin liked this idea as she said, "That's a good idea, Niben. Go ahead and see what you find. Maybe we'll have a safer route around them."


"Will do," Niben replied before he flew off to look for the traps.




Having picked the the scents of Atlas's nieces, Eatorn's group followed it down to a courtyard where they were shocked to find an apparent massage of humans and dragons (there were dragons there, right?). Something happened here that resulted in all these corpses lying everywhere. The black ghost dragon dropped his jaw and murmured, "Oh my guardian of nature..." He wondered if the hatchlings were alright or if they had tragically met their end like all these guards here. There's no way Dracul and Arch would do this to their own soldiers, right?


((Okay, we will go back to the present.))

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Group 1


The little dragon relayed the message, and the human said a few words to back to the little dragon. "They don't want to leave him for dead, but what good will it do if all of them are dead and you capture. Verona has already tried sending people out this way towards Death Arena, none of the groups have returned. The only two way to get there in one piece. One you have to be a slave force to enter the contest, or two you're a master entering your slave or slaves into the contes-" said the little dragon before he had an idea. "Wait, two dragons both not from here. Both are wild dragons, and both are spell casters. Both haves decent speed and normal strength. There Might be a way to get you in after all, but getting you out is going to be tricky, that would include your friend." The little dragon said. "I have an idea and it might work, but it risky, and we need to talk with Verona first. As for your friend, there are no games tonight, or in the next few days."




Group 3


The M.Slaver dragon came into the empty street of the city around where Axle soldiers hid at. This thing was not the size of Yopple, but massively larger. This Dragon was fully armored all around, making it look like a machine instead of a dragon. Even it wings had armor on them. It released a massive amount of steam from small flaps on it then closed back up. He looked around the immediate area, walking slowly. as it explored it surrounding area it found a Few of axle soldiers, and netted them quickly and silence them as they became immobile. It then walked towards the lake and looked at it. It released another puff of steam from it before it continued on it was. It soon left the immediate area and was heading in another direction.




Group 4


"There something we can do though to help you." The dragon said. He called over their mapper, who was a female halfling, as she pulled out a rather large map of the area. "You guys are here." He said as he pointed on the map, "Now your friend seeing how they are going south, should be heading towards the underwater mineshaft, here." He pointed to the other location on the map. It did not seem that far till he said this. "That is a two-day walk from here, just a bit over 50 miles. I would recommend that you stop at this place in the center point. It a mainly human base called Red Nation, but you should be able to get rest there for a night and some food. Ask for Native, He the leader there and an old friend of Verona. Rember this map because we can's let you have it." He said as the mapper held it out for them to study for a bit before she put it back and the group proceeded to set up camp near the border in a well-defended building. "We will wait 5 days for you here, no longer though. Good luck, and may the elder watch over you." He said before he joined the group in helping set up camp in the building.




Once the group was teleport to Aeolus location Axle quickly departed from the group and went to look for Juna. It seemed though something was on his mind.


((Simple and sweet, will do Juna and Axle interaction later, It will be grand blood time.))

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When Ronan finished his prayer, he began to eat. He savored the taste, enjoying each bite. "Delicious. You have a talent for cooking." He complemented her on her work. He didn't rush with his food, he took his time to really enjoy it.

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((Sorry for the late reply. I had a writer's block with Yopple's part before I figured out what to say. Though because Draco wants to get back to the present. I'm going to wait until sometime in the future to post the groups' parts. Anyway, I'm waiting to see if DJVoxel will reply before I get back to Atlas and her nieces.))


"Why thank you," Minerva replied happily. Seeing him enjoy her cooking, she decided that she would cook for him everyday since he loves her food so much. Since his prayer was over, the woman decided it was now time to bring up the topic she was interested in. She asked, "So Ronan, about that prayer of yours. What is your religion?"

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Ronan looked up when she asked about religion. Luckily he had already finished his previous bite so he smiled. "Actually I don't really have any specific religion. You see, my master believed that our world was created from a single entity. Some believe that our world, our universe was created by accident or by random chance, which quite frankly doesn't make sense to me because that implies that our lives have no meaning or purpose. So for my master, and for myself, to believe that something or someone, an entity of some kind, created everything, that leads us to believe that we have a purpose, and that life has a meaning. So he prayed day and night, giving thanks for life, the fruits that it gives, and the lessons we learn from our failures and hardships. To honor my masters memory, and also out of my own decision, I chose to follow his belief. Even dragon's have their beliefs, you just have to ask them what it is." He explained to a degree. It would seem almost like he idolized his master, but it would be very clear that he had a great love and respect for his teacher.

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((I have not. I was too busy playing video games, drawing a picture, updating my timeline tracker of the Dragon Rage story, and updating characters' profiles in preparation of the Secret Santa event I joined on DeviantArt. Anyway, here's Corinnycat's giftstory: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...ory-1-646880537 ))


Minerva nodded in fascination and said, "Ah, interesting! I, too, believe in a god of some sort. Well three of them to be exact. Though only one of them created the whole universe and that is the god, Skapa. He's a gentle and caring god who loves all his creations dearly. He's the most favorite god in this region for that reason. I even go to church to worship him every Sunday." She took another bite of her food and swallowed it.

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Axle wonder though the dense forest looking for Juna. He found her quite a bit from the group of dragons location, out training with Mekarth and, to his surprise, Akili. Akili saw Axle first and said something to the other two before she ran over to meet Axle, almost like a hatchling happy to see their parent. Axle gave her a small pat on her leg and said. "I was worried about you Akili, are you alright?" He asked her.


"Yes, I am fine for the most part. I'm happy that you are still well my lord." She purred back at Axle. He smiled at her before it fade quickly when he looked at Juna.

"I need to talk to you privately, Juna." He said as he started to lead the way away from Mekarth and Akili. Juna soon followed, puzzled by Axle. He seemed off to Juna, and something was not sitting well with her.


Mekarth also thought Axle was not himself as he walked off. Knowing his brother something was on his mind, but he could not understand what. He came up to Akili. "Akili, go and find Atlas and see what happen at the mountain. Something changed about Axle, and it worries me. I will follow them to see what is going to happen." He said as she nodded in agreement and went to find Atlas. He followed behind the pair and followed he did for about 10 minutes till Axle and Juna went deeper into the dense forest. There was no dragons around that he could see, and he looked around the trees and saw Axle stop and turn to face Juna.



"Juna, what do you know about me before I hatched?" Axle asked. Juna kind of looked at him for a bit before she lied. "I don't know what you are talking about."


Axle sighed at her answer before he removed the note that he found. "I think you do." He said as Juna switch to her halfling form and took the note and read it.


Her eyes kind of widen when she know she could not hide the truth anymore. "Axle you must understand. I was under oath to keep you from knowing. I had no choice." She said.


"That not what I asked, What happen before I hatched." He said this time in a demanding voice.


Juna kind of step backed a bit from Axle. "The Incarus family was tasked with leading a search and destroy mission. Father and Dracul went to the location to investigate first on why this target was to be destroyed. At first, they did not know why but soon discovered why it was marked for destroyed. Among the village was an illegal experiment going on below the surface. Biological weapon, some from enhance speed, to unmatched strength. Almost all of the dragon and humans there were forced to take part in the experiment against their will. An assault was issued on the village, to radiate all evident of these experiments, that meant killing everyone that was innocent as well." She said as she took a breath to continue.


"The report said there was almost 500 killed in the assault on that village, but according to father there was only 200 dragons and humans, the rest were eggs, and they secretly took two eggs from the experiment area. That was You and Drago egg. Your ID was 443, Code-name Variable Ultimate. Drago, 495, Code-name Variable Zero." She said. Axle looked at his hand.


"So I was a test subject, Figures." Axle said before he looked a Juna hard. "And who was responsible for this experiment?" He asked, and Juna bit her lower lip.


"Talimos Incarus." She said and Axle turned away from her and started to walk away. "Axle you must understand, we did not know that He was experimenting with dragons or human until after we found his hidden studies." She said as she grabbed Axle shoulder.


"So what. Now you expect me to wage war against Dracul, as some weapon, no stretch that, a damn unkillable meat shield. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to do that." He snapped at her.


"But it your duty as an Incarus, to protect your city." She said, and Axle respond to that a fist to her jaw. She stepped back holding her mouth


"I'm no Incarus for my entire life was based on a lie. I'm not going to risk my life for that forsaken city or this family that lied to me the whole time." He snapped at her, and that seemed to tick her off too.


"You are an Incarus whether you like it or not. If you don't see that, then I will make you see that you are." and the brawl among them started, this time blood was going to be drawn and nothing was being held back.



Mekarth caught only a small part of what they were talking about, but now these two are going to fight, and not just a small scrap like normal, no this one was going to be brutal, and one was going to die, and he need help to stop those two. He turned and ran at full speed back towards the group.

Edited by draco8967

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((Well, I'm currently on writer's block for the next giftstory. So I might as well make the next post before work delays me again. Since DJVoxel doesn't seem to be responding, I might as well continue without him. Also Draco, we're not at the village, we're still at the lake. And I'll respond to your note later as I need to go to work now.))


Ohimia answered a bit nervously, "Well...uh...we just wanted some friends to hang out with. Is that a good enough answer?" If she was embarrassed about sounding like a simple-minded fool, then Aeolus agreed that she did just that.


The horde leader reprimanded, "More like a foolish reason to get involved. I don't know if you thought that Axle's quest was going to be easy, but you should have thought about the consequences of what you might lose from this. Either one of you could very well be in the same situation as Atlas's nieces and be used as a hostage against the other, or worse." The emphasis on the last word made the lumina shifted her front feet anxiously like she was imagining her doom. Aeolus continued, "Our enemies aren't your average foes; a few we know have powers much more stronger than anything you've seen before. That is how dangerous they really are."


Atlas was about to question her friend about the bad guys, when her tracking spell started to alert her about her nieces being in danger of drowning. She immediately heard Danielle and Kylie calling out to her telepathically for help. The magi was in shock for fear of the hatchlings' safety that she cried out, "No!"


The other dragons all turned their attention to her as Ohimia asked, "Atlas, what's wrong?" Without taking any time to answer the question, Atlas teleported herself over to the ocean where the hatchlings were to rescue them before it was too late.




Danielle and Kylie continued to choke on the seawater and splash around frantically. Just as the sisters started to sink, their aunt warped in at the nick of time and saw what was happening to them. Atlas shouted frantically, "Danielle, Kylie! Hold on!" She put one of her claws below the surface and sent an ice stream spell down into the water below her nieces and it formed itself into an ice flow. The flat plate of ice rose up and carried the sisters back up to the surface. Once Atlas could see them clearly, she noticed to her worry that they weren't moving at all. They appeared to be unconscious, or at least that's what she thought hopefully. The hatchlings must have breathed in too much water and it was in the process of killing them if it wasn't removed from the lungs fast. The magi didn't bother to try CPR right now as the slippery ice could cause them to fall back into the water; she needed dry land for that. Atlas teleported everybody back to the lake.




Once Atlas returned, she changed into her human form and began to breathe into nieces' mouths to try and get them to breathe on their own again. Aeolus and the other dragons could easily tell that something was wrong here, thinking that the hatchlings' lives must be in danger. Ohimia asked her worriedly, "Atlas, are they your nieces? What happened to them?"


"Drowned," the woman simply answered. "I need to save them." She didn't want to go in any details as she was in a hurry to revive them fast.


Hewey knew from yesterday that Atlas learned to respire an unconscious victim, but she probably didn't know what to do for someone who drown. Just in case, he asked her, "Did you try to push up and down on the chests to make them spit out all the water first?" Atlas stopped respiring her nieces when she learned that she made the wrong move first. She could have kept doing the same thing over and over again and the sisters still would have died. So she began to correct her mistake by doing exactly what the healer dragon said. She gave Kylie some chest compressions as water started to spray itself out of the balloon's mouth. Bam joined in to help Danielle by pressing with his talon on her chest. Then Hewey told her, "Okay, now stop for a few seconds and let the chest rise." Both the woman and the navy blue stopped for a bit before she resumed the chest compressions. Then a fortunate thing happened; the sisters woke up coughing out the rest of the water and started to move with their limbs twitching.


Atlas and Bam both smiled happily, with the woman being the most joyful of the two, as the sisters came back revived. The aunt cried, "Danielle, Kylie, you're both alive!"


As Kylie was still spitting out water, Danielle looked at the woman and recognized her scent. She asked, "Aunt Atwas, is dat you?"


"Yep!" said Atlas, smiling. "Right back from the mountains."


The sisters were just as happy as their aunt as they found themselves in the presence of their most trusted caretaker. "Aunt Atwas!" they both beamed as they ran up to hug and lick their aunt, who in turn stroked them with her hands.


((I always knew something was strange about Axle. His family was all black and silver, with Dracul being red, and he's the only white dragon. I kept thinking he might not really be blood-related to the family.))

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Juna jumped from a tree branch, trying to outrun Axle, but to her surprised he was faster as she was kicked in the chest and sender her to the ground. It puzzled her how Axle got the upper hand in this fight, for when this fight started, she had every edge, Speed, Stamina, Strenght, and Shadows on her side. She even managed to get the red blade knife from Axle as well, and dealt grave wounds on him, but he never fell to the ground, but instead he laughed it off, as soon as he turned white, something in her told her to run for her life.


She crashed down to the ground and slide a bit into a tree, the dagger sliding away from her grasp. She quickly got up from the ground and looked at the tree branch she was on and saw Axle sitting there waiting.


"So much for that edge, you had dear Juna. I guess it was not enough" He said as he started to stand up on the branch.


Juna leaned against the tree, and in her eyes she has fear. She was terrified out her mind. She could not understand how Axle had an abundant of energy left, and she was reaching her limits of shadow jumps. She still has not recovered fully from her fight in the cave less than a week ago against Aeolus and his group.


She turned and rolled for the dagger, grabbed it and spun to face Axle, but he already moved. She started to slowly back away watching all her sides, then she heard the shifting in the leaves above her and she rolled out of the way as a white dragon came crashing down from above. She shadow jumped quickly away from Axle up into a nearby tree to escape a side swipe from him. She gripped the tree to steady her as her world was spinning a bit, she has reached her limit of jumps now. During that dazed, though, Axle found her and slammed her into the tree and sent her back down to the ground. She lost her grip on the dagger a second time and landed square on her back, knocking the wind out of her. She gasped for air for a second before something hard crashed into her shoulders. She wanted to scream because of the pain, but Axle did not allow it. He landed on her shoulder with his knees, and the sound of bones cracking could be heard slightly. Both her shoulder blades were fractured from the impacted.


She had tears welling up in her eyes from the sheer pain in her shoulder, but soon that pain faded from her body, as she felt the warm liquid start to seep up her body, her own blood. Axle removed his hand from her mouth as she just now gasped for air badly because Axle just stabbed her in the chest.


"It best if our ties were severed now, Juna. This is where we will part ways. You might live you might die, but it does not matter to me. The rest of your family is nothing but a bunch of liars and evil basters, and I want nothing to do with you anymore." He said as he got up and started to leave. "Farewell, dear Juna. I hope you rot on the inside." He soon faded into the forest.


Juna lay there gasping for air trying not to choke on her own blood, as she just cried. ' Why can you just understand Axle?' she thought to herself. 'Do you really despise the Incarus that much for hiding the truth from you for so long?' She just laid there and coughed a bit of blood from her throat. 'Damn it.'



Akili, though skilled as she was, ended up getting lost in the forest, somehow. The territory was unknown to her, and she swore she passed that tree seven times by now. She sighed a bit and thought about just flying up into the sky to find the group, but something caught her attention, the scent of blood. It metallic smell was that of a silver dragon, as the wind was blowing west, so the source was coming from the east.



Mekarth ended up bursting out fo the forest in a mad dash and saw Aeolus and Atlas in her human form. He slid when he tried to stop from colliding with Aeolus or Atlas. He was already breathing hard, as he tried to speak. "Come.........Quickly...............They.............Are..............Going.............To.............Kill.............Each..............Other............." He said with each gasp. From the sound of his voice, he was in pure shock, but also at the verge of passing out.

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((Damn, this RP is about to get intense.))


The family's precious moment was interrupted by a tired Mekarth saying that 'they', whoever they were, were going to kill each other. Bam asked in confusion, "Kill each other? Who's going to kill each other?"


Ohimia looked around as she asked, "And where's Axle?"


Aeolus, having seen Axle leaving earlier, knew exactly who the black dragon was referring to. He answered, "Wherever Mekarth saw them. We must go and find them before it's too late. Someone teleport us to Axle and Juna now!" It was urgent that they put an end to their murderous fight now or else the horde will lose one of the experts in Shadow Wind to train them.


Quickly before Kekul would teleport them, Atlas told her nieces, "You two stay here with Ohimia. I'll be back." She didn't want them to witness another traumatic bloody event like they did with the death of their parents. It wasn't good for their mental and fragile minds to see such things.


The sisters wanted to go as they protested, "But Aunt Atwas-"


The woman denied their request sternly as she said, "No, you're staying here and that's it!" Turning her head to the lumina, she told her, "Watch over them for me."


Ohimia nodded, holding herself to the duty of babysitting the hatchlings. She replied, "I will." Then at the next instant, Kekul teleported everyone, except the four who stayed behind, including Mekarth who seems too exhausted to help with the situation.


At the part of the forest they warped to, the dragons were shocked to find a badly injured Juna lying on the ground. Though the scent of her brother was present, he was nowhere to be found in sight. He must have left shortly after he attacked his sister. Bam shouted, "Oh my gosh!"


Aeolus ordered his healer, "Hewey, heal Juna now." But when he looked for the healer, the only dragons he could see here were Bam, Kekul and Jarilo. The others had gone missing for some reason. Surprised, he said, "What?!"


The other dragons took notice of this situation as well. Kekul realized that as he had been thinking about both Axle and Juna, whom he was teleporting the horde to, the group had been split into two halves. One half, which he was in, has been warped over to Juna. Which means the other half was sent to Axle.




Upon teleporting over to where Axle was at in the woods, Atlas asked in appall, "Axle, what the hell is going on? Why are you and Juna trying to tear each other apart?"

Edited by Red Dragonette

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The white hair Axle continued to walk through the woods. till he heard Atlas voice. He stopped and turn to face her. "Atlas, what is happening between Juna and me does not concern you or the hoard. It would be best if you turn a blind eye to it and just ignore it." He said. He waited for her reply.



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((Final Fantasy XV is addicting. Anybody play it yet?))


"But she's your sister," Atlas told him. "Mekarth said that the fights between you and her were always just spars to see if you two can protect yourselves. But killing each other doesn't sound like a friendly competition. What happened, Axle? Did she try to hurt you? I won't let your sister lay a claw on you if she did."


((Stupid attention disorder, which I probably have, made me forget to color it.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Axle look at Atlas for a second, before he replied back. "Atlas, it more than just a fight, it went pass that already, way pass that. Ties have been severed for good, and I do not regret my decision with Juna." He said as he looked at his hand. "My natural life was taken from me a long time ago, before I was hatched and I never know." He clinched his hands into a fist and looked back at Atlas. "I must go. I have a place to be, and it will take me several days to get there from here." He said as he turned and started to walk away from Atlas.




Juna gasped a bit before she rolled on her side to pull the dagger that was implanted in her chest out. She grabbed a hold of the hilt of the blade, gritting her teeth from the pain in her shoulder and begin to pull it out. She did it fairly quickly but coughed up a massive amount of blood on the ground. She cried a bit when she looked that the dagger in her hand, as she started to slip into her permanent slumber.


Akil shortly come out of nowhere near the group and looked a bit for the source of the smell and then saw Juna. She ran right toward Juna and said something to Juna, to see if she was responding, and to her surprise she did, but very weakly. Juna said something quickly to Akil, and Akil was about to question it, but Juna interpret her by having authority in her voice. Akil stepped back a bit before she bowed and turn and ran off, in the direction of Axle scent.

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