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Do what you want, so long as it does not bring harm and inconvenience to others.


Look for the rainbow in the storm and the stars in the dark; people may be transient, but you are your own eternity.

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Do as you would be done by.


Never judge a man till you have walked a mile in his shoes.


Assume the best of anyone until you are proved wrong.


Let the past lie in the past.


Oh Forgot my best EVAH - gained from a counselling session.


I know you think you understand what you thought I said but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.


We so often hear what we expected to hear based on past experience, and don't listen to what is ACTUALLY said - which - hey - MAY HAVE CHANGED ! Getting to grips with that changed my life.

Edited by fuzzbucket

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Traditional sayings:

'An it harm none, do what ye will'

'Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity'


And in my own words:

'If you want to truly know someone, do not only look at what they want, but look for what they are wanting for others.'

'Never confuse revenge with justice.'

'Everything has its two sides. You will not get one of them without the other.'

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"There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea." ~Bernard-Paul Heroux


"To eat an elephant one must take it one bite at a time." ~Unknown


"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things that give value to survival." ~C. S. Lewis

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"Finding yourself is a stupid concept - you are who you are every day. How you act every day is you."


"Life is meaningless. The fun is enjoying the ride and not being full of regrets when you die."


Those are two I've repeated to myself every single day of my life since I was roughly five and a half. I've heard a lot of good ones - ones quoted in this thread, for example - but these are the only two I've lived by with such dedication.

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"Be the change you wish to see in the world."


"Holding onto anger is like swallowing poison and expecting someone else to die."

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"Holding onto anger is like swallowing poison and expecting someone else to die."

That is so true smile.gif

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Ain't nobody got time for that!

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I might be slightly insane but:


*Shoots lightning at* (<The meaning of my life.)


I don't believe in compromise. (Not sure that really counts. *Shrug*)


For pony!


I am Master.


EDIT: *Shoots lightning at*

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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I really, really like some of these!


Hold onto your morals and beliefs, but don't expect everyone else to feel the same, and don't try to force your own onto others.


Fight for what you believe in, even if it's a losing battle. Even losers feel proud when they can say they stood it out to the end.


You'll never reach the stars if you are scared of heights.

(mainly meaning, if you dream big, be willing to take each step)


Never be too proud or stubborn to admit you need help.

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Leave a trail of dead refrigerators in your wake.


Never leave a trail for your friends to follow, only your foes, into your trap.


Expecting the unexpected is overrated, what happens when your enemy expects it?


When you're evil, don't expect to be treated well, expect to be treated great.


Those who are only good enough should be smited.


Ghasts are pure goodness! Keep them away!


*Nibbles carrot* Eh, what's up doc?


(Did I mention I may be moderately insane?)

(And evil?)

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My main philosophy tries to be as consent-based as I can possibly muster. I don't believe I've got a right to do anything to anyone that they don't want. I can cautiously assume implicit consent for some things, but if it turns out I was mistaken, I have to make reparations. That goes through all levels of detail in life, covers obvious things like "don't steal", but also less obvious things like "don't yak someone's ear off".


By implication, I believe in a distinction between 'positive' and 'negative rights' (...oh god put your checklist away... I promise I'm not that bad! xd.png), since otherwise you'd end up in weird tangles, like "I don't want you to not pay me this extortion money" being somehow valid.


Finally, I believe in diplomacy - the art to state the truth in a way that doesn't upset people. That meshes in nicely with my belief that we're not all that different and our ethics, while superficially wildly divergent, are not actually that different; we largely want the same things out of life, we just don't know it, because language and communication is difficult - and some initial miscommunication can, a bit like a linguistic butterfly effect, spiral out of control (not just in a single conversation, but over months, years, decades), but if you find the seed where it went awry, the kernel of truth beneath it, you can still turn things back. Diplomacy is like a tool to make that apparent.


Anyway, on a more light-hearted note:


Violence is never necessary, but it sure is fun in small, controlled doses. :3


"Guns don't kill people, people kill people - which is exactly why people should have guns. >:3"


Don't be careful, be immortal!

Edited by pinkgothic

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I am about to blow your mind then, my goal in life is to drive as many people nuts as possible. I disagree with everything, whether or not I actually agree with it, then I argue my side until you have no idea what your side is anymore.


I talk peoples ear off all the time, because it drives most of them nuts. I also believe in one right answer, no compromise, everyone but me is wrong. Well that's not true, I can be wrong, no one is every right about everything. I believe everyone is born with evil in there hearts. I also believe in believing strongly in what you believe in, even if you disagree with me. But don't you dare challenge my beliefs, I won't force them on you if you let them be, but as soon as you challenge me prepare to have my beliefs shoved down your throat.


P.S. I may be mildly insane, but despite what I have said elsewhere, I am not completely evil. (But I do have evil in me.)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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We secure our friends not by accepting favors but by doing them.






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When you settle for being "good enough", you miss out on much that life has to offer.


I'm personally a fairly law-abiding person and for the most part believe that laws are there for a reason, even if you don't agree with them.


However, I also follow ways of life that fly in the face of that last statement. Some laws are old and outdated, and as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, maybe the law should just let them be.

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But of course we change. There used to be laws against a white person marrying a black person. There used to be laws saying women can't vote. But we changed, we changed our perception, our way of thinking, our misplaced biases.

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Sometimes you gotta be your own hero and save your own little heart because the people you can't imagine living without can live without you.


^My only one.

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But of course we change. There used to be laws against a white person marrying a black person. There used to be laws saying women can't vote. But we changed, we changed our perception, our way of thinking, our misplaced biases.

That is not true, go look at the racism thread.

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Personally, I go by: "Life isn't fair. Deal with it. You can still have great experiences."

And: "I'm not weird. I'm just trying to make your life more interesting."

Edited by KoalaNoob

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My philosophy in life is so complicated that I never seem to stop pondering exactly what guidelines it is I follow. Recently, though, I've discovered for myself that this uncertainty and misdirection is exactly my way in life. I don't chose a set of rules and abide by them, I change the rules for myself depending on my predicament.


I suppose you could say, I continuously examine the chaotic nature of the daily human experience, and shift with it, rather then trying to force it to my benefit.

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So if I were to try to offend or annoy you, you would change to agree with me? That's what it sounds like. I need to think of a way around that...

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