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Prize Dragon Disscussion Thread

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Hehehehe... So are you saying you are trying to get on all the lists?


Edit: Btw, will the time change effect the time Shine is able to breed next? Before the time change, it would have been 10:15pm on Saturday...

It'll just be an hour later. Not too huge of a deal.

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lol commander your scroll link is just awful xd.png anyway on topic im on like 4 lists myself hoping things move quickly =P

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Why did Logic's name change? *tilt head* I liked it as Prowl. Or well, ProwI but it looked like Prowl.


I mean it doesn't matter how I liked it, I'm just wondering xd.png

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Why did Logic's name change? *tilt head* I liked it as Prowl. Or well, ProwI but it looked like Prowl.


I mean it doesn't matter how I liked it, I'm just wondering XD

Because Logic refused Qualeo's only female CB Silver. :P

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Because Logic refused Qualeo's only female CB Silver. tongue.gif



Okay I get it now l3

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Commonly referred to as "Logic",this dragon's entire life revolves around the fame and attention he received when he was a mere hatchling. Due to this, he has grown to be a spoiled and judgmental dragon.  His abnormally large ego prevents him from breeding with "mere peasants", causing his owner misery and grief. However, due to his horrendous personality and obliviousness, he has yet to realize the shame he has brought upon his entire breed.

I laughed. Poor Logic is not logical...

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Hehehehe... So are you saying you are trying to get on all the lists?


Edit: Btw, will the time change effect the time Shine is able to breed next? Before the time change, it would have been 10:15pm on Saturday...

Yep yep! biggrin.gif =p (Carefully watching your signature, haha)


Oh my gosh *.* I am shocked and amazed at all the responses I got last night. I'll respond to you all later. =o Almost school time now.

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Poor Forty got jumped xd.png

Although, what are you planning to do once you get a 2nd gen from every prize out there? Will you go for round two, trade for 2nd gens with different mates, or will you consider your scroll goal done?

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I only keep 1 2nd gen from each CB, and never the same mate for any combo. I also try to pick mates that haven't been used before. ^.^

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I only keep 1 2nd gen from each CB, and never the same mate for any combo. I also try to pick mates that haven't been used before. ^.^

Well if you are aiming to get one form me then, you better figure out which pair you want from me fast, because I'm only breeding Shine to a select few breeds. tongue.gif

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Well if you are aiming to get one form me then, you better figure out which pair you want from me fast, because I'm only breeding Shine to a select few breeds. tongue.gif



(because i might be selfish and ask for a shimmer swap down the road when i'm not so shy >>)

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And a nother successfull breeding with Seaglory! Up to three shimmer children from her now.


Hope the luck will continue!

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has anyone of the owners though of pairing their Shimmers with the new released Speckle Throads?

I imagine the Silver Shimmers would look very shiny with them... cool.gif

I influenced more to be male so they would be possible mates for Seaglory smile.gif

So if someone on my list asks for this pairing it will happen

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Yay Seaglory, you can do it!


Also, Kyouko gendered, she grows up tonight, and I'm going to have fun figuring out what to do with her kids x3c Still more excited for my two future second-gens, though.

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My 3rd gen Shimmer is an egg with last stage crack and is sick.


Views: 4,189 Unique Views:561 Clicks:33


Every bit as tetchy as the tinsels. sad.gif I did incubate it though. Hopefully it will be like the tinsels, recover under fog and then hatch when unfogged.


Edit: Actually that is a bit strange. I have been monitoring it's progress for hours and when I left it less then one hour ago it had:


Views: 2136 Clicks: 21 (don't remember the unique views)


It had been in a hatchery already for 3 hours and slowly gained that many views, suddenly in less than an hour the views have doubled. Seems a bit dodgy. Surely the click sites don't spring to life that much in under an hour.


Edit again: caught it in good time it is no longer sick!! Phew!!

Edited by Dubious

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I've been noticing that recently all that's been made so far are stairsteps. I really don't like stairsteps, so I hope some arrowheads are made out of these xd.png

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I've been noticing that recently all that's been made so far are stairsteps. I really don't like stairsteps, so I hope some arrowheads are made out of these xd.png

When I get my second-gens, I intend to only breed one, maybe two stairstep 3rd-gens from each one and breed all even-gens for the rest o3o

Edited by TheCompleteAnimorph

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I've been noticing that recently all that's been made so far are stairsteps. I really don't like stairsteps, so I hope some arrowheads are made out of these xd.png

There are some even gens that will be made! Amazon is, and I will be after two of my IOUs are done. *U*

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There are some even gens that will be made! Amazon is, and I will be after two of my IOUs are done. *U*

*nods vigorously* My biggest hindrance is getting the mates together at the moment. rolleyes.gif

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And yet another success for Felix biggrin.gif *pats Felix* good boy!


Only a few more trade listers to get eggs to until I can gift a bunch of eggs again happy.gif


Also *points to sig* Still looking for someone who wants to swap a gold for one of Felix's pretty bronze eggs!


Loving all the different lineages everyone's doing so far!

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so there i was, hunting the click sites giving out views and looking at the metals and tinsels and shimmers pretty lineages. and i noticed to my great delight that one of the CB Shimmers is named


"Bilbo Baggins of Bagend" laugh.gif really hope i'm able to get a baby from this Shimmer eventually. the fantasy/scify geeket in me absolutely adores the name. too bad none of the 2G's so far in that line have continued the namming scheme.



must haves me a hobbetse.

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"Bilbo Baggins of Bagend" laugh.gif really hope i'm able to get a baby from this Shimmer eventually. the fantasy/scify geeket in me absolutely adores the name.

Yeah I saw that one too. biggrin.gif As a Lord of the Rings Fan I'd love to get one of the offspring (even if it's a higher gen).

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