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They want them because they are "prize". At holiday times, do your best in holiday activities, and if you are luck, you will be won raffle and you will get Thuweds.


How can I get "Guardian of Nature"?

Edited by sh20000sh

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You have to watch Pocahontas and sing along with ' colors of the wind' while in a tornado in a forest. It should appear on your scroll.


What do I get if I make a donation?

Edited by Draconiusultamius

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You can get any dragons on Dragon Cave, even these two retired dragons.


What will happen if the AP is finally empty?

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When that happens, the Scroll Dump occurs. Every dragon or frozen hatchling not in The Wilderness is turned into a hatchling and put randomly on a page.


What happens if I name every single one of my dragons "Lollipop"?

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I wouldn't recommend it; there IS a reason why you never see duplicate names on a scroll. If you name more than one dragon anything (for example, "lollipop"), from that point on, every dragon you collect will automatically be given that name. And no, you can't just rename the dragon. It's permanent.


I tried to breed my Pygmy with a Guardian dragon, but they wouldn't. What gives?

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Your pygmy was probably scared of the guardian because guardian dragons are natural canibals and will eat dragons smaller than them. Feed the guardian a small dragon before breeding so it won't be hungry for the pygmy.


Why did my vampire egg I just bit go straight to the AP?

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You must have been in sunlight. The egg got scared and ran away.


I tried to breed my dragons and got the message "These Dragons refuse to even go near each other." And now I can't attempt to breed them anymore? What's up with that?

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I tried to breed my dragons and got the message "These Dragons refuse to even go near each other." And now I can't attempt to breed them anymore? What's up with that?

This is actually a bug. You have to delete Windows 7 in order to correct the error. However, there's a rumor that you can try breeding one Dragon with another Dragon in order to make the first Dragon jealous.


I bred my two White Striped Dragons and got a Red Striped Dragon! What's going on?!

Edited by PixelShark

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That's a glitch. Your computer's been infected. Run while you still can.


I bred my Purple and Spitfire, and got something called an "Ultraviolet Dragon." What do I do?

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Put on dark sunglasses and a lot of sunscreen before you handle the egg!


Why do some people have a picture of a carrot on their scrolls?

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Few people know that the "Carrot" Symbolizes dignity and freedom, honor and patience. Therefore, at the weekly sacrifice (Held weekly) the best sacrifice submitted by a dragon cave user is rewarded by a majestic carrot of amazingness. To have a chance at this amazing prize, your sacrifice must be outstanding and original. I would recommend perhaps a slice of cheese, or even, if you are feeling adventurous, to go as far as a PICKLE. Sacrifices can be submitted http://dragcave.net/view/2pJlH


Why can my cheese not breed?

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Because you forgot to refrigerate it so it went bad.


How do I get a Guardian of Nature?

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Cover a Guardian dragon in leaves, flowers, sticks, etc.


Why won't my Ochredrake breed with my Crimson Flare??

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Oh honey, that's just wrong. That crimson flare is so much younger than that Ochredrake. Rethink your priorities.


Why can't I find a CB Gold?

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Because CB stands for Can't Breed and Golds are breedable, so they can't be CB.


Where do I get a Holly?

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Where do I get a Holly?

Okay, you must listen carefully. First, you leave your house with an axe or a saw. Then, you cut down a holly tree. Collect the berries and take them home. This is very important! You have to sing Christmas Carols as you turn on your computer. And it has to be done at 5:00 pm, whatever your timezone is. Sing the Christmas Carols as loudly as you can, and place your berries in the disc slot, and then close it. A Holly Dragon should upload to your scroll, if you sang as loudly as possible.


How do I get a black Sweetling?

Edited by PixelShark

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How do I get a black Sweetling?

First, get a Sweetling Egg. Then, print out a picture of it and dance around it while chanting, "TJ09, TJ09, make my Sweetling egg black-ified!" Then you put 20$ down on top the picture, light both on fire, and repeat the chant. When you return to your computer, it will be black!


Why are there always so many people in the Alpine?

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Because they're all trying to be like Princess Elsa and Princess Anna and really like building snowmen, and the Alpine is the only place were snow can be found reliably.


I found an egg floating in the air! How do I get it down?

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Select "Kill" under actions and wait fourteen days.


I used earthquake, and one of my hatchlings ran away! How do I catch it?

Edited by Darkstorm34

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You use a net. ninja.gif ed

Using your hands.


Help! I left dragon cave for a week and realized my egg only had 5 mins left because I forgot to place it into a clicksite. I managed to, but it turned green and hatched while saying it looked really sick. What do I do?

Edited by Draconiusultamius

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Kill it. That's a virus dragon and it will kill other dragons on your scroll.


Help! I put my egg in 10 click sites and it died! Why?

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The egg of the Unobtainium dragon.


What do I do to get a trophy?

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Best way to get a trophy is to steal one. Competing in the dragon-butter eating contest is hard work and messy, so I wouldn't recomend it. Wait outside the home/cave/lair/hole of someone who has a trophy, and when they come out sick your dragons on them and grab their trophy.


Why is my egg cracking?

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Your Green dragons are making too much ruckus by slamming down themselves to the ground, causing the egg to crack. I recommend you to release all of your Green dragons to prevent problems in the future.


Why do some dragons have extra description? Are they special?

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