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Yes, they are very special. These dragons are regularly referred to as "The chosen ones", and are seen going on various quests to vanquish evil.


Why can't I find holiday dragons in the biomes year round?

Edited by bekhamliddell

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How would you like to be a Christmas dragon in the Desert biome in the middle of July, hm?


How do I name my dragons??

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You write directly on the screen of the device you're using and it will stay.


What is a breed request?

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A breed request is when somebody asks you to create their own specific dragon, which you must sprite, in return for a (usually common) egg.


Why do my eggs have holes?

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Because they're sick. The only way to save them is to abandon them into the AP.


When can you get the undead dragons?

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That's easy. All you have to do is select the 'Kill' option for every dragon on your scroll. After you kill them all, you'll obtain one Undead dragon as a reward.


What's the point of this "Splash" BSA? I clicked on it, and it did nothing at all!

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Every time you use the BSA there's a 1/1000000 chance of having a splash of water come out of your screen at you.


Why are there 50+ players in the Alpine Biome right now?

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That's easy. The annual Dragon Winter Olympics is going on right now. I suggest you go watch them, they are quite infatuating.


I got this egg from the AP, and when it hatched it said the hatchling appears to be dead! What happened?

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It seems your egg has experienced egg-rot and because of this, has caused the hatchling to appear dead. Fear not, though! It is merely sleeping. To wake it up, just drop the hatchling in ice cold water and in a second, it will violently wake up in a panic and likely try to bite you. I recommend you wear gloves for this procedure.


I've found an egg which smells faintly like brine. Does this mean that if I put an electric current through the egg, I could make my own chlorine, hydrogen and sodium hydroxide?

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Yes. I recommend using an Electric dragon rather than a Thunder as the latter may use too strong of a current. If you succeed you can also obtain the very rare Periodic Dragon.


If this egg I found is rough and sharp.. how do I pick it up?

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You must whack the edges off the egg with a hammer in order to smooth it out. But be careful, as this may also cause the egg to crack.


Why does it say that there appears to be no eggs found in the caves?!

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Whenever that message appears, it can only mean two things:


1.) An egg drought has begun where all eggs have been devoured by humans to make mega pancakes (most common in February and March.) Its also possible that the eggs have been moved to an unknown biome such as the Tundra, Marshland or World's End, meaning you'll have to walk a bit further.


2.) All the eggs have been spray-painted with Shadow Walker dust by a local troublemaker, causing them to be invisible. I'd recommending watering them down with a hose to make them visible again. Just mind your step and try not to splash the magma dragons..


I found an egg which is smaller than the others which hatched a couple of days ago. Its quite an odd looking pygmy dragon, and i'm wondering if i've discovered a new breed of dragon?

Edited by lovecats99

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That isn't a pygmy, but in fact, a glitch. The only way to save yourself is to kill all of your dragons. Good luck to you, poor soul....


I wrote this awesome futuristic scifi description for my dragon, but it didn't get accepted! What's up with that?!

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That's odd, that should have been approved... must've been a glitch...


I tried to put my eggs in my signature but they didn't show up... Why not?

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Under Act 5 of the Dragon Cave code, it is forbidden to put eggs in your signature because it promotes the exchange of illegal omelette making. Trading for larger, rarer eggs to produce food is a crime against dragons. Punishments range from stubbing your toe on a Lego pile to being /r/roasted by a Hellhorse dragon.


I went for a walk with my Ice Dragon in the Volcano and he seems to be melting. Is this normal ice dragon behaviour or should I be concerned?

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Normal behaviour, simply put him in the freezer later and he'll be fine.


Why did somebody else get the egg I clicked in the cave?? That's not fair!!

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The dragon egg must just have liked them better. Sometimes the eggs pick favourites.


How do I get a GoN?

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You have to kill 5 dragons around Christmas, they become sacrifices to the GoN, the god of dragons, so if you please them they might come live on your scroll.


Where do I get CB prizes??

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Every year, a raffle takes place, choosing several people from each dragon clan to battle it out in a game to win a Prize dragon. Whichever top 3 clans which win gains one colour of the Prize dragon, the colours being Cream, Puce and Mold Green. I heard last year someone volunteered as a tribute and to our surprise, actually won the games!


Is it safe to pet a Thunder/Lightning dragon?

Edited by lovecats99

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I dont think you are ready. You need to get your soul and the first dragons soul. Thats it.


What is a neglected dragon?

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A dragon who has neglected to think about his life-choices and so, regrets about everything. The appearance of a Neglected Dragon is a sickly brown, with a stench bathed in Mountain Dew and a texture of Dorito crumbs. One must always refrain from licking the dragon as one may contract a range of diseases, the most common being Dankius Memus. If you encounter one in the wild, be sure to wear a tippable fedora as your gentlemanliness will indicate you are not to be messed with.


I'm thinking about starting a company specialising in the extraction of 'dragon Cashmere' but my Pillow dragons don't seem to agree. How could I win them over?

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You can't. You have to shave off their fur in the middle of night. The fur will grow back in a month.



My dragon looks like an overgrown snake. Is it really a dragon?

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No it's actually a species called the Mimic Wyrm and technically they're a glitch and can ruin your scroll so you should abandon it quick!


I have seven eggs why can't I catch any more??

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On a blue moon you can get 20 eggs. Just wait for the moon k?


How to steal an egg?

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