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Fell Haven 2

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The red haired girl was helped to her feet again by a friend and stalked over to their table angrily.


"You should choose friends of better quality!" She told Tegan and gave the other three a look of contempt.


Tegan's eyebrow rose. It took some guts to insult this crew even if it showed she had not much sense.


"And would you include yourself in that, Catherine?" he asked coldly. She flushed and stalked of.


"Care to explain me what happened there? It looked like you stuck a mortal blow, but if there was an insult in what you said it totally went over my head."


Tegan reached for a glas of punch. "No insult and no mortal blow. Catherine wants to be counted among my friends. I indicated she was or at least could be. At the same time I indicated if I were to rethink my friendships I'd start with her. As you saw it shut her up very neatly. "

Edited by Laura-Lana

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Moonshine paused and watched the girl go. She paused for a moment, and then stood up. "Excuse me for one small moment." And she walked over to this girl. "Excuse me, I believe you forgot something." She paused, and then formed a fist and attempted to punch her in the face. "I shall say this once, miss, come near Tegan again just to whine like that, and a fist in the face won't be the worse thing you will get." She smirked, "Oh, did I mention I can teleport? Yeah, you should ask Tegan about it, he hates it when I take him cliff diving. However, I always catch him before he smacks into the ground. You, I'm not so sure about." She leaned in, And her smile grew downright dangerous. "In fact, why don't I take you for a 'test drive?" She leaned in and was about to grab the girl when her phone rang, she turned and walked away from the girl and glanced down at it before closing it and returning to her table. If the girl so much looked at her, she would pull out a dagger and throw it so it would just miss her without even looking. After that, she took a bite of the cake and melted. "Oooh, Nob* Tha- Goob cake" She spoke before continuing as if nothing had happened.


(>: ) Ahh, now Moonshine's day is complete)

Edited by warewolves

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While he waited for Caim to return Eli became aware of being watched. He looked to his left and saw a teacher staring at him. When he looked at her she seem surprised, but after a moments pause walked over to him.


"Can I help you?" she asked.


"I'm looking for a Tegan Larksong. Do you have any idea of where he might be?"


"Is he in some kind of trouble?" the teacher asked looking wary.


Eli shook his head. Even though it wasn't the case right now, he wished people could understand that the presence of a Necromancer wasn't always something to worry about. Sometimes they had happy things to report, like last year when someone wanted him to tell their son the code to the swiss bank account containing nearly three million dollars. Or the Grandmother who wanted to pass on her much loved jam recipe. Eli liked those jobs. It was usually the only times he got to see someone smile.


"Not at all. I just want to ask him a couple of questions."


The teacher looked at Eli for about a minute, obviously trying to decide if he could be trusted or not, then nodded.


"He's at his party. It's down this corridor and at the end of your second left. His girlfriend rented out the hall for him."

"Thank you" replied Eli, wondering how he was to spot Tegan and then seperate him fron his friends.


The teacher nodded a second time and then walked away. Eli watched her go and noticed the huge hole in the back of her head. Suicides usually had trouble moving on more than most, as what it was that made them want to leave tended to hold them back.


When she had gone Eli followed her directions and stopped when he came to the door leading into the hall. He could hear voices and music inside. But now what? Burst in and yell for Tegan Larkosng at the top of his voice?

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Tegan winced when Moonshine hit Catherine. He only got the echo of the pain and it was faint at that because they were some distance away but enough to tell him it must have hurt.


For a moment he asked himself why he was drawn to people like Cizzur and Moonshine who apparently thought violence was an important part of social interacation, but then he settled for being pleased that Moonshine had warned Catherine of as if he belonged to her.


Now how to keep Catherine from becoming hysteric and destroying the party? Tegan looked around and met Hannahs startled wide eyes. She had obviously observed the incident.


Tegan nodded in the direction of Catherine asking her silently to take care of the matter. Hannah nodded and gave him a smile to assure him that she would handle the matter.


She hurried over to Catherine, put an arm around her and lead her out of the room.


Satisfied Tegan turned his attention back to Moonshine who was beaming with satisfaction.


On the other end of the room Hannah opened the door, intending to lead Catherine out. But instead of walking through it the girl gave of a shriek and pointed on the young man who stood on the other side.


"The Nekromant! He's here. Oh god, why did I ever come to this wretched party!"


An alarmed whisper wandered through the crowd while Hannah tried to calm Katherine down.

Tegan sighed and stood up.


"Nekromant doesn't mean Cannibal." he said in a loud clear voice. "No need to act like he has come to eat us."


That earned him some embarrased giggles but at least most of his guests relaxed somewhat and most pretended to return to what they had been doing. Yet Tegan was aware that most kept watching him as he neared Eli. Did they expect he'd send a horde of zombies after him or what?

There was no hostility coming from Eli. If anything it was hurt over being treated that way.


"Eli, right?" he said friendly. "Please forgive Catherine. She has had a bit of a bad day. Can I invite you to a glass of punch? Have you come to ask about Louise?"

Edited by Laura-Lana

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Eli was just about to lean against the wall and wait for Caim to return from whatever brilliant plan he had when the door leading to the party opened. For a moment Eli and the two girls just stared at each, then one of the girls let out a shriek and pointed at him.


"The Nekromant! He's here. Oh god, why did I ever come to this wretched party!"


Eli's shoulders sank and he returned the girl's wild eyed look of horror with an weary ans slightly injured one of his own. Behind the two girls shocked and horrfied whispers began to ripple through the room, until one male voice spoke out.


"Nekromant doesn't mean Cannibal. No need to act like he has come to eat us."


Some people laughed, but there was tense atmosphere nonetheless. Nobody in their right mind would just ignore a Necromancer. However one young man approached him, most likely the speaker. Eli recognised him as the young man he had seen with Louise and his memory was proved right when he spoke.

"Eli, right?" he said friendly. "Please forgive Catherine. She has had a bit of a bad day. Can I invite you to a glass of punch? Have you come to ask about Louise?"


"No thank you" he said in regards to the offer of a drink. "And I'm not here about Louise. I need to talk to Tegan Larksong. Is he here?"


The girl who had screamed in his face was still looking like Eli had sprouted horns. He was used to such treatment and did his best to ignore her.

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Moonshine wanted to go up there. She frowned, and then returned to her cake. She gazed at the table and growled to herself, the cake was gone. The only piece left was Tegan's she gazed at it, longingly wanting to take it. She glanced to Tegan, wanting to sticky beak even more. She sighed and her head hit the table. She better get an eplenation for this later.

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"That would be me. Apparently I've got some more work to do if I want to become a celebrity." Tegan said lightly, but his eyes had become worried.


"Why do you want to talk to me? Did anything happen to my parents?"


Tegan told himself firmly that what had happend to Loise couldn't happen to him. His father wasn't into drinking and he'd never harm his mother, but he couldn't help remembering Louises pain.

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"You are?" asked Eli surprised. He hadn't expected to find Tegan so quickly. or for him to be someone he had met only the day before.


He saw the worry in the boy's eyes and realised what Tegan was guessing his presence meant. When Tegan asked about his parents he shook his head.


"No. At least not that I know of. I'm actually here to ask you some questions about a former bodyguard of yours."


He looked past Tegan's shoulder and at the crowd of people watching them and trying to listen in.


"Is there somewhere we can talk?"

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Suddenly Moonshine appeared, her curiosity overwhelming. "There is somewhere, and I can get you there instantly." She turned her gaze to Tegan. "Or would you rather I stay here?" She tried to hide her curosity behind indifference, badly. Curiosity was always Moonshine's downfall. Always had, and probably always would be.


(Sorry Fortune sad.gif )

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Relief was instantly when he heard his adoptive parents weren't the cause for Eli's visit. Bodyguard. Tegan was pretty sure he must be talking about Kain. It hadn't been that long ago that he had been murdered.


"Sure." he said and in this moment Moonshine popped in to offer to teleport them to some more private location if they didn't mind her presence.


"I don't see how it can hurt. In fact it might be better to invite Moira and Cizzur along as well. I've no idea what you want to know but Cizzur and some of my bodyguards have a pretty intense enemy-friendship relationship and might be able to help you better. And Cizzur isn't going to leave Moira here on her own." Tegan said looking at Eli. Remembering that he had no idea who he was talking about he nodded in the direction of Cizzur and Moira. Then he put a hand on Moonshine's shoulder.


"That's Moonshine by the way, she is my girlfriend. Moonshine, Eli." He frowned. "Uh, I had forgotten you told me you'd kill me if I called you my girlfriend again."

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Eli was glad that he could lay Tegan's fears over his parent to rest, but had a real shock when a young girl appeared out of no where beside him. As a Necromancer his first instinct was to defend himself, the lights in the party room and the hallway he was standing in flickering badly, and he had to stamp down hard on the impulse to summon something to knock the girl away.


The effort of it hurt him and Eli quickly turned away to hide the blood seeping from his eyes. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a handkercheif and held it to his face, having little choice but to listen to the squeals of the students as the lights flickered on and off above them.


"I'm sorry" he said to Tegan and his girlfriend as the blood flow died down. "I'm not very good with surprises."


He turned back to face them and shoved the bloody handkerchief back into his pocket, his eyes still bloody red. The lights were back to normal now, but the looks of horror and distrust on everyone's faces had multiplied. The students whispered amongst themselves, but even from the doorway Eli could hear 'monster' and 'freak'.


"I was thinking more like an empty classroom" he explained. "I pass one on the way here."

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Tegan decided that he didn't want to spook Eli further by demanding they went through with the teleportation and nodded.


He gave Moonshine a hug and whispered "I'll be right back", then he followed Eli to the empty classroom.


They had barely closed the door of the classroom when Moira stepped out of the wall bringing Cizzur with her. Either the two of them had decided his nod had meant he wanted them with him or they did not want him to be alone with Eli.

There was certainly distrust from Cizzur, despite the fact that the general attitude he got from the other students was very similar to that which Eli received.

Moira as usual was pretty much a blank emotionwise.

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Eli suspected that the reason Tegan didn't take up his girlfriend's offer to teleport them somewhere safe was because of his inability to get a full grip on his powers. Caim had reassured him that no Necromancer, no matter how powerful, ever had. It hadn't made him feel any better.


Nonetheless he led Tegan the classroom he had passed and shut the door behind them. Two of Tegan's friends appeared through the wall, but Eli had some how been expecting them. As Moonshine had already proved that she jad powers, he had guessed that others in Tegan's posse may have as well. He wondered if Tegan himself did.


He walked over to the teacher's desk and leaned against it, his eyes on Tegan.


"As you may have guessed I'm here to ask about Kain. I believe he was a bodyguard of yours at one point? Again as you probably know I'm investigating his death. Although I have no reason to suspect you know much about it, I was wondering if Kain had any enemies that you know of? Or had he had a run in with someone while protecting you?"

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Tegan blinked, then shook his head. "Not of the top of my head. He was a private person but he seemed to get along well with everyone. Even Cizzur kind of respected Kain after he broke his nose."


Cizzur crossed his arms. "I'd like to remark here that ten against one isn't a fair fight even if it's technically the same person. Darn supers."


"Four against one and kindly remember that both your girlfriend and your best friend are supers when you decide to insult all of us.


Cizzur shrugged. "Four then. Counting was never my thing anyway. He was good though. Didn't just rely on his power. He and his copys were trained fighters. Showed me a trick or two. Kain was no pushover.


"Neither was Lux." Tegan said thoughtfully. "You are hunting a dangerous enemy there, Eli. But I really can't think of any enemies of his."


"What about the poison?"


"That was likely only spoiled food and even if it was poison it's more likely the attack was directed against me then him, Moira."

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Eli looked from Moira to Tegan, hoping one of them would explain.


"I wish you would stop wandering off" said Caim emerging through the wall. "It's very hard to keep track of you."


He was holding a file in his hand, but when he saw Teagn he threw it onto a desk in disgust.


"And what was the point of sending me off to find out about the boy if you are just going to track him down yourself?"


"I didn't send you any where" pointed out Eli. "You went of your own violation, without telling me what you were up to."

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It wasn't the fact that he had emerged from the wall - you couldn't be long around Moira and stay spooked by that kind of behavior. It was that Tegan couldn't get anything from Caim. It wasn't like Moira, whose emotions were locked away from her, it was that they were too different. Tegan could catch emotions even from animals, but Caim was like a stone to him. Or maybe a corpse would be more accurate. Only a walking, talking one whose annoyance clearly showed in his tone.

Tegan instinctively took a step away from Caim and closer to Eli.


"Yes well, the poison thing. I better begin at the start there. Mom was a bit worried when I started to hang out with Cizzur..."


"Yeah. Isn't that strange" Cizzur put in sarcastically. "With a serial-killer brother and a mass-murderer one you'd think she would assume you were totally save with me."


Tegan shot Cizzur a nasty look. He had told him more than once that it wasn't a good idea to actually point out to people that his family background was less then stellar, but Cizzur seemed to take a perverse pleasure in making people recoil from him.


"Anyway she eventually hired Kain, who kept following me around if I wanted to or not. Couldn't escape him, there was always a clone, who wouldn't be fooled. Then one day he didn't show up for work. Apparently he ate something bad and that knocked out not just him but all of his clones too.

On that very day a group of ruffians decided to see if I had money worth stealing. Probably because there was no bodyguard around that day. Cizzur fought them of and that was that. But Moira had the idea that someone might have put something in Kains food to make the way free for those thugs instead."


Tegan shrugged. "But you see, even if her theory is correct it had nothing to do with Kain but with me."


"Why doesn't he just ask Kain, who killed him?" Cizzur put in. "Kain must know the identity of his murderer. There was no way to sneak up on him. There was always some of his clones that were awake, always one who'd look in your direction." He looked at Eli. "You are a nekromant, so the solution seems easy enough."

Edited by Laura-Lana

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"I'm having difficulty acessing the murder scene" admitted Eli. "Besides, I might not find any answers anyway. Prior to investigating Kain's death I visited Molly Gumbride's apartment. She is believed to be the killer's first vistim, if the same person is to blame. Anyway when I went to contact her spirit for clues I was unable to find her."


"The police still have no idea how Molly, Kain and two other heroes were killed, as they are unable to find a cause of death. I myself have a theory, but it isn't something I would like to suggest to anyone until I have had time to investigate the other crime scenes."


"Your family has wealth and power correct?" asked Caim coldy of Tegan. "Would they be able to get us access to the upper floors of Eden Apartments?"

Edited by Fortune86

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"As part of the official investigation? Could be done."


Tegan narrowed his eyes, studying Eli intendly. He remembered Daystars words about Eli being a suspect. That would make things more complicated but he was sure if the right strings were pulled Eli would be permitted to have a look at the scene.


"Could be done." he repeated softly. "Especially because as Cizzur has pointed out it should be obvious that Kain saw his murderer. However, if what you told me about Molly Gumbridge is true, I'd very much advise against going that way. If you can't find him either suspicious minds might wonder if it really is a case of being unable to or of not wanting to, if you get my drift."


Tegan put a finger against his lips while he thought. The longer he was in Eli's presence the more he doubted the man could have anything to do with the murders. And considering the murderer seemed to go after supers it was in his own best interest to help Eli.


"There is another way you know. I happen to live in the Eden apartments. I can label you as one of my friends and take you to my apartment."


He cast an amused glance in Cizzurs direction. "Considering some of my other friends no one is going to wonder. Moira can take you through the walls where you must go and if any security types are around I am sure I can draw them away. I can charm the birds of the trees if I choose. Of course if we are caught anyway for some reason it wouldn't look good."

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Despite himself Eli was somewhat hurt by Tegan's veiled hint that he might be involved in the murders, but he couldn't expect otherwise. The whole situation was very suspicious and given the descriptions of the killer, no matter how drunk or confused the witnesses were, he could see why he was a suspect. He only hoped that he could find something before there was another death.


When Tegan suggested taking him and Caim to his own apartment Eli nodded gratefully.


"I will only need a few minutes to determine if I can contact Kain or not" he explained. "As the most recent death he would stand out like a sore thumb."

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Tegan could feel Eli's hurt and considering what he had been talking about at that moment he could make an educated guess what had caused it.


When they walked to the exit, Tegan decided to make a comment on it.


"Eli, I want you to know that I don't think you had anything to do with those murders. If I did there would be no way I'd be helping you.

But there are others who worry about that. I happen to have spoken with one of them earlier. No need to give them more reason to doubt you. "

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"I understand" replied Eli as he followed Tegan through the doorway. "But the truth is people will always doubt and fear Necromancers, regardless of if they had done anything to deserve it. Our magic is a dark one, full of secrets."


Caim waited until the four of them had gone on ahead and then brought up the rear. His master was far too trusting, so he would keep all of them where he could see them.

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"Ohhh. How sad! Why don't you go sit on a stone and cry?"

Exasperated Tegan tried to kick Cizzur, but he nimbly evaded.


"Do that again and I'll kick back."


"Remind me again why I befriended you."


"I haven't the slightest idea."


Tegan sighed and decided to ignore him. He made a short stop to tell Moonshine where they were going then he took Eli to the Eden Apartments.

The doorguard had changed and the new one was none to happy, but they resigned to let them in without too much of a fight.

Where it came to friends with a bad reputation and his right to bring them with him he had won all the necessary fights back when it was a question of them allowing him to bring Cizzur.


Tegan turned to Moira. "Top floor. Second room to the right. Don't let anyone see you."


Moira nodded and vanished into the wall.

"The building is protected against almost all powers." Tegan explained "But once inside matters are different. They mostly rely on guards and cameras then."


A minute later Moira returned. "The room is empty, but there are three cameras that I can't do anything against without causing an alarm. But there is a part in the upper left corner that isn't covered by them."


She turned to Eli "Can you do your thing if only half of you is out of the wall?"

Edited by Laura-Lana

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Eli ignored the bulky man's childish comment. He had heard worse in his life time and that one didn't even make the top 100. Besides, it wouldn't do to upset Tegan by dropping his friend into the Spirit Realm, not when he was being so helpful.


When they got back to Eden Apartments, yet again having to travel back to a destination they had just left Tegan asked his friend Moira to scout around. When she came back and explained the situation Eli felt uncomfortable with Tegan's suggestion. He didn't like the idea of any part of him being stuck inside a wall and at the mercy of another to get him free again. There didn't seem to be another way though. Normally he didn't need to be quite so close to contact a spirit, but he wanted to make sure.


"I should be able to" he agreed.

Caim however looked even less happy with the idea. If this Moira person screwed up and left Eli partially embedded in a wall it could kill him before he could get him free.

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Tegan send a measure of calm toward Eli. "Don't worry. Moira is very reliable. She would never allow someone to remain in the stone."


Moira could have disabused him of this notion but since she knew how Tegan thought about murder she kept quiet. Besides she had no intention to fail Eli anyway.


She held out one hand to him, letting the other one melt into the wall.


"I'll not force you into the stone against your will. If this is important enough take my hand if not let this go."


"Melodee." She replied, and shook Miguel's hand.


"Moira... She's not that bad. Just a bit queer, I guess." She tapped a packet of powdered cheese and spun it around with her fingertip. "I guess it's strange that she would actually room with someone. She actually invited me."


"Nice to meet you, Melodee. And who knows why Moira does what she does. I've long since given up trying to understand her. I just know she freaks me out with those freaky eyes and the strange way she speaks."


Miguel shuddered then smiled at Meldoee again.


"Anyway it's getting late. Time to go to the party if you still want to."

Edited by Laura-Lana

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"Nice to meet you, Melodee. And who knows why Moira does what she does. I've long since given up trying to understand her. I just know she freaks me out with those freaky eyes and the strange way she speaks."


Miguel shuddered then smiled at Meldoee again.


"Anyway it's getting late. Time to go to the party if you still want to."

Melodee ignored the comment about Moira. Miguel probably didn't know that she had powers as well.


She grinned back at him as she practically bounced out of her seat and grabbed the pizza box, then she stood waiting. "Let's go!" She pulled out the key Moira had given her. "But let's stop at my dorm first. I want to drop this pizza off."

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