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Our War~ Accepting!

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Shawnee took off after Flaming Tornado, hitting a couple branches on her way up. She glided back over the river to the clan. She saw another hatchling lying at the mouth of the cave, looking like it was about to pass out. Shawn landed painfully beside Cerena and carefully picked her up by the back of her neck, like a mother cat would her kitten. Shawnee glided to the rest of the clan and set Cerena down near the group and handed her a fish from the pile. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you, but you need to eat to stay healthy."

The dorsal dragon turned her attention to little Vrael, trapped inside of his ice sphere. She walked awkwardly up to the sphere and looked at it; trying to find the best way to release Vrael from his prison without killing him. She puffed very small sparks on the top of the sphere and clawed at it a little, trying to break it. "Little one?" She whispered through the ice, "it's alright, do not be afraid. We will not harm you."

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There was a soft scratching sound which shook the ice sphere a little which took Vrael by surprise. Managing to open up one eye, he peered out through the sphere, he noticed the giant figure staring down at him. It frightened Vrael.


Moments later, he could hear a voice, "it's alright, do not be afraid. We will not harm you." Vrael did not respond immediately, he merely blinked. A couple seconds passed before Vrael said (telepathically), "I'm... I'm scared..." then he went silent, he continued to stare at the figure outside the sphere, not knowing who or what it was.




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"We are not going to hurt you," the hellfire wyven told the hatchling in the ice prison. "Are you hurt? How did you get stuck in a ice cub? Why you-?" she keep on asking questions, she was very curious about it.


((I'm gonna make a bad guy soon >.>))

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Cerena could feel herself being lifted up by the scruff of her neck, but didn't bother trying to resist. Whoever it was could have killed her without any problems already, why keep her alive unless they meant no harm?

She was set down a short time later and a fish given to her. Cerena hungrily wolfed it down, licking her chops after she had finished it then managed to look around, a dazed look on her face. She was so tired, she wanted only to sleep, to drink. But she needed to be safe to do that, and she still wasn't sure.

"Hullo." She managed, her throat so dry that she could barely speak. "I'm looking for the clan."

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"I understand that you are frightened, little one. But as I said before, we are not dangerous. We can take care of you. All that you have to do is come out." Shawnee replied to Vrael. She turned her attention to Cerena. "The clan? A clan of hatchlings bent of stopping the war? If that's so... then welcome. You're at your destination." The dragon said, passing another fish to Cerena.

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Flaming Tornado turned to Cerena "yes, your at the right place" she muttered. She wasn't in a good mood. The fire, the floods, the humans, the village. Everything was getting painful. She keep on thinking to herself about if she done the right thing or not about unleashing the flood to wipe out the fires. She thought about how seriously close she was to dying.

"I'm going to sleep," she muttered unhappily. The hellfire wyven walked off dragging along her tail in the sand. Entering the cave and lay down to rest. At first she couldn't close her eyes. All of the mememoies were getting really painful and she keep on gettting flash backs of what happened in the village and the fire. Flaming closed her eyes to get some sleep...

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Crisie wouldn't go near the others, she didn't even dare glimpse. An hour into her clan and they had almost died, she had almost died! The pain was worse than war, or so it seemed. She whinced softly, staring off into the flames that were across the river, hardly opening her mouth to breathe in, giving her lungs difficult times.

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((Oh by the way, there isn't any more fires. There was a flood if you read the last posts :3))

Flaming got back up. She couldn't sleep at all. She tried to get things off her mind by eating one of the fishes. It was a bitter fish, but she ate it anyway, crunching the bones and cleaning off the flesh. She walked outside of the cave and saw Crisie. She walked up to her and sat down. "I bet that I know how your feeling," she says. "I faced things like that when I was with my family. Well my dad faced the worst pain, he nearly killed my mother so he could had never forgiven himself. They both went to war, leaving me with my older sister. My sister sent me down here for my own safetly. Your doing a great job I know it" she says trying to cheer her up.


((Can I also make up my own bad guy? Like an evil dragon hunter or something?))

Edited by Tiffashy

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"Thank you" Crisie nodded, but still didn't look at her. She stared at the ashes of the forest, wondering about many things. She was hurt quite a lot, but didn't want to go inside the cave.

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Another voice entered the mind of Vrael, it was different to the first, much faster and hurried. This second voice kept asking questions, questions Vrael did not know the answer to... Was he hurt? Vrael pondered.... he didn't feel pain... as for being trapped in an ice sphere, Vrael himself was not to sure as to how it happened. He remembered retreating back into the hole he called a home, after seeing a fire from across the river, he remembered shutting his eyes, covering his ears and breathing heavily.... then there was darkness.... the next thing Vrael remembered was that he was unable to move. Trapped in some sort of shell, he would catch brief images of what happened outside, but they disappeared very quickly.


Then Vrael heard the first voice again, "....all that you have to do is come out.."Vrael thought for a second.... was it really safe? Even if it was, how could he get out? Vrael himself did not understand what had happened to himself. He tried moving his claw's, scratching at this icy shell from the inside. Anything that could possibily weaken this shell.


Vrael was not 100% sure if could trust these voices on the outside, but he knew that getting out of this "thing" that surrounded him was something he would have to do sooner or later... so he clawed, and he clawed, eventually cracking this icy sphere in half.


Then it hit him.... the exhaustion and the strain of having to involuntarily maintain that icy sphere... Vrael lied there, asleep.


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Flaming rubbed her head on Crisie's should to try and make her feel better. "I'm gonna go and pratice flying," she whispered to Crisie. She got up to leave her and waked off. She took one last look before flapping her wings to get into air, taking off like a jet.


((oh you didn't answer my last question :3 Can I made an evil char?))

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(( Sure. Would he/she work for Inkheart or not? ))


Crisie quickly said "Be careful" Before she left. She watched her figure disappear into the night sky and got onto her sore feet, then half staggered half walked back to the cave.

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"Poor thing..." Shawnee murmured about the sleeping trio dragon. She picked Vrael up and carried him into the Clan Cave, making sure to keep him in a cold corner. The dragon walked back out to the cave entrance on her scorched paws, pain still jolting up her legs with every step. She walked over to Crisie and sat down beside her. "Crisie, you doing alright? You seem a bit quiet." Shawnee asked as she watched Flaming take off.

Edited by CYDA LUVA83

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"I'm fine" Crisie said, she really wasn't doing well at all. Her feet brang her pain each time they touched the ground, and her scales were almost burnt off from the fire eating her up before; luckily Flaming saved her. She gulped and looked at her wings, they were charred and somewhat ripped from the heat. She could try and fly, but would only glide in the air for a second or two.

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"Here..." Shawnee bent down low to the ground so Crisie could climb on. Even if for only a few meters, she'd carry the scorched hatchling to a dampened place in the cave that would soothe her burns. "After I get everyone in the cave I'll go out and harvest some herbs that'll help with the burns and scratches. After that I'll go and see if I can bring you all a deer for breakfast." She said, the sky was starting to turn a lighter shade of blue, that whole escapade had lasted most of the night, she realized with a sigh.

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Whilst asleep, memories of escaping the village center drifted into Vrael's subconsciousness.Hatching to the sight of some round two legged creature, making loud noises to other giant two legs. Next, there were more Shiny two legged loudmouths in a pack, chasing him through the alleys, a stick in each of their hands. Small fur, loud bark creatures chasing him into a sewer. The noises were deafening, all around the noise escaping the loudmouths would echo in the sewer, ringing in the ears of Vrael.....


Then the intense orange fires danced into his dreams. Engulfing everything in sight, roaring and growing, as if some terrible beast was fighting against the forest, and winning....


Vrael could not help but move in his sleep, slashing at the creatures that haunted him in his dreams....



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Steel was running as fast as his/her/its legs would carry him, cursing his wings for not being fully open yet. The fire, the sounds carrying over the wind, the sudden silence... None of it could mean anything good. He didn't care that he was still just a hatchling. He was born to protect those who needed protection. And he would not fail again. Dashing over roots and using his tail to slash at whatever got in his way, he rushed headlong towards the source. But now the flames were gone... and only darkness and silence enveloped him... It would be a lot harder to find them without the telltale signs of danger.


"Where are you...?" he sent out the messages to the maximum distance his telepathy would stretch, seeking answers. His legs trembled as his heart beat painfully fast. What if he was alerting potential enemies to his presence as well? Feeling sick and full of horror, he decided to keep moving instead of waiting for an answer. Continuing his sprint through the undergrowth, he could smell the soggy, burnt smell in the air: scorched earth turned to mud. He began to slow down, until he was cautiously weaving between the branches, trying to minimize the amount of rustling and snapping of twigs and leaves underfoot.


Now he could even detect the slightest smell of... he couldn't distinguish it. But the scent caused his mouth to flood with water. Whatever it was, it was food. Not seeing any threat, he carefully pushed his way in. Without a word, he began to stalk closer to the entrance of a cave not unlike his nest cave.

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"While you do that I'll try and calm the others" Crisie smiled, she climbed onto Shawnee's back and was carried to the damp place, water dripping from moss on the ceiling, making it cool and water. She curled up, her burns didn't hurt as much now, luckily. The bottom part of her body got most of the water, so from time to time she rolled over to her other burns.


Suddenly she heard a message in her mind, then a hatchling started to wander to the entrance of the cave, or was it a hatchling? Her vision was slightly blurred due to embers and wood shards coming to her face, but it was an animal. "Hello?" She asked.


(( Sorry for controlling Shawn a little there x( ))

Edited by DragonGirl10188

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Steel felt relief flooding through, and said, voice rough from the harsh run and the lack of food that had been ongoing since birth, "I smelled fire, and got here as soon as I could. Is anyone in danger?"


The smell was overwhelming him now, digging claws of hunger into his belly enough to make him nearly forget the reason he'd come here in the first place. It was a strange smell, almost impossible to describe. Somewhat watery, and not quite bitter, but not quite salty either. He sniffed the air again, and his stomach growled loudly, sending a rush of embarrassed heat coming from his face.

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"No, we all managed to get out alive. We do have some nasty burns though; I was eaten by the fire until someone saved me" Crisie pointed her head to Flaming Tornado. She turned back and heard the hatchling's stomach rumble, she chuckled slightly. "Would you like something to eat? We have some fish from before the fire, not much, but enough to fill your stomach" She said.

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Steel quickly dignified himself by glancing around the cave, checking for any remaining threats. "Fish?" he echoed, hearing the other hatchling's words. He eyed her closely. "Is that what that watery smell is?" He didn't really want to admit that he'd never even heard of this fish before. He'd eaten a few birds, he'd seen some small furry things, but never had he had prey that seemed so... so watery.


There was no other word he could use to describe it. At this point, however, he wasn't picky. His growth had been stunted somewhat by the lack of food, and his wings, which should have been open by now, were only just starting to sprout from his back. The shield on his tail seemed thinner than it should have, and the bones jutted out sharply from his frame, with only ribbons of muscle taut and wiry beneath his skin. He looked wistfully at the other hatchling, "I-I... would like some... fish..."


Steel was interrupted by the poor hatchling still dreaming his nightmares, and jumped at the spasming motion that he was making. Steel hurried over to his side and hesitated before carefully running the back of his clawed hand over the hatchling's side. "Hush, friend. I will protect you." the telepathic voice of Steel was smoother, and much more mature. It was a soothing, slow voice.

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((It's no problem, DG. :3

Saves us both from a one liner.))


Shawn made sure that everything was okay before padding out of the cave. She flared her wings and flapped as hard as she could to surge her into the air. Soon, she was gliding over Ensia Forest, scanning for herbs as well as game.

She landed softly in a meadow littered with wild flowers and plants of all kinds. In the far distance, Shawnee could make out a small human village, but it didn't bother her. Going about her business, Shawn harvested several clumps of soothing herbs, and she even found a discarded knapsack in the grass. With the knapsack around her neck and the herbs tucked tightly inside of it, she set off to go find game.

Shawnee didn't have to search long, for soon she found a small herd of woodland deer sleeping in a clump of sycamore trees.


She flared out her back talons and bared her teeth. The large lizard spiraled down at a dizzying speed and grabbed onto a large 10 pointer stag. While she regained her altitude, the buck squirmed in her grasp. Shawnee threw the buck a little ways infront of her and then grabbed it again, this time with her teeth around its throat, killing it though asphyaxtion.


Shawn made sure she had a good hold on the buck and started the flight back to the Clan Cave. Within a few minutes she arrived. The dorsal dragon set the buck down and pulled the knapsack off.

"I come bearing gifts!" She exclaimed in a way her adopted mother used to say whenever she brought back food. "Cooked or raw?" she asked.

Edited by CYDA LUVA83

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((awww thanks :>))

Flaming did loops in the sky, she was feeling much better as she flied around doing tricks in the air. She felt a bit like she was showing off but she was having a good time. She tried to do a back flip but it scared her too much about not knowing were she would go if she done one. She did some loops, a few times she would be spinning around breathing fire everywhere. But is also trying to be careful not to put the trees on fire again. Cause that would be a stupid action if she did re-put the trees on fire and create more drama.


The Black Marrow Dragon walked around the forset swiftly but steathly. He looked up to see the hellfire wyven flying around in the sky, breathing fire in every direction. He growled lowly and got ready to go into a pounce to snatch that dragon from the sky, his master would be pleased with him, but then he saw more hatchlings. Dracouraca growled lowly, but so lowly that no one heard him. He moved forwards towards the cave filled with hatchlings. He even saw rare breeds and a adult dragon along them. 'Pehaps this is their guardian?' he asked himself.

He creep closer, no one could see the evil dragon stalking them. Dracouraca smirked evily, waiting for the right time to snatch one of the hatchlings when the dorsel dragons walks away from one of them.


((Yeah, this char works for Inkheart. Trying to gain souls and hatchlings for him. He is loyal to his master but he is pretty evil o.o))

Edited by Tiffashy

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Within the vivid nightmares that plagued Vrael, there was a voice. A voice that penetrated through the dark clouds which engulfed Vrael's mind, piercing the nightmares.


The voice said: "Hush, friend. I will protect you."


A soothing sensation had overcome Vrael. His nightmares had ceased to exist, for the first time in Vrael's young life, he felt at peace. Whilst still asleep, he managed to curl up, making himself comfortable, the cold air around him, forming tiny icicles on the tip of his snout.


A soft humming could be heard from Vrael....

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