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Jigsaw had forgotten in her shock that colorful red wings were terrible camoflauge. She slowly came back, just to see Dracouraca looking right at her. Please don't see me, please don't see me, please don't see me! Jigsaw was convinced that he would kill her given the chance. But by now she had picked up on Flaming and Crisie in the cave, and knew that they still lived. She didn't know what to do, even if Dracouraca didn't see her. If he didn't, how would she get around him? If he did, Jigsaw presumed that she would be dead. She slowly walked to the side and folded down her wings in an attempt to escape Dracouraca's eyes.


Glace was a bit frightened, and her ears rang from that horrible screech. "What are they doing?" asked Glace, shaking her head to clear the ringing. What is wrong with those dragons? she thought, wondering about all the strange happenings lately.

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Staring at the red colour in the forset background, it looked a bit like...wings? He didn't dare to blink, not wanting to miss a view of this creature stalking him. Whatever it was, it was staring right at him, with fear? Then the colour disapeared, but the creature didn't. After a good, long, non-blinkable stare. He finally worked out that it was the nebula hatchling. He didn't dare to screech and blow his cover, it was temping to screech because he just loved nothing more then his enemies dying and the last thing that they heard was his outragestly loud screech.

Slowly he backed away deeper into the shadows, not wanting to be seen and disapeared from view, into the darkest part of the shadows. If he wanted to get out of this awful place he would need the vampire hatchlings below him, Alive.

Or maybe he could just kill the hellfire wyven, or maybe snatch the guardian of nature or one of the vampires below him. He is not willing to risk blowing his chance of escaping this place, so he remained hiden...

Edited by Tiffashy

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Jigsaw located the consciousness of Flaming and Crisie and shouted a fearful message to them: Crisie! Flaming! If you can hear me, know that Dracouraca is right outside your cave! He knows I'm here! Run! She hoped it got through and that they would know of the danger lurking in the dark. Dracouraca was much bigger than Jigsaw, but she had learned from her mistakes. She was a lot faster and night was her friend, so she had a few advantages if it came down to a fight. She ducked down behind a boulder hidden beneath a shadow of a large tree. There she waited and hoped for the best.

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Tobias turned to walk away from Amazon and Vrael after the little ice dragon took off, assuming a play-fight would ensue. The ochredrake was exhausted and din't want to take part in their fight right now. He, unknowingly, walked over and curled up under the ledge Rushling was perched on. He lay his head down to sleep when he suddenly heard Steel's warning screech. He spread his wings up to cover his ears in an attempt to stop the dreadful sound. He backed against the ledge in an attempt to get away from the sound thinking, What's going on!?!?!


Grehyen was sleeping soundly when the sudden shriek awoke him. He almost fell off of his rock before he managed to regain his senses. He saw the sound was coming from the guardian dragon and rattled his frills in rage. He leapt off of his rock and dove at the guardian, swinging his fan-like tail at the other hatchling's face roaring, "What's the deal huh?!?!"


Midnight hesitated a moment. He couldn't really share much of his real past here with this newcomer. If the clan were to find out, it could spoil his mission. He was about to finally respond when the guardian's screech reached his ears. He shook his head in mock pain, but his reflection magic bent the soundwaves so that they traveled around him and caused no pain or ringing in his ears. He saw the little ice hatchling run from the cave and lifted his tail to stop the hatchling, but the little one was faster than he anticipated and he missed. He then turned towards the dragoness before him, "I guess I'll have to retrieve the little one. Would you like to accompany me Miss Alex?" The black/vampire rose to his feet as he waited Alex's response.

Alex nodded eagerly, the plates on her neck hitting together and making the strange sound of bone on bone. She immediately liked this dragon; no one had invited her anywhere. Ever.

"Of course. Can I help in any way?" She tilted her head to the side, her red eyes staring at him curiously. She walked up to him this way, looking slightly awkward but not caring.

The sound had reached her ears but she put it to the back of her mind for the moment. She would learn of it later, no doubt. As she reached him, she noticed the differences in their height and felt her tail twitch instinctively. She shook her head lightly, trying to clear it of unsafe thoughts and continued on her way.

Edited by BloodyKisses123

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Get the Guardian of Nature before you're spotted! Inkheart snapped through telepathy to Drac. He rolled his eyes, sitting in his cave and arranging... special plans.


"I know that!" She told the vampire, of course they wouldn't eat her. She sighed and looked Flaming, then back. "So, where is the entrance? Or the exit rather?" Crisie asked.

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Flaming thought she heard something, she scanned around the room, not be able to find anything. No one was talking to her, so she lisened harder.

'Crisie! Flaming! You...hear...know...Dracouraca...right...your...cave! He...I'm...! Run!

Flaming tipped her head in confusen, she couldn't hear the message right. But for sure she heard something about Dracouraca. Flaming tried to work out what she was trying to say, but when she saw the marrow dragon jump down from the roof and entered the cave. She was too late...




Dracouraca secertly rolled his eyes. He crawled out of the shadows on top of the cave sneakly, and jumped down. Acting fast he swiftly spinned around, knocking the hatchlings over with his tail. Then he pounced like a cat at the guardian of nature hatchling, gripping his long, black claws around her tightly. Not allowing her to escape. Dracouraca growled lowly and his other claw gripped around the male vampire hatchling's neck, as he took off into the air. Flapping his wings fast and strong, he was already gliding over the dead trees holding the two hatchlings in his claws.

"You might want to tell me the way out," he hissed at the vampire. The marrow dragon was holding his neck so the vampire hatchling couldn't bite him as they flew above the Silent Forset.

Edited by Tiffashy

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"Don't choke him!" Crisie snapped at Drac as the vampire's neck was held. "He won't tell you unless you let us go! Or at least him!" She growled fiercly. "You can't kill us either!" She said, she dug her sharp teeth and claws into his hands.

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Flaming charged out of the cave, flapping her wings flying after them. The marrow dragon was out speeding her easily since he was much bigger and stronger. Flaming flapped her mightly wings hard, eager to catch up with them before Dracouraca does something to harm them. "Crisie!" she screamed loudly, it sounded like an angry roar instead that echo around the forset...




Dracouraca snarled lowly at the guardian of nature as it bit his claw. It didn't hurt much since it was a hatchling but he still disliked being biten. "You think that I would actully care if I killed you? My Masssster would be angry with me of cause but he wouldn't be able to stop me. What would he say if I drained your powersss?" he questioned the nature of guardian. "Thought ssso, he isss just greedy for power. While I ssseek revenge" he told them as he flew higher, easily out flying the hellfire wyven flying after them. The trees below them were tiny but they looked like black spikes below, giving Dracouraca a cruel idea...

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Devi and Twill didn't have much time to react before being pushed aside by the marrow's tail. Still being young hatchlings, they fell over easily...more so than a fully mature hatchling would. The female could only watch as the dragon picked up her brother and one of the strange hatchlings and flew away. She didn't pay much attention to anything that he was saying. She watched as the other hatchling flew after the marrow, but he was too fast and was beating her by a considerable distance. She looked around, almost lost without her brother; usually she waited for him to tell her what to do because otherwise he'd get upset and throw a fit, and no one liked that. Finally, the other dragons off in the distance, she ran out of the cave, her strides much more like leaps, flapping her wings frantically as if to increase her speed, but it didn't work, and because of it, she almost fell over each time she landed. Stepping out into the patch of moonlight, she looked towards the bushes where the pillow dragon had been hiding, her eyes turning red almost as soon as she left the cave. "MOM!" She shouted loudly, making a few mice scurry away and an owl fly away in frustration. She ran through the bushes, practically colliding nose-first with the adult. "They took Devi!" She said, her voice saturated with urgency. If she lost her brother, she doesn't know what she'd do...




Flu had been waiting outside of the cave, enjoying this time to herself, although she kept a constant eye on her children, to make sure they weren't in danger. She was sitting in the bushes, waiting, laying down, trying not to use too much energy so that she could stay up a little bit longer, or at least until morning. Being a pillow dragon, she didn't have the same sense of hearing that those hatchlings of hers did, so when Twill came to the mouth of the cave, she questioned the motive. Had she heard something? Just to be safe, Flu looked up at her, but then she ducked back down, looking up at the edges of her vision for anything that looked dangerous. She saw a black marrow, but only because of the white of the bones. She couldn't see much about him, just that he had bones on the outside of his skin/scales, so he had to be a black marrow. She had thought that he was just a friendly (or not-so-friendly) inhabitant of the forest who was just curious about the cave. Maybe it had been his cave but humans had used it and now there were hatchlings in it? She didn't think too much about it...until he went into the cave and came out with two hatchlings, one of them being her own.


She stood up, ready to give chase, when she saw another hatchling fly out, and then Twill came running up to her as quickly as she could. She had heard her yelling for her, and she knew something was wrong, but she didn't need her daughter to tell her that. She also didn't need her to inform her of Devi's kidnapping. "Get out of the forest, Twill. I don't want you in here when I'm not around." Twill nodded frantically, not wanting to disobey her mother, but she turned around and looked from the adult on the ground, to the adult that was in the air, and to each of the hatchlings before looking back at her mother one more time and running off. Flu didn't stop to make sure that she was okay. After all, Twill was a good girl, she could find her way out on her own.


However, in this area, the trees left hardly any room to take off between them, she she jumped over the bushes and straight into the air, taking advantage of her light weight to increase her speed. In a matter of seconds, she had caught up to the hatchling. She slowed her speed a bit, and she almost didn't stop, but she could tell that the wyvern was wounded and was struggling at keeping up. The extra weight couldn't hurt, right? She had had to carry both Devi and Twill during flight before, and it hadn't slowed her down that much, but then again, this was a wyvern. Either way, she needed to help her catch her friend, judging by the roar. "Quick, get on my back. I can catch up." She said. There wasn't much time for any further explaination. It was clear that the marrow could outfly the hatchling, and if they didn't act quick, soon he would outfly Flu as well. She never took her gaze away from the evil dragon, always keeping an eye on her baby. "Hang on, Devi..."




Devi twisted around, trying to get his neck out of the grasp of the marrow. He couldn't breathe that well like this. To try and lessen his weight, he flapped his wings rapidly, using them to lift up his body slightly so that he could get more air and could therefore speak. He looked out of the corner of his eye at the forest, and then the corner of the other at the other hatchling. She seemed to be putting up a fight, and it sort of inspired him. She was wounded and had been laying in a cave. Who knows where she came from (because she obviously wasn't from Silent Forest)? Yet, she was still trying to break free. He reached up with his claws, trying not to hurt the marrow at first, only pushing on him, trying to get his head through the grip. When he didn't feel the grip loosen, he layed his claws down, not caring if they hurt him or not. He exposed his teeth in something like a snarl. Maybe he could hold off until morning. Then he wouldn't have to tell him and he could wait for Mom and Twill to rescue him. They had to come. He couldn't take down a fully grown, powerful marrow by himself, and he didn't know how much help the other captured hatchling would be.


He heard a rather aggresive roar from somewhere behind him, screaming the name "Crisie." Given the circumstances, he assumed that Crisie was the name of the guardian hatchling. He looked at her as best as he could, but with his neck in a vice grip, he couldn't move that much. "Don't worry," He said, trying to sound confident and assuring. "He can't choke me. Besides, he wouldn't dare." He said, trying to look up at the adult and smirk. He could tell that he was needed, that he had valuable information, and this marrow didn't seem to be from the forest. If he landed, or if he couldn't see the edge of the forest, then he wouldn't know the way out. He needed Devi, and Devi knew this. He would hold out for as long as possible...but that would be boring. Maybe he could get out of this by negotiating...even though the others in the forest didn't usually care for it; they just attacked him, not having the patience for his 'games.'


And...'revenge?' What kind of revenge was this dragon talking about, and revenge against who? The hatchlings? And what was this about 'draining powers?' There was no time to question it. He had to try to get himself out of this situation, and bringing the other hatchling with him would be a bonus. "If you can land in the trees and put us both down, I might tell you the way out." Well, there were more than one way out, but hopefully he could lead in the wrong direction and they could go...wherever it was the guardian hatchling came from.


((long post is long DX))

Edited by Chibiboru

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((Long post xd.png))

"Do you think that I would trust you, child? Nor wouldn't hurt you?" he snarled at the hatchling. Dracouraca was still eyeing the trees, his blood-less lips curl into a smirk, baring his teeth. He peered behid him, of cause. That hellfire wyven was following them, and there was an un-expected vampire besides it. He knew it would be a good time to vanish, but he can only vanish when standing still, in flight or out of flight. "Sure...I'll take you to the trees..." he hissed evily, still flapping his powerful wings.




Flaming was eyeing the marrow dragon, he was disapearing from view quiet quickly. She saw the white dragon fly besides her, it shouted something, but Flaming couldn't hear it but she knew what it wanted. Flaming flapped her wings rapidly, she was feeling quiet tired and needed to rest before she drops out of the sky and fall to her death. Her non-wounded foot grabbed onto the vampire's spines and pulled herself towards it, mounting the adult.

"Quickly!" she panted, she seriously want to kill that marrow dragon right now to save her friend.

Then she saw the marrow smirking, it closed its wings and bomb dived towards the forset, holding the hatchlings under its chest as it swooped closer towards the trees sticking up like spikes willing to stab anyone that flys into it. When she saw the marrow dragon hold Crisie out to get her stabbed. Flaming screamed in horror...




"Wish to tell me the way before I cut your friend's heart?" he hissed at them. Still flying over the trees holding Crisie dangerously low, going to get her cutted by the sharp tips of the trees.

Edited by Tiffashy

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Midnight smiled a little awkwardly at Alex. He was not used to the gesture and had an even harder time with it since he had to smile so his fangs would not slide back out from his gums. The vampire/black looked the newcomer over again with his glowing yellow eyes.

"I'd just be glad for the company but perhaps you would be better able to spot the hatchling than myself."

He looked up at the cave and saw that Shawnee had awoken and was with the hatchlings in the cave. He had already helped with the little nebula hatchling and helping retrieve Vrael would only make him look more trustworthy. He turned to walk in the direction Vrael had run and spread his vast wings and rose into the air, a figure blacker than the night sky. He hung in the air with his wings catching a breeze to wait for Alex.

"You said you wanted to know something about my past. Anything in particular you would like to hear about?"

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((Flu is a pillow dragon tongue.gif just making sure you remember that))


As soon as the hatchling was on her back, Flu took off, flapping her wings hard, creating a good amount of wind behind her, ruffling the leaves on the tops of some nearby trees, but only just barely. She saw the marrow dive into the forest, holding out the hatchlings. She couldn't hear what he had been saying, but now, she almost didn't want to know. She flew faster than she had in the past few days, or nights rather, but she was starting to thank whatever powers that be for her lack of heaviness. She caught up to the marrow and tried to snatch the hatchlings from him, but she missed. After all, the adult was diving pretty fast, and she could only fly about as fast, and he was closer to the trees than she was to him. However, she did almost get to him, his bones almost catching in her long fur. If they had, maybe she would have slowed him down, but then again, he'd probably take her with him due to her light weight.


She flapped her wings once and hurled downward, falling towards the trees. In a desperate attempt to save the hatchlings, not just her own anymore, she tried to put herself between the marrow and the trees




Twill was running through the forest, trying to remember the way out that her mother had told her was the safest. She burst through bushes and jumped over the thicker ones, being sure not to hit the vines that were hanging down or run straight into the trunk of one of the many trees. She was rushing around trees, in between trees, and jumping through gaps in tree banches, when she came to a sudden halt. A scream filled with horror resounded through her ears, the source of which being somewhere near the direction she had just come from. She recognized the screaming voice as that of the sassy hatchling, and she turned sharply around, trying to search the sky through the trees. She climbed up one, breaking through the leaves at the top and turning to look every which way. She saw the black marrow diving towards the trees, holding out the guardian hatchling to the trees as if to spear her on them. Her mother was behind him, but then she was suddenly between the other dragons and the trees. Her mother sometimes flew really fast, and to be honest, it kind of always scared her a bit. Her eyes widened. Certainly her mother was going to get impaled on the trees herself when the adult collided with her, and...wait, was that another hatchling on her back?! This probably wasn't going to end well...




Devi snarled up at the adult, but soon he was looking back down, or rather, ahead. The marrow had started diving into the forest. This wasn't what he meant! And he also said to let them both go! It was obvious that this evil dragon didn't have any intention of doing so, but then again, he WAS evil, so it was to be expexcted. The male started to think of himself as a little bit stupider just for not realizing this. He saw the marrow stretch his arm out, holding the other hatchling out to the trees. "I'll only tell you if you put us both down...safely!" He shouted, making sure that he was heard. He saw something white or cream colored beneath them, but because of the way his neck was held, he couldn't see what it was. All he knew was that the guardian hatchling was probably going to be impaled on the sharp branches beneath the leaves of the trees. "Or at least stop!" He yelled again. If the adult was going to impale them on trees to get them into the forest, then they should probably just stay out of it.


It suddenly occurred to Devi: How did he get caught up in all of this? Who was this dragon that just snatched him and another hatchlin up and flew off? None of this was starting to make sense. He was already missing the days when he and his family just wandered peacefully at night, ate, and travelled. He could almost swear that he was in a dream, and that outside of his eyelids, it was actually day time. He could almost feel the warmth of the shining sun because he had foolishly fallen asleep in a shaft of morning light that had filtered through the leaves, that was how much he wanted it to be just a dream.

Edited by Chibiboru

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Dracouraca looked back behide him, seeing the huge amount of fluffynes and an familer shape on top of it. It was gaining into him at great speed, Dracouraca flapped his wings harder willing to get ahead of the huge fluffy ball with wings poking out. "Why didn't I think of this in the first place...?" he muttered to himself. Opening his claws letting go of Devi, dropping him into the dead forset. The darknes shallowed him and he couldn't be seen. Dracouraca was hoping that the adult pillow dragon will go after the hatchling he just dropped so he could make his escape.

He cheaked behide him again. Where was Midnight when he needed him? He growled with annoyance and carried on flying, heading back towards the sky, into the clouds...

Edited by Tiffashy

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Because Flu had been underneath the black marrow as he was flying towards the trees, Devi fell onto her back, almost on top of the hellfire wyvern. The pillow dragon was very relieved, but she didn't get to enjoy that feeling for very long, because then she realized that Twill was out in the middle of the forest and the marrow still had the other hatchling, and the wyvern probably couldn't free her herself. Flu reached up with her tail and brushed Devi's face, trying to make sure he was okay. Judging by the way he coughed and pushed away the fluff from her tail, she assumed 'yes.' She looked up at the black marrow. "Give me that hatchling, please." She said, adding on the 'please' just to be polite. She didn't know exactly what this dragon wanted, but she knew that the hatchling was in danger, and she didn't want any hatchling to be harmed when she could've prevented it.




Devi closed his eyes as he was dropped, and they were still closed when he landed on top of his mother. He had been so worried about his freedom that he hadn't noticed her being there, at least not be smell, but soon he was

wrapped up in her scent. However, his eyes still remained closed. That is, until he felt something soft and fluffy with hair EVERYWHERE rub against his face. It got into his mouth and his nose and he began coughing, not because it was stinky or anything like that, but because it irritated his nose. Once he was done coughing, he glared up at the marrow. He would've lunged at him, but because his wings were still small and not very big, he couldn't fly that well. There had been many times where he wished he was already an adult, big enough to take down big cats and knock over trees by himself...this was one of those times. Well, on the bright side, now the adult marrow couldn't get out of the forest. Maybe he could use that... "If you give Crisie to Mom, we'll get you out of here!" He was pretty sure that had been her name...he'd only heard it maybe once so far? Once or twice...something like that.




Twill sighed with relief as Devi landed on the soft fur of the mother, but then she caught her breath. Her mom couldn't fly as fast with more weight, and she would probably have to fight soon. She wanted to help! She wanted to do something! That evil black marrow dragon had taken her brother for no reason! She couldn't stand it. Her claws dug into the tree bark, itching to tear into enemy flesh. She wanted to chase them, but she couldn't fly nearly as fast as the adults! She went back under the leaves at the top so that she could see the branches, and she jumped from branch to branch, sometimes breaking them and sometimes slipping off onto lower branches, or just missing entirely. It didn't matter. She had to catch up, or else her family could...could...she didn't want to think about it.

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It would be a very good time to come, Midnight... he thought to himself. The pillow dragon manage to catch the falling vampire. It almost looked like the vampire was drowning in a pile of fluff with a hellfire wyven helping him back up. And it would also be a very good time to vanish. I never tried vanishing while moving. This is gonna be fun...

Dracouraca hissed and muttered some werid noise, sounding like grunts and hissing at once. The black mist circled around him and the guardian of nature, blocking the view of them.. It danced and circled around them beauitfully.


((Sorry for short post x_x))

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Fuwa tried to enjoy the breeze in his luxurious mane, but something had been irritating him lately. It had been going on so long that he was beginning to prematurely shed. All of this was an annoyance to the male pillow dragon. It didn't help with all of the commotion he had been hearing for the past few minutes.


The noise became louder and made Fuwa look up from one of the taller trees to see what was going on. There was a marrow snatching hatchlings. "I swear one more noise and I'll thrash that marrow. How am I supposed to get my beauty sleep?!" Fuwa muttered to himself before he tried to curl up and sleep again. This was to no avail. The noise persisted and he heard another of his kind. A gentle voice, but it was still noise to him.


Now infuriated, Fuwa leapt off the branch he was perched on and took to the skies. He made a B-line for the marrow with full intention of ramming it. Half way into his ascent he took into consideration of the hatchlings still in the clutches of his newfound annoyance and used his wind breath to knock the marrow off balance. "I have to get those hatchlings out of his possession in order to get some peace around here. I have to do this correctly. There is no way to take him on myself. Maybe I can corner him with a little help." Fuwa thought to himself as he looked back and the other pillow dragon and the elder vampire dragon.


He then flew to Flu and Twili's side. "Look I don't know you, but I have an idea on how to stop this guy. We need to corner him. While I am using my wind ability to shake the marrow up one of us needs to fly behind him and the other underneath. The one underneath can grab the hatchlings while he is occupied with the two of us. I would of attempted to take him down earlier, but I'm not going to risk a hatchling for simple vengeance. So what do you say?" Fuwa proposed.

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Vrael turned around and started sprinting, heading in the direction of Echo River. The shriek echoed through his ear's and had caused Vrael to shiver slightly.

Steel stopped his unearthly shriek, glaring defiantly at the attacker as he fled. Good. One less to worry about. This is when the frilled hatchling swung his tail at his head from behind. Steel felt the blow at the back of his head, and whirled around, lashing out with his tail like a club. Even as he turned, he lunged forward with his teeth bared, attempting to snap up the frills lining the other hatchling's neck. He used telepathy to send the message to all dragons around him, "So you thought to ambush me from behind while I drove away the betrayer? How many more of you? Who else is going to attack, hm? Traitors! Show yourselves all at once, why don't you?"

turning her ragged look back to a sleek one. "Okay, I want someone tell what in the hell just happened here." The dragoness said, staring everyone down

"Shawnee! thought Steel with relief. "We're under attack! Reinforcements came to Midnight's aid, there's at least two ambushers hiding out in the bushes outside the cave, and Vrael and Grehyen suddenly attacked me!" Steel continued to snap at the frills around Grehyen's neck with desperation.


Rushling stared with huge, horrified eyes as the caring, albeit scary, guardian hatchling seemed to turn almost... rabid. His eyes were wild, his mouth was held open, and everything he said made no sense to the poor little hatchling. Attack? Ambushers? Betrayal?

"Steel..." she whimpered, "Why did you drive out Vrael? Stop... Stop attacking us... You said you were here to protect us..."

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Crisie tried to bite again, but was stopped as they teleported. They were in the same cave before, but it looked slightly larger. "Let go! I-I-If you're going to kill me, don't harm the clan! I swear if you lay one of your greedy, dirty fingers on any one of them, you will be dead I swear! They'll fight for eachother!" She snapped, eyes almost filled with tears.


Inkheart smiled he snatched the hatchling from Drac's grip. I'll go to the poison banks. Guard the cave and tell no information He said with a grin. He lifted off from the ground with a slight roar of victory. He was heading to a special marsh, the water was poisoned by a group of the undead many, many years ago. Perfect killing spot. Crisie was squirming in his grip, biting at his claws. It seemed like she was tickling him instead.

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Vrael stood up from the rock, "I guess I better go back...", stretching out his body, Vrael began the long walk(For his size) back to the cave, following the footprints he had left within the ground.


There were things Vrael looked forward to, and things he didn't... he decided that it would not be a good idea to play with Steel, since he gets too rough... and his shrieks... ugh... Vrael didn't think his ears could withstand another close range blood curdling shriek... however, Vrael knew that if he wanted to master his affinity for Ice, he would need Grehyen's help, and Grehyen was back at the cave...there was also Rushling... Vrael still didn't get her back!.


Whilst walking back, he decided to come up with several plan's to "prank" Rushling. Getting her at night would be near impossible, since she didn't respond to his attempts to wake her up, so he knew his best chances would be during the day.... however... its harder to be sneaky in broad daylight...and there's also Rushling's speed... during the day she would be awake... how would Vrael even be able to catch her...


Whilst in this deep thought process, Vrael did not realise he was walking directly into Phayne's hind leg... *OOMPH*, Vrael bopped his nose against Phayne's leg... looking up, Vrael saw the black and gold dragon, he looked a bit smaller then Shawnee, however he was still the second... or third biggest dragon he had ever seen (He hasnt seen Midnight stand up yet). Looking ahead of him, Vrael saw a light blue hatchling, one he had never seen before... just behind her, Vrael could see the cave opening.


"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Vrael asked the other hatchling, he had momentarily forgotten about Phayne, something about this blue hatchling fascinated Vrael, He could sense a coldish pressence coming from her... it seemed familiar to Vrael.. but he did not know why...


"Do you know Shawnee? Are you part of the clan?, why are you outside?" Vrael asked even more questions...





Phayne felt something walk into his hind leg, quickly glancing over he saw a blueish tint, which disappeared under him. Phayne assumed that it was just Glace, getting up, so decided to think nothing of it.


He returned his attention to the front of the cave, keeping an eye on those other dragon's. He growled, agitated... he wanted to know what the heck was going on... why a guardian had shrieked, and if there was any threat.

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Dracouraca reapeared inside of his master's cave. He watched Inkheart snatch the guardian of nature of of his long black claws. I'll go to the poison banks. Guard the cave and tell no information

Dracouraca manage to crack a smile "Oh massster. Those hatchlings will learn nothing. You teached me everything you know and I will follow your great footstepssss"

He dragged his long skinny tail along the tail, sitting at the entence. Paiently waiting for something exciting to happen...




Flaming watched the marrow dragon vanish in the black mist with horror, not knowing where he had taken her. She panting loudly, and big fat dragon tears rolled down her face. There was no way to save Crisie, it was all over. She sank to her knees, sobing. The fluffy fur of the pillow dragon got in her face, sticking to her tears. Flaming held her wing up to block the fur and cried lowly. The only thing that she could hope is that Crisie could save herself this time...

Edited by Tiffashy

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Crisie could hardly mind talk with the others. She was so far away. She managed to get through Help... marsh... poison.... kill... banks... Ink... Then she gave up as she went out of range, she had sent it to Flaming. Suddenly she smelt gas and looked at the ground. There were lakes with purple and some with green. It smelt! She coughed and tried to breath.


Being a Neglected, Inkheart could stand the smell. He looked at her and said with a hiss Once you die, I will have your powers. Then... your clan's powers. . He was bitten harder and glared at her, but she kept sinking her teeth in deeper. He shook his hand and purposely let go of her right above a lake. She roared in fear, a tiny roar though. He caught her again and she didn't bite.


"No! Don't take them! Take me! I am what you want, please! Please do it!" Crisie asked. He looked at her with a smirk, giving her an unpleasant feeling. After I get you to kill your friends and clan, doing the dirty work for me- you see, to absorb powers I have to kill them, or someone else does. N- "What?" She asked harshly.


Suddenly anger welled up in her and her eyes flashed red for a second. She shook her head and was suddenly dropped. She was quickly healed by Inkheart, so she could fly. With a smirk she started heading to the Silent Forest.

Soon enough she could see the group, Flaming crying. Crisie still looked normal, but she was still angry. She landed and looked at Flaming as if she didn't know her.




Inside her egg Elaedia shook, jerking at the top with the tiny horn on her snout. She was going to get out, she was! She felt it cracking and wiggled, she felt the egg tip over and her head started to ache. Suddenly she was piled onto the floor, still covered in the gooey stuff her egg covered her in; she wasn't sure what this gooey stuff was called. The horn on her snout had fallen off, as it was only there to crack the egg.

Elaedia looked around, no one to comfort her. She was in a nice green place with brown things that looked like they wouldn't shift and green things on top. One floated down and landed in front of her. She got it with her claws and chewed on it, she immediately spat it out and cried out a little weak cry, then started brushing her tongue with her hands to get rid of the taste.


Elaedia noticed she soon couldn't get it off and it stuck to her brain, as she had learned nothing yet other than green things are icky. She decided the brown things must be too and walked up to it. She poked it with the end of her snout, as she pulled back something got stuck inside her skin. She let out a shrill cry, it was painful alright! She had no idea what was happening, what was this feeling? She cried out again and started batting at her snout, attempting to get the thing out. She noticed it was a mini brown thing, with a sharp end stuck in her skin. She let out another cry, a louder one and hoped for the best.


(( By the way, Ela won't learn to talk for a while. She'll act a bit like a baby because she just hatched. ))

Edited by DragonGirl10188

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Flaming looked up. Hearing Crisie thoughts screaming at her. Flaming could had sweared that she was screaming but her but it was actully quiet. Help... marsh... poison.... kill... banks... Ink...

She hated how messages cannot be completed without the full sentance. She lisened harder towards the message, it didn't make any sense to her at all. But it got to do with Inkheart of cause, that rotten, evil nejected who wishes to take powers of her friends. She flapped her wings flying off the pillow dragon's back and landed into a clearing in the forset. She used her wings to clean away the dried up tears on her face and took a deep breath, trying not to break back into a sob.

She thought she heard another landing, Flaming jerk her head around to see Crisie. "Oh Crisie!" she cried out, running towards her wrapping her great wings around her. Flaming hugged the angry looking guardian of nature without noticing that Crisie looked at her in rage.

Edited by Tiffashy

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(( By the way, she has some of Inkheart's powers. Besides Rage and Undead. There may be one more. ))


What was this action? This Hellfire could not do this to her! She snapped and pulled out of her grip then snarled loudly. These dragons were hurting her! She growled and lunged at Flaming, with a jerk of her heard she had pinned her and had her jaws concealed around Flaming's shoulder.

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Flaming yelled in surpise as the guardian of nature tackled her down, she could feel her sharp claws pinning her down into the dirt. First she thought that Crisie was playing around but when she felt the her place her teeth around her shoulder Flaming rolled into Crisie's legs, knocking her down. The hellfire wyven backed away as soon as she saw her chance "whats wrong with you?!"

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"You hurt me!" Crisie snapped at her. She narrowed her eyes and shot into the sky, wind whistled by her ears and she stopped midair with a smirk. Being just above the trees, it was a perfect place to attack. She shot down like a bullet, aiming her sharp claws and jaws at Flaming.

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