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Midnight bowed respectfully to Shawnee after she acknowledged him and moved off with Glace and Alex to tend to the injury on her face. The vampire snickered inwardly. She's lucky that it was Dracouraca and not me that was her opponent. I wouldn't have left the job unfinished like that. He then turned to Shawnee again and spoke, "I'm going to go hunting. I have not eaten for a few days now. Shall I bring something back for the clan's breakfast?" He shook out his wings to be rid of the dew that was gathering across his body.

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"Shawnee!" Jigsaw called. "We're back!" She sprinted up to the cave and collapsed against her shoulder, sobbing. "Oh, Shawnee! It's terrible! Crisie has lost her mind because of Inkheart! She attacked me and Flaming! And Flaming went to fight with Dracouraca! I don't even know if she's okay!I don't know what to do!" She continued crying, the tide of worry and the feeling of failure crashing through her mind and overwhelming her. A salty puddle collected under her, growing by the minute. She was almost an adult, and there she was: crying like a little hatchling. She sighed deeply and wiped her eyes. "I-I don't know wh-what to do."


"Do you wanna play moss-ball?" Glace asked, gathering a bunch of moss into a roundish shape. "It's really fun," she added. Glace didn't really like the heat coming from the dying embers, but a cool breeze blew. She threw the moss high into the air. "Catch!" she squeaked, watching it go up.

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A weeping noise filled Phayne's ear... at first he tried to ignore it... however when the noise didn't stop, he decided to investigate. He lifted up one eye lid, there were new dragons at the cave entrance, from the looks of it, there were 2 adult pillow dragons, Two vampire hatchies, and... Phayne couldn't believe his eyes... it was a young guardian of nature dragon (Phayne doesn't see Elaedia cause she is so tiny X.x). Phayne had never seen a Guardian of Nature dragon before, and thought the stories his mother told him about them were all legends... meant to put hatchlings to sleep at night....


His curiosity needed to be satisfied, he picked himself up and walked over to the new dragons, on closer inspection of the Guardian of Nature, he noticed that there was something wrong, she looked to have been unconscious.


"May I be of assistance?" Phayne asked, hoping that his pressence within the cave, did not startle the dragon's who had just returned to the cave. Even though Phayne knew next to nothing about the practice of medicine, he had to help... it was not everyday you get to see a Guardian of Nature Dragon... let alone one so young. "My name is Phayne, Mrs Shawnee offered me a night's rest in this cave, however if there is anything you may need from me, feel free to ask... it is not everyday I get to see a Guardian of Nature Dragon, and would be willing to help in anyway possible" He bowed his head to the other dragon's. Phayne was unaware that the two Pillow's and two Vampire's were not apart of the clan.





From within his Egg shell, Xaphan could feel the sensations one feels when being lifted and moved. He let out a soft barely audible chirp from within his confines... oblivious to what was happening outside the walls of his shell. In truth, Xaphan was ready to hatch... however, due to the events surrounding the journey of his egg, he stalled his hatching process...


When his egg was placed back down, he let out another soft chirp, and went silent again.

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Hestia was lurking through the forest; she was lost. "Oh great, lost again!" She thought to herself. She came upon what looked like a clearing. As she got closer, it looked more like a clearing. It was a clearing. She made her through the clearing and ahead of her was what looked like a cave.


Hestia looked up; and saw an entrance. And without thinking twice, she flew up and saw another Dragon staring at an egg, paying too much attention to look back at Hestia. She backed away and flew off, and went to get a drink of water at the Echo River.


Across the bend of the river was a dark forest of what looked like dead, rotted trees. She wanted to go check it out, but instead flew back to the cave to get information of where she was.


She saw Mystic, she really had to find out where she was. "Hello, my name's Hestia." Mystic flung her head back and looked at Hestia in question.


Mystic watched her for a moment, then, answered. "Hi, I'm Mystic." Mystic then looked at the egg, giving a chirp, then silent. Mystic turned back to Hestia, and sat down. "Come in, come in. If there's anything you need, just tell me." Mystic put a moss blanket down for Hestia, and then put a small moss blanket around the egg. She then wandered near the back of the cave, and brought two pillows filled with leafs out. "Sit down, don't mind me and this egg. Strange what you find in a small pond." Then, Mystic sat down, to listen and answer.

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((Apparently Phayne can't see Jigsaw either xd.png That, or he never bothered to look.))


Glace wandered up to the crying Nebula and poked her with a soft nose. "Why are you crying dragon?" Jigsaw looked down at the little Winter hatchling. "Things... are bad for me.. right now. Don't worry, I'll be okay." She patted the hatchling's head told her to run along and play with the others. Jigsaw cringed as she looked away. Lying right to a little girl's face! She smacked herself in the face, tears still streaming down. "Shawnee... please help me.... please."

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((lols, atleast he heard her though X.x, I knew something wasnt right with my last post... couldnt figure it out ;x))

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Shawnee held Jigsaw with her wings, pulling the little hatchling close to her. "It's alright, Jigsaw. I'll take care of it. That blasted Inkheart... He doesn't know when to stop. What could he gain from taunting little hatchlings? A price on his head, that's what." She looked up at Phayne and Midnight. "Midnight, yes please, the clan needs food. There is a herd of elk not far from here. And if you see anything suspicious, come back to this cave." Turning to Phayne, she spoke, "Phayne, I need you to keep an eye on everyone, the sun is starting to rise and creatures will be up and about. Make sure that Vrael doesn't freeze moss on anyone, try and calm Jigsaw here down, and if Steel feels like being in charge, he's in charge." Shawn unwrapped her wings from around Jigsaw and flared them, ready to flap them downward for a takeoff.

"I'll be back, and please, nobody do anything stupid." She tried to lighten the air a little bit with a stupid joke, but it was a frail attempt. The dorsal dragoness thrust her wings downward and took to the air, heading for the Silent Forest. Flaming... are you near? She asked with her mind.

Edited by CYDA LUVA83

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Mystic watched her for a moment, then, answered. "Hi, I'm Mystic." Mystic then looked at the egg, giving a chirp, then silent. Mystic turned back to Hestia, and sat down. "Come in, come in. If there's anything you need, just tell me." Mystic put a moss blanket down for Hestia, and then put a small moss blanket around the egg. She then wandered near the back of the cave, and brought two pillows filled with leafs out. "Sit down, don't mind me and this egg. Strange what you find in a small pond." Then, Mystic sat down, to listen and answer.

"Yes. What an uncommon place to find a egg." Hestia replied. "Thank you for the moss blanket. I've been lost in this jungle for more than a week; had to survive on just water."


Time passed and Hestia talked with Mystic over and over again. Hestia thought in her opinion that they were good friends. Well, that they could be. They had one thing in common; they were warm hearted and welcoming.


"So what kind of egg is it you have here?" Hestia asked. "And what to you expect to do with it?" Hestia added on, sitting down to wait for a reply.


((Thanks for the reply, I understand if you're probably busy. Let us continue role playing! smile.gif ))

Edited by xxCatastrophic

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"Very well, I shall do my best to tend to the young one's... and ill try my best to control Vrael's behaviour.... but I can't make any promises..." Phayne responded. He looked down at the young red Nebula, "What is wrong young one?" Phayne up to this point had no knowledge on Inkheart and his group, and was therefore oblivious to the troubles these hatchling's faced.


Phayne lay down at the front of the cave, never removing his gaze from the young nebula.


In truth, Phayne had next to no idea on how to comfort the young Red nebula, he had never had to deal with a younger dragon in such a manner before... yes he recently had to look after Glace prior to arriving to the cave... however this was different, the young Nebula was clearly distressed about something, and Phayne did not know exactly how to comfort her.





Vrael's ear twitched in his sleep, he thought he heard someone call his name but ignored it. He rolled over onto his other side and yawned... he had a big day ahead of him and needed all the rest he could get.

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Dracouraca hissed lowly in pain as they crashed into the ground, he gripped his long tail around Flaming's neck and started trying to choke her. Flaming choked loudly and Dracouraca threw her againest the ground, slamming her skull againest a tree. Flaming felt herself get thrown back into the tree, snapping it in half sending leafs and bits of wood everywhere, she lashed her tail at his face, causing him to yell in pain as her strong and hard tail cutted across creating a large wound. Dracouraca lifted Flaming up, still holding her in his tail and slammed her down again, Flaming would had cried out in pain if he wasn't choking her right now. Flaming suddenly felt dizzy, she was loosing air dangerously fast and she needed to escape from his deadly, tail grip.

Flaming swinged her claw at his underbelly, where a scar was healing there from his last battle with Shaween. Dracouraca screeched loudly in pain as Flaming's claws dug through his scar, letting her go. Flaming fell back onto the ground and kicked him in the face, like a horse buckling, sending Dracouraca flying into another tree. Dracouraca got back up quickly, ingoreing the pain which was trying to make him scream in pain and charged into the hellfire wyven. Flaming stepped out of the way and Dracouraca crashed into another tree, she heard him muttered a curse and his horn was stuck in the large tree.


Flaming would had laughed at him if his master wasn't causing her friend to suffer. Flaming growled lowly as she walked towards him with her tail swinging side to side roughly. She unleashed her claw and stepped onto his head, pushing him futher into the tree thunk.


"Where is Inkheart?" she snarled lowly, Dracouraca twisted wildly, willing to escape from the tree and Flaming's claw, but he didn't answer straight away towards the hellfire wyven. Flaming growled lowly and pushed her claws deeper into his head, not digging them though yet, she wanted to make sure that Dracouraca knew what Flaming was going to do with him. "Where is Inkheart?!" she growled again, becoming slightly louder. Dracouraca gulped a little, licking his own blood off his lips, he didn't want to tell Flaming any info otherwise for sure, Inkheart will punish him.

"WHERE IS INKHEART?!" she screamed in his ears roaring so loudly that her angry screams echo around the forset. She needed to know where he was, so she could kill that little greedy nejected for once and for all and save Crisie. She never felt like this, she felt like a monster when she was threatening another dragon. But Flaming didn't care, all was on her mind was to save the guardian of nature. Flaming rasied her other claw and raked them down his back, Dracouraca gripped his teeth togheir in pain, trying to ingore it.

Then Flaming rasied her claws again then all of the sudden the marrow dragon cried out "Stop!"

The hellfire wyven paused her actions.

"I'll tell you where he is," hissed Dracouraca "I'll lead you to him"

Flaming slowly moved her claw down, she didn't even know if she could trust him. After all he worked for Inkheart so for sure he knows how to trick other dragons. But then she remembered that the marrow dragon would be her only chance for finding Inkheart. She pulled Dracouraca's horn out of the tree in a rough way and growled lowly.

"Lead the way"

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Midnight bowed his head and spread his wings wide again before leaping into the air, his wingbeats silent as an owl's. The black/vampire had listened to the little nebula's story and knew that the dorsal dragoness would be headed to help the hellfire wyvern. He flew off in the direction that Shawnee had said the elk heard was before using his powers to turn himself invisible. He then looped back around and shot like an arrow through the night sky towards where he sensed Dracouraca's presence coming from. He arrived on the scene just in time to see the hellfire wyvern digging her claws into the black marrow's head, whispering to him to tell him where Inkheart was. He heard Dracouraca's pathetic agreement to show her to their master.

Still cloacked in invisibility, Midnight silently landed a short distance from them and sent a thought message to Dracouraca, even his thought voice carrying a sense of dread with it, You cowardly carrion bird! You would cave before this dragoness? I would gladly take death before crossing master Inkheart. You now have two choices my friend. You can either listen closely and assist me in assisting you. Or you can continue to cringe before the hellfire wyvern, lead her to Inkheart, and suffer a fate worse than death at our master's talons. Its your choice, but I suggest you help me with my plan.

Midnight silently slipped into the shadows to await the response from Dracouraca without taking his eyes off the hellfire wyvern.

Edited by Drakossozh

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You don't know me, Midnight Dracouraca thought back to him I wouldn't dare to betray our master, just watch and learn, Midnight

He could sense the black/vampire dragon near by, watching every move they make. He smirked childishly, baring his clean white, but bloody teeth in a sneakly way.

"Now we head back to my masssterss cave" he hissed at Flaming. She looked at him uncertainly and followed the marrow dragon though the woods. Dracouraca wasn't actully expecting the hellfire wyven to trust him much, after all they were enemies since they ever met. He thread on the dried up leafs and twigs, snapping them silently, then they could hear Flaming threading on them nosiely since her feet are much bigger and stronger. Then not long after that, they were at the cave of Inkheart. There was still dried up lava from Flaming last visit.


There was something wrong, this was way too easy. Flaming thought to herself as they entered the cave. She could feel something cold go down of the back of her spine, making her feeling very uneasily. Then she heard a faint call of Shawnee, she was asking if Flaming was near. But Flaming didn't answer back, she felt like there was better to do then tell Shaween about whats going on, it took time, Flaming didn't want to explain every single little thing that is going on.

"Now just let me call for him," Dracouraca told her. Before Flaming knew it, black mist circled around Dracouraca, blocking the view of him, she growled in anger and swiped her claw at him but it was too late, she just hitted thin air. The marrow dragon was gone. Flaming span around when she heard something crashing down and rocks were rolling into the cave, she opened her mouth to breath out jets of flame at the rocks to break them before they hitted her. But there was too much, they slowly but however quickly were blocking up the cave's mouth. Flaming acted quickly, trying to get out before she gets trapped in the cave, shoving smaller rocks away and dodging the larger ones. She slammed herself at the pile of rocks in her way, they moved a little but didn't roll away. Flaming muttered a curse and swinged her heavy tail at the rocks, still they didn't move from the strong blow of the hellfire wyven. She kept on crashing into the rocks, willing to escape before she runs out of air. Flaming muttered another curse as she almost broke her tail againest the rough stone. She opened her mouth and blew jets of fire at the rocks, hoping to melt them so she could get enough air, she could feel the heat againest her face as she tried to blast her way out of this horriable cave.

Then she remembered Shaween. Help! She tried to tell the dorsel dragon through her thoughts, she was caved in, tricked by Dracouraca and is going to suffocate to death.

Edited by Tiffashy

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((I'm enjoying not role playing by myself. I'll continue this for a while smile.gif ))

"Yes. What an uncommon place to find a egg." Hestia replied. "Thank you for the moss blanket. I've been lost in this jungle for more than a week; had to survive on just water."


Time passed and Hestia talked with Mystic over and over again. Hestia thought in her opinion that they were good friends. Well, that they could be. They had one thing in common; they were warm hearted and welcoming.


"So what kind of egg is it you have here?" Hestia asked. "And what to you expect to do with it?" Hestia added on, sitting down to wait for a reply.


Mystic waited for a moment. "I'm not sure, and I just felt like it was unfair to the egg if it lived alone. I'll be an adult soon, so I'll be able to take care of it better." she answered. "You can come to this cave whenever you'd like, because I can help you with supplies." she said, then smiling.

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((I'm enjoying not role playing by myself. I'll continue this for a while smile.gif ))



Mystic waited for a moment. "I'm not sure, and I just felt like it was unfair to the egg if it lived alone. I'll be an adult soon, so I'll be able to take care of it better." she answered. "You can come to this cave whenever you'd like, because I can help you with supplies." she said, then smiling.

((Awesome. Just me and you for a while.))


"Poor egg would have had to live alone if it weren't for you." Hestia added on, with a smile on her face. "Well, I'm going to explore this place a bit. I think I like it here." Hestia informed.


Hestia flew off to get a drink of water at the Echo River, when suddenly she heard something from that odd, dead looking forest. She backed up slowly and started to walk off towards the Ensia Forest. It was bushy when she first walked in, but it eventually cleared up. It wasn't anything interesting in that forest. Hestia flew back to Mystic. "I've returned," Hestia told Mystic "..and I have a question. Where is this place? What is it called?"

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Midnight followed behind Dracouraca as he lead the hellfire wyvern to a cave. He could sense Inkheart had been here but was not now. He watched silently from the shadows as Dracouraca stopped inside of the cave and then vanished. The cave then began to collapse on top of the hellfire wyvern, sealing her inside the cave. Midnight smiled devilishly and sent a thought message to Dracouraca, Not bad my friend. The black/vampire dissolved his shroud of invisibility and emerged from the shadows.

"What do you intend to do with her now? The others of the clan are sure to come looking for her." He already knew that Shawnee was looking for her and figured it would be safest to cover their tracks. He focused his power and brought more of the mountain sliding down. But not in an uncontrolled collapse as Dracouraca had, Midnight's reflector magice allowed him to bend the rock and dirt so that it covered the pile of roks at the entrance. When he was done, it looked as if a cave had never been there to begin with. But he was unaware of Flaming's thought calls for help...

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Phayne's ear twitched, the faint sound of crashing reached his ears. It was not loud or anything due to the distance between where it occurred and the cave, but Phayne immidietly knew what it was; a rock slide. Phayne grew up in a mountainous region and could distinguish the different sounds, such as rock slides. Worry gripped Phayne's heart, it was in the direction that Shawnee flew.


Phayne looked around the cave, apart from him and the two pillow dragons there were no other adults. Both Pillows looked to have been fatigued (Chasing after dracouraca, rescueing flaming and crisie, rescuing devi, walking back to the cave X.x)

Phayne had a dilemna, he had already disobeyed an order in the past which led to his banishment, however if something did happen to Shawnee and the other dragon she went to protect then he could not just sit around here and do nothing...


There was no other choice, he would have to disobey Shawnee's request of looking after the others... he looked over at Steel, "Noble one, i must go..." and with that Phayne took off into the sky, in the direction that Shawnee flew, and the direction of the rock slide.


In mid flight, he resolved that the older black dragon (doesn't know that midnight is part vampire could protect the others after he returned from his hunt. He flew, scanning the forest for any signs of Shawnee or the rock slide....






Xaphan's egg slowly got warmer, thanks to the moss nest. The two new voices he had heard were still there conversing, and the movements have stopped. Xaphan slowly started to kick from inside his shell.. the egg was starting to feel small and cramped...


A small crack appeared on the shell.

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Shawnee had felt the presence of Flaming was getting near. She received the hellfire's distress calls, and was even more focused on finding her. Flaming, I'm coming to get you. Don't worry. I'm coming. I heard rock sliding. Are you alright? She had heard the rock from Dracouraca's slide covering the cave, but she trembled as she saw the mountain seem to collapse in the distance. Flaming, please tell me that you're alright! The dorsal dragon telepathed to the hatchling as she flew towards the rock slide.

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Shawnee! Flaming cried out in her thoughts, she felt weaker and every second counted. All of the air was escapeing and there was none left for the hellfire wyven. She knew that she needed to escape before she passed out or get killed. Stupid! Just plain stupid! She growled at herself angrily in her thoughts, she couldn't believe how stupid she was to kind of trust a marrow dragon. A marrow dragon!

She was annoyed at everything about her, her stupidly, her fire wouldn't help her escape, and she couldn't even move a danm rock which is causing her to suffer slowly. Flaming never felt so helpless in her life.

She bust out a weak fire at the cave before feeling dizzy and sank to the floor, everything blacked out...


Dracouraca turned back to the black/vampire, he did look a little proud of what he just done. Then he heard Midnight say "What do you intend to do with her now? The others of the clan are sure to come looking for her."

"Let Inkheart decide if he wants to kill her or not, he is only collecting the hatchlings so he could take their powers but for sure he wouldn't allow such a thing go waste," he chuckled a little. But then Dracouraca thought he heard something in a distance. "Lets go," he told Midnight all of the sudden when he heard the faint beeping of wings. The marrow dragon sprinted at great speed towards a large rock, lying not too far away. He flinged himself over it, like a high jumper jumping over the bar and silently landed, without making a sound. He hide behide the rock as he saw another dragon come.

Edited by Tiffashy

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Midnight cocked his head to the side as he heard wingbeats approaching from the direction of the clan's cave. Shawnee he knew would be coming. But he could hear another set of wingbeats some distance behind her. Another adult dragon was coming as well. The black/vampire flicked his tail irritably, he had been without a drop of blood for several days now and needed to restore his strength. He shrouded himself in invisibility and calmly walked over to the rock Dracouraca was behind. He thought to the other dragon, The dorsal dragoness and a new member of the clan come this way. Shall we ambush them? Its been a while since I've had a good drink of dragonblood. I grow weary of the ichor of elk and wolves. Its a poor drink when compared to the blood of a healthy dragon. He knew it could blow his cover to attack them, but if they perished here in the forest he could return to the clan, slaughter the pillow dragons, and take the hatchlings for Inkheart.

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Dracouraca eyed him uncertainly, he already had enough bloody fights with other dragons today. He was still covered in his own flihtly, black blood.

It would blow your cover, it would be a dangerous risk, but if they do make it here to save the hellfire wyven then we wouldn't stand a chance againest a two full grown dragons (Shaween and Flaming) and a whole clan of hatchlings which carry the power that our master needs. Well even bigger risks that our master would be greatly angry with us and punish us for killing a hatchling. Athough, he wouldn't mind if we killed the big one (Shaween) I think.

He licked his skully head, cleaning off some of the black blood while waiting for Midnight's answer.

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Phayne flew and he flew, pushing his muscles to the limits to catch up with Shawnee, the forest below flew past him like a blur, and the stillness of the night gave him the chills.


Something did not feel right, the Shadows that danced between the tree's below gave off an ominous vibe. Phayne did not like it, especially since he was unfamiliar with these woods. Something in the distance caught his eye, a figure reflected the moonlight, it was flying... in a hurried pace. Phayne let loose a roar and sent a telepathic message to who and whatever was flying a few leagues ahead of him.


"Miss Shawnee, is that you up ahead? I heard the faint sound of a rock slide come from your direction... is everything all right?" Phayne's naivety led him to ignore the possibility off other's eavesdropping.

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Phayne? Is that you? Are the hatchlings okay? Did something happen? Shawnee replied as she sent her messages back to the dragon behind her. Why was he following her? She sincerely hoped he hadn't come to bring her back to the cave, Flaming needed help!


Shawnee! came a cry from the rockslide.


"Flaming!" Shawn yelled as she alighted down on the unstable rocks. She started to claw at the rockslide, digging through mud and hard stone, breaking claws in the process. Phayne! Nothing is alright at the moment! There's a hatchling under here! She telepathed again as she dug more and more into the rubble.

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Phayne? Is that you? Are the hatchlings okay? Did something happen? Shawnee replied as she sent her messages back to the dragon behind her. Why was he following her? She sincerely hoped he hadn't come to bring her back to the cave, Flaming needed help!


"Nothing happened... I heard the sounds of rock falling coming from your direction and came over to investigate. The young nebula seemed troubled, and the way you rushed off..." He paused, catching his breath. "The hatchlings at the cave are fine, The noble guardian dragon and the two pillows are there to protect them... I also figured that the black dragon I saw exit the cave earlier could help them once he returned from his hunt".


"Flaming!" Shawn yelled as she alighted down on the unstable rocks. She started to claw at the rockslide, digging through mud and hard stone, breaking claws in the process. Phayne! Nothing is alright at the moment! There's a hatchling under here! She telepathed again as she dug more and more into the rubble.


"What?!" Phayne strained his neck further, attempting to make his body more streamline, he flapped his tired wings more and more trying to increase his pace, "I am coming as fast as possible" he responded, the site of the Rock slide coming into view. Phayne could have sworn he caught the scent of the black dragon from earlier nearby, however as soon as he smelt it, it was gone, the scent vanished without a trace.


A few minutes passed, and Phayne finally landed beside Shawnee and the rock slide, he surveyed the area for whatever could have caused the rockslide, but found nothing. He proceeded to help Shawnee dig through the rubble.

Edited by TotallyDrow

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Midnight watched calmly as Shawnee approached and landed near the rock slide. Her frantic clawing at the rocks was doing a number on her talons and the coppery smell of blood reached the vampire's nose, setting him on edge. He needed blood. His brain screamed at him to attack her, to sink his fangs into her throat and drain the life from the dragoness. He willed the thoughts out of his head and returned his attention to Dracouraca. Perhaps you are right. Fighting the dorsal and that odd colored electric dragon would be difficult enough for the two of us, but if the hellfire were to escape and join the fight it would be us against three fully grown dragons. It's not to say we couldn't win. But one of them would likely escape and warn the others. Then a thought entered his head. But perhaps I could use what you have done here to my advantage. If I help them out, maybe I will be trusted a little more.

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((Jigsaw, Glace))


Jigsaw walked up to her still-unconscious friend and stroked her head gently. She was so grown up, noty a hatchling anymore. Not the fishing hatchling she had met by the Echo River. Noticing a nearby puddle, she hop-glided over to look at herself. Bright, starry patterns swirled upon her expansive wings. When was the last time I looked at myself? she wondered, looking at the grown up Nebula staring back at her from the still water. She reached out to touch it, but the water seperated around her wing-tip. "Weird... that never happened before..." she murmured, not knowing of her adult-powers. She decided to test this. Jigsaw glided over to the Echo River. She dipped her foot in, expecting to feel the icey sting of the chilly water. The swirling river seperated around her foot, as if it were a rock. "Hey dragon! Who are you? Are you a part of the sky?" asked Glace, galloping up to Jigsaw.She skidded in the wet grass and cannoned into the Nebula, pushing her into the river. "Wha---" she managed to ask before plummeting in. It split around her, giving her enough time to catch herself and fly out. She had only just saved herself from dying a rocky death. The river was deep! "Dear hatchling, be more careful!" she said, still in a bit of shock from her fall. Glave rubbed her head; it hurt! "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you!" she cried, not wanting to be in trouble. "It's okay, hatchling. What is your name?" Jigsaw asked, patting the Winter's head gently. "My name's Glace," she said, enjoying the soft touch of Jigsaw's wing. It was swirly and pretty and colorful to Glace. She reached out a paw to touch a bright red spot, which was actually a star. It flashed and glimmered, as if were made out of sequins. "Young Glace, do you like the stars? They are quite pretty." she said, noticing her fascination with her wings. They represented the Ignited Galaxy, a place of volcanoes and great fires. She nodded and wished she could see the stars like Jigsaw every day.

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