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Z'Red Hatchie wants a new owner. Let me know if you want it!


Gone to Pattekat ^^

Edited by predatorfan4ever

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Z'Gaia ~ 2G Terrae x Gaia looking for a new home.

Just got unlocked, so I snatched this pretty little thing. Thanks! Also I could use the little Red hatchie if no one else has asked. smile.gif

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Z'Red Hatchie wants a new owner. Let me know if you want it!


Gone to Pattekat ^^

Sorry Purplehaze, it seems i beat you to it.


Thank you very much PF4E. I am trying to increase my red armada and z'red are always a cool (LOL) addition





and then in a failed attempt to curb my Z'greed i run in to this little fella


Anyone in need of a cb z black to make z'alt puppies??? This one will go to Dragonpuck once it cools off.


Also have just found this pretty pebble


Anyone interested?

Updated with a link, click here to claime me: I have a Z at both ends! Gone to ruby eyes


Both are still on cooldown, please PM me.

Edited by Pattekat

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I was very locked, but apparently i have room for a hatchi...


I just now realized that it is a Minty, (It is early morning here LOL) so with no objections i will pass it in to Lagie (with you as donor off course) as she is the die hard Minthoarder of this family.

(It has been a few days, but i understand sometimes her internet access is limited)

As long as someone can give it a loving home, I'm fine with whomever has it, whether it's you, Pattekat, or Lagie smile.gif

Edited by LumosSeeker148

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Sorry Purplehaze, it seems i beat you to it.

Not a problem. smile.gif I just have an addiction to CB Z's, especially hatchies! xd.png

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Not a problem. smile.gif I just have an addiction to CB Z's, especially hatchies! xd.png

You are not the only one.... I woke up shaking this morning....


(the cb pebble in my previous post is still there, i updated with a claim link. )


wrong color dorsal, will probably try vamping if no-one picks up soon


Claim my eggs/hatchlings!

Thank you very much.


Edited by Pattekat

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Just a testbreed (thus purposely auto'ed) but of course it resulted in a z! xd.png

Happy catching: https://dragcave.net/progeny/yDCo2 smile.gif


this is the reason why I dont breed to the AP anymore, I breed when i have room and i toss the non z's without a concience.... (or bite or both)


This one is gonna be a helluva lot harder to catch than earlier egg hunts i did, i am good at AP hunting for particular eggs but this is a pink BSA Egg, if i am at work on my phone prowling the AP i will not stand a chance.....

If i am awake and not at work when this one is about the hit the AP i may give it a shot.....


The last one Confused Cat bred to the AP i got on my phone but only because Deep sea usually hang in the AP a bit longer, the ones before that i had to catch on my sons computer (pc fast as lightning and optimal (cable connected not WiFi) internet connection)

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Would someone like to give a loving home to a CB deep sea hatchling? She's influenced to be female: zg3q4

sure, thanks

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