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little lost dragon

The Great Divide

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((I'm actually being pm'ed that I'm needed all of the sudden, RP's moved on that far?))


Shimmer nodded, and Relvaii did not comment. There were just so many dragons that he felt a bit overrun. It was safe here, though, and that was all that counted.


After a short trek through the woods Talaren caught a glimpse of Vrans, he walked up closer to her and said "Vrans, when you aren't busy I need to talk to you, I have good news and bad news."


Vrans nodded and looked at the other 2 behind her "Just leading these 2 to the clan leader. Where should I meet you when I'm free?" she asked wondering.


((Dunnu what else to post.))

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"You can find me at the edge of the woods when you are done, it's important" Talaren said and have her a subtle look that told her it had something to do with Josh.


Emeraldan stirred somewhat restlessly in his sleep he had the nagging feeling something or someone was after him, although didn't really believe it. "I need some fresh air" he whispered to himself. He carefully put pressure on each of his paws to make sure he wouldn't collapse mid-stride. Surprisingly they seemed good, Emeraldan stood up slowly and as he did there was a noticeable pop. That was followed by a brief yelp of pain and then a satisfied hmm right after. Serina turned to him worried that he broke something. He looked at her reassuringly while looking at his leg, "I stood on it and it popped, my leg actually feels walkable now strangely. Mind if I go on a short walk, Ill be right back."

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Dharsii smiled at Serina after showing her the book and finding out that the other dragon recognized at least a few of them. As she walked over to her mixing supplies to look for a clean bowl to mix the plants in she decided to give Serina another challenge to be absolutely sure.


"Just to make sure you memorize them, for when you are out in the wilds, try to find those plants within my collection and bring me a few of each. About three each should do." she said, motioning with a wing towards her rows of assorted plants and allowing the book to hover open in front of Serina so she could look at the images a bit more.


"To tell the difference between moonglory and other tube-like flowers, look for pale blue petals and an almost white stem and leaves. The others shouldn't be hard to distinguish. The isles are also labeled but try to find them without reading the labels. It'll help with memorization."




Twilight smiled at her energetic response.


"I'd just like some help with setting it up. We'll both be gathering branches and tree trunks and I figured I could use some help with the larger branches." he said "I'd also just appreciate the company of another dragon. Collecting wood isn't the most enjoyable thing to do on one's own."


With that, he headed towards the woods just outside camp, waiting for her to follow and remaining on foot. "When we get back we'll also have to bury and arrange them into a flight course so they don't get blown over easily in the wind"

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((I'm actually being pm'ed that I'm needed all of the sudden, RP's moved on that far?))


Vrans nodded and looked at the other 2 behind her "Just leading these 2 to the clan leader. Where should I meet you when I'm free?" she asked wondering.


((Dunnu what else to post.))

((I think you responded just fine tongue.gif))


Shimmer and Relvaii looked on as Vrans spoke to another dragon for a moment. Her quick nod at them made Relvaii shift slightly in worry and shyness. A quick nudge from Shimmer calmed him, though. They would have to get used to other dragons again.

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"You can find me at the edge of the woods when you are done, it's important" Talaren said and have her a subtle look that told her it had something to do with Josh.

Vrans gave him look of 'I'll be there' before continuing on. She then continued to lead the 2 dragons to the clans camp.



Shimmer and Relvaii looked on as Vrans spoke to another dragon for a moment. Her quick nod at them made Relvaii shift slightly in worry and shyness. A quick nudge from Shimmer calmed him, though. They would have to get used to other dragons again.


After a little longer they reached the camp. Dragons where all over the place hatchlings playing with there parents keeping a close eye. The elders soaking up the sun on some flat rocks. Teams of fighters where dueling it out in practice fights of speed and sharp quick attacks. One would notice the lack of any head on attacks.


Vrans paused and looked at Shimmer and Relvaii "Welcome to the camp. When humans are not attacking this is largely how life looks. Vita our leader..." she paused looking around for him then spotted him at the food pile looking like he was explaining something to a hatchling "Is the magi right by the food pile." she finished off saying.

As if on cue the magi lifted his head to see Vrans with 2 others he did not know or remember being in the clan. He came over wings neatly folded.


"Hello there, I'm Vita leader of this clan. What brings you here?" he asked sitting down tail coming around and coming to a stop at his front paws "Vrans, could you get Dharsii?" he asked and Vrans nodded and went to the medical den. As she went he looked at the 2 new dragons "Before you head into the camp, we check all visitors for any bugs from the humans that may have attached them selfs to your scales. There a large threat to the hatchings." he explained.



Vrans got to the medical den and peered in "Dharsii? You in?" she asked.

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Emeraldan left and wandered about the camp for a few moments before drifting back inside the medic den and returning to his nap. Serina was looking carefully for the plants she needed to find. She found the moonglory easily, her eyes focused to detect anything blue and she filtered out the ones that had not white and she found the moonglorys. She picked those up and continued her search, even though she only took a few minutes Serina guessed Dharsii could do it much faster, soon she walked over to Dharsii with a few of each ingredient on paw, confident she was right.

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"Hello there, I'm Vita leader of this clan. What brings you here?" he asked sitting down tail coming around and coming to a stop at his front paws "Vrans, could you get Dharsii?" he asked and Vrans nodded and went to the medical den. As she went he looked at the 2 new dragons "Before you head into the camp, we check all visitors for any bugs from the humans that may have attached them selfs to your scales. There a large threat to the hatchings." he explained.

Vita was a rather impressive dragon. He seemed businesslike and practical, explaining that these human things called bugs could threaten the hatchlings and that they were welcome into the clan when they were checked over.


Relvaii managed a smile, and Shimmer sat on her haunches, looking around at all the hustle and bustle. Her eyes scanned the area like a true hunter's, searching out caves, ledges, boulders.

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"It's good that I'm not a nature-related dragoness. Otherwise I would've read a morale in ten pages about the trees, if I've heard that." - chuckled Runara, following Twilight. - "Yeah, being all alone while at the similar work is not great at all. Well, for the most, I think." - and she thought: "Okaaay, I am starting to like this guy."

After hearing Twilight's words abojt arranging the course, Runara said only: "Alright, point taken."

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Dharsii carefully examined Serina's batch of plants that she had bought for the antidote. Smiling happily at the collection, the white dragon returned her gaze to Serina.


"These are all correct!" she said pleasatly, "Well done!"


She set the bowl and mixing stone in front of her to explain the next step when she suddenly heard Varns' voice echo down the den.


"We're down here in the storage area! Come on down!" she called up to Vrans before turning back to Serina. "What you will want to do is start by grinding up both the dwarf's beard and blackstone mosses together. Once that is done, add the shredded elf's ear to it and after a bit more mixing, very gently, squeeze the moonglories from the base of the petals upward to squeeze out the nectar. Once this is added to the mix all it needs is a bit of mixing and a brief torching in flame and it'll be ready for use once it has cooled." She explained as she awaited Vrans to join them.




Twilight chuckled at Runara's jest about how a dragon more in-tune with nature would have likely chewed him out over what he was doing. He was only doing as asked by his alpha anyway.


When he came upon a tree he found to be suitable, he approached it and tested its pliability by locking his shoulder against it and pushing. It was slightly bendable and still sturdy. It would make great material for the course. He started to dig at the area around its roots to loosen it up so it wouldn't snap when he toppled it. As he dug at the plant's roots, he turned to speak to Runara.


"So, Runara, what do you think would make a challenging setup for a flight course for the young fliers? Perhaps some spaces to test agility and quick thinking would be good don't you think?" he said as he finished his digging. He reared up onto his hind legs and placed both forelimbs against the tree and gave it a powerful shove. With a groan of protest, the tree toppled over and crashed heavily to the ground.

Edited by Drakossozh

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Serina smiled warmly at Dharsii's compliment, she was glad things were off to a good start. Serina nodded and began to work carefully, first grinding the dwarf's beard and blackstone moss between her paws, after they were thouroughly ground up she gently dropped in some shredded elf's ear. She mixed this combination carefully, making sure it was ground into little bits and the little bits of each plant was spread out evenly. Then came the tricky part, Serina slowly and gently squeezed the moonglories, starting from the base and working upward, this produced a surprising amount of nectar for a flower this size thought Serina. Serina mixed the plants once more until they were all evenly spread out and took a moment to survey what she made. She followed Dharsii's instructions but even so, was hoping the mixture proved well made. Serina took a short step back and carefully breathed a small flame for a few seconds to the mixture. Once completed Serina stepped back and waited for Dharii to approve it or tell her what she messed up on.


A distance from the clan walked a very angry red dragon that was out for blood and vengeance on Emeraldan for his defeat and humility. That dragon was Vulcan, he had escaped confinement at his own clan and with nowhere to go was on his own, and wanted Emeraldan to pay dearly. After walking for sometime he wandered right past Josh's cave, waking him up. Luckily Vulcan didn't notice him but the sight of a big, angry dragon worried him, even more so when he heard the dragon talking to himself about the pain he'll cause Emeraldan. Josh quietly shrinked further into his cave to avoid detection.

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Dharsii carefully examined Serina's batch of plants that she had bought for the antidote. Smiling happily at the collection, the white dragon returned her gaze to Serina.


"These are all correct!" she said pleasatly, "Well done!"


She set the bowl and mixing stone in front of her to explain the next step when she suddenly heard Varns' voice echo down the den.


"We're down here in the storage area! Come on down!" she called up to Vrans before turning back to Serina. "What you will want to do is start by grinding up both the dwarf's beard and blackstone mosses together. Once that is done, add the shredded elf's ear to it and after a bit more mixing, very gently, squeeze the moonglories from the base of the petals upward to squeeze out the nectar. Once this is added to the mix all it needs is a bit of mixing and a brief torching in flame and it'll be ready for use once it has cooled." She explained as she awaited Vrans to join them.




Twilight chuckled at Runara's jest about how a dragon more in-tune with nature would have likely chewed him out over what he was doing. He was only doing as asked by his alpha anyway.


When he came upon a tree he found to be suitable, he approached it and tested its pliability by locking his shoulder against it and pushing. It was slightly bendable and still sturdy. It would make great material for the course. He started to dig at the area around its roots to loosen it up so it wouldn't snap when he toppled it. As he dug at the plant's roots, he turned to speak to Runara.


"So, Runara, what do you think would make a challenging setup for a flight course for the young fliers? Perhaps some spaces to test agility and quick thinking would be good don't you think?" he said as he finished his digging. He reared up onto his hind legs and placed both forelimbs against the tree and gave it a powerful shove. With a groan of protest, the tree toppled over and crashed heavily to the ground.

Vrans heard the medics voice and preceded to enter the den and kept going till she spotted Dharsii along with the other white making something. "We have visitors out side." she explained though was looking at the mix they where making "What are you guys making?" she asked wondering. Could be the cure could be something else she was rarely around when things where being made.



Vita was a rather impressive dragon. He seemed businesslike and practical, explaining that these human things called bugs could threaten the hatchlings and that they were welcome into the clan when they were checked over.


Relvaii managed a smile, and Shimmer sat on her haunches, looking around at all the hustle and bustle. Her eyes scanned the area like a true hunter's, searching out caves, ledges, boulders.


Vita looked around as Relvail looked around the camp "This place may have seen its share of conflict but it still stands strong. Here is as safe as you can be with the humans around." he explained


((Writers block sorry))

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Vita looked around as Relvail looked around the camp "This place may have seen its share of conflict but it still stands strong. Here is as safe as you can be with the humans around." he explained


((Writers block sorry))

((It's okay haha))


A tiny hatchling came racing along and tripped over the end of Shimmer's tail. "Oh! Hello, little one, are you alright?" she asked, nudging the dark myst pygmy to its feet. The little one squeaked and nodded, shy.

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Runara chose a leafless tree to her left and examined it. It was suitable, if not counting some holes in it. She started to walk around the tree to decide where she should push to make it fall. "I dunno..." - she replied, circling the tree - "Methinks that we should first make it easy. And as hatchlings are making progress, the course gets harder. At least this is my suggestion."

Finally she chose a good spot and started to dig like Twilight did.

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Dharsii smiled approvingly at Serina's method and the appearance of the ending product of the potion. A quick sniff confirmed her approval and she smiled warmly at Serina.



"Well done!" she said happily. "It was an almost flawless procedure. I couldn't have hoped for better. The mixture will work perfectly well, but I tend to use a little more intense flame when I sear it" She released a quick burst of light blue flame for emphasis. "But that may as well just be a difference in strategy. The scent of the finished product is distinct and your mixture here meets that scent perfectly."


The white dragoness turned and lifted her head in surprise at Vrans' first statement upon entering the den. "Visitors? What do you mean?" she asked curiously. "And we were just finishing up showing Serina here how to make the cure for the poison that the humans employ against us. The more medics who know it, the better, right?"




Twilight nodded thoughtfully at Runara's idea for the flight course. "So you're saying to build a simple course at first and add onto it as they progress in skill ri-" he cut off his sentence near the end and lifted his head at the new scent that reached his nostrils. The sunset dragon sniffed the air a few times to try and pinpoint the smell.


"Do you smell that?" he asked Runara, employing his forked tongue to try and find the direction of the smell better. "I swear I smell an unfamiliar dragon in the Divide."

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Runara let the tree alone and sniffed the air, worried. "Yeah... I smell it too..." - she nodded and suddenly laid her paw on chest - "And why all of a sudden I've got a bad feeling in my body? Like something is going to happen very soon... and I do not like it." - and she thought: "Oh great. If I am also paranoid... Nah, can't be it. Or maybe..."

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Serina smiled warmly at how Dharsii approved her work but noted that she should use a slightly more intense flame. "Thank you" and Serina turned to hear what Vrans was saying.


Off in the distance Vulcan still walked about, at some point the front of the clan came into sight, something in the air told him Emeraldan was nearby. The path to the clan looked fairly used and inside he could glimpse a number of dragons. "What the? There's two clans??" Vulcan thought to himself. He continued to think, "I don't have a home anymore...I get revenge on Emeraldan or if I'm lucky this clan might let me in, grrr, I should take a better look at this place. Vulcan cautiously walked into the clan. "Hello?" he said out loud. Just within earshot, Talaren turned at the sound of his voice, it stinging his ears like a needle. In a heartbeat Talaren was right in front of Vulcan hoping to get there before any others got to see him. "YOU!! What do you think you are doing here!!?? If you're smart you will turn and leave now." Talaren told Vulcan in a quiet but clear voice, his eyes pointed and ready to kill, chest and muscles stretching and flexing for Talaren was deceptively strong for his appearance. The sound of Talaren's voice told he would not be afraid to kill Vulcan in an instant. Vulcan replied as calmly as he could, he needed a home and it was clear Talaren didn't want him here. "So you want to fight me right here? in front of all these dragons, oh Talaren attacks a total stranger, won't that look good? To them it would seem like you were unstable or insane..." Vulcan finished with slight grin. Talaren snarled but knew he was right, "You even look for trouble and I will kill you, talk to the alpha but be aware, I have my eye on you...coward." Talaren backed off to distance, enough to be out of talking range but close enough to watch him. "Hello?" Vulcan said again looking for an alpha or other figure of authority to ask about staying, he hated that he would perhaps have to be with Talaren but he needed a new home nonetheless.

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((It's okay haha))


A tiny hatchling came racing along and tripped over the end of Shimmer's tail. "Oh! Hello, little one, are you alright?" she asked, nudging the dark myst pygmy to its feet. The little one squeaked and nodded, shy.

Vita looked at the hatchling "You should get back to your parents, I don't need them over turning every little rock looking for you again do we?" he asked good naturedly. The little one nodded shyly again before scampering off to its parents. Vita sighed watching after the hatchling "They are forced to play in such a contained area, I hope one day the clan can live as it did with out the human threat." he admitted looking at the 2 visitor's "A few of our family's have had new clutches of eggs. When your inspected I always request that in payment for staying that you aid the clan in some way, hunting medic, watching over the hatchlings anything really." he explained with a nod "I don't know if Vrans already said that if she has." he admitted.


Dharsii smiled approvingly at Serina's method and the appearance of the ending product of the potion. A quick sniff confirmed her approval and she smiled warmly at Serina.



"Well done!" she said happily. "It was an almost flawless procedure. I couldn't have hoped for better. The mixture will work perfectly well, but I tend to use a little more intense flame when I sear it" She released a quick burst of light blue flame for emphasis. "But that may as well just be a difference in strategy. The scent of the finished product is distinct and your mixture here meets that scent perfectly."


The white dragoness turned and lifted her head in surprise at Vrans' first statement upon entering the den. "Visitors? What do you mean?" she asked curiously. "And we were just finishing up showing Serina here how to make the cure for the poison that the humans employ against us. The more medics who know it, the better, right?"


Vrans nodded and smiled "True, more that know the cure the less the humans kill." she said "And yes, we have 2 visitor's moonstone breed if I recal. Vita is currently with them." she explained



Off in the distance Vulcan still walked about, at some point the front of the clan came into sight, something in the air told him Emeraldan was nearby. The path to the clan looked fairly used and inside he could glimpse a number of dragons. "What the? There's two clans??" Vulcan thought to himself. He continued to think, "I don't have a home anymore...I get revenge on Emeraldan or if I'm lucky this clan might let me in, grrr, I should take a better look at this place. Vulcan cautiously walked into the clan. "Hello?" he said out loud. Just within earshot, Talaren turned at the sound of his voice, it stinging his ears like a needle. In a heartbeat Talaren was right in front of Vulcan hoping to get there before any others got to see him. "YOU!! What do you think you are doing here!!?? If you're smart you will turn and leave now." Talaren told Vulcan in a quiet but clear voice, his eyes pointed and ready to kill, chest and muscles stretching and flexing for Talaren was deceptively strong for his appearance. The sound of Talaren's voice told he would not be afraid to kill Vulcan in an instant. Vulcan replied as calmly as he could, he needed a home and it was clear Talaren didn't want him here. "So you want to fight me right here? in front of all these dragons, oh Talaren attacks a total stranger, won't that look good? To them it would seem like you were unstable or insane..." Vulcan finished with slight grin. Talaren snarled but knew he was right, "You even look for trouble and I will kill you, talk to the alpha but be aware, I have my eye on you...coward." Talaren backed off to distance, enough to be out of talking range but close enough to watch him. "Hello?" Vulcan said again looking for an alpha or other figure of authority to ask about staying, he hated that he would perhaps have to be with Talaren but he needed a new home nonetheless.


Vita turned his head at the new voice "Over here." he called out "Seems we have quite a few showing..." he said half to him self though he noticed the new visitor was a red. A red attacked Emeraldan from what he remember being told.

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"Hello, are you the alpha? My name is Seren." Vulcan said peacefully to Vita, lying to dragons could put him in a bad spot as well as being around Talaren, even so he was homeless now, it was here or be locked up at the old clan. Talaren kept a piercing gaze trained on Vulcan, especially when he lied about his name but said nothing, he does anything that even indicates bad news and he will regret it.

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Dharsii gave a smile and nod back at Serina when she thanked her for her approval, but remained quiet as Vrans was speaking.


"Two moonstones you say?" she said after Vrans finished speaking and then asked,"Are they newcomers in need of a check-up for human bugs?" That was the usual reason she was notified of newcomers so it seemed the most logical situation.




Twilight reared onto his hind legs to scent the air again. Upon coming back down he spoke. "I don't think we have anything to worry over."


"It seems that the newcomer is at the main camp with Vita and most of the others." he said calmly with a twinge of nervousness in his voice. He was certain the clan was likely welcoming another new arrival as he smelled other new dragons as well, but something had him on edge.


"Let's topple a few more trees before we start dragging them back. It'll be easier onus that way." he said, dismissing the feeling as nothing more than paranoia. "The clan will have the newcomer under control. Don't worry." With that, he set about uprooting and toppling another tree.

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"A few of our family's have had new clutches of eggs. When your inspected I always request that in payment for staying that you aid the clan in some way, hunting medic, watching over the hatchlings anything really." he explained with a nod "I don't know if Vrans already said that if she has." he admitted.

"I am good with healing," Relvaii spoke. He would offer his services, if they were needed. "Shimmer...she is a good hunter."


"Or maybe a lookout of some kind?" the dragonelle added gently.

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"Hello, are you the alpha? My name is Seren." Vulcan said peacefully to Vita, lying to dragons could put him in a bad spot as well as being around Talaren, even so he was homeless now, it was here or be locked up at the old clan. Talaren kept a piercing gaze trained on Vulcan, especially when he lied about his name but said nothing, he does anything that even indicates bad news and he will regret it.

Vita nodded "Yes I am the leader of this clan. Hello Seren, forgive those that keep an eye out on you, we haven't heard the best recently about other reds out side of the clan." he admitted "Anyway, welcome to the area." he said with a smile and nod.


Dharsii gave a smile and nod back at Serina when she thanked her for her approval, but remained quiet as Vrans was speaking.


"Two moonstones you say?" she said after Vrans finished speaking and then asked,"Are they newcomers in need of a check-up for human bugs?" That was the usual reason she was notified of newcomers so it seemed the most logical situation.


Vrans nodded "Yep, found them in our territory and I don't think they knew about the bugs. We just want to be sure they won't be trailing any of them inside the clan." she said.


((sorry writers block))




"I am good with healing," Relvaii spoke. He would offer his services, if they were needed. "Shimmer...she is a good hunter."


"Or maybe a lookout of some kind?" the dragonelle added gently.


Vita nodded some more "The more healers the better in times like these. If the humans make an advance the faster we can patch our wounded the better off we'll be." he said then looked at Shimmer "Both hunting and a look out are key things. I'll show you around after you've been inspected for the human bugs. They are trackers for the humans, while harmless to a grown dragons scales and skin a hatchlings are still developing." he explained.

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"That's unfortunate" Vulcan nodded as he thought to himself, great, I'll be walking on eggshells if I live here Vulcan looked about getting used to the area and eased the tension that had built up in his shoulders. "You won't get much trouble from me, but is it okay if I lived here? I have no problem pulling my own weight." Vulcan looked at Vita hopefully and thought more, I can't stay away from Talaren indefinitly and if any others from the clan are here...maybe I could apologize even? I still despise Emeraldan for the humility he caused me...I better not see him. Vulcan shrugged off his own thoughts and kept a look out for others he knew beside Talaren, he rarely went far on his own, he knew that much about him.

Edited by Orion97

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Dharsii nodded her head dutifully, "Very well. Will you show me to them Vrans?" she asked. The sooner they were checked the better for the clan. "And Serina, would you like to take part in this as well? It would be another bonus to the safety of dragons of your clan."

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"Certainly" Serina told Dharsii. As Serina walked outside she saw Vulcan. Is that...can't be, I must be going crazy... Serina thought as she shook her head and resumed her attention to Dharsii.


A distance away Josh was busy gathering berries. He still had some meat and a handful of bread but had a craving for fruit, berries specifically. Luckily he found a good blueberry bush about 50 feet from his small cave. He made sure he was covered up to disguise his scent and left the rifle at the mouth of the cave. Josh kept a low walk over to the bush and an eye out for dragons. He gathered a handful of berries and ferried them to his cave, then as Josh turned around for a trip to harvest more berries he heard a deep growl a distance away. It sounded dangerous something Josh would rather avoid. So Josh grabbed the rifle and walked over to grab more berries. Then Josh saw a black bear emerge from between a pair of trees. He panicked and sprinted to the cave as he noticed the bear was moving towards him and ran as he sprinted. Josh knew the bear would cut him off so he ran back away instead with the bear running strait for him. It was about 100 yards away when he first saw it...then 80...then 60...then 40. Josh gripped the rifle firmly and tried to steady his uncontrollable shaking and aimed. The sights landed firmly on the front of the bear as Josh squeezed the trigger. A loud bang erupted from the gun and a bloody hole could be seen on the bear...right between the eyes. Josh's arms and legs continued to shake maddeningly as he held the gun with an iron-like grip, his heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest. He walked stiff-leggedly to his cave and as the tension eased up in his legs he collapsed into his cave and from the sheer terror, fell fast asleep.


Back at the camp Talaren heard the faintest sound of a bang, about as loud as an acorn falling. Talaren listened around suspiciously for a moment but eventually blamed what he heard on his imagination and resumed watching Vulcan.

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"Uh... huh..." - slowly nodded Runara. After Twilight suggested to continue with trees, she nodded again and continued her job. She already was done with two trees, when she have heard a loud bang from somewhere. "And this one is a newcomer too?" - she tilted her head to the side. - "If not, then I am almost sure that was a human... unless those bugs learned how to destroy themselves."

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