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Who knew so much starch could be so delicious? Mmmm, baked potato + chicken flavored rice + butter + salsa = love

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AAARGH. Every single thing with spikes just HAS to break. Seriously, my collar is missing three spikes, one of my boots lost one a few days after I got them (thankfully it's not very visible), I have a bracelet that has less than half spikes remaining. By no fault of mine, I might add, it just breaks by itself for no reason. The only thing that was intact was a bracelet which I've misplaced for a change. And now these earrings that look absolutely wonderful and I was going to wear them for an eternity, but one starts breaking for no reason whatsoever, except that I tried to put them on (which btw is hard as hell and pretty much impossible if you're extremely gentle, as they apparently require. well maybe they should have come with instructions because I had no idea it would just FALL OFF). Now I fixed it using my amazing skills with glue and black sharpie but it looks like crap. I might cry.


/vain metalhead rage

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I know what she means... every thing in the house is breaking and we have to fix it!!

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eek some family friends came over and with them came a stranger I didn't know about beforehand, I'm scared of leaving my room :<

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That is strange that kind of thing happend to me today with some repair guy...

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You! Yeah, you.

I know you stole my breeding concept. The similarities for your breeding group and the project I started back in January are just too similar to be denied. It bugs me that you haven't even given me the least bit of response of confirming or denying it.

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I'm so sore I'm just in pain. Think I'll take a nap after class and struggle through high intensity circuit training. Then more sleep. >.>

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