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X-Men: The End

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(( When I have four classes next semester, I'll let you know. Has it been hard dear?))




Ziva wondered where in the world Jason had gone but didn't stop running. But, when Jason landed beside her, she jumped to the side but was instead hit by a giant, muddy, hand. It was totally disgusting but after she had the sensation of mud being everywhere, it was gone. Jason had turned and asked her to follow him which she did willingly, keeping up with him which was something new to her. Usually she had to slow down for him, and now he was leading the way. To be honest, it was rather refreshing.


When they arrived, Ziva stopped behind Jason as she looked what was in front of them. A lovely, cozy cabin with a porch and the smell of cedar, her favorite, everywhere around them. She walked up to the door slowly, her eyes glued to the house in front of her and her fingers gently traced over the heart with their initials. With a smile, Ziva turned back around to look at her husband with admiration. In a moment she was in front of him with her arms around his neck and a kiss on his lips. She pulled back and smiled again. "This is the best Jason. Thank you for working so hard on everything." she said knowing that while they were here, it was going to be at least 3-4 days while only a short time in the real world. "Shall we go in?" she asked him.




Moira looked carefully at William as he spoke. A burden? To her? No...she had better say that, that way he wouldn't believe what he thought. "William..." she sighed and looked up at him as he shrugged and continued speaking. "Number one. When people have offered their services as a promise to another...it isn't a burden to them. And healing...you'll get to it." She chuckled slightly and rolled her eyes. "Look at me. Offering advice to someone who is what, four years older than me? Ha!" she said and grabbed the dishes, rinsed them and left them in the sink. "Do you want to see anything besides the sunrise?" she asked him.

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"My goal is to eliminate all mutants."


Oh, how absolutely exciting. Ren's eyes widened and her pupils dilated in sheer excitement as Understood raised her weapon, aimed it right at her forehead... it had been a long time since Ren had been shot in the head, and she couldn't remember how it felt. That feeling, it was about to come again...


...and then a slight buzz, and Understood didn't shoot. There was a moment of silence, and Ren cocked her head.




Arrienayathora grinned and clasped her hands in front of her. Yes, that's my name, you have said my name! That means they're not ready to dispose of me, silly people. And that also means...


Ren's grin turned to a smug smile as her new 'ally' lowered the pistol and placed both of them in their holsters. She couldn't help but feel extremely excited when Understood gave her what Ren thought was probably supposed to be a glare. She had never been good at reading emotions, even after touching so many people; it just wasn't her strong suite.


"What other mutants?"


Ren didn't hesitate a moment in answering: "The famous Tempest, and her dear sweetheart Blade. Those two have been avoiding your allies for much of their conscious existence, if I'm not mistaken, and many of all hours of a day they are being trouble by saving lives. They used to live in a sewer complex; they gave me food once a few years ago and offered for me to stay there, but staying in one place isn't my path. Recently I have found that their old sewer is empty of their bodies, but I believe I know exactly the area they may currently be in. I also believe they have been gaining allies, such as the singer mutant and the boy who wears the black helmet and spews smoke. Do you know of these?"


Ren shifted on her feet, hands now behind her back. She liked talking and she wanted to talk more, but somehow she felt Understood wasn't exactly the conversational type. She saw Understood as more of a passive aggressive creature, a bit brainwashed it seemed... but that was just Ren's twisted picture of the being before her, and she had absolutely no fear of Understood. After all, the girl obviously didn't know Ren's power yet and was trained to aim for the normal vital organs. Ren's 'normal' vital organs were next to useless to her, except to keep her body moving; her blood didn't need oxygen and only needed to be pumped when she stood or moved. Her heart beat on average twice a minute when she was resting, and she only breathed once a minute unless talking. Breathing was a pain, and Ren could hardly stand having to be near someone who breathed loudly and constantly. To her, constant breathing would be like constantly consciously blinking; it would get annoying very quickly.





"Who's there?"


Sophira stopped shutting the door, her heart speeding up. Siren didn't sound happy at all, and Sophira realized she really had no right to watch someone dance... as strange as it sounded, she felt quite guilty, though Siren's dancing was incredible. She opened the door quickly, though she was much more timid than before.


"I... it was me, sorry. I didn't mean to bump in on you like that, I just was going to train! I've only been here a few seconds, but I'll go now..."


She turned to close the door, embarrassed at her own mistake and yet wishing she could have kept watching Siren. Sophira had thought of dancing when she was young, but finances had been tight and her mother had only let her do one extracurricular activity. She had chosen to learn the penny-whistle, but it had been a long time since she had even seen one and she had given that up. Now she wondered if perhaps she should have brought one with her when she left home...

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Ren seemed excited at the prospect of tracking down mutants and disposing of them. It wasn't something that Elyon could sympathise with. Whenever she killed she felt nothing for her target, certainly not sorrow or joy. It was her duty to carry out. Nothing more and nothing less.


The mutants that Ren described did not sound familiar to Elyon, but she rarely obtained more information than what would be useful outside of her current mission. She was only ever told what she needed to know.


"Negative" she replied to Ren's question. "How far is their destination?"


If they were too far away Elyon would have no choice but to ignore them until tomorrow. If she did not return to base before curfew she would be in trouble, or more accurately, her handler would be. Elyon didn't have much affection for the people in her life, but she was as fond of that man as she could be of anyone.

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Willow took a step back as she saw Kelvyn’s eyes. She had seen some weird stuff before, but that… That was creepy. Willow closed her eyes as Kelvyn asked her to, but opened them as she heard him throw up. She watched him concerned as he washed his mouth, wondering what could have caused him to suddenly become so ill. “It’s not your fault,” She said, as Kelvyn apologized. She nodded as he suggested going to bed, she was tired after all.


“You…” Willow paused, unsure what to say. She reached out, forgetting about her powers until her hand touched Kelvyn’s arm, and his memories came to her. Willow’s eyes closed, and she fell to the ground.

Edited by coralkiki

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As Sophira came into view, Siren relaxed somewhat. She could deal with Sophira seeing her dance. They were friends weren't they? Sophira seemed nervous though, like she felt bad. The embarrassed Lily was being rather bitter at the moment, and thought good, she should be embarrassed. But that was Lily, and this was Siren. Siren wasn't a petty person, she didn't make people feel this way.


With a sigh, Siren caught the door before it closed. "Sophira, uhm, if you need to train... Well, come on in... And, uh- how long were you there?" Siren glanced behind her and frowned, her ipod and speakers still flooded the room with classical music. The smooth flowing sound was tempting her. Siren ignored it and opened the door fully, now facing Sophira with a small smile.

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Ella sighed. It's amazing even when you're extraordinary, how life can be so boring. She was in her winter bungalow, getting ready to stay out of sight for the winter. I'll go visit the town. She opened the door, letting a cold blast of air in. Teddy and Nikki started to yip excitedly. "Shh, Teddy. Good girl, Nikki." The dogs were her pet white longhaired malamutes. Ella closed the door and shifted. Shifting is an amazing feeling. Hair turns to feathers, you shrink, your nose and mouth grow together... She was a falcon. An Peregrine Falcon, to be exact. She twitched, eyesight is much better in bird form. She took off.. I love the feeling of flying. You feel the wind in your feathers, the freedom. She soared down to the town quickly, landing and morphing in a dark alley.

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"Negative. How far is their destination?"


Ren smiled and wet her lips lightly. She wasn't one for technology much, but she did use it on occasion and this was an occasion she felt called for it. Out of her back jean pocket she pulled out a small device. She took it out slowly, as not to startle Understood.


"This," she said as she opened the top of the button-like device, "is a homing-camera I obtained from a professor when I took his memories. It is programmed to respond to technology readings just like a normal city camera. One of the mutants, one who controls plants, was helping stop the fire that burned earlier today. This was watching her, and where she went when the fire was mostly gone. It leads to a small but deep island."


Ren reached back into her other pocket, eying Understood with excitement. She pulled out a rather crumpled and squished paper map. She unfolded it quickly and set it on the ground, then knelt over it and pointed. "We are here, as you are likely aware, and the islands are there. Two miles offshore, and the homing-camera lost sight of her once she got there... but I am fairly certain she never left the islands. What better place for mutants to hide?"


Ren stood quickly, leaving the map on the ground and still holding the little camera in her left hand. "If you go, I will accompany you." It wasn't an offer, it was a certainty; there was no way Ren would miss a mutant-bust, and even though she had a twisted sense of affection for her own time, boredom was burning at the edges of her mind and she did not want to become bored. For her, it was more painful than bullets; it was torture to be bored.






Sophira had just been closing the door, but a hand caught it; it was Siren.


"Sophira, uhm, if you need to train..." Sophira shifted, not sure if Siren was still unhappy or not. "Well, come on in... And, uh- how long were you there?"


"Only fifteen seconds or so," Sophira answered quickly. "I was just going to come here and train, and when I heard music I got curious and peered in. I... Siren, you're such a great dancer, I watched for longer than I should have, I'm sorry. It's just I used to know someone who danced to music like this, a long time ago..." Sophira returned Siren's smile and entered.


"If you want to keep dancing, I can go."






"You're not a little boy anymore, Ciar."


Black leather boots lightly crossed the downtown streets of Boston. The fellow riding the boots had his head down and his hands in the pockets of his ripped-knee jeans. His face was unreadable; he stared blankly at the ground as he walked, seemingly on autopilot as his feet took him where he wanted to go. Downtown people didn't avoid him; they were used to his type, the type that seemed uncaring and unable to get a decent job.


What an interesting stereotype. That's all reality is made of, stereotypes and personal relationships.


The young man coughed onto his black fingerless gloves, raising his head high enough for a moment that he met the eyes of a woman passing by. She immediately broke eye-contact, as did the man... and they continued on their ways. A gust of wind swirled the man's white hair around his face, bringing back the strangest memories and sensations. A beach, a kiss, a punch, a bloody nose... none of the sensations or memories seemed related to each other in any way.


Finally the boots stopped walking, and the man looked up to see where he was. As usual, he was just where he wanted to be. Today that just happened to be the poorest part of town. Eyes watched from dark windows as the man walked the empty streets. A stray dog skittered past, and the man offered it a smile. In return it growled and raced away, not looking back once.


"Ciar? Ciar, your half-brother's on the phone..."


House after house, and their condition seemed to get worse and worse as the man continued walking. He was actually surprised that the local gang wasn't around. They were usually out and about, leaning against a wall or exchanging who-knows-what: sometimes weapons, sometimes coats, sometimes glares. But the eight or so young teens were not around... at least, not all of them.


The man turned the street corner and found his dull-brown eyes gazing upon a sickly young lad. The teen was crouching on the sidewalk, his face hidden in his hands and his back turned, his lips mumbling something unintelligible. He was wearing a long thin shirt and jeans that were even more ripped up than the man's jeans. The man took a step forward curiously, then stopped. There were several seconds of silence before the teen suddenly realized the man was there.


The teen looked up with a look of fear, prepared to run, but he immediately sighed in relief when he recognized the man. "Mistuh V," he said as he stood, "Wutta you doin here now? Y'usually cum 'round latuh."


V managed to smiled at the teen, a look of pity on his face. Perhaps not a sincere look, but a look nonetheless. "I'm sorry to startle you," he said quietly. His voice was soft and sounded like it had always been so; it was the kind of voice that could make a child sleep simply by talking. V wasn't purposely speaking so, it was simply the way his voice was. He began walking past the teen, going so far as to leave the sidewalk to stay out of reach of the teen.


"I have some errands I have to run here," he said to finish his excuse. To V's dismay, he heard the teen's footsteps following him. "I run errands. I can run y'errands, mistuh V!" There was excitement and hope in the boy's voice, and he obviously was hoping to get paid. V sped his walk a bit, not having meant to get the boy talking. He glanced behind him. "No. Go home and help your mother," he said firmly. Apparently his soft voice wasn't convincing, because the teen also sped his walk and trotted a bit to catch up to V.


"Muthah don't need no help, but I c'run your errand for you!"


V knew that a simple 'no' wouldn't do; he had dealt with the boy in the past and didn't particularly enjoy their interactions; the boy was extremely persistent in getting himself runner-jobs, and he always expected pay. He was the youngest member of the gang, and it was almost a shame to see him there. Now V wished he had lied and not mentioned the errands, but what was done was done.


"Ciar, why don't you play with the other children? Johnny really wants you to play airplanes with him."


V spun around to face the boy, trying a dark glare. The boy's hopeful look faded to timidity and he stepped back. V's anger turned to tiredness, and he shook his head. "Go home and do something useful. Go help someone who actually needs your help. At the moment your help is useless to me." Well, V had never been very good with conversation and usually his conversation was goal oriented. In this case, the goal had been to say whatever it took to get rid of the boy without completely shutting the boy down to working in the future. Now V turned and continued on his way. No footsteps followed.


V arrived at the abandoned part of town, right next to the junkyard. There were several old shacks there and a lot of barbwire fence. The junkyard was like a maze with graffiti all over it, and it was truly full of junk. The entire area stunk like rotten food. In the middle of the dead-end road that led to the junkyard was an old car, brown and rusty. V walked over to it and sat on the hood. He brought his knees up to his chin. There he sat, and there he began to run over his plans in his head again... it had become his favorite thing to do, almost addicting. Just sitting and thinking of how it could and would go, of the trouble he could face and the ways he could escape. He had heard there were many young, untried mutants in Boston; surely some of them would care to accompany him without actually bothering him...


"Ciar, that's such a nice card you made for Jennifer! I'm so proud of you. Why don't you talk to her?"


"Now we wait for sunset," V said quietly.

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Kelvyn muttered, the pain was strong. All of a sudden Willow fell on the ground with her eyes closed. "H-hey, come on... wake up. Don't die on me now!" Kelvyn took her up on his arms and put her on the extended bed. He took some water in a bucket from the toilet room and splashed it at Willow. It seemed to have no effect. Kelvyn muttered some more, shrugging. He took a deep breath and sighed. "Ugh, CPR..." Kelvyn opened his mouth, which luckily was clean since he washed it a second ago. He held Willow's nose and opened her lips, as he pressed against her chest to keep her heart beating. He neared her as he pressed his lips against hers, blowing air to keep her alive. As the process finished, he hoped she was alive. It took a couple of seconds to see if it had an effect. Besides, it was nice kissing Willow, she was cute. Even if it wasn't a real kiss.

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Krys woke up rays of ivory moonlight danced though the floating particles in the barn. The effect was almost ethereal and she sat there, watching them drift for a few minutes before realizing how late it was. She walked out into yard to find that her Foster Mom's car was gone again.


The front door was locked and the shades were down, meaning that both the Mesconi's had left for their weekly "gathering." A chill ran up her spine at the thought of the demonic session she has witnessed the previous week. He hand slid up her the hollow of her throat and fingered the small cross hanging there. She moved over to the third window on the left and slid her hand up behind the shutter, feeling for the extra key.


She let herself inside and flopped on the couch. Why was life so boring? She finally had a family that was mostly ok. Besides those cult-fests. But as long as they don't make me keep going to meetings, I'll be ok.


She jumped up from the couch. Having napped in the barn, she had energy to spare and was beginning to feel restless despite the late hour. She bounded up the stairs and dug out a small inconspicuous-looking set of keys. They were the keys to her baby. The old teal Camero that she'd "inherited" in the wake of her parents' deaths. Being the oldest (and only) child, the car, her father's pistol, most of the money, and possesions had become hers, but the House had been placed in the possession of a trustee who conveniently vanished the moment court proceedings were over and the government was no longer involved. Since then, Krys had become an unwilling "ward of the state" and been bounced around Foster Homes.


Krys grabbed her knapsack out of her closet and began chucking in essentials: toothbrush, hairbrush, deodorant, underthings, shirts, shorts, jeans, and a jacket. She then dug out her canvas bag of electronics ans spread them on her bed. An iTouch, a deactivated blackberry, an activated iPhone, an old palm-pilot that she'd refurbed, and finally her laptop: her birthday present, untouched, still with the plastic wrapping on it. Her most potent reminders of her former life sat there on the comforter, staring at her. She felt emotion rising once again and flipped the edge of the comforter over the electronics to hide them.


The mental discomfort faded, but the nausea did not, and she bolted to the bathroom as this afternoon's lunch came back with a vengeance.

Edited by Krys

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Glancing up at the clock Elyon canculated that she did not have enough time to track down this mutants, if they truely existed.


"Tomorrow" she told Ren looking back at her. "I must return to base."


If Ren was telling the truth then it would be handy to have a guide to the exact location of the mutant and if she was lying...


Keeping her face perfectly blank Elyon walked past Ren and picked up the laptops and files she had decided to take back with her. The agents would probably be able to comb through most of it overnight and give her further leads should Ren's prove to be false. Looking around the room she felt annoyned that there was so much she couldn't take back with her, but her bike would only carry so much.


Leaving the house Elyon walked back to her bike and put her prizes into special packs, designed to keep whatever was inside perfectly safe, and then went back to the house. If she couldn't take all the information back with her, then she would have to dipose of what was left in case others found it. Taking out one of her pistols Elyon went into the kitchen and shot the electric microwave oven twice. It burst into flames with a small bang.

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Lunnas roamed around the city of Boston, looking for some "fun" . Heis board was strapped to his back and those that past him on the street would stop and stared. He can't bothered by it but made him think about what kinds of fun he could have in a city, full of people. He decided to to just find a junk yard or some place with alot.png of useless junk and use his powers on them. He found a junk yard outside of the city where he found some kid sitting on a junked car, wearing dark clothes. " if I were you, I would leave now before I have to show you how nice I can be." He grunted.

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Sunset was slow. It felt slower than usual, but V patiently waited, unmoving from the car he sat on. He was deep in thought, staring at a wall of junk with no graffiti on it. In the back of his mind something in him wondered why there was no graffiti, but mostly he simply considered what would look good on the wall of junk.


"If I were you, I would leave now before I have to show you how nice I can be."


V blinked and turned his head enough to look at the newcomer. He hadn't been paying attention and had barely noticed the boy approach. Sure, he had noticed movement out of the corner of his eye, but he had been so busy in thought he hadn't realized it wasn't just a dog or something... and what a curious sight it was.


The boy had messy brown hair and was dressed in plain, dark clothing. He certainly didn't look or speak like one of the local gangsters, and V wondered if he was attempting to assert his gang's authority. He seemed educated in speech and clothing, but the way he spoke and walked suggested he was a scrapper, survivor, orphan, gangster... something in that category. He also had red cheek paint... and slit eyes. That was what got V's attention and forced him to consider even answering the kid. Usually he would have ignored such threats unless a weapon was drawn, but the eyes of the stranger were unusual.


He might be useful, if he's looking for something to do...


And that was the first thing V said to the stranger. He smiled and turned his body to face him, slipping his feet under his body and perching like a gargoyle on the edge of the car. His smile was warm, but his eyes were dull. His stance was relaxed, but his mind was preparing for anything; if the newcomer really was a mutant, there could be trouble. Then again, if he got just a little closer...


"Looking for something to do, my friend? I don't believe we've ever met."

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" yeah I'm looking for something to do. Its called you getting the hell out of here before I turn you into a puddle." He growled as he walked by another junk car. He placed his left hand on the hood and a flash of blue lighting, a large broad sword was being pulled from the hood. " now leave"

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It was weird, seeing a person’s life story run through your mind, but even weirder when that person’s memories where all messed up and had that cloudy feeling of having been forgotten. Willow studied the memories intently, somewhat forgetting where she was until she felt air being forced down to her lungs. Her eyes burst open and she saw Kelvyns face. “Momhou…” The words were muffled, due to the fact that Kelvyn’s mouth was in the way. Willow pushed Kelvyn away from her (or rather, she tried, she wasn’t too strong) and scrambled up to a sitting position.


“Wha… I… You… What…” She panted, looking shocked at Kelvyn, her hand on her chest. “What was that?” She looked shocked from Kelvyn, to herself and back at Kelvyn again. "And why am I soaked?” She asked, noticing how her hair was dripping into her lap.




Well… Her decision was made. censorkip.gif them. That was all she had to say. No more answering all of those stupid calls, no more deadlines, no more nothing. She was going to be her own boss, and not care about what people said she had to do. She was a mutant for crying out loud! She could take care of herself. She had two elements that would do anything she wanted them to, and if she got rid of that silly fear of hers, she’d have three.


Róise turned down a street, staring at the ground as she walked. She was on her way to the forest, and by the time she returned, she would be completely capable of controlling flames without panicking. She hoped. She was actually rather nervous, and had a feeling that her plan would fail miserably. Still, it was worth a try.


Edited by coralkiki

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As the boy noticed the girl got up and tried to push him away, he let go of the grip as he saw that Willo had a rather odd expression up her face, he smiled. "Well, you fainted," Kelvyn said. "You're soaked mostly because I put some water on your face to cool you up. I tried you wake you up. Since that didn't work, well, I CPR'ed you. You know, blew air onto your mouth to keep you alive. Call it a fake kiss?" Kelvyn looked oddly at Willow. "Are you okay?" He asked her. After all, she did faint without any reason after touching Kelvyn. "I hope you're not mad.." He said quietly, hissing.



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~Lyra and Nico~


Lyra was on edge, nervous, flighty. Today they were heading into the biggest mutant hating city in the world. They were insane. Lyra was worried that Nico's powers might be set off. She was constantly checking his emotions through the link, and he finally interrupted her worries with an annoyed thought, I'm fine.

Oh yes, I can see that. Lyra frowned, but left him to his own devices. She was worried still but kept it to herself. We should get moving, it's important. Besides we don't want to get caught, do we?

Nico harrumphed and nodded, Yea, you're right. We need to get into the city before morning traffic.

Lyra handed him what was left of the five hundred dollars left by their mother. There was about a hundred, maybe more left. It wasn't good, that their money was dwindling down. It worried her. With a sigh Lyra finished her bagel, so that they could leave the lonesome diner and catch an early bus ride into the city. They left a tip on the table and hurried out the door. Hurrying over to the bus stop, Lyra shivered. For just in the distance, she could see the Nethofelshi woods. Those woods bordered the mansion of the most mutant hating man in America.

You should take off your gloves, they make conspicuous ! Lyra could see the sense, so she reluctantly removed her gloves. Lyra prayed that no one would come close enough for her to read. It sickened her, and the people she had read? It was as though they were still there in the back of her mind. It horrified her.

Edited by Merryier12

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“You don’t perform CPR on a breathing person!” Willow said, before quickly shutting her mouth. She couldn’t actually perform CPR herself, so she probably wasn’t the one who should be telling him what to do. “Sorry. Y-you… You’re just trying to help. And, I’m not mad. I’m just not used to people trying to perform CPR on me. I pass out nearly all the time, so people don’t usually think it means I’m dying.” She gave him a joking grin, and tried to twist some water out of her hair. Failing to stifle a yawn, Willow turned over and lied down on the bed. “How ‘bout I explain in the morning?” She asked as her head hit the pillow.




Nefertishi mansion was probably the dumbest place for her to be, but the forest surrounding it was the closest to where Róise lived. She knew well that the guards at the mansion where allowed to shoot mutants on sight, but hopefully they didn’t know she was one. Still, Róise had the feeling that a dark and abandoned forest was a slightly safer place to practice using your powers than down town Boston.


“You’re going to start a forest fire…” Róise muttered to herself, continuing her internal argument about whether or not this was a good idea. She snapped her mouth shut as she saw two people standing at the bus stop she was walking by. I hope they didn’t hear that… she thought, slowing her pace down a little so she could see if they reacted at all.



((Merryier, you might want to change Lyra's colour. Yellow tends to be hard to see~))

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~Lyra and Nico~


Nico was used to thoughts interrupting his own. I hope they didn't hear that... Nico hadn't caught whatever "that" was, and with a quick dive into Lyra's mind he realized she had. Lyra! That girl, she noticed us, what did she say?

Lyra was alarmed as a girl.. Apparently talking to herself spoke of starting a forest fire. Nico interrupted her frightened thoughts, alerting her that they had been noticed, and asking what this girl had said. She spoke of starting a forest fire.

This alarmed Nico, what should he do? Nico, a naturally impulsive person did the first thing that came to mind. With a twitch of his fingers, a light breeze stirred and Lyra's eyes widened in alarm. She knew what he was doing, and he could feel her alarmed thoughts being sent his way. Annoyed, he closed his mind off from hers.

Lyra could feel the withdrawal of his emotions. It frightened her, being cut off. This was just like him, to go do something foolish that she had to take care of. "Nico, cut it out! You're going to give us away!" She hissed, only then realizing that the girl most likley heard what she had just said. In a moment of panic, she reached out and grabbed the girls wrist, beginning a playback of her life, that flashed in both their heads. Fragments stood out more than others, and Lyra closed her eyes to focus in better.


((Roise can see the life movie as well))

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Kelvyn looked sad, "Sorry... I just tried to... help. It's the first time I meet you, and I never really knew you constantly pass out, ya'know?" Kelvyn said. He walked over to the bed slowly, bending into sitting position, then switching back to lying position. He took a rather deep yawn, smiling. "Hmm, good night." Kelvyn said. "Ugh, hold on." He got up, went to the door and locked it. "No robberies." He muttered quietly, as he went back to the bed and returned to the sleeping position. He yawned again, starting to fall asleep.


((Nothing to do with Kelvyn after he's asleep, unless they wake up sooner or later))

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Jason (Time Skip 3 seconds... lol)


Jason's eyes snapped open to the sound of Shini crowing loudly in his ear. Everything had shifted back, he'd reached his limit. Six days... he'd managed six days. For a moment he just stared straight ahead, into Ziva's eyes. It was always hard, coming out of it, to remember that this was the real world, and the other was a world simply put... a dream of sorts. He immediately felt the withdrawal him his body. So much energy expended... and so totally worth it.


He knew it was just as harsh coming out for Ziva, if he wasn't her wife he'd never have brought her in, because of the addicting effect it could and did have, even on him. But she was well trained, and besides, he did plan on making it a regular occurrence... until reality caught up with his dream, then they wouldn't need an escape anymore... if that day ever came.


He leaned forward and hugged her loosely, his arms shaking just a little as his body dealt with the loss of that much energy in only three seconds. He was used to it by now, used to coping with it that is... nothing seemed to help fix it. His body would be recovering for another three hours or so before he could risk combat and get back to their operations. Fortunately surveillance was going to take that long anyway.


"Well..." he whispered in her ear as he broke the embrace. "How'd I do? Six days... I'm getting better at lasting longer... although... I don't feel so good." He gave her a weak smile. In truth he felt awful, he always felt awful. His body literally burned up all the food he had eaten for energy and drained itself in a few seconds, completely unhealthy and it felt as bad as coming down of a powerful pain killer, producing depressive symptoms and a whole slew of other physical issues that he'd be dealing with for a few hours starting now... But he had done this before, it was mostly a mental battle, not to get depressed as his body had exhausted its supply of dopamine in a series of insanely fast mental firings over the last few seconds. Effectively producing the same sort of state that an addict entered when they tried to quit drugs all at once... fortunately it didn't seem to kill braincells so at least that was a relief.


Fortunately the same didn't go for the person he connected to. Ziva was no doubt feeling almost the opposite, high almost, that would last only about a minute or so though until her body returned to its usual rhythm, for which Jason was glad.









William looked up from his food and gave Moira a smile. "I know, you're very kind...And you're wise for your age. I guess all of us are, have to be really, if we want to survive..." he sighed, it was a morbid concept to think about, the current situation of mutants at large. So many institutions had arisen to try and bridge the gap between humanity and mutants without conflict.


"You have my tanks either way." He nodded, finishing the food and moving to the sink where he began washing the dishes he'd used. "This problem between mutants and humans will change. Though it's sad that it seems every attempt to bridge the gap ahead of the natural seems to have failed. It's comforting though, to know that one day we'll all get along. At least I hope so, it depends, things could merely be reversed. But from what I know, more humans are being born with the X gene, the number keeps rising, eventually we will be the majority, the world will be forced to change because of this natural process...." He shrugged, "unfortunately biology takes time, I don't believe I'll live to see that day."


"Things aren't so bad though. It's almost funny the irony." he explained, pulling the small bible out of his pocket. "I always wanted to know how the early Christians must have felt, living under roman rule where they were hunted and killed and imprisoned. Then it hit me one day that that's exactly what we're all doing. They made it out fine, so will we, so long as you have something to believe in that won't let you down, you can endure anything." He spoke those last words sincerely, with not a hint of the usual lightness that most people would say that phrase with as if it were merely a nice thing to say... For him... Those words described his life, most of it, in painful detail. And they seemed to hold a lot more weight coming from him.


"Do you believe that miss Moira?"

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Ziva Pride


Ziva took in a deep breath as her eyes opened slowly to look into Jason's as she had done over the past "six days" so frequently just relishing in being able to be near him without having to act like a total witch towards him. It was obvious he was shaky since his body had used everything, but right now she was in such a state of total high that she couldn't really focus on anything other than being near him. He had done six days...it was incredible! When she first met him, it was only three or four days that he had been able to do which was just as taxing as it was now. When he hugged her, she could feel the weakness of his body which brought tears to her eyes. "You did wonderfully." she said as he pulled back with a weak smile. Just the fact that he had done that for her brought even more tears that gently slipped down her cheeks which were high in a smile. Her hand gently touched his cheek fondly then she quickly stood up and rummaged around the food box that they had and found several high calorie bars and a drink as well. She quickly unwrapped one of the bars and placed it in Jason's hand as she grabbed Shini from his shoulder and stroked the birds head.


"Isn't he wonderful Shini?" she asked the bird with a chuckle as she wiped the tears from her eyes then pet the bird again. "He does so much for me doesn't he? The best thing ever huh?" she said and looked up at him with a smile in her golden eyes as well as on her face. "How could I have ever been so lucky to have someone that would sacrifice their well-being for me?"




Moira was surprised as Will came over and finished the dishes. No one had ever really done that, but no one really knew her. Behind her walked in Nerissa in her wolf form as Will spoke about how the world seemed to take it's time. Her hand absentmindedly stroked the "fur" on Nerissa's back. He was right though about the appearance of mutants becoming more frequent. She had noticed that earlier when they kept running into various mutants a few years back. They seemed to pop up out of no where but she had to admit that it was rather refreshing.


When Will brought out the small Bible that he carried with him, Moira couldn't help but tense up somewhat. Nerissa noticed this and gently licked the poor girl's hand not knowing the strife that came from that book for her and for her family. Her family (before her parents for they were rather kind and definitely believers in that book and in the religion around it) had been what you could call, believers, but they in no way acted as such which had always caused Moira to be rather wary of any advance that someone made about the Bible or anything related to that book.


Moira didn't want to be rude or mean, but what her grandparents had done regarding using the book to frighten her as a child, held a part of her heart. She still believed, but it was hard to really understand it all when she was so young and had never fully walked in whatever faith she did own.


But the way that Will said it...for some reason, it seemed to hit a tune within her that echoed deep within her soul and awoke something that she had been missing. The true belief in what she knew in her head. He believed what was in that Bible with all of his heart and it seemed to be the only thing that had carried him on and kept him going.


Despite being usually very outspoken, Moira was quiet as she pondered what he said. When she looked up at him, she almost seemed confused but was slowly working things out in her head.


"You...you could say I do." Did she really believe in something that would never let her down? To be honest, she had never really been tested that hard. Sure there were times where she cried out in frustration and lonliness but still.... "I guess I just haven't been tested enough?" It was definitely a question. She did believe...she had to. Her grandmother was wrong about her being an evil little girl and that it was impossible for her to get into heaven because of her temper. How could a being that accepted all not accept her? Maybe that was what had gotten her through all of the struggles that she in America? Maybe that was the feeling that she had when she cried out, the sheer belief. "But then again, I don't know. I know there is something to believe in that will never ever give up on me no matter how stupid I am..." she fiddled with a piece of her hair as she looked at the counter that she was leaning on and wondered what exactly she did believe.


"Also, I told you to stop calling me miss...or ma'am....or Mrs....or anything like that." she said waggling her finger at Will as she turned around. "We can continue talking in the lab if you don't mind." she said as she walked away from him and down the hall that led to her lab.


It was still full of plants everywhere making Moira feel safe, but she also had work to do on her bracelet. It had made her tired which wasn't exactly good. Not only that, but she had to make some sort of tracker for Will so that she could know where he was at all times.

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((back and mostly recovered from WW, finally Also, I don't know if you guys were at a different mansion, but Asashi's mutant-hating father's mansion is the 'Nethofelshi' mansion. ^^))




V smiled in amusement, a fake sort of curiosity entering his eyes--almost mockingly--as the stranger walked over to a car and pulled a sword out of it. V found this very interesting, considering the fact that there had been no sword imbedded in the hood of the car in the first place. He didn't move from his position on the hood of his favorite car; despite the fact that he would rather have walked away from a fight and not go all public with his powers again, he felt it his duty to protect this small part of his territory, quite near to the actual complex he called home base.


"Turn me into a puddle? That's a threat I've never heard before. A puddle of what?" He cocked his head slightly, still smiling. His eyes twinkled and he looked younger than he was. He had always had a young face, and if he hadn't been so fit and in such clothing that exaggerated his fitness, he could have been mistaken for fifteen. Well, if he used a false voice. His voice was a bit deep for being taken so young. Still, he was relaxed and didn't look threatened at all, yet he didn't mock the superiority of the stranger; he wasn't smirking or grinning, just smiling lightly.

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((Ooooops... *hides* Sorry! Let's blame that on Coral not wearing her glasses rolleyes.gif Silly girl... *goes to edit*))




“I know.” Willow said, “Don’t worry about it.” She tossed and turned a couple times, trying to find a comfortable position. “Night…” She whispered, closing her eyes and trying to sleep. With the constant reappearances of other people’s memories it was hard, and the teenager was pretty sure that it took a couple of hours for her to sleep.




Yepp, they definably heard it… Róise cringed and picked up her pace. The kid’s expressions clearly said something was going on. The girl grabbed her wrist, and Róise stared at her. “What…” She began, but her mouth quickly closed as the image of her family appeared at the front of her mind. It was one of her earliest memories, Christmas the year she was three. Róise was too surprised to react, and soon other memories came as well.


The move to America. Starting school. Learning to play the guitar. The night she found out she was a mutant… The original shock had worn of, and Róise yanked her arm back. “Let go!” There was no way she was letting a stranger see that. It was private! This girl was the reason for this silly play-back, and she was not going to see any more.


Róise stopped resisting the girl’s hold as the memory continued playing. Tears came to her eyes as she saw the night play over again. She couldn’t believe a petty argument like that could create so much damage. Róise saw her 14 year old self grab her brother’s arm and the memory stopped. Róise recognised the image of police officers come, and yanked her hand back, this time successfully. “That was none of your business!” Róise hissed some very unfriendly Irish words at the girl, glaring.


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~Lyra and Nico~


Lyra had half her concious calming down Nico who had immidiatley jumped to their defense, and the other half unwillingly absorbing this girl's- Roise appearently- history. Lyra vowed that she wasn't ever taking off her gloves again, she cursed Nico in her mind continuously as she watched Róise's life. A picture of a family, at Christmas it seemed. A move to America, Róise starting school, her learning to play guitar, and the night she found out she was a mutant. Lyra sighed in relief, for if this girl was a human, next to Nethofelshi mansion with Lyra being so obviously... Unhuman, she could've gotten herself and Nico killed. The replay went on but she was able to tug her concious away a bit. Policemen appeared, and then Lyra was jarred out of the memory. Eyes blinking hazily before she came to her senses. "That was none of your business!"

Nico steadied her shaking shoulder with a hand, as she adjusted to the feel of Róise's imprint. She could hear the whispers from the memories that weren't hers. Everyone's imprint was different, and Lyra had several. It was disorienting everytime, but soon Lyra became used to it, sometimes it took a bit longer than others though. "I'm sorry Róise, I had to know if we could trust you." Lyra drew a shaky breath and told Nico, She's safe, we can trust her.

She has to trust us first. He said drily.

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Ella sighed. Boredom had taken her again, as it had for the past 50 some-odd years. "I wonder what going on with the others." By the others, of course she meant the other mutants. She hadn't talked to any of them in a while. A shame really, Logan was nice. And good looking, too. I suppose I should head over to Boston. But what to do with the dogs...

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