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Through Tooth and Claw...

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Valesz, feeling sad that this poor dragon in front of her was trying sooooo hard to help it's friends felt she should help the poor thing. The only thing she thought about what she was about to do was that the dragon might not like how the antidote was administered, Valesz shrugged and then started to weave vines out of the mass of them on her back but these vines were a bit different, they were a lot sharper and had blue tips. The only way to give it the antidote was with these and it might hurt, A LOT. She wraped them all along the dragon's left arm and then before feeling regret tightened them so that the little thorns went under the scales directly into the blood stream and curled back up knowing it would take a few hours with those thorns releasing the antidote so slowly and hoped that the little dragon might not wake up until it's blood was purged of the toxin, but in any part it was entirely possible it might and would probably be in a lot of pain from the thorns, she cringed at the thought of it, curled up and slowly drifted off to sleep in the corner.



**WAY too descriptive some might say >.> and is it too much? X3**

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Time was still in the cave with the boy and Kitsune her tail bleeding from that sharp stone and silently crying because the stone some how got stuck IN her tail My tail it hurts so much I can't get it out Time tried again to get the stone out but it went in deeper This is like no other stone that I have felt, it is smooth and well cut could it be a sapphire that fell from the ceiling? Time tried again but it sank deeper and made a sudden twist, this being extremely painful, let out a Clock-chime shreek of pain from Time OH GOD! GET IT OUT! IT HURTS! IT HURTS!!! The stone started moving on its own only this time it was headed for the rest of Time's body wait a minute.....Oh no..... oh please don't let it be what I think it is Time started to panic she ran out of her hiding place, ignoring Kitsune's and the others presence and ran for the river at the back of the cave she dove in and sank deeper and deeper I must keep them safe! even if it means killing myself I must keep Kitsune and the others safe! Must...keep....them.....away.......from.........curse............stone Time was losing conciseness, she felt the pain in her tail numming she hit the river bed gently and laid in the sand waiting, waiting like she had been for all those years in her life. The curse stone was wiggling out of the wound it had failed its assined mission from its master to take over the last Temporal Dragon. It left Time's Body and flowed down the river returning to its master. Time was just about to lose conciseness when she felt the stone leave, she started swimming as fast as she could to the surface but she was losing air and fast she had no energy left in her and she stopped swimming she let out one big bubble of air and started to sink back down to the bottom.



Vanlet was in her dream world while she was knocked out, in her dream world she was the ultimate dragon and she could defeat any opponant. Right now in her dream world she was beating down on Fang with her claws (again, trust me this isn't the first time she dreamt this, LOL) and was wipping him with her tail Take THIS! and THAT! and some more of THIS! she said with every hit she made. She arose from her dream fight victorious (again xd.png) and became leader of the FangClan but then turned it down and made Zarazo the new leader. Then she went to the human village where all humans had a dragon companion and lived a happy life THE END(xd.png ROTF LOL) . Meanwhile back in the REAL WORLD her body was cringing in pain from the thorns but Vanlet some how was still not feeling this pain (possibly because she was in the world that will NEVER come to be).

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Skyshriek flinched and felt shame, when Fang yelled at her for being tricked by hatchlings. But to her relief, he spared her life when she showed him the replacements. Then the vampire slave came and Fang told him to spare the sunrise hatchling. Then the black dragon told Skyshriek to come with him and she followed the leader to the corner of the hatchery. Fang unfrozed Django out of his stone form and the sunrise hatchling looked at his surrounding in astonishment and puzzlement. "Huh? Where am I? How did I get here? Wasn't I being chased by humans?" he asked himself. Then Django looked at the stone dragoness and the black dragon holding him and asked, "Huh?! Who are you?" Skyshriek ignored the young hatchling asked Fang, "So what kind of mission am I being assigned?" Meanwhile, the red-striped egg was bitten by the vampire slave and its red color slowly started to turn black. A foul smell was starting to come out of the egg. It was tranforming into a vampire egg.

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Valesz, awakened by a small squeek from the dragon next to her as it woke up, was all of a sudden remembering all the poor souls she let die by that poison, pleading for their lives before her. She quickly noticed how much it hurt the poor dragon and tried to comfort the poor thing, "Sorry about that, i must honestly say that is the only way to destroy the toxin in your blood, if there was an easier way, then don't ya think the poison might be a little bit different that how it reacts with your blood? If i had just let you stay there without any help, you might have died in a most horrible manner. First your heart rate would slow, almost stop, that was what made you pass out on the floor in front of me. Next your blood flow would reverse causing you to wake back up again but in extreme pain and suffering. Lastly your blood cells would actually explode inside your veins causing death almost in an instant. Kinda effective don't you think? As well as that, if i didn't start giving you the antidote within 30 seconds of you passing out it would have been useless and i wouldn't have been able to stop it in any way at all. These vines need to stay attached to me as the blue thorns are well injecting um, how do i put this. There is no other way but to say that you are mixing your blood with mine and having my blood in you is breaking down the poison into nutrients you body can use the same way as if you eat some cooked meat, the nutrients from it can fuel your body giving you a faster recovery, but the downside is that you will have to keep those vines on your arm for, about.......8 and 1/2 hours roughly speaking, give or take. So i may be having you as my guest for a little while. In the meantime, would you like something to eat or maybe some water? By the way what's your name and well why exactly did you come here in the first place, it's well "dangerous" to be around me. You see i have split personalities and my evil alter ego tends to try and kill everything within the radius of around 50 feet that's why there is no animals near here or any sign of life besides the forest minus everything animal/insect/reptile/etc. So that's why i don't want anyone around me or even near me, i still hold the regret of well killing quite a few humans, around 200 to be exact and my alter ego >.> has had a few dragons too, did ya notice all the scratches and scrapes and even maybe a little blood at the entry way? It's all thanks to my evil side." **OH SNAP I WROTE A MASSIVE MONOLOG ohmy.gif** Valesz with a pitifully sad look on her face pulls a sac from a hole in the corner of the room near the floor, and walks back over to the dragon, "If I EVER try to harm you in the night after i have gone to sleep, use this..." She pulls a rather odd knife with strange markings all along the blade and on the back is a small dome with an odd silver liquid inside and a glass tube that goes all the way to the tip, "..if i attack this is probably your best defense, this fluid is injected into me if you are to stab me with the blade, *a tear falls from her eye* and it will counter-act the antidote in my blood causing me to be poisoned be my own blood and i will be poisoned be myself, thus causing my death and preserving all the other life i might take or harm from me doing anything to it including saving yourself. **the vine wraped around your arm has like 25-30 feet of length between me and Valnet's arm** "Just to be safe i'll go sleep in annother part of the cave were you'll be able to hear me if i get up for sure, by evil self has no speech so if i don't answer back to you get that knofe ready. Can you do that for me and of course the sake of yourself?" and leaves the knife next to the dragon. "get some rest later it'll help ya recover, but first, is there anything you might need, food, water, anything?


**too big? X3 see i am too descriptive!!!**

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Seth was startled as a voice came from behind him:


"Um h-h-h-hello I am..."


The teen spun, and Lun clambered out of the water to stand protectively by Seth's side. He sniffed the air tentatively, then sighed in relief. It was just one of the dragons who had saved him earlier. He opened his mouth to speak, but his foster-parent beat him to it, "I remember you, itty-bitty hatchling!" the blonde exclaimed, laying the wet dress across a boulder to ensure it didn't get dirty again. The dragon retreated into the darkness, but Lun giggled as the markings on her side betrayed her position. The bright-breasted wyvern hatchling took a step forward to approach the strange reptile, but was suddenly intercepted by a hurried patter of feet as a nebula hatchling zoomed past and tripped into the river. Seth blinked, and laughed as the young dragon resurfaced. Lun turned away from the hiding creature and began to laugh as well. He wondered where the hatchling's foster-parent was; but his questions were answered as a loud shriek split the air.




Seth spun once again to the cavern's entrance and saw a younger girl standing before him, holding out the sandwiches he had left behind. The same black dragon that had protected Lun apparently had followed her here as well. Just as he reached to take them from her, the girl shrieked again, and bent to examine Lun, who by now was a little uncomfortable with the constant loudness. Seth laughed at his expression.

'One hyper-active foster-parent is enough.' he thought, sending a glare to the young man before answering with a shy nod.

A loudly concerned voice came from the near-darkness where the unknown species of dragon was cowering, and Lun flicked his gaze to the glowing patterns, rolling his eyes a little. Of course they were okay, he would have done something if they weren't. There was a pause followed by




Lun frowned and skirted the human girl, making his way toward the shy hatchling. The silly thing had probably stepped on its tail. Just as he he stood around three feet from the dragoness, he heard something that made him a little more worried.


"My tail it hurts so much I can't get it out!"


Lun sped up, but was slammed out of the way by the elusive creature as it seemingly panicked and made a beeline for the river. He only had enough time to watch with a mixture of confusion and concern before it disappeared into the water with a huge splash. Seth ran to the edge of the river and knelt, peering into the depths. He tilted his head and frowned in puzzlement. Several bubbles emerged, then one large one. The hatchling didn't emerge.

Lun squeaked, realizing something, "That dragon wasn't a water dragon! She's drowning!"

Without another word, Seth took a breath and dove in, clothes and all. Lun stood on the bank, gazing anxiously into the rippling current, with his little claws digging into the rocky soil, and his crystal-blue eyes darting to and fro.

As Seth swam deeper into the river, he noted how cold the water was getting. It was going to be even colder when he got out, and he knew he was going to regret giving his only dry towel to Arella. He scanned the underwater environment. The rune-marked dragoness seemed to be floating listlessly near the riverbed, and a blue substance was seeping from her tail and being washed away with the current. Seth sped up, already feeling his lungs begin to burn, and wrapped his arms around the unconscious creature. With a desperate kick from his legs, the teen began the ascension to the surface. His lungs felt just about ready to burst.


Lun watched the dark shadows under the water, beginning to get restless with concern for Seth. Dragons could survive a little longer than humans under the water- but Seth had been under for a long time, and he still showed no sign of emerging. The green hatchling readied himself to leap into the river, and was taking a breath in preparation to jump- when suddenly a blonde head exploded through the surface. Lun exhaled sharply, feeling relief well up in his scarlet chest as Seth took a gasping breath and lifted the other hatchling's head above water. She was unconscious, alright. In moments, the teen had swum to the shore and was busy pulling her on to land. Lun ran over and circled the pair nervously, unsure of what to do.


((Sorry about:

1) The REALLY long post.

2) If anyone percieves any of my 'loose-thread-tying' as godmodding of any kind, just tell me and I'll either change it or delete it ^^" Some people have different ideas on what passes as godmodding, after all.

3) Seth being the hero xd.png I know all of you want to be one lol. ))

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Time opened her eyes (still seeing black because she is Blind) and took in a deep breath of oxygen she then stood up and started comforting the boy who saved her Thank you very much Seth Time curled up next to him My name is Time, I am the last of the Temporal Dragons She held her tail in her claws licking the blood from her fast healing wound Good the Curse Stone is gone, hopefully gone for good Time turned lifted her head Kitsune, have you seen Vanlet? I don't sense her in the cave with us Time began to worry about Vanlet but then turned her attention to Seth and Lun We WERE on our way to Pure Pond to cure Nynx another hatchling Kitsune has, but now it seems we need to search for Vanlet *sigh* Time then closed her eyes and went into deep thought.



Vanlet was getting use to the pain in her leg she really kind of enjoyed it. When Vanlet was listening and saw the strange knife my name is Vanlet I am a traitor of the FangClan. I was rescued by a hatchling named Time, the last Temporal Dragon. My friends and I were on our way to this place called Pure Pond, it can cure ANYTHING. That is why I joined them so I can be a normal dragon and no longer be a Vampire/Black mix; maybe if you come with us to Pure Pond and drink some of its water you might be able to keep your dark side under control. As for why I am here I smelled something strange and followed the scent to here. Do you have any Deer or Eagle? Those are my favorite thank you for your hospitality Vanlet bowed her head in appreciation and sat down to rest the problem is I may not know where they are now, so I may need some help finding them


(POST COMPLETE biggrin.gif )

Edited by TimeFlame

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(About the dream, Kreen/me has dreams like that all the time XP)

Gasping as Time was rescued from the river, Kreen licked her head, surprised at what happened.

What curse stone?

She blinked, then laid down on the cold stone floor, feeling relaxed even though her claws, teeth, and some of her scales, were drenched in blood. Some of it was hers, and some was not.

((Sorry about short post don't know what to put))

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Time looked in the direction of Kreen The Curse Stone that dug into my tail and set a course for my heart, if it reached my heart I would have died, but my body would be in control of who ever sent that curse stone. Basically, I would have been dead, but my body would have been controlled like a puppet Time said all this in a dark tone of voice, then she said Vanlet has been poisoned, but the dragon that poisoned her is helping her. She is in a cave nearby, let’s go! Time stood up, still unsteady in her legs, wobbled for the exit. Time felt embarrassed and sat down Um, maybe I should get my energy up a little more Time blushed so much that her face turned red Um, do you have any clover or ivy? I do need to keep up my strength up After she finished that sentence her stomach let out a loud growl Time blushed some more make that a LOT of clover and ivy and let out a nervous laugh.

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She smiled.

"Sure, i'll go get some!"

Kreen walked out near the entrance and plucked some fresh clovers and ivy. The leaves tickled her snout, but she clamped her jaws shut to not sneeze. When she had gotten a fair amount, she went back to the cave and laid them down.

"Here you go."

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((I'll post when I have enough time. Dang homework... -/_\-


lolwut? Controling dead bodies via stones? You mean like Pain? xd.png))

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Valez looked up when she heard the dragon keep it's strength up enough to talk to her and finaly replied after some thought on what it said, "Well,well, so look who came back to reality" with a slight smirk on her face, "just so you know my body reacts differently to other blood, while i'm like this destroying that toxin I can feel what you feel and i know that ur likeing it, i can also tell if you are lieing and it apears your story is true , but if i come i must only say one thing. If you can bear the burden of that knife then i will come with you. That is to say, if my alter ego tries to harm ANYONE, can you kill me?" With maybe the most serious face in history. She cuts the seriousness and says in sort of a playfull way, "The other thing is that if i get stabed with that knife i'll have maybe 5 minnutes to live, after maybe 4 minutes-ish, my alter ego will not be active and it'll be the real me. So the antidote to the knife is in that sac behind you, only use it if you know for sure it's me not my evil side." She walks off down one of the 4 tunnels in the back of the cave near the left wall and comes back shortly after with some fresh deer meat. She starts cooking it on the odd silvery purple fire in the center of the cavern the two dragons are in, "Do you think you can handle that responsibility? and do ya got any questions about me or well my home, because i know it's kinda odd for a cave, it doesn't seem like one does it." and kinda chuckles as she is talking about her house.


**now i'm kinda thinking myself that the cave is kinda big but the entrance is realy small so like only one dragon at a time can fit through that passage xd.png Anything about what i done so far that you might not want in the rp? just asking to be sure because i mean she HAS been alone walking for like 3 years, heck yea i would find the best home possible**

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Time heard the pile of clover and ivy fall in front of her. Time said with a little bit of drool coming out of her mouth Thank you Kreen, I can see why Vanlet looks up to you like a sister Time having said that started eating the enormous pile of clover and ivy. Time swallowed a whole mouth full of clover and said You see Temporal Dragons are vegetarian, but we eat fish here and there Time took another bite of food But no clover or fish cannot be compared to the ones at Pure Pond. The fish there are HUGE and the clover is soft and sweet in taste Time was remembering back to when she was only a new born, her mother bringing in mounds of clover while her father roasted the River Fish that he caught. She remembered her father cutting the fish into tiny pieces and mixing it with the clover, it was the best thing Time had ever eaten and she couldn’t wait to get to Pure Pond to share the amazing taste with her friends. Pure Pond is a sanctuary so when we reach it we will find safety, because that is where I was sealed away for all those years Time fell into silence as she remembered the raid of the Black and the Stone. They left no survivors except her, she is the only one left to keep time itself going (If you read the long story that Time told Skyshriek you would know what I am talking about). Time flinched feeling something appear under her claw. She lifted up a small bundle of glowing blue thread and she could actually SEE it even though she was blind she could SEE the thread I did it she breathed I made TIME THREAD


Vanlet heard what the Thorn Dragon had to say Of course I can lug this thing around, I could do all that with my eyes closed Vanlet stood up and tore a few vines from the wall and made a strap that could hold the knife. Vanlet swung it around her back so it looked like a sash with a special knife pocket on her back. She fastened the strange knife into the pocket and she looked like a dragon warrior with a blade ready for battle so come on lets go find my friends! Vanlet ran for the entrance but was halted and tripped because the vine was still attached to her oops, forgot about that she pointed to the vine tied around her front leg, and laughed a little bit.


(Yeah, kind of like that, anyway I was thinking that the COULD belong to Fang or it could belong to a dragon collector, who adds dragons on to his collection, every time he finds one. something like that. BTW I M trying to get this thread approved about Time's past! It is called DRAGON LEGEND)

Edited by TimeFlame

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Kreen was startled when Time said that Vanlet looked up to her.

Wow, all my life i've been alone, now I have friends, and enemies too. This must be what a real life feels like.

When Time mentioned the Pure Pond and its delicious clover and fish, she inwardly licked her lips.

Yum, I haven't eaten anything in a long time; now that she mentions fish I feel more hungrier than ever what with battling that Stone with Ruination.

She gazed at the blue thread that suddenly appeared from Time with wonder.

"What's time thread?"

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TIME THREAD Time began This thread allows time itself to flow, without this thread: days would not pass, clocks would stop, and everyone would be frozen forever, never to awake, never to speak Time paused for a moment and then continued Making this thread was the reason Temporal Dragons even existed. If no time thread can be made then it would be the end of everything Time paused again thinking deeply. She had to get to Pure Pond to drink some of its water so she could be an adult so then she could be able to lay Temporal eggs and therefore keep time flowing If I was to die........ Then this would all end. I want to stop the FangClan because I be leave that Fang the leader is a descendant of the dragon that killed my family and the rest of the Temporal Clan Time let out a low growl and then ate another mouth full of food But what amazes me is that I can actually SEE the thread with my own eyes, and I am BLIND Time smiled at the TIME THREAD and ate some more food, then she took the thread and she held in her palm a crystal she made with a little hole at the top of it, she then strung the thread through the hole and tied the necklace around her neck. She was now a true Temporal Dragon, like her mother.


(Time can make crystals. it is on her charecter sheet)


Dragon Sheet







Description:Black skin, Glazed Blue eyes and strange blue patterns all over her body. Can make crystals, Blue fire.

Personality:Shy, Gentle, she Daydreams, and can sense spirits, But is the complete opposite of her self during battle.

Brief History: She was born in Crystal Cavern.She has the power to see the past. She was trapped underground and never met another living soul. She fell into a deep hybernation without ageing. She is about 450 years old but still has the body of a hatchling. She was able to escape from her prison after an earthquake.



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"I want you to raise this Sunsong hatchling. It'll be your Kouhai, and you shall adress it as such. This is a test of ability for you, Deputy. If you do well in training it I might just have you promoted. Be thankful for my generosity. Now then..." He stared at the Sunsong's forehead, eyes glowing, when suddenly a green X appeared on it. He relaxed and it stayed there, a permanent scar. "You. Hatchling. You're Sempai is this stone dragon, er... Skyshriek. Adress her formally as Sempai. Your her apprentice now. Try to escape or disobey us, and that mark will kill you. Not even Pure pond can cure you of it; you have been warned." He grunted and turned around, stalking away towards his sleeping chamber. Even he had gotten tired from days of nonstop flight; he needed rest.

~Kitsune and Zarazo~

"Yo, sammach boy!" Kitsune hopped over, a childish grin on her face as she scooped up Time happily. "The name's Kitsune; age 14! Huh...? Time... What's that pretty string in your paws...? Can I poke it?" Zarazo hopped over to Lun and nudged the other wyvern with his snout.

Wanna play? he asked lightly. He looked up at Time as she explained the thread. "You'll turn back to normal if you drink the water? I'll help you Time!" he grinned and flicked his tail slightly. "We could be mates; I'd like to be in the Time Clan~ tick rock tick~" Being a premature hatchling, Zarazo didn't fully understand what he was saying. He did mean it though.

Edited by UchihaAce

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Fang put a green x-shaped mark on Django's forehead and made Skyshriek his Sempai (mentor), whatever that meant, as her test. The black dragon told the sunrise that if he ever disobeyed or tried to escape, then the mark on his head will kill him. Django shuddered at the thought of the green mark killing him and felt self-pity for being trapped to them for his entire lifetime. Skyshriek grinned and said to Fang, "Why thank you, Fang. I'll be sure to train this kouhai and make him a fine Fangclan warrior. By the way, if what you did to this hatchling here prevents him betraying our clan, then I think its best if you did the same to all the other hatchlings, so that we won't have anymore traitors in our mist." Then once Fang left for his sleeping chambers, Skyshriek asked the sunrise hatchling, "Alright kouhai, what's your name?" The sunrise answered, "It's Django, sempai. But you aren't going to call me that, are you?" "Of course not. Like your new leader said, you have to be addressed as kouhai," Skyshriek replied. "Now come, we're going to the training room, where I'll be teaching you the basics in fighting & assassinating and the rules of Fangclan." Django followed Skyshriek out of the vampire cave and went on their way to the training area. 'Man, I'm glad to be out of that place. It was sure stinking in there,' Django thought.

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((...Argh. I have enough eye problems as it is. And you give him NEON YELLOW TEXT. MY EYES BLEED. xd.png ))

Fang slumped down onto the floor, making it shake. He could only place one Curse Mark on a dragon at any given time; giving it to more than one living dragon nulled it's abilities. He eyed his slave, still following him, for a few moments before sinking his teeth into it's neck. It gasped in shock and pain, slumping onto the floor before eyeing it's master in dazed confusion. "M-M-Master?! W-What-"

"You vampires aren't the only ones who get hungry." he stretched his neck out to the terrified vampire, savoring the moment. "You are no longer of use to me. Fade to black." with that, he tore into the dragon's hide, ripping away at it's rotting flesh and eating whatever he could find edible before throwing the decaying carcas into the hatchery. Dozens of vampire hatchlings swarmed the body, leaving the bones freshly picked in a matter of moments. He chuckled to himself softly; they'd grow to be a good army. He called out to one of the hatchlings, selecting it as his newest slave. It silently and obediently obliged.

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Valesz being suprised at the dragon's reaction as it ran made her trip a little bit, "Wow slow down there it's not the end of the world to get back to these friends you speak of. Besides if i am going i might as well get a few things from the cave before i leave" She smiles at the little dragon and utters some small little phrase under her breath so the dragon couldn't hear and then all of a sudden the fire in the center of the cave got bright enough to lite the entire cave and down the passages, revealing claw marks and chips all over the walls, "Sorry you had to see that, i kinda trap myself inside here on the realy bad nights so, well i can't hurt anyone, if i didn't i might come back to myself with no recolection of what happened and find myself on a killing spree so to say." Vaesz walked down one of the passages and came back with a small black box of which was locked, when she had come back from the next one she had taken a few minutes to come out of the place this time, when she had come out she had some kind of harness that held the mass of vines together on her back in a nice neat tidy bundle they were all wound up and placed neatly next to each other. She faced a part of the opposite wall that seemed to look different than the other walls, She rammed into it as hard as she could and broke through the rock which was only about an inch thick. This entrance seemed like it was ment to be sealed for a reason, compleatly encased in darkness she walked back out with a small gold key on a silver chain and unlocked the box, inside was a carved out spot, empty and beside that what looked to be a sword but had no blade, it had strange markings like the knife she gave the dragon. Valesz uttered something different under her breath and the fire seemed to go out but there was still that odd light and it was strangely coming from a purple stone with silver rings on it with markings that match the knife and the sword, she picked up the stone and placed it gently into the empty space in the box and locked it with the key. She put it next to the bundle of her vines and secured it with her vines. Then she hands the dragon the meet now that it has cooled off enough to eat without burning yourself, "well looks like i'm ready, when you are done with that we can leave to go find your friends, i hoe you don't mind but i AM coming back here eventually so i don't hurt anyone so i'm gonna seal the cave entrance as we leave, ok?" she said with a smile and sat down next to the dragon waiting for it to finish the meal she gave it, "Well since we are going to be with each other for a little while, my name is Valesz, nice to meet you" and at the same time preying that the other dragon would not bring up questions about anything she is bringing with her, as not to bring back horible memories about her life between when she left all the dragons she knew and when she started her journey.


**she can manipulate the vines like hands, kinda helpfull and i know i have horible spelling >.>**

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Seth smiled in relief as the hatchling came back to life before him. He didn't like to think about what he'd have to do if she hadn't revived. Images of giving CPR to a dragon flashed through his mind and he grimaced before banishing the thought. The young-looking dragoness thanked him, stood and curled up next to his legs.

Lun padded cautiously forward and curled up on the other side of Seth's legs, directly opposite from Time, and eyed her a little jealously- the young hatchling wasn't exactly comfortable with other dragons getting so close to his 'parent'.

Seth chose this moment to speak, "I'm glad you're okay now-" the teen paused as the Temporal dragon spoke again; something about a curse stone. He shrugged and put it off to hallucinations or something like that. The riverbed had been nothing but fine sand- he'd seen it with his own eyes: there had been no stones on the floor.



"We WERE on our way to Pure Pond to cure Nynx another hatchling Kitsune has, but now it seems we need to search for Vanlet."


Lun uncurled and stood again, quickly: did this mean they were travelling as a group now? He glanced up at Seth, only to see that his expression was unreadable, something halfway between a smile and a ponderous frown. Did Seth actually want to travel with these dragons?

The wyvern was distracted as the biggest dragon in the room stood and came over to lick Time gently. Lun darted out of the way and hopped into Seth's arms instead, only to pout angrily as he was placed back on the floor just as quickly. He then realized the teen was still sopping wet, and was beginning to shiver. Having a cold, wet hatchling leaping on you was obviously something Seth's currently contemplative mood was not happy about. Time was given clover to eat, and began recounting stories of her childhood, but Lun ignored her now, concerned for his foster-parent, who was shivering very obviously by this point. The only thing that could tear his crystal-coloured eyes from Seth was when Time pulled a glowing thread from seemingly no-where. The thread seemed to burn into his eyes and Lun had to blink several times as his vision returned to normal. Seth made a noise of discomfort at this point and glanced toward the entrance of the cave, "Where's Arella?" he hugged his arms closely to himself, and turned to look absently at the girl, who just so happened to be introducing herself. The corner of his lip twitching into a smile, he replied with "I'm Seth. Seventeen."

Meanwhile, the nebula hatchling had approached Lun and asked him to play. He blinked, glanced at Seth again, then slowly let a grin spread aross his face.

"Yeah, I'll play!" he exclaimed and pounced almost without warning at the dragonling.


((Bleh, I had a bad day at school today, so my writing skills have failed in this post =P sorry guys ^^"))

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Far away, from outside the cave, a loud scream of terror resounded, followed by the worried squeak of a hatchling. moments later, the dragon Haku flew in on its little pink cloud, without arella.

"Seth! help! Somethings wrong with my mother!"

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((*sigh* I'm so lost now... Should I leave?))

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((Don't leave! Just come to the cave- I have a feeling we'll still be there for a while. We can catch you up once your character gets there ^^ Time, Zarazo, Kitsune, Seth, Lun and Arella are in that general area, either inside the cave or close to it.))


Lun was the first to notice the tiny dragonling zooming into the cave. In moments, the pounce which he had playfully directed at the nebula hatchling had transformed into a full-blown run as he leapt over the small dragon in his rush to reach Haku. Skittering momentarily, the wyvern was running down the cavern even before Seth looked up in surprise and began to move toward them.

"W-what happened?" Lun could not only hear the worry in Haku's tone, but he swore he could sense it coming off of the Daydream in waves. Seth was seconds behind, and stopped next to his foster-child, panting for air. Water still dripped lazily from his wet hair and his fringe stuck annoyingly to his cheeks. Seth's eyes glinted darkly auburn with concern as he brushed the obscuring hair from his face in an irritated gesture. Lun could also see his fear in the way he stood- with shoulders tensed and hands curled into fists. Lun exhaled sharply through his nose as he struggled to avoid letting his mind jump to the worst conclusions. Well, at least Seth had now forgotten how cold he was.

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Xander tucked the ends of the bandages securely around each other, patting the magma's pleasantly warm side and giving her a small smile. "I think we're done, old stovepipe." he said, grabbing her stonelike scales to help his climb up onto her back. "Where should we go?"

There's a cave nearby- how about there? said Ruination, turning her had this way and that as she stood carefully. The magma trotted in that direction; on her back, Xander took the chance to sharpen his knife.

"I have no idea why we got involved." he grumbled. But in truth, he was starting to get a little lonely- and the hunters were always a danger.

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((Darn, I'd reply but I have to wait for dgray-girl to reply because it wouldn't make sense if Seth just randomly leaves when Arella is in trouble. But don't worry, I saw your post, and someone will likely be along shortly to interact with you ^^))

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Kitsune's smile faded as she slowly walked over to Haku, gently picking up the Daydream hatchling. "...Where is Arella?" her face was clouded in shadows, leaving only her piercing crimson eyes visible as she stared intently at the hatchling. All traces of joy had left her face; in it's place stood a strange calm fury, her eyes burning into Haku's while her face only hinted at the slightest frown. Zarazo scrambled over after the others and stared at Kitsune, shuddering slightly.

There she goes again, he sighed under his breath, with those terrifying faces. If her eyes weren't so creepy, she might not look as scary... He glanced at Haku in distress; the Daydream was worried enough, he'd rather not scare it anymore. But when she was this intense... He didn't want to get in her way.

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