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Rose of the Dragon

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Isabelle locked eyes with the dragon unfased by its size. Then tell her to leave.... Her dragonic tail twitched from side to side with its tuft of fur at the end that concealed a poisoned spike.


Aro laughed and suddenly he belched forth a stream of fire right into Raktagh's face. he was able to get his sword back and hold the tip of Raktagh's sword long enough to heat it so Raktagh had to drop it. He then knocked Raktagh over and placed a heavy booted foot on his chest and pointed both swords at his neck.


John looked up at Kiro and then back at the ground and then at Njoine. "Alex was a traitor...i don't know if you knew or not, but she is trying to fight with Isabelle and then Aro is trying to kill some other kid I don't know, but Isabelle seems to know him. Alex has already given him our posistion and told him about Crystal." he said and looked over at the sleeping figure.


Ekwueme's eyes grew angry and dark. He started to walk to the door to kill this Alex as quickly as he could.

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Njoine placed a hand on John's arm to offer to him comfort and gave Ekwueme a look of concern. She had no clue who the men were speaking of, but she knew how painful betreyal could be. She understood what this could mean for Crystal if the young woman had been betrayed to the Rebels. Njoine decided her hunger had to wait until she knew Crystal would not be found quickly. "Do they know we were heading to this city?"

Edited by Mijikoi

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Alexdria didn't care what happened to Raktagh or Aro, and she knew Mr. Rawver would understand that she didn't want to stop fighting but had to because of her shattered leg. "You win this round horse!" Vuelasor breathed a jet of fire at Isabelle while Alexdria crawled onto her back. As soon as she was on, Vuelasor leaped into the air and grabbed Aro she then turned and headed to Mr. Rawver."Don't get upset! He's mine!" She yelled to Aro. "I will kill you Raktagh. I already did once." she said mentally to him.


Just before Aro was grabbed by Vuelasor Raktagh kicked him (somewhere that will not be mentioned) and grabbed his own sword. "I'll see you then." he thought back.

Edited by ShadowDragonmouse23

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Aro was crouched over when Vuelasor picked him up. "cheap shot." he said in a slightly higher voice. Aro crawled up Vuelasor's leg the best he could with injured jewels. He sat gingerly on the dragons back and held onto Alex's waist. "He a friend of yours?"


Isabelle snorted when the fire hit her face but it seemed to dissapate and not hurt her when it did. With quick steps she limped over to Raktagh. "Cummon...we have to go." she said her voice thick with anger as she looked up to where her bond-mate once was.


John looked at her and patted her hand as he stood up. "Ekwueme don't...they're gone. Isabelle is going to try and come...I just hope that the Rebel leader doesn't know Njoine." he said and laid a firm hand on his friends shoulder.


Ekwueme was gripping the door handle and was practically crushing it. The pain and agony that he want through when Isabelle had separated her bond with Aro was something no one could understand because he had set the bond.

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Njoine nodded in agreement and walked to the window of the room. She stared out of it before opening the window. Once the window was fully opened she turned to the others. "I'll return shortly. I'm going to feed. If we have to leave quickly I don't want to chance a bloodlust. Especially no where near her highness with her being human. If you need to leave and I'm not back take Lydon. I can follow his heartbeat anywhere."

Njoine waited for an answer from anyone, before slipping through the window and droping to the ground. She hoped her prey wouldn't be far. She trusted Kiro to keep Crystal safe, but she knew she wouldn't relax until she knew for herself Crystal would remain unharmed.I just hope all of our group is okay. Even the ones I haven't met.

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((lets face it, all of the bad guys are nuts))


Alex had to grin at his strugle, finaly he was hurting. "I like your defitition of friend. But yes, he was the only friend I had in my pitiful, depressing childhood. But now that he's a stupid Dracona, Raktagh is mine to finish. It's his fault all this has happened to me, and he will pay for it in blood." She said darkly. After a moment of thought she grined evily at him and added. "But evem though hes my enemy, I still think he has the best aim in the world." They were flying overthe city now and she swore she get a whiff of the Dracona group. "And if you hadn't already guessed, you are a Rebel. I just wanted to see if your temper matched your fighting."


Raktagh sighed, then realized that probably wasn't a good idea. Aro hadn't exactly been gentle when he stepped on his chest, and he was sure something was broken. "Ok but I don't think I can keep up with you." He shifted into a wolf and howled for Gilderox. The pup came running up and licked his muzzle.

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Kiro took in everything. The Rebels probably didn't know that they were in the town, but it wouldn't take long to find out. Alex and Aro were together and alligned with the Rebels. Isabelle was with someone that she knew and they had fought Alex and Aro. They would be on their way back soon and would probably be wounded. Kiro only hoped they wounded Alex and Aro as well. He nodded to Njoine when she mentioned that she needed to feed. A bloodlust would be a bad thing, and for Crystal's sake she probably should go until she was sated.


Artorious woke up suddenly and felt a fire rolling in his belly. He squaked and jumped off the bed. Once down he looked at his belly. Crystal also woke up and went over to Artorious' side. "Kiro. Something is wrong with him." she said. Kiro walked over to her and Artorious. Once he knew what was going on he chuckled. "He is only growing. He will be just fine, and the stairs to the roof are across the hall. I was afraid this might happen so when I got the room I planned ahead a bit." He went back to his chair across from the bed. The dragon hatchling began to grow in size until it was the size of an arabian horse. His squaks were deeper and he sounded more like a dragon now.

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John nodded in reply as Njoine left from the window. He sat back down suddenly very tired from the events through the day but he couldn't sleep. he felt the deepening need to protect, guard, rescue....he couldn't understand why though.


Aro looked at Alex with a sly grin. "Me? a temper? nawwww." he said then chuckled. "So, you want to kill Raktagh...but can I help? He hurt something very important and he needs to pay." he said wincing as the dragon turned with a little bit of a bumpy ride.


Isabelle touched Raktagh's muzzle with her own. "You can ride if you need to. I promise it's a smooth flight." she said softly and nickered gently.


Ekwueme looked at Artorious. "Would be alright if I stayed with the young one?" he asked meaning the little dragon that was in fact little no more."

Edited by LoveLost

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Njoine slipped down the street as at a human pace. She despised how slow humans were, but she figured that the less attetion she drew the easier feeding would be. It would be faster to snatch someone off the street near the inn. That would owever lead to problems she'd rather avoid. And her Highness definitely doesn't need the problems.

Njoine paused near an alley she heard swearing in. When she peeked around the corner she found a decent sized human. The man was very obviously a bully if the woman crying in front of him was anything to go by. She would need to feed from someone after him but he'd do for a starter meal. Double checking to make sure her wig was firmly in place, Njoine stepped into the alley and toward the pair of humans.

So, creepy childish or feminine seductress? Let's go with creepy childish. Njoine giggled in imitation of the children she'd seen. She made sure the male could hear as she approached. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the female take off running once the man was destracted. She walked lightly toward the man and once she was close enough she took the hand the man offered. He told her he could give her something or the other. A small grin was all she replied with as she lead him further to the back of the alley.When she was confident no one from the main street woud hear them, Njoine reached up to pull the mans neck into her reach. "Didn't your mother ever tell you it's not nice to hit a girl and that you shouldn't talk to strangers, little human? And please don't worry this won't hurt me a bit."

Bringing a knee to hit the man's stomache, Njoine let the man the man fall to the ground with a sneer. She really did hate bullys. Leaning over the man, she sank her fangs into his neck to feed. She'd admit to taking a bit more then strictly neccessary from him but he'd live. A pity human's would be better off without his type. He's very lucky the old Clan advocates the the survival of all humans.

Releasing the man, Njoine used a handkerchief to clean up her mouth and moved to find one more meal. The second meal was a bit more difficult but she managed it. It proved some human's are smarter then others. Dropping the woman's unconscious form off at the clinic, Njoine made sure she was being tended to before heading back to the others. As she walked to looked at the wound the human woman had given her with the butcher knife. The gash reached from shoulder to elbow, but wasn't as deep as Njoine had first thought. When Njoine reached the in she looked for the open window and checked to make sure no one was watching before she leapt up to enter the room. She held up a cooler for the others to see with a wide grin. "That was fun. I, also, went ahead and stocked up on my traveling suply."

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She rolled her eyes at his first statement and thought about how to answer his question. "Sure, you can be the bait." she said. "But if you really want to, I guess you could return the favor, or in this case ,injury." she thought it wouldn't be fair to hog Raktagh, and Aro at least diserved that much.


Raktagh considered her offer for a moment, but then realized something. "No, its ok I'll run. But can you carry Gilderox? I doubt he could keep up with me for very long, and he still can't fly." He looked at Isabelle and still couldn't believe she had said she loved him too only a few hours ago.

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"Would be alright if I stayed with the young one?"


Kiro shrugged, "Not my decision." He then looked to Crystal. Crystal looked at Ekwueme then back at Artorious, "Yeah, that way Artorious doesn't get lonely by himself." She patted the dragon affectionatly. She then looked up when Njoine came back through the window.


She held up a cooler for the others to see with a wide grin. "That was fun. I, also, went ahead and stocked up on my traveling suply."


She wasn't quite sure who this woman was, but looking back to Kiro she assumed she was a friendly. Artorious felt that she was curious so he played the meeting in his mind for Crystal to see.

Kiro nodded, "Good cause you're gonna need it. We will be traveling on foot until we get to a larger city. We need to catch a plane to get to where the elders are hiding." He then looked over at Artorious who was now laying on the ground beside Crystal and was grooming his shiny new black scales.

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"Good cause you're gonna need it. We will be traveling on foot until we get to a larger city. We need to catch a plane to get to where the elders are hiding."


"Of course, Sir Kiro. Also, I can hunt animals for my feeding if it becomes neccessary." Njoine was careful not to mention what her exact feeding habits were around Crystal. She didn't want the young woman to fear her. Pulling the wig from her head, Njoine looked about the room and noticed Lydon wasn't there. Huffing, she went to her bag to grab some bandages. If Lydon were here she'd have him help her wrap her wounded arm, but with him not her she went to do it herself. She did realise she'd have a tough time of it, but with healing faster then a human's but slower then a vampire's she had little choice.

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John sat down beside Njoine and took the bandages from her hands without any "may I help you?" or "do you need help?" he just took them. "Try and be a bit more careful." he said with a snicker in his voice.


Ekwueme walked over to the dragon and ran his hand over his shoulder. "Do you want to go outside now Atorious?" he asked gently. he seemed to be quite affectionate to all animals no matter their size, gender, or species.


Isabelle walked over by Gilderox and bit his scruff so that she could lift him onto her back. Once she made sure he was safely situated she looked back at Raktagh. "I'll go ahead and fly to the edge of the forest. Stop there and look for me then we can go and get to the hotel. I love you." she said and rubbed her white head against his dark wolf neck.


Aro growled lightly when she said that he could be bait. "Bait my butt.." me muttered then smiled when she said he could have a go at Raktagh. "Thanks for sharing your prey." he said his golden eyes twinkling.





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"Try and be a bit more careful."


Njoine gave John a grateful smile. I'm always careful. It's not my fault she used a knife on me. I think though she was aiming for my neck. I should have just stuck to the alley ways."

Njoine looked at her shoulder and winced. The sting and the itch were uncomfortale to say the least and Njoine didn't enjoy the sensation. She kept her arm angled to make wraping it easier on John. She was glad she could hear Lydon's heart in the building now that she wasn't distracted by all the other human heartbeats. Njoine gave a laugh to John to let him know she was only teasing him with her next words. "Besides keeping a wig in place while trying to get a decent meal and not kill anything is a very tough task"

Edited by Mijikoi

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"Don't worry too much. She's as out of the water as you almost. She's rarely arround two or more people. Normally, it's just me." Brontes nodded in response. Nijoine just seemed like a person most people could get on with easily, she was nice and intelligent. He wasn't so sure he would be accepted easily, he just felt out of place. Admittidly he didn't like crowds much either and didn't like the idea of travelling with so many people. Lydon led him into an inn, he held the door for him then spoke to the person at the counter. He scanned the room uneasily, he wasn't used to being in buildings and felt a little claustrophobic.

"She's graceful most of the time, but not when she's overly hungry. Like she is right now. I mean she has great control. Hence I'm still alive and dear god she has me babling like her."


I wonder what it's like travelling with a vampire as a human, I would've though any human would have run away


"Dosen't it bother you that shes a vampire at all, I mean I trust Nijoine not to bite you but dosen't it make you feel even a little uneasy? I felt uncomfortableat first but I'm not exactly what you would call a brave person"

Edited by Racoonthief

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"Dosen't it bother you that shes a vampire at all, I mean I trust Nijoine not to bite you but dosen't it make you feel even a little uneasy? I felt uncomfortableat first but I'm not exactly what you would call a brave person"


"I guess it does sometimes."Lydon looked at his feet and twisted his fingers while he searched for the words to expess how he felt about Njoine. "Don't get me wrong, I owe that woman everything. From the clothes on my back to the breathe in my lungs, she's made sure I have it all.

"I mean, Njoine can be selfish and childish, at times and has a short as you would not believe temper. But she's also not like the other vampires I've met. They'll make you want to wear armor suits even when they're not hungry." Lydon paused thinking on how to continue. He couldn't really remeber all the things Njoine had done for him. "But the only time I fear for myself is when she loses herself to a bloodlust. Other then those bouts of bloodlust and when she drinks her meals, I actually forget she's vampire most of the time."

Lydon stopped in front of the door he had been told to go to and gave it a knock. He honestly didn't know what else he could tell Brontes about Njoine and why he was so comfortable around her. Except, one thing. So, while he waited for the door to open he told Brontes the one thing that summed up Njoine for him. "I guess you could say she's my mother, now. And who isn't comfortable with a mother?"

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Lydon looked at his feet and twisted his fingers, Brontes wasn't sure if he was uncomfturble or just thinking. He hadn't intentionally made Lydon feel akward he was just curious, Lydon wasnt like most humans that he had met in the past. He listened to Lydons explanation in interest, he paused twice during his explanation. Lydon knocked on a door they had stopped infront of and both waited for the door to open, Lydon spoke again after a moments silence. "I guess you could say she's my mother, now. And who isn't comfortable with a mother?" Brontes hadn't exptected Lydon to call Nijoine his mother but it was understandable, he had been with for some time.

"I didn't mean to be obnoxious, I was just genuinely curious. I'm just blunt, sorry" Brontes looked at the floor awkwardly.

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"I didn't mean to be obnoxious, I was just genuinely curious. I'm just blunt, sorry"

Lydon shook his head at Brontes. "It's not that your obnoxious, I'm just not really good at describing her. It doesn't help that althrough out my human education, I had to defend her from humans and vampires. The human called her all sorts of vile things and the vampires weren't much better.

"It's why she's always by herself. She never got on well with the vampires of her mentor's clan." Lydon looked at Brontes and gave him a grin. "If you have any questions Njoine and I will answer them. Or at least I will. And I do understand curiousity. Njoine's half cat, and they're too curious for their own good."

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John laughed and finished her bandages. "I'm sure it is hard." He pulled out a piece of jerky and quickly ate it so he wouldn't bother Njoine. With a few quick movements he was at the door because he had smelled that Lydon was there with Brontes. He opened the door a crack to make sure it was just those two. "Hurry in...my name's John." he said as he opened the door a bit further. He made sure to conceal the wounds that had been inflicted when he and Kiro had to fight earlier as the two walked in.

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"I'm sure it is hard. Hurry in...my name's John."


Njoine supressed a chuckl when Lydon walked into the room. He had opened his mouth to greet John and then froze when he saw Njoine's bandaged arm. When Lydon rushed to her side to check her for other injuries, she let the laugh escape unable to help herself. And he thinks I'm the mother hen of the two of us.

"It's alright, Darlin'. She missed anything important. Now say hello." Njoine's tone was afectionate as she spoke to Lydon. He really did worry to much. Looking over to John, Njoine smiled. "Sorry, he's still growing."

Lydon gave a distracted wave to John and the others in the room pausing to stare at Crystal. He was amazed that Njoine would follow someone who looked so human, given her general dislike of the human race. She did give human's the benefit of the doubt, but she was still pained at the thought of her mother. "Hello everyone. Pleased to meet you John. I'm Lydon and that's Brontes."

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John smiled at the two as he laughed at Njoine's thoughts. he was still trying to learn his telepathic abilities with others and it was kind of frustrating to not be able to control it all the time. "Welcome to the group...Ekwueme, wait for Isabelle while i go take a shower." he said and stepped into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He stripped off his shirt to reveal a rather deep gash along his neck and part of his shoulder. As he tried to clean it out, he couldn't help but growl at the pain that the stupid cut was causing.

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The door was opened slightly before being opened further, a male human had opened the door. "Hurry in...my name's John." Brontes looked him over vaguely, he didn't seem paticurly interesting. Lydon opened his mouth to say somthing, presumenly to greet the human but instead rushed to Nijoine's side. Brontes steadied himself quickly when Lydon stopped supporting him then closed the door behind him. He nodded at Jhon and retreated into an unoccupied corner of the room and lent against the wall. He noticed Nijoine had bandages around her arm, he wanted to ask but decided to try not to attract any attention.

He studied the people in the room trying to avoid eye contact and noticed the dragon, he had defiantly got bigger.

Edited by Racoonthief

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"Welcome to the group...Ekwueme, wait for Isabelle while i go take a shower."

Njoine pushed Lydon back toward Brontes when the smell of blood reached her nose. When she trailed it to the bathroom and understood it was John's, her mind reeled in shock. How on in the world could I have missed that?

She stared at the door with wide eyes and mentally kicked herself. He had helped her and she hadn't even noticed he was hurt. She cast a scrutinizing glance at everyone else in the group to see if she had missed anyone else being injured. Walking to snatch her bag with the first aid travel kit from the floor, Njoine marched over to the bathroom door and knocked. She completely forgot he might have a problem with her being a vampire and his blood, to used to Lydon's easy acceptance of her help. "Do you need any help with any injuries, John? I have a First Aid kit."

Lydon stared after Njoine, before turning to Brontes. "See, I told you she's a mother hen from nightmares. She's injured and she's getting ready to lecture someone about getting wounded."

Edited by Mijikoi

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What?! how in the worl- oh no duh John you idiot...vampire... he though and mentally kicked himself for being so stupid. Well now is your time to be at least somewhat of a person who can take others' help. He sighed and opened the door. "Let me take a shower real quick and then you can help." he said slightly embarrased.

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"Very well," Njoine nodded in response and walked to sit on the couch. She wouldn't lecture him, as that wasn't her place. They had met a while ago. That didn't mean she wouldn't help him. She looked over to check on Brontes and Lydon to make sure they were okay. She saw a scratch on Lydon's brow from the earlier jaunt through the forest but other wise he seemed unharmed. To give her hands something to do, Njoine began transfering her blood packs from the cooler to the bag she kept her packets in. Njoine scowled at herself as she worked. Seriously, old girl, not everyone needs you to mother them. And you need to calm down. They're not going to act like the others from home. Edited by Mijikoi

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