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Eragon (semi-lit)

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“Hello, Eragon!” Kianna called out with false cheer as she came skipping toward him. “I wanted to ask you about… some things,” her smiling façade was lost for a few moments, but reappeared so quickly that any normal human would have wondered if they’d imagined the slipup.

Kianna’s head churned with hundreds of questions she wanted to ask. What had Brom been like after so many years? How much had he known? What happened to Brom’s dragon, Saphira? Had she died in the Dragon War like so many others she’d heard about? And most importantly, how did Brom himself die? Among all of those questions, she had plenty more she’d been saving about other bits and pieces people had mentioned. But those could wait. Right now, all she cared about was her little brother.

Grief filled her heart whenever she thought about her younger sibling. She’d known him as a little boy, laughing and always getting into trouble. She remembered his endless queries, his know-it-all attitude at times, and how he always knew how to get under her skin. She remembered the time he’d gotten too close to one of their geese; it had “charged” at him, and the little boy had nearly been pecked to bits. The scenario had been so hilarious, and they’d laughed about it nearly every day after. She remembered his bright lively face, his sparkling blue eyes, and even the letters he’d sent after Saphira hatched for him and he’d left to go train. It was all too painful to recall. She twisted the brightly colored bracelet on her wrist.

Trotting up to where Eragon stood with his bow, she realized how similar he looked to Brom; there was just something about his face that sparked a sense of familiarity in her. Quickey, she looked down at her worn leather flats avoiding his eyes.

“I want to ask you a few questions… About Brom, and how he died,” she said, still looking at the ground. “He was my brother, after all…”


((I don't know... I don't know who should be Kianna's mentor... I'd feel bad picking one because then the other could be offended... In addition, I don't even know who Saphira's character is... Heelp?))

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((As I said: It does not matter who teaches you, I understand and am use to it. You can chose Raven if you want. I don't mind. And since your curious, my character is Aryn. She is the daughter of a elven lord, her brother is actually Nick even thoiugh she dosen't know that. Right now, her cousin Arya(yes the real Arya) is helping her escape to a great journey, and she weilds a dragon rider sword. I gusse that pretty much it.))


Saphira closed her eyes. She could feel Eragon's feelings and knew well what he would be thinking, for Brom was his father. She glared down at Brom's elder sister. Eragon shouldn't be talking about this. Even her little memories with Brom that she had sealed now reopened. It was painful. "Eragon, do you wish me to speak for you?" She asked, sealing her mind from everyone but him.

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Raven waved at some cildren that whir chasing eachother through the tents, they stared at the baby dragon and waved back then ran around another tent. Raven kept walking till she could see Eragon's tent, she stoped not wanting to interrupt anything.

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Kianna saw Eragon’s expression. He may have known Brom for a time, but she had known him for longer. She’d played with him. She’d babysat him. She’d even cooked his meals and washed his clothes. And although the Brom he had known was very different from her little brother, they were still talking about the same boy, or man, rather. Her wounded heart wasn’t healing properly; she still mourned her little brother. It had been a shock to discover the passing of 120 years, but it had been utterly terrifying to learn of her brother’s passing. She thought that maybe if she knew how he had died, she could avenge his death and overcome the hurt in her heart.

When she’d asked Angela how Brom had died, she’d only said that the Ra’zac killed him. Kianna knew very little of the Ra’zac; only small bits and pieces of knowledge that the spirits left her. However, that knowledge wasn’t always easy to understand. Most of it was just flashes of images or sounds, hardly ever a comprehensible clip. The most she’d been able to make of it was that the Ra’zac were evil creatures, and their numbers were few.

Kianna looked up at Eragon. “No one will tell me exactly what happened. I don’t know if they’re afraid of hurting me or if they simply aren’t aware. All I know is that he was killed by the Ra’zac,” she explained to Eragon as her heart throbbed painfully in her chest. “I have the right to know,”


((Well then, about the mentor thing. Honestly, Aryn seems more mentor-like than Raven, as Raven is sort of the same age as Kianna. Erm... I think (if that's alright with you, Saphira) that I'd like Aryn to teach Kianna. Sorry, dragonsword, it's just that I think it'd be a little... awkward to have someone be your teacher when they're the same age as you. tongue.gif))

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( lol I'm all for that.... to tell you the truth I'd rather you have Aryn as Kianna's mentor anyway sense Raven is young and she is not vary social and probable wouldn't mentor Kianna cuz she doesn't know all that much herself and is always learning........ basically I think you made the better choice)

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((Sorry pugglemuggle but I'll have to reply when I actually have a chance to reply something worth and able to explain what's needed....life refuses to allow me that chance.))

((And so I reply now.))


Eragon was stunned for a moment by Kianna's question and what she knew. He heard Saphira but shook his head. No, I'll explain it. Thanks though. He looked at Kianna knowing that she did have a right to know this but he wasn't sure how to explain it to her. "Well...Brom did die from the Ra'zac. We were captured and held by them for a bit but we worked to make and escape..." He paused and closed his eyes, trying to explain it as best he could. "A Ra'zac tried to go for me but he took the blow. Brom didn't die right away but he went peacefully when he did." Eragon opened his eyes again, staring at Kianna softly. He knew he didn't give her all the details but it quickly became hard for him to talk of this.


Draith sighed knowing they were around the north edge of lake Tudosen and inside the forest. She fell off her horse as they stopped to make camp. She fell on purpose but realized Zailik didn't know that, getting off his horse to check her. "Don't." She said, sitting down. She arranged a few large rocks for a fire pit while Zailik unpacked the few things he needed.

"Did you-" Zailik stopped when he pulled out the package Draith had before they left Eastcroft. He turned and set it in front of Draith. "I thought you lost that." He said, baffled at how she lied so well.

Draith smiled a little and opened the package. Two wineskins and another flask were inside along with a larger package. "Wine for you. Again don't drink this." She said, handing Zailik the wineskins and setting the flask to her left side. "Package also is for you. Don't ask how a large package can fit when paired with a horse saddle." She handed the narrow package to Zailik before starting the fire.

Zailik jumped back when the fire started, he'd been inches from it and didn't feel like being set on fire. "Alright...so what's inside?" He asked, opening the package. A bow rested inside coupled with a quiver full of arrows. Zailik looked at Draith, astonished before setting his eyes back on the bow. "And an innkeeper would have this for you why?" He asked Draith.

Draith stared at the fire and took one of the wineskins. "I ordered it a while ago, when you came along I figured you could use it more than I. So I asked the innkeeper to hold it for me but the quiver is from the man who made theses flasks. He insisted on giving me an extra gift." Her eyes closed for a moment but Draith fought the sleep. "I was supposed to get a second one though. I declined that offer."

Zailik set the package aside and got up to find a pot. When he found it he came back and set it on the fire. Zailik watched Draith add some wine to the pot and a few herbs. "So basically you did business with them and they figured something back would come of it." He said, taking a sip of his own wineskin. "Those better not kill me." He added when he realized what Draith did.

"They won't. It's the same as last time but with wine instead of water. Although I suppose you wouldn't know that, you never tried the soup." Draith said, closing her eyes again.

"You finally going to sleep?" Zailik asked with a smile. His smile soon disappeared when Draith gave him a glare.

"Perhaps. Only if you eat all of that and don't burn anything." She said to Zailik, closing her eyes again.

"Go ahead then, I'll keep watch...hope you don't mind that." Zailik said, wondering if Draith would care. He watched the soup, occasionally stirring when needed.


((went to go see Robin Hood. Missed, I'd say 1/3 of it due to a fire/spark thing...everyone's alright and the building wasn't on fire when we where there. They closed the rest of the day...money back for the tickets and maybe this time I won't get lost on what's going on from seating distractions next to me xd.png ))

((no one better say this is long or I'll write more, I can do that.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(wow.... that stinks..... I'm going to go see Robin Hood tomorrow and I hope that doesn't happen to me)

(so lost on what to wright.... bran not working like it should)

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((naw I thought it was funny. Here's the alarm rambling on "Don't use the elevator! Don't use it!" and everyone's like, "No elevator, hello wake up alarm, no elevator here, just stairs!" We were laughing our heads off! and all it was was a spark that didn't do a thing. I should be glad about that actually....but I never am, oh well what'cha gonna do right? *pokes Dragonsword's brain* you don't work like mine don't work. please work, please.))

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(lol that’s so funny .........*slaps my brain* wake up stooped brain)


Emily ran though the tents not wanting to be late for the hunt.


(my brains getting there)

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((*pokes her own brain for being so odd* Bad brain! .....although scaring her may not be easy...zailik already does annoy her enough....oh oh! *jumps up and down* I forgot where we're hunting...or did we never specify? oh dear...wait...why's a deer in my driveway? xd.png ))


((and I forget the word own....my brain's in shambles! more like rambles but- aaaah!))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(lol your sooo random....... um I have no idea where we are hunting at you can decide on that if you want)

(NO MY BRAIN WENT BACK TO SLEEP *slams head on computer* stooped brain)

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((no I don't think you want me to do that Dragonsword. I really don't think you do...otherwi- well they'll meet anyway but...))

((*stabs labtop for almost dieing but realizes it makes the dieing worse* .... *whistles and walks away* g'night I suppose.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(go on give it a try, the RP is getting a little boring right now so why not go for it.... give us some excitement...... oh so my brain will wright that but it won't think of anything to do for my carrs *slams head some more*)


Raven munched on some of her bread "so when are we leaving" she asked as she walked up to Eragon and Kianna.


(yay my brain is getting there)

Edited by dragonsword

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((are you absolutely sure? she's half asleep anyway....and probably won't wake up until next sat or something- maybe. *puts labtop in freezer for hopes of stopping it from dieing on her*))


((later I will if pugglemuggle comes back sometime when I see 'em...and labtop says goodbye to me....so bye bye for uh most of the week I assume.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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( blink what I so did not get what you just said)

(I think I'll chang my Avatar what do you think..... NOOOO STOOPED BRAIN NO ONE CARES ABOUT THAT)

Edited by dragonsword

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Question:we can be a dragon or an egg?? Is so I will make one( ninja.gif )


dragon egg




Personality:Quick learner, fun loving, speedy, small but strong. She prefers elves (cuz they're smarter duh!) but any good human will do. Energetic, always looking for adventure, likes fighting (as in for fun, competing not to kill), loves peace, hates sitting around and always has to do something.

Color: Nylios is bright red with blacks streaks down her back. She has black eyes.

Rider: none currently

Other: She was abandoned near the dwarves and have been held by them for awhile (if that's ok).

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((Hello sacredpaw but one thing, PM Nick your form (the owner of the rp, we call him nick, 'least I do) so he sees it...he's been busy and anyway it said/says so in the rules.))


((dragonsword are you ABSOLUTELY sure you want me of all people to choose where to go? 'cause that'll just speed Draith's plans more and make Zailik even more confused later on, which I like. no post brain no, do your homework or mine or whoever's it is!))

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(NO I HAD TO MUCH HOMEWORK SO I DIDN'T GET TO SEE ROBIN HOOD TODAY....... um what plan does Draith have I cind of got lost on what there doing..... sorry)

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((haven't said yet. that'll be explained later. right now she's asleep and Zailik's...he's...what's he doing now? Oh! He's watching 'camp' which is located in the lake...which is called...don't remember but it's the lake pretty much next to Surda on the map on the front page, the forest to the right of the lake is where they are, at the top...topper? top. stick with top. sorry for rambles. back to homework/study...hate to study!))


((how about a hint 'cause hints are fun and I'm going crazy (or was) anyway. Hint: The people in Sudra even if you guys end up somewhere else on hunting trip still won't be happy later but probably not for the reason of obvious in the views of a shade.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(ok...I think I understood that... maybe.... anyhow you DO play Eragon so you SHOULD say where they go........ as long as pugglemuggle is ok with it too)

(oh and I posted for Raven and she said something like this "so when are we leaving" )

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((and to answer raven without answering her, 'I haven't a clue.' and yes, is why I need pugglemuggle to be around when I'm on or something to that effect....speaking of which, I shouldn't be on even now.....although no one's killed me yet for it so I'll stay...maybe. Why not make this fun....sorta....maybe...my twisted mind sees it fun maybe as well. Did I mention I may be crazy? if not, I did now or something else did.))


Draith woke up to laughing, the kind of laughter she found most annoying. It was high-pitched, almost hysterical. She saw Zailik laying down, laughing. She couldn't tell why he was, but it was obvious he wasn't watching the camp. Standing slowly, Draith put out the fire, took the wineskins that were empty now and walked through the forest a little ways to get Zailik's laugh as far away from her as possible. She still heard it though even when she sat by the lake, of course she did it wasn't that far away. "Zailik! Wake up you imbecile!" Her voice rang through the forest and soon the laughing quieted but still kept going. "Zailik! Shut up at least!" Draith yelled again, hoping to get the laugh to stop, the fact it was quieter made it even more annoying.

Zailik stirred before waking up completely. He shot upright in a moment, punching something before opening his eyes. No Draith. That's the first thing he saw. Where was she? "Alright. I'm up if that's what you wanted." His voice was slurred from all the wine he'd had. "So where are you anyway? Dead or what?" The fire had been put out, along with the winskins. "Hey Draith!" Zailik yelled, seeing movement to his left side.

"Didn't I say to keep quiet?" Draith asked, seeing Zailik flinch when she walked up behind him. "But no, you get yourself drunk on wine. Congratulations though, you're the most idiotic thing living, next to a rock which isn't alive for the record." She rested a hand on Zailik's shoulder, feeling him flinch under the cold touch. "So much for watching camp too. Remind me later to never have you around when I'm bored." Her voice was oddly cool yet strict and meant to strike fear.

Zailik eased out of Draith's grip and out of her reach. Either he'd ticked her off or something was wrong. "What'd I do besides having a little too much wine?" He asked softly, afraid the shade might just kill him for the hell of it. He watched her face, a smile then it went stone cold. What was wrong with her?

Draith dropped her hand when Zailik moved. She'd scared him enough already it seemed. "For one, no more laughing like you did. Two, as of right now you aren't much use, you can't do anything you promised so far and are so scared of your own shadow you might as well live in a lit cave for the rest of your life." She was testing him, seeing how he'd react when taunted. A twisted smile crept up on her face. He was almost ready, almost.

Zailik backed up more, landing himself by his horse. Draith's shadow horse was gone he saw. "What's up with you?" Was his second question, refusing to say anything about her comments until it was answered. When no answer came he reached for his sword hilt in one of the horse's many packs. "I know I drank to much, it's been a while. But something's not right with you, or at least wasn't before if you're fine now." Zailik said, his voice recovering a little more control.

Draith always had her sword on her, unless it'd been taken but she always had backup. "Nothing's wrong, just...you at the moment." She paused in the middle of the sentence, testing Zailik's reaction. He reached to pull his sword free and she mirrored. "Although there's no need for a battle. I just wanted to see some things. Very important things." The smile was still on her face when she returned her sword and waited for Zailik to do the same. "It'll be helpful later you see, when I hopefully get things to work this time."

Zailik never returned his sword but instead moved it to a more ready position. "What kind of things is what you'll tell me and then I may put this away." He answered, knowing the wine wasn't making him dream this.


((oh and nothing's wrong...that's just how she gets sometimes, it can get worse, a lot worse.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(wow Draith has a vary bad temper *waggles finger at Draith* bad Draith bad...... I will have to go soon so I guess I will talk to you people latter..... sketch that I have to go now.. Drat, drat, dart I so don't want to do home work *kicks rock but ends up hurting self and hopping around like an idiot*)

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((like I said, it gets worse, way worse. Just don't be on the receiving end, 'cause she won't kill you unless she absolutely has to and she makes sure she doesn't. I've been trying to study for the past....some hours and that came to Draith which led to well I'm not sure yet xd.png *attempts to study* so bye! *fixes spelling mistakes which are sad sad mistakes* and dragonsword, what people? I'm practically the only one here.....which I usually am anyway...too much time fooling around instead of doing things I'm supposed to be doing, like studying for a test for example.))

Edited by Dragonhatchling

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(I have no idea what people.... and I should go too but I just cant seem to leav..... but now I am going and you cant stop me *evil laugh*..... ok I have no idea why I did that but now I an leaving byebye.)

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