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Warriors: Return to the forest

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Shadestar easily got up and slashed at Tigerheart's face."Remember.I have 9 lives and you have none."he growled.He spun toward icestar and yowled."tigerstar is a piece of mouse dung to me!"

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"Starclan would never grant 9 lives to filth like you!" She snarled, swisting around him, and slithering under him, tripping him, and slashing his belly in turn. "You are more filth than any Starclan cat; I may have no lives, but you cannot kill me!" She cried, spitting in his face. Pushing him back, she kicked at his head, knocking him against the ground, then dug her claws into his fur. "Scum." She spat.

Edited by yukinflake

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Shadestar snarled as she used the frenzy of attacks.He could not take anymore.He yowled and the rouges dissapperaed into the bushes.He jumped off the rock and dashed for the forest.

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Tigerheart stopped for a moment, stunned. Surely he wasn't giving up already? "What?" She exclaimed, staring after them.


"Don't let them go!" Cried Starkit. "Chase them!"


Snowpelt frowned. "For all we know, they could be leading us into a trap."


"...but what if they attack our clans!" Intejected Starkit.


"She's right. We have to at least see if the clans are ok." Said Tigerheart solemnly.


"Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm going to check on Windclan!" Mewed Starkit.


"Wait..." Cautioned Snowpelt. "They went into the forest... not towards Windclan... right?"


"Enough talk!" Snarled Tigerheart. "Do you want to let more cats die?"

Edited by yukinflake

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Icestar growled and went over to the wounded Riverclan warrior"it will be alright."she said gently, then raced off into the forest. she gathered spiderwebs and ran back, she started putting them on the cat's wounds"Starkit, help me."she said

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"Oh, right." Starkit nodded, then realized what she was agreeing to. Then she panicked. "Aaaaaah, how could I forget!" She ran into the forest.


Tigerheart ran over and examined the warrior. Within seconds she had ran after her kit; another few seconds passed, and they were back with herbs in their mouths. "Broom." Starkit explained, quickly applying it to the wounds. "Not ideal, but it'll work for now, and it's the closest herbs supply I could think of." Tigerheart beamed at her kit proudly, and quickly went back for some more.


"You know this area better than I do; my exploring never came this far, even as am apprentice." She mewed, examining the cat's neck. "Ought to live, but it's hard to tell at this point."

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Silverstreak was surprised as Shadeclaw and his rogues went into the forest. She wasn't sure if they went to attack the clans or if they went back to their own camp. I hope it's the latter one. She let out the sigh that she hadn't known that she had been holding and was happy that they didn't die.


Ashfur went over to Icestar and tried to see if she could help at all. She heard her leader tell Starkit to help her so she just stood off to the side in case she was needed. She had a feeling that she had to get back to RiverClan but she figured that she would check on her mate when they all left. She didn't want to be selfish and would stick it out here in case she needed to help.


Ravenwing sighed with relief, knowing that everything was okay now. No one was killed and everyone was uninjured for the most part. She went over to Jaystreak and nuzzled her a little saying, "I've missed you." Her nuzzle to her former mentor was just a friendly one. She then stopped an looked into her mentor's eyes.


Sandfur also sighed and then went over to Tigerheart and Snowpelt. "Maybe we should just go to WindClan to see if anyone there has been injured," she said. She didn't really want to but she knew that Tigerheart was right. Although she didn't really like her, she could still agree if she thought that it was a good idea or not.


"I missed you too," Jaystreak replied to her former apprentice, "but now I must go back to the StarClan camp." She then brushed her tail over Ravenwing's shoulder and added, "I hope everything goes okay between you and Darkclaw now. I've talked to him a little so hopefully everything'll be okay now." She then materialized back to her den but kept watch on all the cats at Fourtrees.


Ravenwing nodded and then watched as she materialized. She sighed and also hoped that everything would be okay between her and Darkclaw. She motioned for Silverpelt and Blazefur to stay with her in case they were needed to help with the injured RiverClan cat. She just sat near Ashfur and watched. She wasn't going to get in the way and would only help if she was told to.

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[oops... missed all that action... mkay i have an idea...]


Demonstar shivered. At first, he thought he was scared. His knees trembled, the pit of his stomach tingled. Then he realized, he was excited. The atmosphere grew tense, and he intinctively stepped in front of his clan to shield them from Shadeclaw. When Shadeclaw disappeared, the tense atmosphere went away, but left something to be desired.


"Wow, that was epic."


Demonstar spun to see Silkstar and Timberfur enter the clearing. "You guys are late, you missed all of that juicy action." he teased with a slight grin.


Silkstar raised an eyebrow at him, "Wow Demonstar... how adequately you are named..."


Demonstar resisted the urge to stick ihs tongue out at her.


Timberfur came up from behind Silkstar and gave her a lick on the muzzle. "See you." he mumbled, and went to go join his clan.


Through all of the commotion, Aerwyn decided that this would be a good time to appear. "Ahem." she said, clearing her throat. "Fear not warriors of the forest, for Starclan shall be at your side!"


Timberfur stifled a laugh.


Aerwyn looked at him to a look that was equivalent to 50% murderous intent and 50% love. "Okay. Point is, Starclan's going to help you guys!" Aerwyn drifted over to where Silkstar stood. "See here? I healed her! See? I did a pretty darn good job at it too." she said with a grin. "So, in the upcoming, inevitable battle, know that I will be here, just don't die. Can''t cure that."

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Skykit watied for Leopardkit, thinking of games they could play.

Suddenly she heard something in the forest, stannding she knew it was too big to be Leopardkit, or her father either. Backng into the watereids around her, she lay down and wait. Suddley, a cat appeared; but not one of the Riverclan.

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Snowpelt smiled, and followed. Tigerheart padded over to Sandfur, and looked wistfully at the two of them. "He really likes you, you know." She mewed, and nudged her playfully in the shoulder. "I miss being, you know, alive, but it's not that bad now, being able to go anywhere, interrupting cats' dreams..." She grinned mischeviously. Then she sombered, remembering the rogues. "I know, it's not all fun and games... Sandfur, can I ask you a favour?" She tipped her head on one side. "I... I'd appreciate it if you'd look out for Starkit. She's clever, but headstrong... she always gets into trouble. Would you do that for me?" She asked, looking hesitantly at Sandfur's face, unsure what she would see there.

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The other cat smelled like a rogue to Skykit, but she couldn't be sure. Not knowing what else to do, she whispered, "Starclan, hear me please. Find Icestar; tell her we need her home. Please." Skykit huddled down and watched the cat, unsure of what to do.

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Angelsong looked up in the sky to see dark clouds heading towards fourtrees. A sure omen. She stood and shook her hind leg out. It was a little numb, but it would suffice for her trip home. Saddly, she left Windclan camp and headed for Riverclan. She walked slowly, taking in the sights of Windclan. It really was an amazing clan to be in. "I wish I were born in this clan..." she muttered to no one in particular.

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Spiritset sniffed around, and sat down next to Duskstripe. "Don't know where she went. Lost track of her scent over there," He said shortly, gesturing over to a small bush.



Jadeshine smiled briefly. "Silkstar was always one to keep out of the spotlight whenever she could," She meowed wistfully. "So was I. Silverdawn loved to be in the center." Jadeshine's smile returned as she thought of those times.

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Trying not to make a sound, Skykit watched as the other cat went to the nursery. That mad her mad; that was Leopardkit's and her's home, for now anyway. Jumping from the bushes, she yelled, "Hey! Get away from there!"

The other cat turned and looked at Skykit, then a slow grin spread across it's face. It started walking toward her; Skykit was scared and started to mew, loudly.

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Skykit backed away from the cat, mewling all the more.


((I might poof here soon, idk.))

Edited by Songbreeze2012

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Dragonstar sniffed. " Rogues! "he said"and they are in the camp! come one!"he said, and sped off towards thunderclan camp

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((Can Merlinpaw and Foxpaw be warriors soon? It's been a bit.))


Merlinpaw started as he saw Icestar coming into camp with all the other cats. "What happened?" he asked nervously. Foxpaw came over too, but Moonkit was nowhere to be seen.


"Have you seen Moonkit?" She asked, then stopped as she saw Merlinpaw's expression. "What's going on?"


"Everyone just got back from the gathering." He mewed, licking her ear. She smiled, but bit her lip nervously.

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Snowpelt smiled, and followed. Tigerheart padded over to Sandfur, and looked wistfully at the two of them. "He really likes you, you know." She mewed, and nudged her playfully in the shoulder. "I miss being, you know, alive, but it's not that bad now, being able to go anywhere, interrupting cats' dreams..." She grinned mischeviously. Then she sombered, remembering the rogues. "I know, it's not all fun and games... Sandfur, can I ask you a favour?" She tipped her head on one side. "I... I'd appreciate it if you'd look out for Starkit. She's clever, but headstrong... she always gets into trouble. Would you do that for me?" She asked, looking hesitantly at Sandfur's face, unsure what she would see there.

Sandfur listened to all that the gold tabby said and then at her favor replied with a sigh, "I'll try Tigerheart but she doesn't seem to like me. I'll try to look after her and make sure she doesn't get into trouble." She then smiled at her before looking around the woods. She was trying to find traces of the rogues.


Duskstripe nodded and then when Dragonstar came she also nodded and followed after Spiritset and Dragonstar. When they came upon the meeting place, she smiled at Nightcloud and motioned for her to follow them. She didn't know where Silverfeather was and thought that he had been with Dragonstar. Then she shrugged and when they came upon the camp, she heard what Dragonstar said about the rogues being there and ran after him. She hoped that no one was killed.


Ravenwing motioned towards Silverpelt and Blazefur and started walking again back to ThunderClan camp. When they got closer to camp, she scented rogues in the area and started to run back to camp. When she got closer, she could smell that of Dragonstar's, Duskstripe's, and Spiritset's scents as well and figured that they were also heading back to camp for the same reason. Silverpelt and Blazefur ran after her.


Nightcloud only smiled at Duskstripe and shook her head at her motioning her. She wanted to wait for Silverfeather and walk back with him. She had been sad earlier that she hadn't gotten to spend time with him while they searched for Leopardkit. She knew that Leopardkit had been found for she saw that Dragonstar had her scruff in his mouth. She wondered where Silverfeather could be since she knew that he had gone with Dragonstar to search and thought that he would have come back with him as well.


Ashfur walked back to camp with Icestar. She was glad that the other cat had been healed. She hoped that the rogues wouldn't come back for awhile. She didn't like rogues at all but the ones that were nice and not part of BloodClan she was okay with.


((sure they can happy.gif))

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Skykit finally took her eyes off of the one cat and looked around quickly, fearfully. There was more than one! There was more than five but less than twelve she thought. She ducked as brambles caught her fur, but continued to back away from the rogue.

For the first time the rogue spoke; his voice raw, "Come here, little kit, I wont hurt you."

Skykit knew better and yelled back at him, "You lie! You're a rogue!" She started mewling louder.

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"Oh." She mewed, then her eyes widened. "Oh!" She said, smiling. She shook her head, and sighed. "I'm sure she'll get to know you, and like you eventually. She looked where Sandfur was looking. "They're not very close right now." She said, though for once, she wasn't really too sure.

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Timberfur followed Ravenwing back to camp. "Geez, I come back to my clan and now this?" he mumbled aloud.


[i thought skykit was in riverclan? ah well... p.s. if skykit is in TC, thunderkit is there now...]


Thunderkit nodded, a curious glow in his eyes. "Tell me more! Who was that tom with mom? They seemed awful close..." he trailed off, a hint of envy creeping into his voice.

Edited by Ladynightstalker101

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