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ANSWERED:Have abandoned eggs show by time-left regardless of other eggs in a user's 'queue'

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From the AP egg glitch? Help topic we have learned that the 'user queue' for abandoned eggs doesn't work how we would expect it to when it comes to holiday vs regular eggs. Frankly I had a bit of a hard time understanding what was going on and why, but it's definitely counterintuitive when looking at how the AP usually works outside of holiday-times. No one had yet made a suggestion thread about changing it, so I figured I'd suggest the simplest most straight-forward change. 


My proposal is simple: Make the AP still work the way that it *used* to work, with the lowest-timed AP'd things showing first, no matter what else a user may have in their 'abandoned queue'.  Any eggs abandoned with less time than the others in their queue will skip to the front. I don't think this will negate the limit on a user's number of abandoned dragons shown at once, that would still be in place, it would just be prioritizing *which* eggs in their 'queue' are shown.



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Support, the queue needs to be reevaluated


if I massbreed my equinoxes, the approach ap time, then I decide to pick up and abandon eggs, the equinoxes won't show until the eggs I tossed are picked up by someone else. Why should my equinoxes suffer because I decided to pick up eggs that aren't my own and toss them because I didn't like the dragon pairings or that it had a messy lineage? 


fyi: doing a massbreed on mobile is very slow and hard so I don't massbreed as much, but this would upset me if i bred all my equinoxes to the ap just for them to die behind a queue because i decided to scoop up and abandoned holiday eggs

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Support. I understand measures against a user walling the AP, but I can't see a reason why your eggs not yet being on the AP means other eggs that are sufficiently low timed can't be there either

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Support here, too. I know those measures were brought in to a) prevent a single user from walling the AP and b) to give those people not interested in the Holiday eggs something to do during those periods but I don't think that in this case a) compliments b) very well.

As I said in the Help thread, I can't imagine the b) people to be happy about 7 day eggs when there are perfectly acceptable lower time eggs stuck behind those.

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Support. I don’t breed much but hunts extensively in the AP and this new queue mechanic is a real pain for me. I don’t understand why all Valentine eggs (or other events) automatically have precedence on regular eggs on a per user basis. Any given user can have max 24 eggs in the AP, I don’t want to change that, I just think their their lower timed eggs should always show up first whether they are Event eggs or regular. Otherwise, you have this bizarre situation where the regular egg row during the event is at 7d then sometimes jumps to a very low time as an user’s Valentine are grabbed and their regular eggs finally allowed to appear in the AP. It makes AP hunting completely unpredictable and leaves eggs to die that I or other AP hunters would have loved to grab.

Edited by Elizabeth Moonstone

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Absolutely, yes. I didn't expect valentines and regular eggs of the same user to be completely independent from each other, it does make sense that if you have a bunch of (lower time) valentines showing in the AP it would block any other eggs. But right now the problem is no eggs end up showing from some users, valentines or regulars, because the lower time regular ones are behind the valentines. I think the queue for each user should be entirely time based, with only the first x (12? 24? whatever the number is, idk if it changes for the holiday AP) eggs being able to display regardless of whether they're valentines or regulars. Since it was never actually explained how the limit worked on the holiday AP, this is what I thought was the case anyway before all this.

Edited by MissK.

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Support! I was very confused this Valentine!

It is really ridiculous to have eggs die because of things that are not even in sight! 

This measure was taken to prevent "absolute wall-ing" of the AP, but since one's holiday are not in sight, how could it wall with the non-hol?!

Now you can very well have normals from before the Holiday stuck till after if you breed/scoop holiday, which is certain death! Not fair!

Edited by camelia2

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Support! Or at the very least, turn holidays into their own separate queue. I felt bad that I might have caused someone else's eggs to die because I picked them up and tossed them back.

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support here as well, for all the reasons put forth in this thread. i'll just leave it at that. 🐈

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Bumping now that it's getting closer to Halloween. As the thread linked in the OP shows, most users never expected the 'user abandon queue' to work this way, and as someone in that thread pointed out this type of queuing behavior can actually give *more* power to mass-breeders (if someone has a ton of higher-timed holidays in their queue, picking up and re-abandoning lower-timed 'regular' eggs would effectively kill those eggs, making them die behind the higher-timed queue). 


Please @TJ09 , rethink how this mechanism works? Lowest-timed eggs should *always* show first in the AP, regardless of 'queuing' issues, both for the sake of those eggs and the betterment of the AP-hunters experiences. 

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Do we have an update about this?

To be honest I don't remember exactly what was going on, but I do remember the problem was that eggs or hatchlings died (or grew up wild) while they were waiting to appear on the AP even though their time was lower than the time of those visible on the AP.

Can that still happen? Do we (as users) have a way to prevent it, for our own abandoned eggs or those we grab-hatch-abandon?

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I haven't been on the forums as much lately so I'm not sure if it's been mentioned elsewhere, but as far as I know there hasn't been any official response to this issue. To my knowledge the only way user's themselves could prevent this in their own queue is to be very careful about what they breed and pick up. Don't breed fresh-eggs and send them to the AP if you know you'll want to pick up lower-timed ones within the next few days. Don't pick up low-timed eggs if you know you still have plenty of higher-timed eggs in your queue.


@TJ09  Is this something being considered, something on the radar? Or is it just a 'this is how it is now and we have to deal' thing? 

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This bug has been fixed. Rather than implementing as "suggested," which has the potential of hiding event eggs when they are higher time than non-event eggs, the AP now handles event and non-event eggs completely separately. Outside of event eggs taking up to the first 24 slots, the two do not affect each other at all.

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