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Compulsive Posters' Anonymous Volume Nineteen

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8 hours ago, FluffyPillow said:

Hello CPA! *slumps onto her bean bag chair* Does anyone know of a site like Photobucket that I can use (that doesn't cost anything)? ^^; The reason I ask is the images I use in my sig are hosted using Photobucket, but now they decided that I need to upgrade my account in order for me to still use them (I can still have them and see them in my account), and I'm not paying $140 per month/year for that (don't feel that's fair, IMO) >_<

huh, i thought everyone used Imgur at this point.
it has some flaws(like some completely obnoxious updates, an ingorant community) but otherwise it's pretty good

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I feel like a total idiot, but I am having a hard time figuring out how to use imgur. :unsure:

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this is literally the only button you'll ever need on imgur. that's it.


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I don't like how you have to make all the images public... I want my gifs just for me.

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umm, you don't have to. they are not public by default. at least on PC version of the site.

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Good morning, CPA! B)

*sets out coffee, teas, juices, apples, brownies, and toast with jam*

The gardener's here. :( I wish my friend had made it home before the dog passed.

I have a busy sorting and pricing day ahead of me when I eventually do get to work. Right now, I'm having toast and jam and watching cartoons.

P.S. to WS - it's 25 posts per page now, instead of 20!

Edited by Lagie

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Fortune! *hugs back*
It is, indeed! XD

I'm sure we'll get used to the new style. It also messed up the page count, dropped us back a few pages. :P

I don't think there is any way now to find out how many times you've posted in a thread.

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@anhud Everytime i upload images I can't leave the page unless I click publish... some of them do get a fair few looks but its weird.

Woo doomfist is in overwatch, looks like a DPS I might actually be able to play (since he doesn't require aiming).

Ahh that moment where you download something and you're suspicious if it has a virus... turns out it just had high rez images of... things *shiftyeyes*

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I use my mobile to internet at home because I can't be fussed to switch my laptop on. I only stalk DC and tumblr anyway. 

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Hopefully all the 'messages' the we hoard right now will not poof out of existence, once The Bossman reorganized that.^^ I tend to hoard messages.. :blush:

Is it just me or are our signatures a little bigger then on the old forum? Hopefully signature with lots and huge images or lot of text will no longer be cutted and the only way to see the whole thing is to go to the profily page of that user. :dry:

Hopefully nothign really crazy will happen with this G20 stuff... I am worried.

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4 hours ago, anhud said:

this is literally the only button you'll ever need on imgur. that's it.


Well, that did help. When I see post I think verbiage, not pictures. :wacko: I wanted to make folders, but I did finally figure that out, too. I guess I can work with it. Photobucket wasn't intuitive, either, but I was used to it. *sigh* I really am change-averse, I guess.

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14 hours ago, purplehaze said:

I have lots of my sig stuff and stuff for group accounts hosted there, too.

Moonlightelf started a thread in General Discussion about it and this is their advice:

Best course of action now for anyone, who isn't willing to go through and pay for image sharing, is to find another image hosting site such as:

  • Imgur
  • Flickr
  • TinyPic

Hope that helps!


Thank you! :3 I made a post in that thread, and I think I'll use TinyPic, since I'm somewhat used to it (used it before), though I've never used the others before ^^; Now to find which images in my sig need "replacing" ^^; 

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6 hours ago, Marcus Pheonix said:

@anhud Everytime i upload images I can't leave the page unless I click publish... some of them do get a fair few looks but its weird.

Are you sure? It sounds like something weird on your end because albums are set to hidden by default. Make sure you are not selecting the "publish to imgur" button when uploading.

This guide to uploading might help: http://imgur.com/gallery/2Vdtu

That sounds very weird indeed. o_O

2 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Well, that did help. When I see post I think verbiage, not pictures. :wacko: I wanted to make folders, but I did finally figure that out, too. I guess I can work with it. Photobucket wasn't intuitive, either, but I was used to it. *sigh* I really am change-averse, I guess.

You don't even need to click new post, tbh. Select the files you want to upload then drag them over your imgur tab and hover for a second. The upload option will pop up automatically if you do that. xP

4 hours ago, Tigerkralle said:

Hopefully all the 'messages' the we hoard right now will not poof out of existence, once The Bossman reorganized that.^^ I tend to hoard messages.. :blush:

Is it just me or are our signatures a little bigger then on the old forum? Hopefully signature with lots and huge images or lot of text will no longer be cutted and the only way to see the whole thing is to go to the profily page of that user. :dry:

I don't think they'll just disappear, but once TJ re-instates the limit, if you're at or over capacity, you won't be able to message anyone until you clear up some messages. xP

YT links started automatically converting to videos from links. It was making those signatures take up the whole page, so I poked TJ about it and he put a physical size limit back on it, which, AFAIK, is the same as the old forums - although sigs are a little wider now.

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Good evening, CPA! B)

*sets out fresh corn on the cob* Very tasty with melted butter and salt!

I find I miss the arrow to click to return to the top of a page. I hadn't realized how much I use it!

Crazy work day, but what else is new? :P 

Edited by Lagie

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like how stopped working?

or do you mean because your avie isn't showing anything?

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1 hour ago, WaterScorpion said:


like how stopped working?

or do you mean because your avie isn't showing anything?


You can't see the original image.

And replaced like this↓


Goodbye forever, Photobucket! I delated my account!

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1 hour ago, WaterScorpion said:

or do you mean because your avie isn't showing anything?


I'm confused about this but what are you watching from my avvie? If you are looking at blue square, you are fine.

What Ky said happened me too. I'm using dA stash instead though.

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But I recommend move the images to other site. Yours will be stop working or pay for keep use photobucket.

Edited by Kyath The Dream Worker

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huh, I see.....I think most of my images are already on dA anyways so it should be okay?

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