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I am finding this odd phenomenon in Valley Sherwood.


I've been cleaning out the hatchery and running into a lot of newly grown adult dragons that are wild dragons. I saw around 20 of them just now. I believe I can post a couple of examples since they are not on any scroll: herehere, and here. The odd thing to me about this is that they literally just grew up and within seconds or minutes, they are already wild. It almost looks like someone immediately released them into the Wild, unless the player released them as hatchlings, and they grew up in the AP. Perhaps they were released into the AP as hatchlings, or perhaps they were eggs that hatched in the AP, and grew up there. Does anyone have an explanation for this phenomenon?

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30 minutes ago, missy_ said:

Perhaps they were released into the AP as hatchlings, or perhaps they were eggs that hatched in the AP, and grew up there.

It could be either of these. Several hatcheries like Valley Sherwood don't remove eggs or hatchies when they grow up or leave a scroll, so a user could have added a young egg and abandoned it, or they could have hatched low-time AP eggs and not remove the hatchies before re-APing them. Usually it's the latter during the holiday season.

These eggs and hatchies would eventually get ER'd automatically, then hatch and/or grow without ever being low-time enough to be grabbed from AP.

Edited by Shadowdrake

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9 hours ago, missy_ said:

I am finding this odd phenomenon in Valley Sherwood.


I've been cleaning out the hatchery and running into a lot of newly grown adult dragons that are wild dragons. I saw around 20 of them just now. I believe I can post a couple of examples since they are not on any scroll: herehere, and here. The odd thing to me about this is that they literally just grew up and within seconds or minutes, they are already wild. It almost looks like someone immediately released them into the Wild, unless the player released them as hatchlings, and they grew up in the AP. Perhaps they were released into the AP as hatchlings, or perhaps they were eggs that hatched in the AP, and grew up there. Does anyone have an explanation for this phenomenon?

I purposely hatch eggs and dump the hatchlings back into the AP, but I always make sure that I remove them from all the hatcheries that I have used.


Unfortunately, if I pick an egg up that already has a lot of views, it may be in a hatchery that I didn't put it on and take it out of.


One of my favorite things to do is catch hatchlings in the AP, especially once the wall of Valentine eggs gives way to the hatchlings. Best part of retirement is that I won't miss it.

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10 hours ago, Shadowdrake said:

It could be either of these. Several hatcheries like Valley Sherwood don't remove eggs or hatchies when they grow up or leave a scroll, so a user could have added a young egg and abandoned it, or they could have hatched low-time AP eggs and not remove the hatchies before re-APing them. Usually it's the latter during the holiday season.

These eggs and hatchies would eventually get ER'd automatically, then hatch and/or grow without ever being low-time enough to be grabbed from AP.

True; I know that if an egg code is added to Silvi's that it stays there, for instance. Same if a code is added to Valley Sherwood's regular hatchery. I'm pretty sure if a code is added only to Valley Sherwood's ER hatchery that once it hatches, it isn't moved to the regular Valley Sherwood hatchery; and instead iis auto released from the hatchery; thus, this is generally my personal preferred method to hatch eggs in the AP.


43 minutes ago, PrincessLucy said:

I purposely hatch eggs and dump the hatchlings back into the AP, but I always make sure that I remove them from all the hatcheries that I have used.


Unfortunately, if I pick an egg up that already has a lot of views, it may be in a hatchery that I didn't put it on and take it out of.


One of my favorite things to do is catch hatchlings in the AP, especially once the wall of Valentine eggs gives way to the hatchlings. Best part of retirement is that I won't miss it.

I enjoy hatching eggs from the AP. I do what you do; I either add them to hatcheries, and then remove them from all hatcheries once they are hatched before I release them to the AP, or my second method is to add them only to Valley Sherwood's ER. To the best of my knowledge, that is the only ER hatchery that doesn't retain the hatchies once they are hatched. (The ER of Valley Sherwood, not the regular part of the Valley Sherwood hatchery.) I don't want them to grow up and go straight to the Wild.

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So, if a hatchling gets abandoned now, it's gonna be in the AP queue for a while while the lower-time eggs show up?


Do hatchlings in the queue just...  Not mature?  There's one I abandoned shortly before it matured and it has MORE than enough stats to mature the second it hit 3d23h, except its still a hatchling despite continuing to have gained views after being abandoned (I must have forgotten a site I had it in before abandoning it oops)

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49 minutes ago, missy_ said:

To the best of my knowledge, that is the only ER hatchery that doesn't retain the hatchies once they are hatched. (

Not true, sadly. VS also retains those ER as regular hatchies. I used it a few times before the normal egg AP line was added, and anything I ER'd continued to gain views afterwards and grew up wild. I believe AOND and Draghatch do keep them separate though, if you don't check the regular hatchery boxes. 


11 minutes ago, KageSora said:

So, if a hatchling gets abandoned now, it's gonna be in the AP queue for a while while the lower-time eggs show up?

Yeah, that's how it's always been.  

8 minutes ago, KageSora said:

Do hatchlings in the queue just...  Not mature?

They definitely mature/grow, as seen by hatchies growing up wild. I can't speak on yours though. Maybe it's just a particularly stubborn one?

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I had thought that if an egg or hatchling was fogged for a certain number of hours it would be then dumped from sites (and that does seem to happen when I blast a low time egg onto multiple sites and then fog it on hatching) but it sounds like this is not always the case.


I hadn't realized that people would be sort of doing "catch and release" with eggs or hatchies. I admit my first ever hatchling on this site was one I found as a hatchling in AP. 


Are there any preferred ways or recommendations as to how to best do this to benefit other players?

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Fogging is different from abandoning. With fog, the hatchery can detect it's not supposed to be gaining views and removes it. APing a hatchie means it's still a normal hatchie and the hatchery gives views like any other player's. 


Holidays always have tons of hatchies at the end bc of the separation of holiday and regular eggs. Maybe you'll be able to see it? But it's usually not helping other players catch hatchies as much as it is clearing out the endless eggs.


If you don't want things growing wild (only a problem around holidays), I recommend either removing dragons from hatcheries after hatching and before APing, or only using AoND and Hatching Club's ER check boxes and FART to boost views. (But since we're nearing the end of the Valentine wall it's not necessary anymore; the wall will probably clear out in 3 days or less, so eggs hatched from now on won't go wild.)

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6 hours ago, Shadowdrake said:


They definitely mature/grow, as seen by hatchies growing up wild. I can't speak on yours though. Maybe it's just a particularly stubborn one?


Huh, maybe?  But I've never seen a Nebula get to over 11k views and counting with 3d19h and still be a hatchling before.  It was very strange.

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45 minutes ago, KageSora said:


Huh, maybe?  But I've never seen a Nebula get to over 11k views and counting with 3d19h and still be a hatchling before.  It was very strange.

That is strange. I don't suppose it was forced?

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2 hours ago, Shadowdrake said:

That is strange. I don't suppose it was forced?


Nope!  Grabbed it off the AP when it was ER, hatched it normal.  It was stunned at one point, but I've also never had a stunned dragon do that before, either.

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Is anyone else having problems with AoND and Firefox?  I can add my eggs and hatchies to the site with no problem, but if I click on something to view it, it tells me I have to log in. After logging in, Firefox tells me it doesn't support the page (or something like that).  I've cleared my history cache but it's still the same.


Help, anyone?

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No it's working normally for me - but as you asked I went to look at my settings and was alarmed to see this:



I am not in any organisation... Googled and removed....

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Hello, I have a question regarding the freezing CD ~
The 2 weeks start after the first hatchling frozen or the last? I went on a freezing spree and now I’m out and still have Valentine hatchlings to freeze :(

It says:

You have frozen the following hatchlings in the past two weeks:

Dragon Name Frozen on
oLYuN Celesthial Feb 08
0FE82 Dearling Thuwed Feb 10
2CRn1 Niitta Feb 11
SLnFz (SLnFz) Feb 13
TuY9P (TuY9P) Feb 14
xN7l5 (xN7l5) Feb 14
SsxAu (SsxAu) Feb 15
0i0BY (0i0BY) Feb 16
UTGco (UTGco) Feb 16
vZsgT (vZsgT) Feb 16
QfX39 (QfX39) Feb 17
WDhEK (WDhEK) Feb 17


So when am I able to freeze again? 

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Each slot becomes available exactly two weeks after the freeze, so one slot will become available on 22nd, and the next would become available on 24th and so on. But remember - every one you freeze will add to the queue.

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Then I suppose I can freeze at least one, since they all have 5-6 days. :(  Should I hide so they don’t grow up?

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As long as you don't let them get to 4 days - then they may insta grow when you unhide them.

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1 hour ago, Catvrix said:

Then I suppose I can freeze at least one, since they all have 5-6 days. :(  Should I hide so they don’t grow up?

If you have a Bolt dragon you could stun. That adds a day and keeps them from getting more views.

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20 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

If you have a Bolt dragon you could stun. That adds a day and keeps them from getting more views.

Forgot that detail ~ Thank you & @Fuzzbucket !

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Hello, guys, I have a question! how can it be in one scroll two colors of sweetling? And is there any ways to get the same 😅 Thank u


~image removed for privacy reasons~

Edited by purpledragonclaw
Image removed for privacy reasons.

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2 minutes ago, LostinEcho said:

Hello, guys, I have a question! how can it be in one scroll two colors of sweetling?

The rules were changed some years ago, sadly!

Now if you have CB Alt Sweetlings you will only get an Alt if the father of the Sweetling is an Alt. If the father is a pink Sweetling then it will be pink, even on an alt scroll.

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Purplehaze, thank you! But if I have an egg from alt father ill still get a pink hatch in my common scroll - that’s not fair 😕  

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The blacks were compensation for all the people who lost all their sweetling eggs in a data crash. It was supposed to be the creator's alt; she gave it up for TJ to use to make things up to them. It is perfectly fair - the only people entitled to black sweetlings on their scrolls are the people who were affected, who had that horrible shock when their new CB eggs vanished without trace. I was there - but wasn't affected; They have never appeared CB since that awful day, nor will they ever. I have always wished I had been one of those affected - but them's the breaks.

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27 minutes ago, LostinEcho said:

Purplehaze, thank you! But if I have an egg from alt father ill still get a pink hatch in my common scroll - that’s not fair 😕  

What Fuzz says is true, but I agree that the way things are now is really unfair -- and I am an alt owner.

Originally, those who had alts could only ever have alts on their scroll. Any lineage, alt or pink, would hatch Alt.  There has always been a lot of controversy about them with people complaining that they could never have them. Then for some reason known only to him, TJ decided to change things -- not to let others have alts, mind you, but rather to allow Alt owners to have pinks. One of the worst decisions he ever made, to my mind, but I don't expect anything to change going forward. He declared it was his final word on the subject.


I had a great lineage going with a friend -- stairstep of Sweetlings that alternated by generation from pink to Alt. It is now impossible to continue because I won't be able to get an Alt for it.

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