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Tiny Little Questions

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Going on fanfiction dot net, there are very few stories that take place in the DC universe; and many of them reference a human companion/collector (i.e. the part they player represents) as a "keeper" is this usual terminology?


Also thanks Fuzzbucket/Evil Kitten!!


15 minutes ago, Fuzzbucket said:

There's some in the encyclopaedia.





On 2/1/2023 at 3:16 PM, KageSora said:


That happens sometimes.  Some dragons are more stubborn to hatch, so when they get down to "ER" status (4 days left and under, at which point then can immediately hatch upon attaining enough stats or mature to adulthood if they're hatchlings)


This caught my eye on re-reading it. I have had hatchlings that seemed to have "days" left in their current stage (seems like this happened with both eggs and hatches) and then suddenly they are at the next stage. So is "four days and 2 hours" (The closest one I have to adulting now) really that long, or is it "four days and enough clicks". 


Sorry if this is a weird question, a kind person was trying to explain it but we are in different time zones and I think I was keeping them awake. 

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1 hour ago, newtinmpls said:

This caught my eye on re-reading it. I have had hatchlings that seemed to have "days" left in their current stage (seems like this happened with both eggs and hatches) and then suddenly they are at the next stage. So is "four days and 2 hours" (The closest one I have to adulting now) really that long, or is it "four days and enough clicks". 


Eggs/hatchlings can't progress to the next stage until they have less than four days left on their timer. If timer runs down to zero days then they die.  So you egg/hatchling with four days and 2 hours can't progress to the next stage for another couple of hours and only if it has enough views. 

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So its days and clicks and there is a weird interaction.

Too many clicks early on (seems to be in day 7 to maybe day 5) and they get sick and may die

Not enough clicks later on (after the 4 day mark is passed) and they just never hatch (and presumably die)


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Too many views in the first day and they get sick (best to not stick them in any hatcheries until they're at least 24 hours old). They can still grow after four days, it's just that they can't grow until they have less than four days left. Sorry if I'm confusing you

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Confusing me is really really easy 🤪


Okay each stage is potentially 7 days long. max. 


First 24 hours of each stage (so this would be as long as they are saying "6 days and X hours") best not to overwhelm them, or they get sick and might die. 


Then they accumulate views and clicks, and there is a theoretical goal (which probably has some fancy logarithmic relation to their age which i am NOT going into) So at some point they will get "enough clicks and views" and if this happens BEFORE they pass the 4 day mark, then nothing happens till the 4 day left mark. (then they hatch or adultify) 


If the 4 day left mark passes and they still don't have enough yet, they keep accumulating. Eventually they will get "enough" and go to the next stage (hatch, or adultify) but if they never do get enough they die. 


But in either case there is no display other than "egg hatched" or " your dragon is ill" to overtly tell you where you are in terms of clicks/views (i.e running high, running low or whatever) there are numbers, but the raw numbers of clicks/views by themselves will not tell the "whole story" 

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26 minutes ago, newtinmpls said:

Confusing me is really really easy 🤪


Okay each stage is potentially 7 days long. max. 


First 24 hours of each stage (so this would be as long as they are saying "6 days and X hours") best not to overwhelm them, or they get sick and might die. 


Then they accumulate views and clicks, and there is a theoretical goal (which probably has some fancy logarithmic relation to their age which i am NOT going into) So at some point they will get "enough clicks and views" and if this happens BEFORE they pass the 4 day mark, then nothing happens till the 4 day left mark. (then they hatch or adultify) 


If the 4 day left mark passes and they still don't have enough yet, they keep accumulating. Eventually they will get "enough" and go to the next stage (hatch, or adultify) but if they never do get enough they die. 


But in either case there is no display other than "egg hatched" or " your dragon is ill" to overtly tell you where you are in terms of clicks/views (i.e running high, running low or whatever) there are numbers, but the raw numbers of clicks/views by themselves will not tell the "whole story" 

You got it. Although if you have a red dragon and use that to take a day off the timer of one of your eggs it won't make the egg older. It'll say 5 days x hours instead of 6 days x hours but you'll still have to wait a day before putting them into any hatcheries

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1 minute ago, Chaos Rider said:

You got it. Although if you have a red dragon and use that to take a day off the timer of one of your eggs it won't make the egg older. It'll say 5 days x hours instead of 6 days x hours but you'll still have to wait a day before putting them into any hatcheries


Also Bolts, which add a day to the lifespan of hatchlings, so a freshly hatched dragon that you stun (the Bolt BSA) will have 8 days instead of 7 days before death.


Completely unrelated question of mine - did the Seawyrm pygmies get a visual update and I just didn't notice until now??

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2 minutes ago, Chaos Rider said:

still have to wait a day before putting them into any hatcheries

i've gotten in the habit of when the eggs get down to 5d 23h, i put them in three hatcheries and then incubate them.... and then they hatch 24 hours later. XD 

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9 minutes ago, StarlightLion said:

Completely unrelated question of mine - did the Seawyrm pygmies get a visual update and I just didn't notice until now??

In 2021 they were part of a large sprite replacement.

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3 hours ago, newtinmpls said:

Going on fanfiction dot net, there are very few stories that take place in the DC universe; and many of them reference a human companion/collector (i.e. the part they player represents) as a "keeper" is this usual terminology?

Nah, it's probably specific to that portion of the fandom only. There is no in-universe canon or widely accepted fanon for who or what collects these dragons. 



1 hour ago, newtinmpls said:

But in either case there is no display other than "egg hatched" or " your dragon is ill" to overtly tell you where you are in terms of clicks/views (i.e running high, running low or whatever) there are numbers, but the raw numbers of clicks/views by themselves will not tell the "whole story" 

Not to confuse you more, but most eggs will require around the same amount to hatch at specific times. You'll probably see a trend after growing a decent amount. I would say 200-300 unique views/UV and 1500-3000 views/V are a good range for getting eggs to hatch at 4 days. As they get older they need less views and are easier to hatch. The oldest eggs can hatch around 100 UV or less.


Hatcheries can prioritize eggs that have under 4 days left, so please don't be concerned about waiting too long. It's better to wait longer rather than add too early and risk sickness. 


Egg cracking and hatchie gendering are good mid-way indicators that your dragon will grow on time.

Edited by Shadowdrake

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4 hours ago, newtinmpls said:

Going on fanfiction dot net, there are very few stories that take place in the DC universe; and many of them reference a human companion/collector (i.e. the part they player represents) as a "keeper" is this usual terminology?


Also thanks Fuzzbucket/Evil Kitten!!


There's also a wealth of poorly-organized information in this thread, including a (semi) answer to your question in this particular post:



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3 hours ago, newtinmpls said:

Confusing me is really really easy 🤪


Okay each stage is potentially 7 days long. max. 


First 24 hours of each stage (so this would be as long as they are saying "6 days and X hours") best not to overwhelm them, or they get sick and might die. 


Then they accumulate views and clicks, and there is a theoretical goal (which probably has some fancy logarithmic relation to their age which i am NOT going into) So at some point they will get "enough clicks and views" and if this happens BEFORE they pass the 4 day mark, then nothing happens till the 4 day left mark. (then they hatch or adultify) 


If the 4 day left mark passes and they still don't have enough yet, they keep accumulating. Eventually they will get "enough" and go to the next stage (hatch, or adultify) but if they never do get enough they die. 


But in either case there is no display other than "egg hatched" or " your dragon is ill" to overtly tell you where you are in terms of clicks/views (i.e running high, running low or whatever) there are numbers, but the raw numbers of clicks/views by themselves will not tell the "whole story" 


There's 2 sort of indicators, to a degree.


For eggs, the cracking sequence.  If you've got a big hole it means you're on the right track with views and clicks and such.  They can still die, such as if you leave it to the very last minutes of its timer before trying to hatch it, but for the most part if you get them to a big hole they'll hatch alright given a little more time.


Hatchlings have their second stage, where they change appearance and gain a gender (if applicable).  Odds are, unless you leave it to the last minutes of the timer (and even then it might be okay depending on how many stats it hatched with), it should mature alright given a bit of extra time once it hits 4 days.


Mostly it's just because if you could hatch and mature dragons in a single day the game would be vastly faster paced, so there's some limits in place to make you take a bit of time at it.


But yeah, it's a mixture of stats and time (the exact formulas aren't known to the users) that determine when a dragon will reach the next stage.  The less time it has left the more stats count--so if you want to force something to hatch at, say, 4 days you need more stats than trying to hatch it at 2 days.


It can be a lot to take in at once, that's one of the nice things about threads like this--there's plenty of us happy to try and explain as many was as needed to find the one that makes the most sense for you!  (And there's no shame in it being confusing even when explained, sometimes things just need to be reworded to click!)

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2 hours ago, KageSora said:


There's 2 sort of indicators, to a degree.


For eggs, the cracking sequence.  If you've got a big hole it means you're on the right track with views and clicks and such. 

Late last night - you know come to think of it I'm not even sure which night it was; in the evening a kind person gave me some eggs, I happily piled them into a hatchie site, and because I am a spaz I took my phone to bed with me and at 3am all the eggs were sick. I really don't even recall how much time was on them. I fogged them all and it took at least 4-5 hours for the last one to get better. But up till then, everything looked good, the "big hole" was happening.

2 hours ago, KageSora said:

It can be a lot to take in at once, that's one of the nice things about threads like this--there's plenty of us happy to try and explain as many was as needed to find the one that makes the most sense for you!  (And there's no shame in it being confusing even when explained, sometimes things just need to be reworded to click!)


I am grateful for the help.


I keep thinking "oh, NOW I get how this works" and then later realizing I missed some refinement. I'm newish (well new. I'm on what day 4 or 5) and I've had really kind people offer me eggs and/or hatchies and then gotten bogged up - and hadn't initially realized that what I need to be looking at is NOT ONLY "when is the next opening in my lair" (i.e. when does my "oldest" hatchie turn adult) but "how many hours till the offer (hatchie in particular) hits 4 hours and matures away from being adoptable".


What is especially frustrating is that I think I will have missed accepting such a gift by about an hour if I'm right, and I suspect that had I been more aware of which numbers to compare I could have worked it out. As I learn these ropes I'm having regular "Oh THAT is what that meant" moments. Oh well, there are levels of mistakes. I'd rather have a hatchie mature and stay in someone else's lair than have missed a chance to fog and save some eggs.

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1 hour ago, newtinmpls said:

Late last night - you know come to think of it I'm not even sure which night it was; in the evening a kind person gave me some eggs, I happily piled them into a hatchie site, and because I am a spaz I took my phone to bed with me and at 3am all the eggs were sick. I really don't even recall how much time was on them. I fogged them all and it took at least 4-5 hours for the last one to get better. But up till then, everything looked good, the "big hole" was happening.


I am grateful for the help.


I keep thinking "oh, NOW I get how this works" and then later realizing I missed some refinement. I'm newish (well new. I'm on what day 4 or 5) and I've had really kind people offer me eggs and/or hatchies and then gotten bogged up - and hadn't initially realized that what I need to be looking at is NOT ONLY "when is the next opening in my lair" (i.e. when does my "oldest" hatchie turn adult) but "how many hours till the offer (hatchie in particular) hits 4 hours and matures away from being adoptable".


What is especially frustrating is that I think I will have missed accepting such a gift by about an hour if I'm right, and I suspect that had I been more aware of which numbers to compare I could have worked it out. As I learn these ropes I'm having regular "Oh THAT is what that meant" moments. Oh well, there are levels of mistakes. I'd rather have a hatchie mature and stay in someone else's lair than have missed a chance to fog and save some eggs.


Yeah, they can get the big hole before they're able to hatch in terms of time--when that happens they can easily get sick if you keep getting views.  It's a sign of being on the right track but it's still possible to over-do it by mistake.


When you're new it tends to happen more until you get a feel for things and that's really something only experience can teach!  We can share tips as much as we want, but actually getting a feel for it yourself can't be replaced.


And hey--I'm sure nobody was upset if you missed offers.  It happens!  Even with experienced players sometimes things like timezones and offline stuff interfere and things get missed for gifts or trades.  It's life.

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Oh - another thing (that just happened to me, because I'd forgotten I'd forced it and started to worry slightly, having killed two eggs on an earlier attempt) - if you force an egg to hatch (some eggs you have to - to get a green Cantormaris or a wild Shumoga, for instance) it then takes AGES to grow up even if it has LOADS of views.. I can't remember how low the time got, but it had about 9k view and plenty of clicks.


And some breeds are just ornery. Zyus and Tinsels, for instance.

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Next "Tiny Question" (thanks for the advice to bring it here)


What advice would anyone give to a newbie (i.e. me) about the upcoming Valentines event. Is there anything I should do, avoid or be on the lookout for?


My (minimal) understanding is that there will be:


1-Temporary Holiday biomes where event eggs may be found; though there will be a limit on how many anyone can claim (sounds like two, which I take to mean as long as you have two holiday eggs/hatchies you can't pick up any more). Is this only on the exact day of Valentines (I'm presuming it would use the same time zone listed at the top of this site).


2-Previous Valentines (is it just valentines or is it any holiday dragon?) can breed successfully at this time.


3-Depending on what happens with the first two, later during (and maybe slightly after) the event there may be chances to pick up Valentines eggs or hatchies in the abandoned pile.


So I guess the first thing would be to make sure that I have room to attempt to pick up the holiday eggs.


My questions include:


1-how easy or hard will it be to recognize the holiday critters/eggs?


2-Is it just this year's eggs or will there be any chance of obtaining Valentines from previous years or dragons from other holidays?


3-During this event can they be obtained with shards?

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Can someone please tell me how to find the moderator for the Breeding forum in Site Discussion? I need help cleaning out a thread.


Also, on that note: I don't see anywhere where there is a list of moderators for each forum and subforum, unless I'm missing it.

Edited by missy_

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2 hours ago, newtinmpls said:

1-how easy or hard will it be to recognize the holiday critters/eggs?

2-Is it just this year's eggs or will there be any chance of obtaining Valentines from previous years or dragons from other holidays?

This year's eggs will release on 14Feb in every biomes except "Holiday", so you can easy to get one. Past Valentines Dragon (CB) will only drop in "Holiday" biomes( you will see it during the event, I think it's 7Feb. ) You can find 2G or higher Past Valentine Dragons in AP, but there are no limit for a lineage dragons, so easy to find one or not is depending on breed. The newer one would harder to take than other old breeds. But if you only need to recognize them, The Valentine eggs will take precedence in the first 4 rows, so I think start from 7Feb to around 19Feb, there would only have Valentine eggs in the first 4 rows.


ps. It's not a great ideas to swap a CB Valentine Dragons in Trading Hub, because most of people reach the limit in all breeds/limited in some breeds, so used a 2G or other things might more easily to trade for them.

ps 02. The Valentine Dragons only have one gender, no need to do gender swap.

2 hours ago, newtinmpls said:

3-During this event can they be obtained with shards?



Edit: yes I think the biome name is "Holiday" and I remember it wrong. :ph34r:

Edited by D-wing

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30 minutes ago, newtinmpls said:

1-how easy or hard will it be to recognize the holiday critters/eggs?

2-Is it just this year's eggs or will there be any chance of obtaining Valentines from previous years or dragons from other holidays?

starting Feb 7 (i believe) there will be a biome called Holiday.  that's where the CB of previous Valentines only will drop for the week before Valentine's day.  they're the only eggs dropping in there, so it'll be quite easy to recognize.  you can see the eggs and their descriptions on the Valentine's Wiki Page as well.  there's a limit of two of these from the holiday biome.

and as D-Wing says, the AP will have bred valentine's eggs from previous years.  they'll be in the first four rows.  the only limitation on the bred eggs is how many your scroll can handle.

on actual Valentine's Day (and as in the past, the next two days as well), all the regular biomes will then be filled with this year's valentine eggs.  there's a limit of two of these, as they''ll be CB.

there's no other holiday eggs that drop at this time, only the Valentines.

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14 minutes ago, D-wing said:

This year's eggs will release on 14Feb in every biomes except "cave", so you can easy to get one. Past Valentines Dragon (CB) will only drop in "Cave" biomes( you will see it during the event, I think it's 7Feb. ) You can find 2G or higher Past Valentine Dragons in AP, but there are no limit for a lineage dragons


Thank you and of course I have more questions.

Looking at the main page, I can see specific biomes: Alpine, Coast, Desert, Forest, Jungle and Volcano. Then a sort of “extra one” described as “Near the entrance to the cave”.

1-So this year’s eggs can be found in the first 6 “described” biomes, and (possibly) previous years’ eggs may drop in the “entrance to the cave” location?

Next; you mention “You can find 2G or higher Past Valentine Dragons in AP, but there are no limit for a lineage dragons” and later “Valentine Dragons only have one gender, no need to do gender swap”

I am really confused by some of the terms on DC. I’m not clear on what a liniage dragon is, unless it’s just one that was bread, as opposed to CB which seems to mean picked up from a cave. But even so – what is a 2G?

Gender swap; does this basically mean the idea of (for example) I have 3 red male hatchlings and would like to trade one for a female? And if Valentine’s dragons only have one gender does that mean that all the 2023’s will be either male or female? Is this true of other Holiday types?

Terms I don’t understand yet: AP, 2G and I continue to be confused at the myriad types of lineages (or at least there seems to be a lot of terminology there).

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3 minutes ago, newtinmpls said:

1-So this year’s eggs can be found in the first 6 “described” biomes, and (possibly) previous years’ eggs may drop in the “entrance to the cave” location?

on the 14th, this year's egg will drop in the 6 described biomes.


4 minutes ago, newtinmpls said:

I’m not clear on what a liniage dragon is, unless it’s just one that was bread, as opposed to CB which seems to mean picked up from a cave. But even so – what is a 2G?

yep, a lineaged dragon is one with parents, one that you bred or someone else did.  and yes, CB is picked up from the cave/a biome.  a 2G dragon is one that has two CB parents.


and correct, gender swap would be if you have a male and want a female instead.  it would be up to you to decide if you want a CB for a CB, or if that doesn't matter to you.


6 minutes ago, newtinmpls said:

And if Valentine’s dragons only have one gender does that mean that all the 2023’s will be either male or female? Is this true of other Holiday types?

also correct.  for valentines and xmas, the genders alternate - two years one gender, two year's the next.

for halloween, both genders exist.

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10 minutes ago, newtinmpls said:

Looking at the main page, I can see specific biomes: Alpine, Coast, Desert, Forest, Jungle and Volcano. Then a sort of “extra one” described as “Near the entrance to the cave”.

No, the extra one you see is the Abandoned Page/Pile, or AP. That is where everyone's discarded/abandoned eggs go, whether bred or from cave. It is not a biome because it doesn't affect egg Biome info.




The Event biome will appear on Feb 8th and last until the end of Feb 14th. It will have CB/parentless eggs from past Valentine's events. The new Valentine's dragon will not appear until the 14th, but will last until the end of the 16th (3 full days). So you should prioritize grabbing old event dragons until the 15-16th if you don't care about the day they're grabbed.


The AP will have tons of old Valentine's eggs bred from other players, so if you don't care whether it has parents you should prioritize grabbing from there. They will be lower time and hatch sooner than fresh biome eggs.

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3 hours ago, newtinmpls said:


Thank you and of course I have more questions.

Looking at the main page, I can see specific biomes: Alpine, Coast, Desert, Forest, Jungle and Volcano. Then a sort of “extra one” described as “Near the entrance to the cave”.


1-So this year’s eggs can be found in the first 6 “described” biomes, and (possibly) previous years’ eggs may drop in the “entrance to the cave” location?


Next; you mention “You can find 2G or higher Past Valentine Dragons in AP, but there are no limit for a lineage dragons” and later “Valentine Dragons only have one gender, no need to do gender swap”


I am really confused by some of the terms on DC. I’m not clear on what a liniage dragon is, unless it’s just one that was bread, as opposed to CB which seems to mean picked up from a cave. But even so – what is a 2G?

This year’s eggs:  Alpine/Coast/Desert/Forest/Jungle/Volcano on 14Feb-16Feb

Past year’s eggs: "Holiday" on 7Feb-14Feb,  lineage eggs on AP.    (I remenber the name wrong before, like the other said, sould be Holiday!)


A lineaged dragon = A dragon which have a lineage, you can click the "view lineage" bottom to check what was it. They produce by breeding. Some breed can only obtain by breeding specific dragon pairs called "hybrid". No holiday's hybrid until now so you don't need to worry on them in this time. The lineaged dragon would show which dragons are their parents but no biomes' shown. CB are opposites, no parents but biome.

(n)G= Gen n,  2G= Gen 2



3 hours ago, newtinmpls said:

Gender swap; does this basically mean the idea of (for example) I have 3 red male hatchlings and would like to trade one for a female? And if Valentine’s dragons only have one gender does that mean that all the 2023’s will be either male or female? Is this true of other Holiday types?

AP= Abandoned Page = the page that you woud go after pressing "take one of those" bottom.

Yes your example is correct.

Yes, if no change in this year, the 2023 new val would be one gender only. High probability to be Female.


Valentine Dragons until now: Only have one gender.

Christmas Dragons until now: only 2G or higher(= bred/lineaged dragon) Holly(Holiday 07) and Mistletoe(Holiday 14) could be both gender, CB Holly/Mistletoe + other Christmas breeds only have one gender. Someone would asked a 2G from F Holly, they're obtain by the old raffles and no more in this time. so ignored it.

Halloween Dragons until now: Can be both gender.

A easy method to recognize: If any egg ≧3D0H and unavailable to influence = This egg only have one gender.


Edit: Oh I'm not sure the event would start on 7th or 8th, just asked in those days if you cannot sure.

Edit 02: Do you have interested in collect hatchling's form dragons and need us to explain about freezing dragon?

Edited by D-wing

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Holidays can definitely be confusing, especially for your first one!  There's a lot of extra rules and such around them!  Especially if you're very new to the game and still picking up the terms and all that.  (Honestly we could probably do with a "holiday FAQ" that has a detailed breakdown of what to expect for each of the three holiday seasons on site that we can easily refer people to, since it's very natural there's questions around them--and not just newbies!  Sometimes us veterans forget details, too!)


So, traditionally*:

  • Starting the 8th (cave time), a brand new biome will appear in the cave alongside the other ones--this is listed as the "Holiday" biome.  This biome will be present through the end of the day the 14th.
    • In the "holiday" biome, CB (cave born, AKA "gen 1") dragons of the past Valentines will drop.  These are limited to 2 of each breed per scroll.
    • This means you can have 2 CBs of each year's breed, not "2 CBs total of any Valentine's breed".
    • "lineage" and "bred" mean just that--a dragon that has ancestors.  It was not generated in the cave, purchased in the marketplace, or resulted from a special BSA (there are 2 breeds of dragons obtained that way, neither of them are holiday breeds) but was created by breeding 2 dragons together.  There are not limits on how many of these you can obtain.  So, you can have, say, 2 CB Valentine's dragons from 2015 and the only limit on the bred ones you can have is how many you're able to obtain in terms of free slots on your scroll during the breeding season.
    • Here's an example of a CB, and here's an example of a bred dragon.  The bred one here would be a "5g" or "5th gen"--it has 4 generations of ancestors.  A 2g/2nd gen would be the "Holy Fisher" ancestor from that line, which only has one generation of ancestors behind it!
  • Starting the 8th (cave time) past holiday dragons will enter their breeding season.  While they can be bred year-round to produce non-holiday eggs, they can only produce more of their holiday breed during their specific breeding season.  They will remain in season for one week.  There's gonna be a flood of eggs to the AP.  You won't be hurting for chances to grab bred ones.  These will be of all sorts of lineages--if you care about using them for trading in the future, it's worth it to be selective about what you pick up.  But if you don't care for now and just wanna grab whatever, that's awesome to do as well.  It really, really just comes down to personal playstyle--and you can change your goals for it next year, too, so don't feel too locked into anything.
    • These dragons will be able to breed up to 4 eggs at once!  Normally you can only have one, but for holiday breeding that limit gets changed.  You can only keep one, the others are automatically kicked to the AP (and if you wait to long to pick one then all of them get kicked) which is why there's such a glut of eggs in the AP during holiday breeding seasons.
    • The mass of eggs in the AP will last beyond the holiday breeding season since they'll have a backlog to work through, so you may want to prioritize getting the new release eggs over the older ones.  Or not!  Up to you entirely!
    • It won't be unusual to see these eggs reaching a point where, once you grab them, you can immediately shove them in hatch sites to obtain views to hatch them because they'll be low enough on time.  If you plan to do this, keep an eye on your "total growing things" counter!  You're not just limited to a specific "you can only pick up so many eggs", there's a secondary limit of total things.  I've hit that few times while grabbing stuff from the AP that was low-time and mass-hatching things I liked, so it's extra important to keep track of so you don't miss out on eggs you want because you have egg space but not total space!
  • Starting the 14th (cave time) brand new eggs will drop in all biomes except the "holiday" biome (which will continue to drop the old eggs).  These are also limited to 2 CBs
    • These will drop until the end of the day on the 16th, so if you need to wait an extra day or so to grab them for stuff to hatch or grow up that's okay!
    • The best time to grab these is at the very first drop, and after that your best bet is to grab them on the hour.  They'll refill every 5 minutes, but they tend to go rather quick as everybody tries to grab them.  (This is the same for new releases that are not holidays, by the way--if you want to grab the new stuff on the hour is always best).  It may take a few hours to grab them, depending on how fast you can refresh and click and if you're there right at the very start or not.  So if you aren't fast enough on the first drop you can make, it's normal!  And, if you do miss them this year (or you decide you don't want to try for them and want to build up previous ones instead) you can try next year when they drop in the holiday biome
  • Valentines are single-gender.  That means all male or all female.  They seem to alternate every year, and if the pattern keeps up this year they'll be an all-female breed.  So you can't use "Influence" on them and they will all be the same breed.  It's possible that the pattern could change and they'd be a dual-gender breed, but that's not been the case so far.  Once they drop we'll know for sure because people will immediately try to influence them to check and post it in the announcement of the event thread.
    • On that note, you'll also see people posting about what type they may be.  People immediately use Vampires to check if an egg can be bitten--if it can it's a normal dragon.  If it can't, it falls into one of three categories--Drake, Pygmy, or Two-Headed.  Drakes and Pygmies have visibly smaller eggs than normal dragons so those are noted right away, but Two-Headed are sized the same.  So if a dragon cannot be bitten but the egg is a normal size then it's almost certainly a Two-Headed dragon of some sort.  (This is important for lineages because each of these three special sub-categories can only breed within their own group--you can't breed a Two-Headed to a regular dragon, etc.)  Not usually super important unless you're planning lineages, but I figured it might be helpful to pre-explain some discussion you can expect to see when the new dragons drop!
  • There's also usually a special event to participate in!  This is optional.  It gives you a little badge at the top of your scroll, but honestly if you don't feel into it then you aren't gonna miss out on any dragons or anything by skipping it or not completing it.  I find the events and mini-games to be a bit hit or miss with my personal interests, it varies.
    • This event is likely to start on the 14th, and run through the end of the day on the 20th.

*I say traditionally because there's always a chance something might get changed up and we won't know 100% for sure until the post about the event goes up in News, but this is based on past events and unlikely much would deviate from this.


One more important note:  There's a breed of Valentine called the "Sweetling".  Normally, these are pink.  However, there are some special ones that are black.  You cannot obtain the black ones.  During the year they released there was a glitch that resulted in some users losing their eggs, and the alternate form was coded in as a consolation for the glitch.  These alts are scroll-locked colors, and cannot be obtained by anyone who was not given them originally.  Some users may still wish to trade for these offspring anyway, as kin to the alts even if they're not alts themselves.  Not really a big deal to be aware of unless you're doing trading and such, but a note just in case you see them around.


This is also more or less the format followed for both winter and Halloween holidays, though Halloween does have some marked differences.


I get that this is a wall of text, despite attempts to break it up into readable bullet points though, so if there's confusing stuff in there just lemme know!

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