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1 minute ago, Shadowdrake said:



Tragically, false advertising is not against the rules! I don't know what experience you've had with DC mods, but the official stance is "if their trade info is wrong and you don't double check that's on you. If they fail to pay up an iou, too bad, ious aren't officially condoned so that's also on you." Cheating is a very different subject from scamming, but under these rules I'm afraid I don't see how anyone can scam and be punished for it.


I see, guess there's nothing to be done about it then. That's a shame.

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21 hours ago, KageSora said:

Sickness itself has no visible indicator on the dragons--it's entirely in the text warning on the view page for each dragon and at the top of the "dragons" page.


ACK! One of my hatchlings is sick! I took her (well not actually sure about gender yet) instantly off of the hatching sites and now I think I'll just panic for a while. She can't have been ill more than an hour as I've been on a lot today, and she was only on the one site so fingers crossed.


Pooh. Yes she (or he) is a collection of pixels, but she is my little adorable collection of pixels.

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1 minute ago, newtinmpls said:


ACK! One of my hatchlings is sick! I took her (well not actually sure about gender yet) instantly off of the hatching sites and now I think I'll just panic for a while. She can't have been ill more than an hour as I've been on a lot today, and she was only on the one site so fingers crossed.


Pooh. Yes she (or he) is a collection of pixels, but she is my little adorable collection of pixels.

Hatchlings are very sturdy, don't worry. Only extremely prolonged, on-purpose sickness starting from when they were still an egg has managed to kill hatchlings. It is good to get into the habit of hiding things while they're sick, but your dragon isn't going to die. :)

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1 minute ago, Shadowdrake said:

It is good to get into the habit of hiding things while they're sick, but your dragon isn't going to die. :)


Thank you. I think I had been told that before, but here I am updating my list of dragons, and then I see the dreaded yellow triangle of Plague (no I'm not at all overdramatic) hovering over my scroll. It was not my most mature or happy moment.


I have seen quite a few lairs with either remains of eggs or little tombstones, and it's a very sad sight.

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3 minutes ago, newtinmpls said:


Thank you. I think I had been told that before, but here I am updating my list of dragons, and then I see the dreaded yellow triangle of Plague (no I'm not at all overdramatic) hovering over my scroll. It was not my most mature or happy moment.


I have seen quite a few lairs with either remains of eggs or little tombstones, and it's a very sad sight.


Yeah, it can be a bit worrying sometimes--but i regularly have hatchlings that get sick and grow up just fine (currently working on a lineage that has a breed or two that can be a bit stubborn to hatch, so sometimes they get stuck in an ER for a while and bombarded with views longer than other ones if I'm not online to monitor them).


Also, a lot of times the dead eggs and tombstones you see will be deliberate--there are 3 breeds of dragon and 2 variants that can only be obtained by highly risky methods.  Not all, of course--sometimes newbies are learning the ropes or people forget or something happened and they were offline for a week or more as a result, and sometimes some people are just malicious and try to make other people's dragons sick enough to die.  :( (we call that "viewbombing", but thankfully it's not ultra common)

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Is it possible for a holiday x mate, that have only been bred during the holiday event, to refuse each other when bred outside the event? They've produced holiday eggs no problem but this was the first I was trying to get the mate's breed instead.

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2 hours ago, newtinmpls said:


ACK! One of my hatchlings is sick! I took her (well not actually sure about gender yet) instantly off of the hatching sites and now I think I'll just panic for a while. She can't have been ill more than an hour as I've been on a lot today, and she was only on the one site so fingers crossed.


Pooh. Yes she (or he) is a collection of pixels, but she is my little adorable collection of pixels.


Hi! I wanted to also suggest that you hide the hatchling if you haven’t already. It’s in the “actions” menu on the hatchling’s page. It prevents it from receiving views, even if you left it on a hatch site on accident or if someone is trying to viewbomb it. I’ve heard it’s recommended to wait at least at least a few hours after the sickness goes away before unhiding it. (Someone please correct me if this has changed). Sorry if you know this already, I hadn’t seen it mentioned!

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1 hour ago, titinian.masquarade said:

Is it possible for a holiday x mate, that have only been bred during the holiday event, to refuse each other when bred outside the event? They've produced holiday eggs no problem but this was the first I was trying to get the mate's breed instead.

Yes. Refusals are turned off during holiday breeding, but when you try to breed a pair for the first time outside of the season, they may refuse even though they have bred holiday eggs successfully. Using fertility makes it less likely, so I always do that. It is possible, but rare, for refusals to happen even in spite of using fertility. I have several pairs that I can only breed in season.

Edited by purplehaze

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I got a notification today that I'd met the needs for the February raffle and it let me enter the raffle... but I've had no dragons grow up today. Has this happened to anyone else?

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Did you have dragons grow up yesterday after the raffle was drawn. As soon as the raffle ends, the new month and it's requirement begins. 

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Only one, early on January 31st, not three.

Edited by Lagie

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11 hours ago, newtinmpls said:


ACK! One of my hatchlings is sick! I took her (well not actually sure about gender yet) instantly off of the hatching sites and now I think I'll just panic for a while. She can't have been ill more than an hour as I've been on a lot today, and she was only on the one site so fingers crossed.


Pooh. Yes she (or he) is a collection of pixels, but she is my little adorable collection of pixels.

 Every years when nearing the holiday breeding weeks, the hatching sites will have a lot more people in there and both eggs/hatchlings are very easy to get sick! My suggestion is only used 1 hatching site during these periods or wait 2 days/1.5 days before adding them into hatching site. I think 2 hatching sites are enough to let eggs hatch on time in most cases? If not, FART would be a good helper.  ps. Never put your eggs into any hatching site when it's <6D (5D if Incubate). If you put them in hatching sites immediately, 95% they would sick and die. For my brother and my experiences, if it's non-holiday period, sometimes we add them ~6D12H and they never sick (standard breeds, just like KageSora said, some breeds are stubborn to hatch and easily to sick when hatch), but my bro told me that he add some eggs ~6D7H yesterday and two of them are sick, so I would suggest that put them into hatching sites a day later and don't use too much sites.

Edited by D-wing

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On 1/30/2023 at 9:22 PM, KageSora said:

Sickness itself has no visible indicator on the dragons--it's entirely in the text warning on the view page for each dragon and at the top of the "dragons" page.


I was contemplating un-fogging my dragonlet (who did turn out to be female and is not ill any more) and looking at my "dragon" page on DC, I noted that she has over double the views of every other dragon, along with a really high rate of clicks. That seems off. Maybe I'll leave her in fog for a while more.


I only use one site; and it's seems decent so far

Edited by newtinmpls

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2 minutes ago, newtinmpls said:


I was contemplating un-fogging my dragonlet (who did turn out to be female and is not ill any more) and looking at my "dragon" page on DC, I noted that she has over double the views of every other dragon, along with a really high rate of clicks. That seems off. Maybe I'll leave her in fog for a while more.


I only use one site; and it's seems decent so far

I always leave an egg or hatchling fogged for a couple hours after the sickness alert goes away just in case.


how much time is left on your hatchling? 


if your hatchling has less than 4 days left, it’s considered ER. and if it’s in a hatchery that automatically moves things to the ER when the timer hits 4 days, it will accumulate views at a faster rate than normal in order for it to grow up.  

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8 minutes ago, newtinmpls said:

Maybe I'll leave her in fog for a while more.

what kind of dragon is she? also, yeah, i personally would leave her fogged until it says there's 4 days left - unfog, and *bam* instant adult.

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According to my dragon page/link (which wouldn't tell me much at first,  as my encyclopedia is pretty thin) she is now listing as a Xenowyrm


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13 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Yes. Refusals are turned off during holiday breeding, but when you try to breed a pair for the first time outside of the season, they may refuse even though they have bred holiday eggs successfully. Using fertility makes it less likely, so I always do that. It is possible, but rare, for refusals to happen even in spite of using fertility. I have several pairs that I can only breed in season.


Thanks! I didn't know that all refusals were waived for the holiday breeding. I've been waiting until the holidays to breed a holiday x mate with fertility seeing as I never got a refusal and then thought that they were compatible year round. Guess not!


Also just checked and @Lagie I only have 1 dragon that grew up 2/1 but not the 3 that it wants. It let me enter the raffle saying I had grown 3.

Edited by titinian.masquarade

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1 hour ago, titinian.masquarade said:

have 1 dragon that grew up 2/1 but not the 3 that it wants. It let me enter the raffle saying I had grown 3.

@TJ09, the raffle entry seems to be glitched. We're able to enter with only one adult dragon.

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1 hour ago, titinian.masquarade said:

have 1 dragon that grew up 2/1 but not the 3 that it wants. It let me enter the raffle saying I had grown 3.

@TJ09, the raffle entry seems to be glitched. We're able to enter with only one adult dragon.

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23 hours ago, _Ro_ said:

What's going on with the celestial dragon encyclopedia page?

I assumed incorporeal form would be unlocked first since they're that way most of the time and the only corporeal the few times i've used their bsa.


  Reveal hidden contents




You have to view both forms separately to unlock them. The first to unlock would be the one you have seen most.

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3 hours ago, newtinmpls said:


I was contemplating un-fogging my dragonlet (who did turn out to be female and is not ill any more) and looking at my "dragon" page on DC, I noted that she has over double the views of every other dragon, along with a really high rate of clicks. That seems off. Maybe I'll leave her in fog for a while more.


I only use one site; and it's seems decent so far


That happens sometimes.  Some dragons are more stubborn to hatch, so when they get down to "ER" status (4 days left and under, at which point then can immediately hatch upon attaining enough stats or mature to adulthood if they're hatchlings) some sites will move them to the ER viewer (which usually has less dragons so they all get more views).  Some sites you can choose to include them in the ER or not.  If they're a more stubborn breed, they can end up in the ER longer because they take more stats to hatch.


For me this happens a lot with Tetras--they can easily obtain 2 or even 3 times the views of some of the other dragons I put in at the same time because they seem to take more to hatch than, say, Water Dragons.


This also happens sometimes if you have a dragon with much less time left that you put in alongside a dragon with 4 days or more left--the less time left the less stats they need to hatch or mature, so the lower-time one will advance to the next stage will get moved out of the ER (or entire site if it became an adult) much, much sooner.


One other thing to keep in mind is that if you grab stuff from the AP (abandoned pile/page), sometimes the previous owner may have forgotten to remove it from sites if they put it in some before dumping it (such as if they hatched it and abandoned the hatchling or if they realized after holding it for a while they didn't need or want it, or they needed to make room for a trade or whatever.

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7 minutes ago, KageSora said:

One other thing to keep in mind is that if you grab stuff from the AP (abandoned pile/page), sometimes the previous owner may have forgotten to remove it from sites if they put it in some before dumping it (such as if they hatched it and abandoned the hatchling or if they realized after holding it for a while they didn't need or want it, or they needed to make room for a trade or whatever.


Oh Yikes! So just because I only had it in one site, doesnt mean that was the only site it was in. Oh crackers. 


Good to know. 

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One way to get around that is to hide it for a few hours after you get it; it will be automatically stripped out of MOST sites if you do that.

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19 minutes ago, newtinmpls said:


Oh Yikes! So just because I only had it in one site, doesnt mean that was the only site it was in. Oh crackers. 


Good to know. 


The easiest way to guess is--does it have views when you first grab it?  If yes, it's good to go and double check various sites to remove it if it's in them (though there are other ways to get views you can't check and all).


If it's got 0 stats at all, it shouldn't be in other sites.

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Wow this place has an interesting learning curve - thank you!

Got a tiny question: I see other folks with "location" and interesting sayings on their profile pic or signature - how do I do that?

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