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37 minutes ago, Eyara said:

Didn't see it in the FAQ so ... where can I modify my signature ? ^^'

Like add my dragons in ?

Top of the forum page, beside your name, is a little arrow. Click on that and then click on account settings. There is an option there to edit your signature. (You might have to scroll down to see it -- I do.)

Edited by purplehaze

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On 1/15/2023 at 11:22 AM, Charity322 said:

I know that a Bloodswap is the same, but unrelated dragons, but is it the same genders for the parents or swapped genders?

I guess it depends on the person. I actually don't care about the genders as long as they are the same breeds.

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anyone else notice that the purple dcrecords banners aren't showing any text?  it's been like that most of the night for me.

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The forums were down for a long time early this morning (twelve my time), but I assumed it might have been for maintenance or something. When I was finally able to reconnect, the banners only showed up as question mark errors, like when you have an image that no longer works. I went to bed before they reappeared, but now they're entirely blank for me as well.

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1 hour ago, trystan said:

anyone else notice that the purple dcrecords banners aren't showing any text?  it's been like that most of the night for me.


1 hour ago, Rhikasa said:

The forums were down for a long time early this morning (twelve my time), but I assumed it might have been for maintenance or something. When I was finally able to reconnect, the banners only showed up as question mark errors, like when you have an image that no longer works. I went to bed before they reappeared, but now they're entirely blank for me as well.


Both of your banners are still blank, but they work when I click on them!

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59 minutes ago, IzzyCat91 said:

but they work when I click on them!

that makes sense, since i have the banner link to my scroll.  maybe the graphic will feel better in the morning.

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I started a thread to get Boss Attention.

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i see that.  hopefully the data will be showing soon.

it links to our scrolls because we (at least i did) told it to do that in my signature, so that tells me that the forum code is working. yay! XD

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Yours (and everyone else's) is fixed and mine isn't....


Never mind - had to re-upload it was all ! thanks @TJ09

Edited by Fuzzbucket

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2 hours ago, Fuzzbucket said:

Yours (and everyone else's) is fixed and mine isn't....

Never mind - had to re-upload it was all !

well that was weird then....

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I think I made the mistake of going to check the link while it was down....!

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Hi again !


Just want to know : I tried to name my adults dragons, but the name never save and, I guess, name are ok for the site (I tried Chrona on my Xeno Chronos and Luana for my Bleeding Moon). Is it normal ? ^^'

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51 minutes ago, Eyara said:

Hi again !


Just want to know : I tried to name my adults dragons, but the name never save and, I guess, name are ok for the site (I tried Chrona on my Xeno Chronos and Luana for my Bleeding Moon). Is it normal ? ^^'


Those names appear to be taken already. Names must be unique, and you should see a "×" icon next to the text box to indicate as such.

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33 minutes ago, Eyara said:

Didn't see the "x" icon, but thanks for the answers :)

when you're in the page to name your dragons, before you click/tap the button to name your dragon, if the name is available, there will be a check mark after the box with the name.  if the name is taken, that's where the X will be.  also, if you try to name it, and it's taken, the message on the next page says something to the effect of "you try to write the name, but it disappears" - something like that.

hope that helps?

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always nothing, but maybe because I play on mobile version of the site ? 🤔

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No it shows on mobile. You can see the little black x and checkmark to the right of the name box in the screenshots I attached. They can be easily overlooked. 



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Oh, yes, I was blind, my bad xD 


Thanks for help :')






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I expunged a named undead dragon, and now the site tells me the name is still in use even though nothing appears when I search by name. Is this intentional? I really would have liked to keep that name...

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1 hour ago, NIya said:

I expunged a named undead dragon, and now the site tells me the name is still in use even though nothing appears when I search by name. Is this intentional? I really would have liked to keep that name...

Unfortunately fully dead dragons still keep their names. You can check by replacing NAME with your old undead's name here: https://dragcave.net/view/n/NAME 


There have been suggestions to auto-remove names or let people unname dead dragons, but it hasn't been added.

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Hello, guys! I just want to ask ! I never see dino eggs 🤣can someone tell me why? May be someone can trade me one egg for a one hour to unlock them in market! I’ll give it back ? So I’ll try to bye one at least I’ll have a chance to have dino! Thank u ☺️ 

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