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15 hours ago, purplehaze said:

Might be kind of nice to have the option to let them turn, but you wouldn't want it to be automatic like it is with the blues.


Yeah, definitely. Still wish blues weren't automatic. Whenever I get one I don't want from the AP, I feel obligated to hatch it anyway so I don't mess up the lineage.

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When does a Nebula's color variant get set?  When it hatches?

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@KageSora I'd guess so! All eggs sort as blue/purple, at least, but the hatchies will be under the right variant, if you sort your dragons by breed. Very handy if you want to know its colour before it genders!

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1 hour ago, Tiira said:

@KageSora I'd guess so! All eggs sort as blue/purple, at least, but the hatchies will be under the right variant, if you sort your dragons by breed. Very handy if you want to know its colour before it genders!


Good to know!  I wasn't sure if that actually worked or not!  Seems like it'd be a bit of a loophole for figuring variants out early

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How do I get signatures viewable on mobile?


I want to see them again. 

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I think you might need to use the desktop version of the site. There's usually an option in the browsers dropdown menu to do that.

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Hello, guys! I’m sorry , if there any topics where I can ask for gold egg for example someone to breed for me :) Thank u!

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No - but you could put a line in your signature asking for one.... or sign up to one of the gifting threads - like this one: (that was just posted !)


Or contact people who say they breed for free.

Edited by Fuzzbucket

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I acquired a Magelight egg sometime within the last week, influenced it, and then took care of it the way I do all my other growing babies.  Except it appears that it disappeared at some point, as it's not in with my other adult Magelights. I went looking for it, and it's no longer on my scroll. Sadly I don't have a link to it, since I wasn't expecting it to just up and vanish.
Is this something that I can message TJ about, and he can check my account logs and possibly recover this missing dragon?

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38 minutes ago, Shinketsu_Karasu said:

I acquired a Magelight egg sometime within the last week, influenced it, and then took care of it the way I do all my other growing babies.  Except it appears that it disappeared at some point, as it's not in with my other adult Magelights. I went looking for it, and it's no longer on my scroll. Sadly I don't have a link to it, since I wasn't expecting it to just up and vanish.
Is this something that I can message TJ about, and he can check my account logs and possibly recover this missing dragon?


Is it this one?


If not, the first thing to do is comb through your actions log.  Check every entry to be sure you didn't accidentally abandon it or something--that's usually the culprit of a vanishing dragon (I've had that happen to me a few times before!)

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2 hours ago, KageSora said:


Is it this one?


If not, the first thing to do is comb through your actions log.  Check every entry to be sure you didn't accidentally abandon it or something--that's usually the culprit of a vanishing dragon (I've had that happen to me a few times before!)

Ahh, that pesky pygmy, I see what I was doing wrong now! Thanks for pointing it out(though I admit, I feel a bit foolish, heh)

1 hour ago, Stromboli said:

Highly recommend the new feature in notification settings to get on site notifications for when eggs hatch/hatchlings grow as well, then you'll have a record of what grew up recently.

I wasn't aware this was a thing, I'll check this out, thank you :D

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9 hours ago, Shinketsu_Karasu said:

Ahh, that pesky pygmy, I see what I was doing wrong now! Thanks for pointing it out(though I admit, I feel a bit foolish, heh)

I wasn't aware this was a thing, I'll check this out, thank you :D

You're welcome!


It's really easy to overlook one when you have multiple off the same breed!

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Do leetle trees count towards your freeze limits, since it's frozen as soon as you pick it up? Do you need a free freeze slot in order to pick one up or does it kind of bypass it?

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13 minutes ago, Krissi2197 said:

Do leetle trees count towards your freeze limits, since it's frozen as soon as you pick it up? Do you need a free freeze slot in order to pick one up or does it kind of bypass it?


I'm pretty sure they don't count towards your freeze limit since it happens automatically rather than being an action you take.  It wouldn't make sense for it to eat up an action, anyway.

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I know that a Bloodswap is the same, but unrelated dragons, but is it the same genders for the parents or swapped genders?

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3 hours ago, Charity322 said:

I know that a Bloodswap is the same, but unrelated dragons, but is it the same genders for the parents or swapped genders?

I would say the same genders. A bloodswap to me would be one whose lineage looks exactly the same.

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It certainly is when I want one (see my current trade....)

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In my experience they seem fairly common.

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Didn't see it in the FAQ so ... where can I modify my signature ? ^^'

Like add my dragons in ?

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