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8 hours ago, Chaos Rider said:

If you're still having trouble with Yul @0x08 found out that the problem was a script called miner.js. If you're using ublock origin you can whitelist it by adding this to your filters:


Also thank you 0x08


Didn't change anything for me, Only disabling Opera's tracking blocker helped - and that did NOT please me.

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Quick question: is anyone else struggling with the Cookie Decorating?  Mine keeps glitching -- see the following pics for examples.  Lots of weird fine rays and occasional square corners, dragging around all the colors that were already on the cookie, not just the new one. 


My device is a Samsung Galaxy S26, and I'm playing in Firefox, if it helps to know that. 





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Those are gorgeous (please send me one !!) - but while I'm not suffering, someone has started a thread, so you aren't alone.

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Where do neglecteds sort under legacy sorting (or whatever the original sort method is called)? I'm trying to find mine on my scroll and it goes from nebula to neotropical. 

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As Neglected - after Nebula. (Ninjaed - but I just did the drop down sort by breed thing and there they all were.)


Wait Jaz - that IS odd - try going to your scroll and sorting by breed....

Edited by Fuzzbucket

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OK - that's weird - you must have used legacy sort when they were called sick, and kept that as your custom sort ? Mine ARE after my neotrops ! which is where the wiki says they should sort to.

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I have a question on the Encyclopedia entry for Pyranost



One of the paragraphs reads: 

Each individual has its own unique underwing pattern; very rarely do solid red or white underwings occur.


May I know how the mechanism for this works?



Thank you for answering, Stromboli and _Ro_

Edited by Mystic_Halo

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I suspect that's just lore, not a game mechanic. I haven't seen anyone reporting variations on wing patterns in Pryanosts.


Probably like Nebulas' encyclopedia entry saying "It is entirely possible for a black and white patterned Nebula to exist" even though there is not a black and white variant in the game.

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Sorry, there's no alt or variant sprites (besides spriters alts) on the wiki.  So yeah, it's just a lore thing. 

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On 12/31/2022 at 2:29 PM, Fuzzbucket said:

OK - that's weird - you must have used legacy sort when they were called sick, and kept that as your custom sort ? Mine ARE after my neotrops ! which is where the wiki says they should sort to.

Yeah. I never got rid of legacy sort. I'm too fond of it.

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1 hour ago, Jazeki said:

Yeah. I never got rid of legacy sort. I'm too fond of it.


I also still use legacy sort, you do have to memorize quite a few dragons' alternate/old names to know where to find them on their scroll!  Luckily though, if you're ever in doubt, the fan wiki typically lists what the legacy sort name is for affected breeds, so you can always consult that.

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Is anyone else having an issue with the drop down menu when adding dragons to groups? I'm not sure if the appearance of it has been permanently updated or not, and while my tablet reads more clearly, on my computer the text color is too similar to the background that I can't read my groups. I'm not sure if using Safari possibly has something to do with it.




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Mine looks normal color, but I seem to have some sort of overwritten stuff underneath some of the group names. I am on Firefox on a laptop.




Oh! I see. My overwritten stuff is from the group above. The name is too long to fit in the column so it goes to the next line, but then the next group overwrites it!

Edited by purplehaze

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48 minutes ago, purplehaze said:

Mine looks normal color, but I seem to have some sort of overwritten stuff underneath some of the group names. I am on Firefox on a laptop.

  Reveal hidden contents



Oh! I see. My overwritten stuff is from the group above. The name is too long to fit in the column so it goes to the next line, but then the next group overwrites it!

That's what the drop down looks like on my tablet. I wish I could say the same for my computer, it would be much easier to read. It used to look completely different on both devices, it more so matched the theme of the site before, I'm not sure why it changed.

I've also had the overlapping text happen before when group names are longer. It can make it a little difficult to read the group below it at times.

Edited by Rhikasa

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It wouldn't necessarily,. Even the two sexes of Hellfires give different flames, as do different colours of firegem.

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@Fuzzbucket Thank you for answering. 


The Pyropellis are supposed to take on the same color of flame as the other parent has, as they do in the Hellfire and the Firegems. 


I guess my real question is, are the light blue tips on a Flame Weaver's antlers fire or something else? 




It seems like this is how the Light Weavers are meant to work, or maybe the Pyropellis are no longer being matched up to change color with new dragons.  Either way, unless new information comes about, this appears to be an intentional game mechanic and not an oversight. 


Thank you so much to everyone who replied.


Edited by Mystic_Halo

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How old do eggs have to be in order to trade them? I reflex-clicked a Yellow Dino and want to trade it, but am told on the Hub that it's too young.

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3 minutes ago, Oddsoxdi said:

How old do eggs have to be in order to trade them? I reflex-clicked a Yellow Dino and want to trade it, but am told on the Hub that it's too young.

The cooldown for eggs caught from the cave is 5 hours. If you're ever unsure how much time is left, you can double check by going to the egg's action page.

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19 minutes ago, Oddsoxdi said:

How old do eggs have to be in order to trade them? I reflex-clicked a Yellow Dino and want to trade it, but am told on the Hub that it's too young.

Cave eggs have to be at 6d 19h or less in order to be transported or abandoned. Bred eggs have no cooldown.

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How will new players view the cookies they received if they don't have the 2020 event badge?

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I expect users participating in cookie decorating for the first time will get a retroactive badge, the same as they do for gingerbread house and tree decorating.

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