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1x3 that's not really a 1x3 more like a 1x1

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Zaphus took a few steps in the house looking down at his hands. "I... I understand why you would be... what we are known for.... but I'm.. not like that. You fell from heaven... we're as I somehow managed to get kicked out of Hell. I... I disagree with the way they act. I make things, make beauty... not destroy it. I don't like to hurt things, or people.... I'm even a vegetarian. I would like to meet this Sam... I only have Drez as a friend.. and Caramel... I could use some more freinds. I'll.... I'll let you be now... " He carefully slipped the rosary off his tail at her feet a curled it around the cat carrying her out.


He looked at Abby. "Drez is fine. My house is up by the waterfall can't miss it if you fly towards the mountain. Come visit any time you like. I'm normally home. Good seeing you again... " He nodded slightly and walked out into the woods setting the cat on his shoulder.

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"Bye, come again soon!" Abby yelled after him. Then she went back to the comics in her newspaper. Stella just ran into her room to draw more.


The Dark sat on her bed, kicking her feet and trying to think of what to draw next. She had the rosary gift next to her, and she was considering drawing it. Maybe she could give Zaphus a gift of a picture, but of what? He did say he had a garden.... Maybe of... AHA!

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Zaphus came home and went to his garden. He walked around his roses and cuts some of them arranging a crystal glass. He set them on the table. He hoped she likes the rosary. He went out and started to pick his tomatoes and vegetables.


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((Still drawing for Zaphus?))

((Don't know what to draw...))



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((Well can you draw a cat? He loves his cat. Draw a cat sitting on a little throne with a crown if you can))

((I can't draw animals))

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((Mousey it's ok.. let's just continue.))


Drez was still at the cabin watching his movies.


Juan walked along the paths, not wanting to fly while his brother was hurt. He shook his head. The girls didn't need to talk so much. It annoyed him and gave him a headache. He kicked a rock.

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Stella finished coloring and tossed her colored pencils aside. It was a picture of two figures, one male with a silhouette of a cat on his head, and a female, sitting in a meadow at dark with with a little note written into the sky.


You're the first nice male demon I've ever met


I hope we can be friends


I hope I can be friendly



It was a little awkward, but she liked it. Besides, she didn't get very much inspiration often and it was the best she could do in her current inspirationless state. And she was being her. Awkward.



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((*claps happily* work with it girl work with it! Bravo!))



Zaphus was still in his garden, pruning his roses. Playing with the cat with his tail. He loved his garden and it showed. He had nearly every flower, including ones from Hell, kept in a hot green house.

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Stella had two names, unless you counted her nickname. Her Angel name and her Fallen 'human' name. Astera and Stella.


No one called her Astera anymore, so who was calling her Astera now....?



"Astera, how have you been? It's been quite a while..."


That voice.


It was him.






Abby was reading the newspaper when a THUMP came from Stella's room. There were also a few smaller clink, clinkclinkclink's too. Abby went to investigate and saw a sleeping Stella sprawled on her bed, colored pencils falling on the floor. Her art book had fallen, showing an uncompleted drawing on it of what looked like the base of two people.



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((Gah! Abby wake her from her nightmare she's dreaming about him! ))



Zaphus checked on Drez. When Drez found out he went to abby's home, he washed how she was and if she was alright. His wing was mostly healed, but not entirely and he still had feathers to grow.




Juan huffed. Maybe the Angel was right, not all demons are bad, but that one hurt his brother. Before he fell he and his twin where the only guardian angels who could telepathically communicate. Now he couldn't, and he lost the intimate connection with his brother, he felt like he lost half of himself. He could live with out heaven, but his brother was all he had. His old flame tried to end Julian's life too, that was the braking point for him. Threaten him is one thing, but to threaten his brother, they'll have Hell to pay.

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((Argh it is hard to think))


"Him... Oh! Stella, wake up!" Abby said, shaking the girl. Stella groaned and rolled over, and then suddenly fell off the bed.


"Ow... Oh... So I never finished it at all."


Stella grabbed her book and went into her little studio/office to continue drawing. Abby just sighed and went to get dressed in work clothes. She had to go to work in a few hours.

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((Posted on 7seas have Juan run into Sam..))


"I don't want to run into anyone!" Juan yelled at the sky.


Zaphus wanders around the woods, lurking in the shadows humming softly to himself.


(Crap post but I'm washed out... make something drastic happen....))

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((Well, one thing if you don't know what to do is to go to work... Sam is an agent and Abby is a school nurse


Or we can just timeskip to noon




Let's timeskip to noon))

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((Drez works but it too weak to move, Zaphus ........ good idea!))



While Drez was watching Emperor's new Groove, Zaphus went to work. Who would employ a demon? A flower shop run by two men, who kindly took in the boy Zaphus saved from his father. One of the men, his name was Alix, and prefers to be called Alice, was a good friend of Drez's who helped smuggle human flowers into Hell for Zaphus. When the two met it was like they already knew each other, given Drez and his gift of gab.



Zaphus worked in the back, carefully arranging flowers and tending to the ones in the hot room, the tropical plants that need love and care in humidity that was unbearable to the two men by not to the demon. He also hand dipped flowers in metals (gold, silver, platinum) and engraved them carefully in different fonts with his diamond hard razor sharp claws.


The shop also dubbed as their home, so on his lunch break he was out back, in the little back yard, eating his salad while the boy sat on the see saw, and the demon lifted and lowered it with his tail, which gave the boy much amusement, judging by the peels of giggles and squeals coming from him.

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To her client, Samandria was just a normal albino girl who just happened to be a great agent. Sam worked with Maya Perry, an up-and-coming singer and musician. Now, Sam and Maya were talking about Maya's next performance, which Sam was trying to set up at the Dolphin Room, a bar where a lot of great performers started out.


"So I was talking to the owner, Richard Wilam, and he said that 3 PM next week Sunday was the only time he could get for you. I told him I'd check with you first, but he said to call back soon before that position was taken, so I took it. I hope that's a good time."



((Drez and Zaphus already have demony names but you should get Juan and Julian angelic names, like Sam's demon name is Samandria and Stella's angel name is Astera and Abby's angel name is... Um... It was like, Abiel or something))

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((You said they where higher up. Guardian angels work among humans, makes sense for a humanish name. And because he is a guardian. Julian's full name is Julianus... but Juan... is just Juan at the moment...))



Juan loved his job as much as he loves kids. He was a good musician in Heaven, so, on earth he was the middle school's music teacher. Both in choir and orchestra, the kids all loved Mr.White, which was part of his last name and apparently one of the most common last names other then Smith or Brown.


"Sophie good gob on that solo, you've been practicing! Thomas... tune the first string a little bit more, it sounds off, not as deep as a base should be. Charlie, elbow up, knees hugging that cello, it would help keep it from moving as you play. Now, Caribbean, from the top!" They where having a hero themed concert in a few days and few of the songs where from the Avengers, Spider-Man, iron man, superman, Captain America and oddly... pirates of the Caribbean.... how that fit in he didn't know. He conducted the song applauding the kids after complementing them on their hard work.

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((Lunch break they find out they work at the same school...?))



Juan tilted his head and looked at the ceiling quizzically. He new better to shout at the voices in front of the kids. He sighed and continued on with his lesson until the lunch bell sounded.

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((Lets just go with that but Abby and Juan don't know each other yet so there'd be no reason for either of them to freak out about it




*rubs hands together deviously*))


Abby had barely any kids visit her that day. She talked a bit with the librarian, Mrs. Nishioka, but other than that she did pretty much nothing. Nathan Welsh had gotten scraped up from tumbling down a hill made of tacks or something.


The bell rang for lunch. Being a school nurse, Abby didn't get to go to lunch until sixth grade came from recess, but most teachers had to stay and do work anyway, so she wasn't really left out. She normally stayed in her office to eat her sandwich, but she felt like going to the teachers' lounge later to eat.

Edited by MyaMouse

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((Where I live it's k-5, 6-8,9-13.....so she'd be in the elementary unless it's different where you are. ))


Juan took his lunch to the break room and sat in the corner with his back to the wall, his nose in a fantasy novel that was popular with the students. He liked to keep up with the recent book hype, so he won't get to angry if he finds the books or reading devices on the music stands instead of their sheets. He ate one handed, a apple slicees dipped in caramel and had a tuna sandwich with cheese, chips and a bottle water in his lunch box.

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((We consider 3rd and up 'middle elementary' and I thought that's what you meant I changed it to sixth))

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