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Beyond the Soul

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Jacus shook his head and bowed quickly but sloppily.

Televere chuckled, "Come now, you can relax. I have seen you both for quite awhile. I was in the clouds over you when you were attacked by goblins. I sensed the soul of Dragon that low to the ground. I hope your wounds healed well Arwena." She lowered her head down as her tongue flicked out.

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"They.. they have. Jacus mother's herbs did the trick. The one on my side in nearly healed... the other will need a few more days..." She still blushed a little, knowing Televere probably herd her singing in the cavern.

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Televere laughed, "Wonderful! Now you had a letter for me?"


Jacus paused, "Wait... if you knew about us all along... why didn't you land by up and just pick up the letter?"


Televere smiled and laid down, her large head lowering close to them, "How logical... well for one you wouldn't be able to come to my great city, Knight of the Crown... secondly... you wouldn't have finished your journey with lovely Arwena... Though you both hold it quietly, you two are much closer than friends..."

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Arwena flushed. "Give her the letter Jacus.. " Drago who was with them sat and gave the Dragon a wolfish grin, he knew it too, although the two legged people are always to stubborn to see it clearly.

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The dragon moved her large tail and pushed the two together. "I will read you letter... but only after you two tell each other what you feel about the other... honestly... and if you lie, Drago will tell me."


Jacus turned to Arwena as they we pushed against each other. He stared into her eyes, stunned by the suddenness. " I uh... the truth... I'm afraid... I don't want to upset you... I really like you... but your going to out live me... you have a better future in the many years you have left... I like you but I don't want to start something I can't finish."

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Arwena flushed at his words, and didn't say anything for a long while. Drago growls at her. "I ...... I don't know what to think. ...... you're the only other one other then my father who sees me as well.. me. My grandfather treats me like glass, my mother like a child. You see that I am strong,... you weren't afraid of Drago.... I'm confused on how I feel.. " She moved away from him pacing as she talked. "I... I'm starting to like you but you said it yourself, I'll out live you.... I just.. I don't know..." Drago huffed and looked at the Dragon, she does know but she is conflicted about her loyalty to her people and is afraid of she stayed with Jacus, she won't be welcomed back when he passes away.

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Televere let out a small ring of white smoke, "Unfortunately I can't help you with your traditions... but I do know something... you should follow your heart. Your mind can be corrupted, your body broken, but the heart never fails. I will not dwell longer, use your stay here in Unity to dig deeper. Stay together, enjoy your time together. I'll take that letter..."

Jacus held out the letter and the elf secretary took it, opening it and handing it to Televere. She smiled and looked down at the three, "I hope you visit before you leave. It's good to talk to such unique people."


They are then led out, Jacus stayed silent and once outside Televere's room, offered his hand to Arwena.

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Arwena hesitated, looking back at the door then at his hand. She took it holding it tightly. "I'm afraid that I won't be welcomed back, that I would give up my place as guard.... many of my people don't like humans.... " She said softly to Jacus, she looked like she was going to cry. "I love my home, you have seen it's beauty, nothing I have seen so far could compare to it... I couldn't give that up, it is my only home..." A tear fell down her cheek but she brushed it away. "I'm sorry Jacus..."

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Jacus smiled and turned to her, "Don't worry about that now. How about we stop worrying and listen to the Mayor. Enjoy our time here... together okay?"

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Arwena hugged him until she calmed down. "Ok... let's look at the places marked on the map... shut it you fluff ball... I know you are happy..." Drago was indeed happy making a spectacle by jumping around them in a play bow and wagging his tail.

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Jacus hugged back with a smile, "Well the first place marked is a spa... I could use a hot spring bath and massage..."

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They make it to the spa and drop Drago as a "pet" spa were they groom and trim him. "Have fun big guy. So what do we got for people?" Two atrractive woman come out, a human and an elf.

"Well you two, we have mud bathes, professional massages, hot springs, and steam rooms. Interested in a couple combo?"

"Couple Combo?"

"Oh yes... we keep the couple together for the entire spa experience as well as some special and unique activities."

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Why did he have to ask? Her biggest fear was in front of her, yes, woodland elves love only one.... but... humans were different, she knew this... and was scared of it. She didn't answer, leaving it to him to choose.

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Jacus turned to Arwena, "Well... I'll leave it up to you... Televere said we should enjoy this together..." He takes her aside in private for a moment, "...Televere is right... and I trust my heart... I... I want to be with you Arwena. I just... don't want you to suffer the fact that you will outlive me..."

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Arwena looked up at him, then down at his hands grabbing both of them and squeezing them tightly. "I...... I.... " She took a deep breath slowly letting it out and looked him in the eyes. "Then every moment together is to be precious to me.. to us,... because I .. I want to be with you Jacus, you and your family, your king.... with.. with you.... "

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Jacus smiled and looked down at her, lost in her eyes, "Took you long enough... but I still love you." He pulled her close and kissed her, he body relaxing from all the built up stress and secrets.

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Jacus shrugged, "I would love to. What's the worst that could happy." He went to order the couple's combo. The women heard it and gave a mischievous grin. They were lead into a large room with changing booths. They were given a key to their single booth.

Woman- "You store all of your clothes in your booth. For this spa all you need to wear is a towel for when your moving from activity to activity. Feel free to get ready. Your next in line. You will be called in about 10 minutes."

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Arwena shot him a look turning pink. "Sounds suspicious to me.... don't peek" She glared at him then turned around taking off her dress, slipping off her under things. She had a birth mark a deep angry maroon on he pail back, it looked like four jagged Dragon claws cut her stretching from her right shoulder down to her left hip, a inch between each mark, and a small faded bite mark on her lower right thigh from where Drago bit her to connect them together.

Edited by AroaraAngelwolf

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Jacus shut his eyes and undressed, back to her in the booth. "Come on Arwena, I love everything about you. You shouldn't be embarrassed about showing off your body a bit. Those dresses showed that you are more than a hunter, your a beautiful woman."

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Arwena blushed at that. "To tell you the truth, no elf man looks like you do shirtless, they are all.. well feminine looking and lanky, no muscle unless it's in the arms from shooting a bow. " She wrapped a towel around her, it covered most of her mark but a little still peeked or from the top fortunately her waist length white hair covered it. She was like how she described the men, lanky but strong arms from archery, although she was smaller in the chest aria then most women, but that was because of the tight bands she wears to be able to shoot well.

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Jacus finished getting out of his clothes and put his towel around his waist. There were small scars here and there from what looked like training. Besides that we was well built but balanced. "Well my 'couple' shall we go?"

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Stage one: Steam bath. They are led to the steam baths and put in a room together alone. Steam fills the room making it hard to see. Jacus holds Arwena's hand. "This is nice... I hope Drago is enjoying his spa trip."

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