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CPA Duels (OoC/HQ thing) [Almost Always Open]

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Jam! Of course thanks Tiga


New Arena Idea


Jampocalypse - A sprawling metropolis has been taken over by the man-eating jam! The Jam depth lies at 1m but the tides make it fluctuate, occasionally the Jam levels will recede only to be followed by a tidalwave! The Jam eats anything organic, your only way to survive is to wear a full suit of plastic... but the Jam knows the smell of organic matter and will reach up to try and get into your air hole!

The Jam has flooded the entire Business district, only the 2nd storeys of buildings are safe, but the Jam will try and work its way up, bringing a lovely smell of strawberries with it...


And yes we are arguing about trees, the final result. We feel Silver should edit the post.

Hooray for man-eating Jam biggrin.gif

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Yeah, we were supposed to stop so that SeaCat and the others could organize it all... Right? Plus, the majority of the opening post is arenas...

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Nah. I plan on doing that soon, and I have way too much time. x_x


Yes. Stop with the arenas for now. It'll make organizing them much, much easier!


Okay. One moment then. x_x


EDIT: DH, I think using a Google Docs would be much easier, you ninja. ^^'

SeaCat said that. xd.png, we need a desperate place for the arenas. Maybe in the op of the Castle?

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Don't. Or that will be taken over by arenas when we don't use them in the castle at all!

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Well they didn't have to accept everyone tongue.gif I only made ones I thought would be interesting... they didn't have to accept them, coulda said no.

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Are you guys arguing about trees?


Oh this made my crack up.


Was there really a post about no more arenas? I never got to submit one until now. :/


Edit: I need a dark form. Wow so many cats!


Username: Tiga

Nicknames: Leotart

Species: Leopard x Poptart cross

Looks: A normal leopard, however can become a pixel leopard user posted image. Can also shapeshift into a chicken and a human.

Powers: Shadow Manipulation, air manipulation and illusions.

Skills: Immortal, can flatten oneself against the wall or floor

Rank: Nommer of Poptarts

Preferred Weapon: Heavier weapons, longswords, and heavy machine guns.

Other: Loves to prank people.

Edited by Tiga

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Wow. My dark form's already in my form. Well. You can't really call it "dark". Whatever. Posting now. If I sound grouchy later on it's because I have a violent headache right now.

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Because I can finally fulfill my dark, twisted fantasies, even if just virtually... Muahahahaha...

I mean, because it's fun!

Actually, that sounds just as creepy.


EDIT: @Tiga: Pranks are cool. I think, by dark, we mean psychotic, evil versions of ourselves. No offense, but your dark version sounds cute.

Edited by SoiledLove

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My current character is the dark form.


Btw Marcus, let me know if I need to edit my post with the fire heating up the shield.

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Lightning literally seperates the air... its also an exothermic reaction so its understandable that it would produces heat and that the heat would break through the blizzard. My only question is what caught fire? As far as I know there was nothing around you to catch fire.


As such its unreasonable that the shield would still be retaining heat... but you're a mage, while I'm fine with Silver making a little fire to keep herself warm theres no reason you can't too.

Edited by Marcus Pheonix

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Marcus, quick question, are the trees in the Arena real trees? Or are they made artificially as part of the arena. Are they alive?

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I don't know Silver was the one who came up with the idea for the arean... I assume they're real, and most likely they're dead if they live in an area of constant blizzards.

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No where in the description did it say that this was a magic forest. All there that is magic are the fighters and the fact that its constantly snowing! Constant snow would mean the trees would be dead or in hibernation!


So yes still arguing about trees!

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What kind of trees are they? Fir? They don't die with constant snow (do they?). Plus, none of the arenas really make sense or are scientifically possible to have in the real world, so who cares? I mean, kitty Kat arena doesn't state anything about cat food and tigers would probably eat the domestic cats if they were hungry enough. It's just a bunch of cats in a field with trees.

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I have an alternate form, but thats for later.


Guys, I have some writers block, can I have permission to go a bit later, out of my turn? Can I go after Koala?

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I know you were... but I think saying magic did it to everything is a little cheap.

If they are fir constant snow might not effect them, but a blizzard is more than snow its a lot of winds, commonly winds strong enough to rip up trees. Also its said that it hails as well.

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*launches flaming tables at Melomancer, then launches frozen tables at Marcus, then launches iron tables at Pi* STOP TALKING ABOUT TREES!


It's 9:06 AM and I'm leaving you all soon to write and this is what I'm welcomed by. Please. Just stop with the trees!


Also, I'm adding up these arenas and then any more arenas will be completely ignored by me until the arenas are sorted.


Now, if you're going to continue to talk about trees, take it to the messages. Please.


Bye. *vanishes in a thundercloud*


EDIT: And yes, Serce, you can~ I'll go make a note so everyone knows. ^^

Edited by seacatsmew

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