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CPA Duels (OoC/HQ thing) [Almost Always Open]

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I can always organize Sea's first post.... or shove them all into a google docs once I get home for everyone to view it so we can also see everywhere else on the Original Post that we need.....


How bout I do that.... shove the arenas into a Google Docs.... color coded by name.... well, the person's name who cam eup with it would be colored, then their arenas would be normal as they are now. That way, if you know a specific person made a specific arena, you can go look smile.gif


I'll do that. When I get home. Which wont be for a bit... but I'll do it biggrin.gif

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Nah. I plan on doing that soon, and I have way too much time. x_x


Yes. Stop with the arenas for now. It'll make organizing them much, much easier!


Okay. One moment then. x_x


EDIT: DH, I think using a Google Docs would be much easier, you ninja. ^^'

Edited by seacatsmew

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Order them alphabetically along with color coded by user. That will make things soooo much easier... You should have a key code at the top! tongue.gif

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Order them alphabetically along with color coded by user. That will make things soooo much easier... You should have a key code at the top! tongue.gif

I was planning on doing that biggrin.gif

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Sorry. Vacation doesn't allow me to post a lot, and I feel bad, especially because CPA Duels seems to be really active. I would write weapon descriptions, but I'm not too familiar with Okami. I've played it once before somewhere though...can't remember where. I can research though! Research saves the day!


Anyway, off to make a post in the team battle! I dislike the turn system, I probably would have woken up on the first nudge if I had been able to post. It delays reactions so much. But then again, without turns I would have fell behind.

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I don't think we should have weapon descriptions for this since we decided them already. It's probably best if we enter fully armed.


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Hey Seacat did you remove my original form? I may have a weaker form that allows me to fight on even footing with the others but I still have my final boss form as well (current referee in the team battle)


Also I'd like to say I still think Technos power is completely OP... being able to destory solar systems seems way out of proprtion. You should have a god form and a weaker form. Otherwise the battle would just be like.


"Everyone rushed to get their weapon, I laughed and waved my hand. They all turned to dust.

We win"

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But I didn't do that, and I'm not planning to. And my form literally says I have four different phases that I go through in order to actually be able to destroy galaxies.

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Yes, MP. You could have checked the post, you know. xd.png Your original form is actually with the extra forms...


Also. MP, think about it this way: Duels are for fun and wiping everyone out within the first post takes the fun away. So I don't think anyone would do that... xd.png


Now, I may not be on much tomorrow, because I'm going to force myself to write books, whether I like it or not. ^^' Night.

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Techno, what weapons do you want for the okami duel? The available ones are listed a few posts up. I'll write the intro post tomorrow.

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"Spontaneous explosions only" still sounds HELLA SCARY, dude. Maybe you should clarify. Also: 1. "I wouldn't do that" doesn't really apply if you're in a form that is too angry to use logic and 2. it still ramps up the creepiness factor by a whole lot regardless of whether or not you're going to do it.


Also is anything happening that I should know about I was busy being on a plane/finding out I dislike Robocop/being sad that MathCamp has to end.

Edited by Fractional Pi Day

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Why's it creepy? It's not like I'll make people explode or anything. The most that's gonna happen is me making boulders or crates go boom or something. If you're worried about it then we don't have to duel. :/


Also. I haven't actually gotten all that far in Okami. I went six hours in and then the memory card deleted all my data. So. I'm gonna need some help with descriptions.

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Now that Marcus mentioned the thing with the fire being extinguished by the blizzard, I'm just picturing it looking like that one scene in Spongebob where they lit a fire, and it froze and fell apart into ice cubes. xd.png, anyway, regular fire should definitely be put out, but isn't magic fire different from regular fire? It shouldn't follow the same laws of fire, since there's also the magical aspect of it. Correct me if I'm wrong or horribly misinformed,(which is probably the case,xd.png) but that's my opinion on this.

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Theres still the whole part how its a tiny fire and shes using it really far away from her.

Also the magic fire consists only of the small fire, the actual tree would be burning with real fire, and it would be put out in an instant.


Therefore, she couldn't light the tree.

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I'll post my turn in a bit, but I just wanted to give y'all a heads-up, because I'm gonna be out of range of wifi in a moment.

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Ah, I see your point. Makes sense. Well, can we just let it pass since two people already posted after that? It'll be less trouble.

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Also: living wood is very hard to burn. It contains a lot of water and will make your fire sad. This is why most forest fires occur either in drought seasons or to trees that contain flammable oil for the specific reason that forest fires are part of their life cycle. Considering the setting, neither of these are likely the case. Even if magic is involved, Silver should be constantly spending a ton of energy making the fire 1) survive the constant onslaught of snow being turned into water as it gets close to the fire, 2) burn on a pretty small amount of oxygen, and 3) hot enough to do away with the moisture already sealed into the tree.


Maybe I should just be a ref. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't survive a battle with any of you anyway.

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Yeah, I meant the fire. I counted wrong. xd.png,well, since only SeaCat posted and she didn't mention the fire at all, it wouldn't affect anything if silver edited it. So I think we should wait for her to edit that part for now.

Edited by Melomancer

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Nooooo you said wrong facts about trees with leaves being easier to burn >:I Nor did you touch on the oxygen matter unless you did so indirectly. Wow yeah no helping you allowed gotcha


*gets tables thrown at for being off topic and overzealous despite the fact that everyone else also is, just in a different direction*

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I know that dead trees burn better than live ones, but a dead trea in a humid environment with snow on the bark wouldn't catch a light easily either.

Also how do you know there's limited oxygen? This arena isn't in a giant glass jar nor does it state to be in a high altitude.

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Fixed some things about my character sheet smile.gif


[color=#6A287E]Username: Tiga
Nicknames: Yah... Tiga.
Species: "Domestic" Cat
Looks: A normal white and calico cat with green eyes [URL=http://www.atlanticcoastvet.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/tortoiseshell1.jpg][IMAGE][/URL], that can shape shift into a tiny pixel cat: [IMG=http://forums.dragcave.net/uploads/av-205151.png]. Can also transform into a sheep, and human.
*Enhanced senses: I am able to smell, seek, hear, feel and taste much better than the average cat. Sometimes I am able to see flashes into the other planes, like ghosts or spirits.
*Air Manipulation: I am able to use it to fly as well, and I always look like I'm climbing up "air stairs".
*Illusions: Basically what it says.
Skills: Nine lives, plus the sheep's life. But of course, I can always gain a new life when I eat a Pink and Purple Tuna Pie from Over the Rainbow.
Rank: Overkitty of the Dorsals. The Painter-Cat.
Preferred Weapon: Daggers, throwing knives. Anything small and sharp.
Other: Mew. New to this fighting thing, will need help. My kitty form can paint, using my paws. My pixel form can sprite and paint in small square shapes, my human can paint and my sheep form is completely useless.


Edit: New arena idea! Thanks Marcus!


Giant Jam Jar

Basically a large glass jar with around 2-3 feet of strawberry jam at the bottom. Around the walls of the jar are coated with sticky jam, that you can get stuck to, but you can escape. There are large clumps of strawberry seeds scattered around on the jam and there is a large metal knife in the jar. It is coated in jam as well, but some parts are not. There is a lid, however the closer to get to it, you become faint and dizzy and fall into the sea of jam.

Edited by Tiga

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Are you guys arguing about trees?


Btw, I just have to have a dark form, I can't help it. Hope you guys don't mind...


Username: SL

Name: Lillian, Dark SoiledLove

Nicknames: Lil, Lily

Species: Primordial/Nekomata


Looks: Exactly the same as soiled but for all forms with a tail, it splits into two. They could be twins for all intents and purposes, if not for the tail. Appearance varies. Usually in human form, has to go through nekomimi form to get to primordial form.

Human Form: Rather normal looking girl standing at 5'7with straight black hair that reaches to mid-back and black eyes that sometimes go gold. Has a pair of light purple glasses.

Nekomimi Form: Something like this, but with straight black hair and black gloves as well as gold eyes. Stands at 5'6. Has a collar with a gold coin on it. Tail is a forked tail.

Cat Form: A tiger cub with golden eyes, 2'5 from paw to shoulder, has a collar with a golden coin. Tail is a forked tail.

God Form: Same as Nekomimi form, except with giant wings. One is like a bat's wing and the other is a red colored mechanical wing, the edge looks like plates of metal with the joint like the circular part of a helicopter's tail. Five panels of metal substitute for the rest of the wings. Eyes sometimes appear on the wings. Also, she gets a bone tiara.


Powers: Creation, Misfortune Bestowal, Matter Ingestion, Necromancy

Skills: Immortality, Madness Empowerment (Human Form), Enhanced Physical Abilities (all other forms)

Rank: Dark Soiled, Hidden Madness, Power of Obsessive Love

Preferred Weapon: Kitchen Utensils, Claws, bare hands and fists

Other: She seems perfectly normal... And usually is that way, but it just covers up her true nature. Often seen 'helping' out at the shop. Once Soiled is away, she gets out of control. It's very hard to tell the two apart, even by feel/aura or a sixth sense. The only way to do so is to look at the tail.

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