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The Infinity Search

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Rosalie stumbled over, her legs still wobbly and took the man named 'Dante's' hand with a grateful smile. She couldn't believe that she thought he was a even a bit bad. He was definitely a gentleman.

"No seafood, please. I am a herbivore, and only if the plants say its okay." She explained, not aware that she sounded strange.

"I don't know what the rest of these name are..." She mumbled quietly, looking at the ground.

Edited by mipuppy1

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"Lovely to meet you, Dante," Elsa said as she climbed back up to where Dante was. He didn't seem that bad, to be honest. Sure he was probably going to try something, but she could handle herself easily.

"I'd honestly prefer seafood, but anything is good for me," Elsa said coolly. She glanced down at her duckling who had fallen asleep while resting on her chest. Elsa let out a smile before looking back up at Dante.

"Lead the way whenever you're ready," she said with her grin still on her face.

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Shaking her head, the canine sighed. They were walking into an open trap. Despite what the man had said, she sensed his darkness. The ability to peer into his thoughts for only a few seconds was enough to give her shivers. A murderer, he's a murderer. Should she follow? Make sure no one gets hurt? No, they didn't want my help, they don't get it. But, she still felt as though she should. Two women, not raised in the parts of the city she had, never seeing the cruel side humans possessed. Never witnessing the abuse of a girl caught in the dark (of which, Raven had stopped of course). They had very little clue of what they were walking into.


Sure, they might be able to handle themselves. But against a Wessen of this nature, one who knew how to quickly take someone down in a matter of seconds, had they not been raised a fighter; they would be met with only a whole array of bad happenings

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Adrian opened the door to his apartment and saw his reflection in the mirror. Luckily for him, his parents were in another room. He quickly changed back to his human form and stomped in, wondering what atrocities his parents had committed. Sure enough, they were frowning at his CD collection.

"Mother," he growled through clenched teeth, a skill he had perfected over the years. "Father. The day grows short. Why don't you go now? I'm sure James would love a visit." He nearly spat his brother's name, but managed to tone it down to a slight snarl.

His parents looked up and saw him. "Adrian," his mother snapped. "We were just leaving." She tossed the CD back, knocking the entire stack over.

They slammed the door behind them.

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((Another character.



Username: pudding

Character Name: Ru

Gender: Neither, uses masculine pronouns.

Age: Unknown

Species: Qilin


*Can see glimpses into the future

*Can breathe fire

*Can fly without aid of wings

*Horn has mystical properties

*Can enter a healing coma to restore himself if he suffers fatal injuries.

Appearance: Ru rather resembles a unicorn, though the single horn that comes from his head looks a bit more like an antler. His body is silver in color with a long, white mane and fur that covers his chest. His tail looks somewhat like a serpents, only ends with a fluff of white fur. He has intricate, blue markings all across his body that glow when he flies. His natural form has no gender.

Personality: Rp'ed

History: Ru is not sure exactly how old he is as the lives of humans seem to fade quite quickly for him. He has yet to meet another of his species though is uncertain if it is because they are nearly extinct, have become extinct or there were never any to begin with. At a time, he watched the Earth and punished creatures he deemed evil. But eventually, he himself was struck down by one of the people he was attempting to hunt and entered a hibernation sleep to restore his health. That was over two thousand years ago.

Second Form (If Available)- In his second form, Ru looks like a direct cross between his natural form and a human. The blue markings remain on his body, as does his horns, tail and his long ears. However, his general body structure is that of a person, minus any reproduction organs.

Third Form- Ru's mane turns into long hair at this point, though it keeps its coloring. His blue markings vanish entirely, as does everything else linking him to his real form. By covering his scent with perfumes and flowers, he is able to pass as a human. He is able to actually have a gender in this form and fluidly passes from female to male when he dons this disguise.

Crush/Lover/Partner/Mate: None

Other: He is vegetarian



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Everything was..different. Strange buildings rose up and touched the sky while lamps without oil filled the towers with light of many colors. It was a dazzling display but down at the ground, he could sense terrible things transpiring. Evil things. It was truly repulsive and an absolute cesspool of sinners. It was overwhelming and assaulted his senses. Instead of trying to confront the evil, Ru fled.

It took some time to escape from the pollution of the city and land in a forest nearby, stumbling and tripping slightly. His tail flicked from side to side angrily as he twisted his head to the side to examine the large scar on his front. It still hurt, even after his rest and felt like someone was slowly twisting a dagger in his chest. How long had he even slept? The Qilin shook his head and glanced backwards towards the city before looking around at the forest he was in. Food. Rest. Justice. The final one would come in time but he was certainly going to need to find something to eat first. But these plants did not look very familiar and he was not sure which ones were safe to eat.

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Turning her attention back to the hunt she had began, she pushed her human thoughts away. Letting her natural instincts take over, she let her human side settle back. At this point, she would behave like a normal wolf, with her giving the body minor pointers in the background. At any point, she could take control again.


The way that the mind of hers worked could get quite complicated. When she was bonded with her wolf side, the wolf's instincts were implemented with her own. Most of these she'd managed to separate in her first couple years of life as a caged experiment. Some though, were directly linked. Such as an reaction to blood. Both in her human and wolf form, she would act as wolf would to blood. Yet, she could still overrule the reaction with her human side.

She and her wolf were separate, yet linked, at the same time. The wolf was subdued. While it's instincts had been integrated with Raven's. As a human, at some points, could have a wolffish desire. Other than that, she could let the wolf she'd subdued free every so often if she wanted to take a mental break.


((It's hard to explain. xd.png Hope it made enough sense.))

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"Alright. I just received a message form my driver; he'll be here any minute now. Let's get you two out of the cold, shall we?".

Just as Dante was about to question the girls as to why they were outside partially naked, a foreign scent drifted into his nose. It was a scent that he had smelled before, but it was a long time ago.

Why do I smell Dämonfeuer? I don't see one around. Filthy creatures, always meddling with things that they shouldn't.

He twisted his head as he went wogen. Bushels of silver, black hair sprouted from his skin, with teal strips coming downs his face. Large canine teeth grew from his mouth. His eye colour changed from a soft brown, so a sharp yellow, and his entire face morphed into what looked to be a big cat. He surveyed his surroundings quickly, yet didn't see a single Dämonfeuer. All he saw was a human kinda just staring at the group. He gave a low snarl, then realized the girls were still behind him. He coughed into his jacket, disguising his snarl as a cough.

As he looked to his right, Dante saw the dog from the alley, staring at him and the group.

That dog smells like a Blutbad, but I know it isn't. We better get out of here, I think there are some other Wesen here after my women these girls. I better get them out of here now


Dante switched back to normal as he rolled his neck around. He smiled at the girls, then pointed them to the limo down the path. He eyeballed the "human" and "dog" as he led then away.

"This way ladies, we don t want to be late now, do we? I've got some fresh clothes for you in the car".

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Hearing the snarl, the canine's head snapped up. Growl. My territory! Enemy! The fem caught the man's eyes, and a low snarl was emitted from her throat. Her lambrums pulled back, revealing her razor sharp canines. When the crack-head scientists had created her, they didn't skip out on making her deadly. Taking a threatening step forward, she crouched, ready to jump.

Raven stumbled back into conciseness as the wolf began to grow furious. Still remaining only second in command, she saw why. The Wessen had dared to try and scare her off. Doesn't it know I'm not a Blutbad? They are lycanthropes. I'm a shifter, to a full wolf form.

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Rosalie was about to reply to Dante's comment, but she could feel annoyance or mild anger coming off from him and decided it was best not to speak. Maybe he was just an impatient person? He turned around, head turning and scanning the area for a bit before he coughed. Rosalie placed a hand his shoulder. He didn't feel sick but she decided to ask anyway.

"Sir, are you feeling well?" He turned to smile as an answer to her, so she assumed he was fine. A strange kind of protectiveness was coming off of him. He pointed to a strange black line-object and beckoned the girls in before she could question him. By the time they got there, the thought had already vanished and replaced by curiosity.

"Ok! Thank you Dante!" Rosalie sang as she got into a long black 'animal?' But it wasn't alive, it seemed to be made of materials and for some reason, humans enjoyed traveling in them. She had seen a few pass by already. They looked like they had been eaten by this 'animal' but she trusted Dante. The first thing she noticed that it was warm. When she sat down, she was quickly won over.


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As the car pulled up, her wolf's first instincts was to run. That's when Raven stepped in. She took control. She snarled a second time, this time with more ferociousness.


You may hide, you may run. But I will find you again, and if I need to, I will kill you.


Raven was like a bulldog. Once she had a hold, she wasn't going to let go. Her stubbornness would even occasionally lead to her near death.

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Interesting. Such strange creatures. The brief transformation did not go unnoticed by the man as he stood nearby, tail coiled around one of his legs. They probably tasted foul, though and he was not interested. Still, his nose did not lie. He quickly turned on the spot and moved away, his sharp nails aching. He was hungry. Time to find something to eat.


Ru stretched out his legs out as he looked around, trying to make sense of the plants around him. He sniffed several suspicious looking berries before moving on to stare at some flowers. How long had he been asleep? All of these plants confused him.

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Ru sniffed several blue berries curiously then reached out and gently nibbled on a few of them. They did not taste too terribly. And the bush was quite large and full of round, blue berries. Deciding they were probably safe, he continued to eat the berries and nibbled on the leaves of the plant. He would need to find a few more bushes to satisfy himself but provided none of them were poison, everything would be fine. Then he could get started on purging and punishing evil.

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Raven picked up an odd scent. She had not came across such a smell before. What's this? Creeping forward silently, she peered through the bushes. What she saw next was quite a strange sight.

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Nope. Definitely not. Certainly poisonous. The unicorn-like creature quickly threw up several brightly colored berries, a greenish tint on his silver face. When the berries had been purged from his system, he quickly kicked some dirt onto them with a grimace. He still felt sick. Ru slowly dragged himself under a nearby tree and laid down under it, resting his head on the floor. He would have to wait for the illness to pass.

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"Thank you, Dante," Elsa said with a grin as she entered the... car? It was a car, correct? Elsa had never seen such a long vehicle. It was a bit ridiculous as how large it was. How did it drive in the road? Wouldn't curves be a nightmare? Shaking the thoughts away, Elsa sat next to Rosalie.

"Never been in a car before?" Elsa asked in a whisper to the unicorn. She grinned at the pale grin with blonde locks. She probably had never seen a car before.

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Raven saw him empty the contents of his stomach. Why had he been eating (what she called) cyanide berries anyway? Watching him rest below the shade of an apple tree, she slowly emerged. He looked horrible. Taking pity on him, she crept forward cautiously.

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Xavier looked to his brother as he finished his food before he then stood up. He then grinned as he began to wash the dishes afterwards and put them on the towel to dry. Then putting a coat on he then grinned as they headed out to go to where his brother worked to get the momma cat and the kittens to bring home with him.

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Ru's eyes flickered towards the creature moving towards him. The Qilin blinked several times then raised his head up. He blinked several times, taking note of the fact the creature moving towards him did not appear to be hostile. His nose twitched before he lowered his head back down to the floor with a soft whine.

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Raven looked around the small patch of berries, being sure to keep clear of the cyanide berries. Finding what she was looking for, the canine carefully picked up a bundle of dark green berries. Carrying them over, she set them down.


These will help.

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Ru watched the canine as she moved around before returning with a few berries. Either this was an attempt to finish him off, or she was trying to help. The Qilin sniffed the berries cautiously then daintily ate them. He was hoping it was a healing attempt, not a death attempt.

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She watched him, sitting down, and curling her tail around her paws. The berries were a natural anti to the cyanide berries. In fact, they quickly broke down any drugs in the system. This had been were Raven had gotten her ability to resist the effects of drugs and poison, as well as even begin to build an immunity to them. Racking her brain, she tried to recall the name of the berry.


Fir Pine Berries. I think that's there name.


She wasn't sure if the creature had heard her, or understood her for that matter.


Feeling better yet?

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Ru nodded to show he understood as he finished the last of the berries. He paused for several moments then shook his head and lowered it back down to the ground. After a few moments, he struggled to stand. He was so thirsty. He needed water. His legs shook as he climbed to his feet and began limping in a random direction. Water could be found somewhere.

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