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Reality and Fiction Collide

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Dug entered the building with Legolas excited to be helping cheer up the man they’d been talking about. However, he then quickly became confused by everything that suddenly happened and he sat down and cocked his to one side as he watched the others. He had been thinking that Clint liked the man that he called Lessa but now he wasn’t so sure, and if his master didn’t like the man, then neither did he. On the other hand, Lessa looked so sad that Dug wanted to go over and try to make him happy again, so he hoped that Clint didn’t not like the man.


Unsure what he was supposed to do, he continued to sit where he was because he was out of the way but could still see what was going on. He was still trying to figure things out when another person – this one wearing a very strange outfit – came in behind him. He couldn’t quite smell who the person was but the smell of the nice lady was on the person, and though person’s voice sounded a little funny, it was similar to the nice lady’s. Taking those facts into account, Dug came to the conclusion that this person was the nice lady so he followed behind her as she started to approach the others. After she asked her question, Dug peeked around her leg and tentatively asked, “Master?” He was sort of hoping that Clint would tell them that everything was all right and that they could go back to their recent plan.



Despite the danger that the beast posed, Azog couldn’t help but watch in fascination as the furry creature worked his magic… Well, tried to work his magic anyway. Wondering if throwing the furry creature to the beast as a peace offering or a distraction counted as a plan, he gave a low half-growl/half-scoff to show that he wasn’t exactly impressed. “The plan,” he said as he looked again to the beast, “is to keep it angry, keep it guessing, and keep one step ahead of it.” For a brief moment he considered pointing out the silent female, but he didn’t want to risk the beast finding her so he refrained. He also didn’t want to give the furry creature any ideas of taking off with the female to use her devise for his own gain. “I have the means of doing so. If you do not, stay near me and follow my lead.”


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Luna was in a daze. One moment, she was wondering the halls of Cantelot Castle, the next thing she knew, she was in a place similiar to Manehatten, but there were no ponies in there. And more importantly, how did she end up here? She decided to walk to get her bearings

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Ratchet rolled his neck and glanced sideways at the hulking albino man-thing, "How about you follow my lead?" he said, as the bottom of his boots erupted into blue flame. He lifted a few inches off the ground and set his sights on the flying monster, 'Alright big guy, lets kill some time". He shifted his weight forward and shot off towards the beast, kicking up a cloud of dust in his wake. He shifted to the left and doubled back, hoping the sudden direction change and his speed would throw the monster off. Ratchet shot upwards and aimed his sparking claws at the monsters face.

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When the furry creature suddenly took to the air, Azog considered pointing out the fact that he couldn’t fly and thus couldn’t follow his lead but he decided against it. As he watched the furry creature attack the flying beast, he became more and more aware that he wanted to possess the furry creature’s magic almost as much as he wanted the silent female’s device. Unfortunately, they had to defeat the beast first, and then he could figure out how to capture the furry creature. With that thought in mind, he quickly picked up another large rock and poised himself to hurl the rock at the flying beast. Of course, he did pay as much attention as he could to the furry creature’s actions and he found himself wondering if he’d have to use silent female once again.



Finding himself compelled by Lessa’s pitiable condition, Dug warily approached the wounded person. Stopping where he figured was just out of arm’s reach, he sat down and said, “Hi there.” He then gave a small whine as he asked, “Are you all right?”



As she continued to lead them to the large body of water, Aayla realized that her question may have gone too far so she gently said, “I apologize for bringing up so painful of a subject, but knowing what happened may help me help you. I do understand if you’d rather not discuss it.”


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Elsa did, in fact, tense up. She raised a hand to her mouth and anxiously pressed the knuckle to her lips, unsure of what words to summon. It wasn't something she liked to talk about or mention very often. And even if it was considered rude, she just couldn't find any way to answer that. Eventually, her silence seemed to get to reach Aayla but her response was not the best either. Sure admitting what had happened could be helpful but it was just such a difficult thing. Talking meant bringing up old and foul memories. Then again, now that she was thinking about it, the memories were already stirring. Could it really do such harm if she was already thinking about it? Her eyes closed briefly as she exhaled a breath she did not know she was holding in.

"Yes, it is just… I was little and foolish," She finally managed to say but nearly punched herself mentally all over again. That was silly, it was too vague to be of any help! "I struck my sister with ice," She finally managed to spit out, her hands clenching into fists at her side. "I nearly killed her and it was all my fault. I should have seen that it was a dangerous thing to toy with, not something to idly make snowmen out of."


((I'm waiting on Shadow with Lessa))

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One wrong word had Prussia in a rage. Harboring a little more than PTSD with the other nation, using a word such as 'friend' to associate him with Russia was a bad choice. V-Vriend?! Vat kind of idiot are you?! Ze very mention of his name makes me vant to spit blood! the rest of his angry rambling was in German, but slowly degraded into Old Prussian. When Prussia lunged to attack the Soldier, Germany snapped a hand out to stop his older brother. A muscled hand wrapped around the collar of Prussia's uniform, making the man gag. It was harsh, but effective.

Enough! Leave ze man be, Gilbert! The last thing we vant is America to know ve're here! Killing a man in ze middle of one of his well-known cities vill tip him off for sure! he snapped. Blue gaze flicking to Prussia's target, he sighed. I'm zorry for mein bruder's actions. He...hasn't quite gotten over zome zings.


No! Everything's sorta far from alright here! Clint turned his head to the side to yell back at Samus. Walking forward, he stopped in front of the trapped Lessa. The archer thrust both hands forward to grab the man by the collar. I warned ya not t' test me. I'm trained in the art of playin' dirty, n' there no way yer killin' yerself on my watch. It would've probably been best if Legolas had been put in charge of public relations. Oh well. Clint was in a bad mood and definitely wasn't going to stop now.


((Will post with others later.


And a note: Lessa and Pan REALLY need to meet. They'd be goat-headed buddies since both of them would be able to see each other's real forms.))

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A talking animal. Well, that was knew. Lessa only managed to stare at the dog briefly before he was suddenly and rather violently grabbed by the top of his tattered shirt. His arm and leg both throbbed with stain as he lifted his chin to look up at Clint silently. He wasn't exactly the most talkative of people, especially when nothing had been asked of him. But he did twitch ever so slightly as the pointed-eared person crouched alongside him and placed a firm hand atop the human's.

"Enough," Legolas declared, looking up at Clint. "We should focus on healing, not on anger. The important thing is that he was stopped before he could do anything."

"Why does it matter?" Lessa replied, letting his head hang back down again so his untidy hair blocked Clint's angry stare. But he was a bit angry himself. Why had they stopped him? It wasn't any of their business. He hardly even knew them. What right did they have to interfere with his choices? "Just leave me be."



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When Clint started yelling, Dug tucked his tail as he quickly went back to the nice lady. He wasn’t worried about Clint hitting him, but he didn’t like getting yelled at so he sought cover. Standing behind the lady when Legolas started talking, he peeked around her legs to see if the coast was clear. He was feeling guilty for angering Clint, so his ears were drooped and his head was lowered as he looked up at Clint and said, “I am sorry, Master. Please do not be angry.”



Listening to Elsa, it became clear to Aayla that the incident she was talking about didn’t involve the Dark Side. She gave an understanding nod as she thought about her own past and though it was difficult for her to talk about, she thought that it might help Elsa know that she wasn’t beyond hope and help. “When I was a Padawan,” she said in a somber tone, “I fell to the Dark Side of the Force and I fought against my master, the man who saved my life countless times…” True she had lost her memories at the time, but that fact didn’t free her from the guilt she felt. “I tried to kill him… Fortunately, my memories returned in time, but even back at the Temple I felt lost and afraid. Master Yoda helped me work through that, and I say to you what he said to me. You have the strength to overcome this, ‘but believe it you must’.”


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This was a strange new place to be sure and it made her terribly uncomfortable. Her nose stung with the stench of the dead and smoke while her ears trembled at the loud sounds that filled the air around her. Heightened senses were useful for tracking animals through the forest or listening to conversations from afar but in this strange monstrosity of stone was overwhelming. Even with the minutes she had spent awake, she still had not grown used to the foul sounds and smells.

Tyleet, for all her time spent caring for and watching over select humans, was still cautious enough around them. She dealt with them strictly one by one and recognized the danger they poised in large numbers. Her limited knowledge of the human language came only from these one on one interactions with humans she had watched long enough to deem trustworthy. But with no sign of the pack, she was starting to consider the possibility that she had to make haste in finding an ally. Her wolf friend was nowhere to be found and she would need someone to aid her in this truly strange place. She wasn't sure what any of this was or what was going on so a friend seemed like the most logical response. She would just need to find the best one.


The tiny elf dug her four fingered hands into the grooves in the red strong that made up a tall human home. She tested it briefly to see if it was possible to climb but after several failed attempts to dig her fingers further into the grooves finally forced her to rethink her options. She was in a dark place between human homes as that had been where she had awoken. She had her knife but no food or water. Food would certainly be an issue, as would water. Her feet silently carried her to the end of the ally where she cautiously peered outwards. The area around seemed generally clear of people so, after a short pause, she crept forward, keeping herself low against the ground. She couldn't smell a thing behind the stench that filled the air and the screeching from nearby ruined her hearing. Luckily, she still had her sight. That would have to do for now. She'd prioritize finding a friend until night fell and then hunt.



A reoccurring problem with Aayla's speeches were that Elsa did not understand most of them. But the general message was understood in that it was rather like hers. She had made a mistake and nearly killed someone important to her. The only problem was, Aalya seemed to have recovered from her problem. She had not. Many years had passed but instead of being helped, she was pushed into a box and kept locked away. The longer it had been bottled up, the more dangerous and twisted it became until Elsa had a phobia of whatever was lurking inside of her. "But I don't know how," She replied softly, her gaze drifting downwards as she stopped short. "I don't know how to do any of this."

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Aayla stopped when Elsa did and hazarded moving her hood enough for Elsa to see her understanding smile as she said, “Neither did I. I only learned through the support and guidance that I received. The strength is clearly within you as evidenced by the fact that despite not having any training, you haven’t had any further accidents nor have you fallen to darkness. You aren’t evil Elsa, you’re not beyond hope, and you don’t have to do this alone. As you’ve not doubt realized, strength unaided is not infinite and though I don’t know what power has brought me to this planet, it is clear that the Force has since led me to you when you needed guidance the most.”

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Everything was sorted, huh? Well it certainly didn't look like everything was alright. The man Clint had assaulted, who was most likely the suicidal man, looked defeated, Clint sounded as though he was about to punch someone, the Link look-a-like wasn't doing a great job at calming Clint down, and Dug had retreated behind Samus's legs with his tail between his legs. If anything, the group looked as though it was going fall apart at any moment. Putting a hand on her hip, the bounty hunter withheld a sigh as she casually thought about her own group, if she could call it that. They were probably all back at the hotel, mumbling about the strangeness of the city and pondering where she was. An idea formed in her head and Samus began to formulate a plan.

"You know," she began as she reached down to give Dug a quick pat on the head before slowly moving forward. "I know of a hotel a few blocks away from here. It doesn't have a swat team, but it does have basic security and is in public. I've already met up with a few people who are in the same situation as us and they fit right in. I don't think this pet shop has any beds or showers. If you'd like, I can order you all some rooms to stay for a few nights before we figure out what the hell we're suppose to do." As helpful as she sounded, Samus knew that alone was probably not going to cut it. If she was to get them to stay at the hotel for at least a night, she'd need to be more convincing. She needed to find something for the others to latch onto, the sweet spot that would get them to hop on.

"I did see a bulletin board outside of the hotel with a list of hotlines," Samus added. "Worse comes to worse, you could try calling on of them. Oh, and I wouldn't worry about the dog." Samus looked around quickly and gave Dug a nod before turning around. "I saw a St. Bernard strut in. The thing was slobbering all over the place. Still went over to pet it though, got trenched in saliva. It was worth it."


(This took too long. D:)

Edited by Doctortear

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Dug was very relieved when the nice lady pet his head because that maybe he wasn’t in trouble. Listening to her speak, he thought that the place she was talking about seemed like a good idea; especially when she mentioned a St. Bernard. At that point his tail started wagging again as he started to go over to Clint. However, he got about halfway to Clint when he realized that he might still be angry, so he stopped his tail as he continued to cautiously approach. “Master?” he said tentatively. “Can we go to this hotel place? It sounds nice, and it would be fun to meet the St. Bernard.”

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Hook woke up with a start. He had managed to find his way back to the hotel, meeting up with Felix along the way and went back to their room. He must have falling asleep on the couch again before waking up what seemed to be like hours later. He got up and noticed Felix was also waking up. "What happened?" Felix asked very groggy. "We fell asleep lad," Hook said.


Luna looked around her strange settings. It seemed like Manehatten, but it didn't look at all like the booming city. No ponies were up and about. She was doing her usual rounds in Canterlot Castle when she somehow poofed here. The creatures were strange too. They seemed like metal monsters with four wheels that sped by and not paid her any heed. She had questions so she was going to seek answers out. She decided to flap her wings and take to the sky.

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Two years. He could hardly believe that it was just two years. It seemed as if every day was endless torture. Clint was a little more than just homesick. He had settled down in Chicago just fine, but he wasn't happy. Even with Dug, and a job managing the pet store, he was still sad. And lonely. The archer blew steam from the dark mug of coffee that sat before him on the table. Dug had been given food and water in both metal dishes in the same kitchen that Clint sat in. He glanced about the apartment and sighed. Just another day. He had remained close with Legolas and Samus through the entirety of those years, and helped them establish lives. Clint was used to living a "normal" life, with a dog and everything. This was no different.


There were two options for the unlikely couple: blend in or run forever. The both of them picked the first option. When they found out she was with child, that was. It had been more than easy to settle down and blend in, thanks to Loki. Magic helped with that sort of thing. Lanie poured water over her small garden filled with potion ingredients. In one hand she held the watering can, and in the other she held her child. A six-legged lion cub, with ginger stripes similar to a tiger's. As soon as Lanie set the watering can down, she cradled the cub with both hands. Hello there little one. She was surprisingly content with domestic life and the idea of having a family. The tasks that it involved were easy and satisfactory. It was nice to get away from all the violence.

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As the second in line to prince hood, there were many activities Loki had opted to partake in that were not considered princely. This was mostly centered about his mother, as she was his caretaker most of the time while the All Father favored his elder brother, teaching how to fight and things of that nature. But even with her teaching him magic and craftwork of all sort, a domestic life had always been out of his reach. He could not learn how to clean and cook when there was politics to be done. As it happened, he had a hidden talent for the activities he was forced to refrain from preforming as a child. There was strange about it but it was surprisingly calming for the young man to tend to things that he had once considered trivial servant work. The kitchen was now lined with cookbooks that he had demanded to purchase after figuring out how to make the treat known as grilled cheese and from then on, he had explored recipes like he had once explored spells and magic. They fell so closely hand in hand, only the product was a delicious treat instead of a some kind of enchantment.

With a sigh, he turned the heat off of the pan and approached the side of the kitchen, opening the window up a little bit wider so he could see into the garden. Between the two of them and their select set of skills, it had been almost too easy to set up shop. It begged the question of why he had never tried something before. Maybe he felt entitled-a part of him still did-but this was much better than all the fighting and bickering. For once, he had a child he could actually be around instead of watching his children grow up all on their own. Yes, he far preferred this life with Lanie. "Why don't you take a break from that?" He called, leaning slightly on the windowsill so he could look at the two of them outside. "I mean, the food is going to get cold if you dally."



Adapting hadn't been so easy for Lessa and probably wouldn't have been for Legolas had he not taken the broken man under his figurative wing. Like his cat, Legolas found that he didn't really have the time to worry about himself when he was busy caring for the animal he had adopted as a companion and the pale man who had stuck around. The two had moved into a small place not far from Clint's place and Legolas had turned to be the primary source of income for the two since Lessa still had yet to leave the house all that much. The man had no drive, no will, nothing. His state had improved limitedly over the past two years since Legolas met him but after several scoldings from the archer, Lessa had caved in somewhat and actually allowed his injuries to heal instead of clawing at everything in sight like some kind of wounded animal. More often than not, that had included himself. But those things had been ushered out by Legolas, somewhat, and it had been some time since Lessa had tried to wander off by himself in the night or lock himself in a room for hours until Legolas had decided to rip all of the doors out so Lessa could no longer attempt that.

"What say you?" Legolas asked as he gently petted his cat, causing the other man to look up instead of continuing to ponder his life and probably everything in the universe. Patient as ever with the other man, Legolas merely cocked his head slightly to the side so that he could look at Lessa quizzically. "I was asking if you wanted to visit our friends or perhaps just go for a walk. Either way, you must leave the house today."

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Lanie had always found it funny how easy it was to survive in this new world. Heat regulation was magic many on Tamriel would beg for. As was readily accessible food and sanitation. All of it was astounding to her. This simple way of life...she loved it. She had a home or two in Skyrim, but rarely stayed in them. When there was danger about, a thirst to explore made the domestic lifestyle mundane. Here, it was safe. There was no need to fight or plunder. Turning her head as she was spoken to, the Dragonborn smiled. She hadn't expected Loki to adjust so well. If anything, he enjoyed it all more than she. We wouldn't want that, would we? As she returned to the kitchen, she set the six-legged cub down at her feet. The cub, in question, squealed and ran about the tiled room. Mokir is faring well outside. I may soon be able to let him wander. That was a nice thought. For a child, Mokir was easy to care for and strong. After all, he was only about a year old and could move about with ease. Every day, Lanie was grateful her son wouldn't face the harsh world she grew up in. Elsyr was just as brutal as Skyrim, although it was warmer. Nirn was not a world she would want her child in. This world...was perfect.

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Hook yawned as he got out of bed. An early day to start the day. He and Felix blended in just fine and now were living in a small apartment they can call their own. He couldn't believe two years had already passed by...then again, they both did live on Neverland for a while. Hook had noticed some considerable changes in Felix, he had concluded that since he was no longer on Neverland, he was starting to finally grow up. That and the fact that he no longer wanted to be on Neverland under Pan's influence anymore. Hook shook his head before deciding to make a pot of coffee. "Making coffee again, huh?" he heard Felix ask. Hook turned to see the once lost boy standing there with his arms crossed. "It's good," Hook said, getting out a mug.


Roberto shrunk down and landed on a building. How did he get into a human city filled with humans and...and....crackers!? "Nore more crackers!" he yelled, his crest feathers, spiking out in fear. "No! No more. Polly want a cracker!?"

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Koishi found herself in a city full of humans and wandered around."Wow!This must be the outside world."She said as her green eyes looked around,"Never knew it would be so....big!"The satori walked around the busy streets and sidewalks as the humans never seem to mind her."Looks like I can learn more about humans here."She said smiling.

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Dug was happy with his life. He had a great master who he loved; he got to help out at the pet store by greeting customers; he got to mentor the young puppies; and he got to help find all the animals good masters. Sure, he couldn’t talk in public for he learned long ago that doing so tended to freak people out, but on the whole, life was good. Licking his nose as he finished eating, his tail was wagging when he looked to Clint but seeing that his master was sad again, his tail stopped wagging as he went over and gently laid his muzzle on Clint’s leg. “Are you okay, Master?” he asked looking up at Clint with doleful eyes. It seemed that Clint was sad more often lately and that made Dug sad too.



Azog was angry. He hated the desert; he hated that he had to hide in the desert; he hated the humans that kept finding him even if they did make for a tasty change from the wildlife he usually ate; he hated that after he’d dealt with a certain number of humans, larger groups of humans with guns would come and he’d have to flee to a new hiding place; he hated that he had to flee from mere humans; but most of all he hated that he knew there was someone particular that he needed to find and kill but he couldn’t remember who.


He had been looking at the strange device whose screen held his fuzzy image, and couldn’t help but smirk at the memory of the pathetic pleas the man had made before his death. Unfortunately, that moment of amusement was quickly over-ridden as he realized that the next humans he saw would most likely be the ones with guns. Feeling renewed rage at having become the hunted, he flung the device which shattered against the wall of the canyon that was their current home and turned to Megaguirus as she finished with the remains of their latest victim.


Early in his exile, he had figured out the flying beast’s name by the shouts of some of their victims just before she killed them, and he felt no small amount of pride at having been able to tame such a feared creature. Now, as he looked at how much she’d grown, he wondered if perhaps it was time for them to stop running…perhaps it was time for him to become the hunter once more. |Would you like to do more killing?|, he asked in Black Speech. He couldn’t tell whether or not the beast truly understood him but over the past two years, he had spoken to her in both Black Speech and the Common Tongue. He had also taught her some commands in both languages with ‘kill’ being the first and most commonly used.


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Clint looked down at Dug once the animal some. Instantly did his entire expression changed. The sadness in his eyes, the general depression in his physique melted away. Dug made him happy, but Dug wasn't Lucky. Just like Samus wasn't Stark and Legolas wasn't Cap. The archer smirked at Dug and peeled a piece of pepperoni off his pizza. It was flicked casually towards the golden retriever. Yeah, I'm okay. Don'cha worry about...me... His attention slowly shifted to the television he had left on overnight. The archer's jaw clenched at the sight of the topic. Another emergency broadcast. His jaw clenched and muscles tightened. Azog If there was any reason to get back into the superhero work again, Azog and his pet wasp was it. It was his job to deal with that sort of stuff! Clint stood abruptly from his chair and darted into his bedroom. His suit and bow had long sat in a corner and gathered dust. Most of everything had settled down, so there was no need. Now, now there was.

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Adapting to city life hadn't been hard for the bounty hunter. Samus was used to the rowdiness of a city and all of the noise that came with it. It only took her a week to gain the ability to block out the beeping of cars and shouting of pedestrians as she slept. Landing a job wasn't a breeze. Samus didn't keep a full-time job for long and often left one job and hopped on over to another one. She had a continual part-time job working for Clint's pet shop that would sometimes turn into a full-time job when times got harsh. Though she was stable money wise, Samus continued to worry that onetime the money she had obtained from her previous bounty hunting days would run dry and her luck with landing jobs would fade. Lucky for her, she still had a good amount of money from all of the bounty hunting she did, making it so she had to worry little for the next coming years.


With a cup of green tea in one hand and a newspaper in the other, the woman seated herself at her dining table and turned her attention to the small television mounted on a wooden TV stand. A colorful commercial from Phantom Corporations came bursting off of the screen. A teenager with fluffy black hair and piercing blue eyes began to advertise the newest toy the company had to offer. It was some dull looking rabbit that carried the same signature eye-patch that the kid had on. What was his name again? Seal? Ceil? Ah, that was right. Ciel, that British teenager that managed to make millions selling both futuristic and classical toys. How in God's name he managed to do that was beyond Samus, but it didn't really matter to her anyway. It was just another odd thing happening in this peculiar world. A knock from within the hallway caught Samus's attention. Her head turned and she stared at the door leading to the guest's room. Did she have someone over last night? She couldn't remember well enough. Now that she thought about it, she couldn't remember anything from last night.

I didn't start drinking again, did I? Do I even have enough alcohol to get myself drunk?

"Hey, are you coming out for breakfast or what?" Samus called to whoever was making a ruckus. It was possible that there was no one there, but there was also a possibility that there was someone. Worse come to worse, the neighbors would come over and complain about the shouting. It wasn't like apartment life was perfect.


(I'm going to go on a limb and say that anyone can be in Samus's apartment as long as they ask either on the OOC or PM me beforehand. If no one wants to start an interaction, then I can simply have it so that a board creaked or something like that.)


The Master's words brought Megaguirus's feast to a halt. She turned towards the white beast she had been forcibly tamed by a cocked her head to the side. It was always amusing to see just how much smaller he was compared to her. She used to be the size of a house, but now she was half her full size. She was absolutely enormous compared to what she used to be and was able to wreck havoc upon the small towns scattered in the desert with ease. She was monstrous and that fact pleased her greatly. A hiss of approval came from the meganulon as she registered the Master's words. She did not have to understand the Master's words in order to comprehend what he said. Just about everything he said meant the same thing and Megaguirus could assume he wanted her to go and kill something pretty much every time. Only the change of tone in his voice caused the queen to hesitate. She did understand some of the words he spoke, but nothing was more clear that the sound of surprise or warning in his voice. Now, the Master's voice was only filled with malice and the sweet lust of blood. This, the queen approved of. Taking a moment to grab their latest victim and swallow him whole, Megaguirus turned to the Master and lowered herself so he could climb aboard. She had learned early that she was to be the mount and that he was to ride her. It did not bother her that the Master rode her like a horse. As long as they got to kill something, she was okay with whatever he did.


(Will do more later.)

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Delta was absolutely furious. He was back walking around Fontaine Futuristics when he met Alex the Great. Now he was standing on some stage that he used to performed with the words 'Welcome back Delta' burnt on the floor due to him. He was the one who put him and Eleanor together as the first successful Little Sister and Big Daddy. He was now saying something about how he was so spliced up that Delta couldn't wait until they put him in the get-up suit he was wearing now. Then, all of a sudden, he was out from the spotlight and in a different room.


He woke up groaning, it was that awful dream again. It haunted him for the past few months or so. It had always frightened him from something long ago, but couldn't quite remember what it was. He had to be careful on how long he was out of his suit. He got up as Samus called out. He also had to be quiet on all the noise he made. If he made to much noise, he'd have to hide as the neighbors came over and started fussing. He opened the door and came out of his room. He raised a hand to greet Samus before looking around. He wondered if he could bunk with Felix and Hook for a little bit, but they probably woudn't want him. So, he was stuck jumping from on place to another. Or maybe he could just pretend he was a robot every now and then until someone told him to walk. Voice recognition as these people called it.


Roberto took a breath of fresh air, now calming down a bit from his freak out session. He took to the wing and looked down. Where was the flock? This was bad for him. If he couldn't find the flock...he looked down nervously. Humans wouldn't be able to understand him at all. What to do? What to do? He looked curiously down at a building that had a picture of a paw print on it. What was it? Well, it must have been a human store as he saw people coming in and out so he dare not go near that place. He relanded on top of a different building. "Crackers," he said out loud by accident.

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When Clint’s mood changed, Dug’s tail started to wag again and as Clint started to peel off the pepperoni, Dug perked up in anticipation. “Oh boy,” Dug said as he tried to catch the tossed pepperoni. Unfortunately, he’d never been good at catching things in mid-air so the small piece of meat unsurprisingly hit the floor. Of course, it didn’t stay there long and after a couple sniffs around to make sure he didn’t miss anything, he looked back to Clint only to find that his master’s mood had changed again. At first, Dug was concerned that Clint was sad again, but then he realized that Clint was angry not sad and that had Dug on the alert. Since Clint was looking at the TV, Dug didn’t think that he was angry at him but when Clint suddenly rushed to his room, Dug followed after him a little cautiously just in case. “Master?” he said with a touch of uncertainty as he peeked around the door frame, “Is something wrong?”



When Megaguirus lowered herself, Azog smirked as he approached but while climbing the smirk turned to a snarl as he glared at the claw that had replaced his left hand. Not for the first time, he cursed as he thought about how much easier things would be with two proper hands, and the fact that he couldn’t even remember what had happened made him even angrier. Still brooding about the lost hand as he settled into his place, he was suddenly hit by flashes of memory – a battle; taking the head of a short and stocky person; taunting another short and stocky person; the second person taking his arm.


Though he couldn’t recall the specifics of those memories, he knew that they were real. That had happened. That second person was responsible for his lost hand and with a kick of excitement, he realized that that person was the one he needed to kill. He still couldn’t recall the person’s name but at least now he had an image, and as they rose from the canyon he silently vowed that he’d kill that short and stocky person if it meant killing everyone on the planet just to make sure that he was dead.


Turning Megaguirus in the direction that the bizarre nightly glows indicated there was a town, Azog realized that his earlier assessment had been right for there were several of the strange horseless carriages and a couple if the even stranger flying machines headed toward them. Experience had taught them that Megaguirus could easily outpace all of them, but that was not what they were going to do this time. Azog gave a malicious chuckle as he imagined the stupid and stunned expressions the Men would have when they realized that he wasn’t running. “Kill them all,” he said with unmistakable pleasure. He was so eager for the carnage to begin that he didn’t even notice, or care for that matter, that one of the flying machines was hanging back a little as a man perched in the open door and pointed a strange device at them.


((Don’t know how to make it clear, so the flying machines are helicopters and the ‘strange device’ pointed at them is a news camera.))



The morning sun was shining cheerfully into the kitchen window of the old country farmhouse that Elsa and Aayla shared. Aayla was sitting at the table drinking her morning tea as she looked out the at the vegetable garden, and further beyond that was the meditation garden; modeled after zen gardens as the locals called them but with some subtle Jedi influences. To one side could be seen the corner of the barn that had been converted into Elsa’s workshop and storehouse as well as part of the long driveway that wound along the side of the house to lead out to the secluded road which was out of sight due to a small hill and some trees.


Though her gaze was directed out the window, Aayla’s thoughts were not on the view. Things may have been difficult for the two women at first, but now life was good – Elsa’s ice sculpture business seemed to be doing well, Aayla had taken to authoring her people’s history as a popular science fiction series, and together they’d been able to buy and fix up an isolated farmstead – but still something didn’t feel quite right. Lately, she’d been feeling a quiet stirring in the Force that there was something missing but thus far, she hadn’t gotten any indications as to what. Was there something she should be doing? Was there something she shouldn’t be doing? She could sense that the answer was hovering there just beyond her grasp which was why she had woken up early and was focusing on the Force.


Since they couldn’t afford to be caught off guard by unexpected visitors, Aayla always kept part of her senses open to the surrounding area; no one got within sight of the house without her sensing their presence beforehand. With her senses open, she had been aware of when Elsa had started moving around but since it was Elsa, there was no need to change her focus. “Good morning,” Aayla said a little distractedly when Elsa entered the kitchen, but then she realized how rude that was so she gave a small shake of her head as she pulled herself out her thoughts. Looking at Elsa with an apologetic smile, she said, “I’m sorry about that. Water’s hot if you want some tea. How are you this morning?”


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