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Reality and Fiction Collide

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Hook blinked at Samus's response. Most of the words he could defienantly make out, but words like plasma gun was a different story. "What the bloody hell is a plasma gun?" Hook asked, scratching his head with his right hand and raising his eyebrows in interest.


Cole had his arms crossed when he was walking and tried not to shoot this multiple armed woman that was slashing cops. He was very close to shooting something, before something wrapped around his left ankle before pulling him up into the air. Cole looked down to see this undead human thing rise from the gorund. "The hell!?" he yelped. "She was just assisting me," the Alchemist said. "But she did get in my way too. You four and your pet will make perfect subjects for the corruption."

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With a small nod to the departing Medic, Samus turned her attention back to Hook. So she was right. He didn't know more than Felix did. If that was the case, that meant that this argument was just about over.

"Exactly," Samus breathed as the door to the restaurant closed with a soft jingle of the bell attached to it. "If doesn't even know what a plasma gun is, let alone how to defend himself from one, what sort of threat is he going to be. Of course, the weaponry I have at hand is much more advance than a plasma gun. If you still think he's a threat than I can assure you I'll make sure he won't do anything wrong." The last sentence sounded more sarcastic than the others, although, not by a lot. Samus was just trying to assure Hook that Felix wasn't the greatest threat. If saying she would make sure he didn't do anything stupid made Hook end the argument, than that was fine by her.


As soon as Sebastian was done speaking to the demon, Jaina spat out words of disgust.

"What are you doing here, demon?" she hissed at the shivarra. "I know you are not from the Burning Legion because you are alone, but I know not of you work for. Are you a warlock's pet?"

"Pet?" the demon growled as he shoved another corpse off one of her swords. "How dare you call me a pet! I am a greater being than you are, Jaina Proudmore. Oh, don't look so surprised that I know you're name. Everyone know who you are, human."

"So you are a warlock's servant," Jaina confirmed. "I assume they haven't called for you yet since it seems-" Jaina was cut off by Cole's yell of confusion. The mage let flames ripple off arms as her water elemental's arms began to be covered in a ever growing frost. The shivarra glanced at the undead being with mild interest as she stomped her large foot onto the last remaining police officer.

"Who are you, undead?" Jaina hissed. "Are you one of Sylvanas's men? I will not tolerate the presence of any of her people in this realm!"

Edited by Doctortear

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Sebastian turned his head to stare at Jaina as she called the other demon a pet. This clearly struck a chord with him, even though his expression remained neutral. It would be greatly preferred if you would not call my race a pet. Although I detest other demons, it was rather degrading to hear something as weak as a human to belittle my race. he requested smoothly. If she had the knowledge of demons and the like, then she must already know he was a demon. It only made sense. As yet another creature appeared, this one showing direct hostility towards them, he slid the silver cutlery from his sleeves and let them rest between his fingers. I suggest that you do not attack us.


Quills shooting up as yet another hostile creature appeared, Arthas snarled at the Alchemist. Although he wasn't too fond of Cole, he was fond enough to feel threatened. He paced angrily around Jaina, claws sliding out as it tensed for an attack. Although Arthas would have much preferred to fight in the dense cover of the jungles of Cholganna, this was tolerable.

Edited by shadow_claw

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Listening to Gilligan, it sounded like they wouldn’t be meeting his professor friend, and Dug was a little disappointed. However, that disappointment was quickly forgotten when Clint said they were going to celebrate his birthday. For a brief moment, Dug stood still as his ears perked up but that didn’t last long before he was once again on bounding around. “Luiz! Did you hear that?” he said as he dropped to his elbows. “We are going to go to Petco.” When Gilligan then asked his question, Dug realized that he didn’t know either. Sitting down, he once again cocked his head as he looked at Clint and asked, “Yeah, what is Petco?”

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Luiz became excited as well by this notion, though he had no idea what this PetCo place was. He was from a Spanish speaking country and no one had ever come through saying the word in English, which he was more familiar with. "Alright!" He whooped, dancing from side to side as he was caught up in Dug's wild energy again. At the question however he did pause. "It's gotta be somethin' for animals. I bet its nice," he hypothesize, swiping drool away from his chin.

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"Sylvana?" the Alchemist asked at the name of someone unknown. "No, I belong to no one except Arhiman. I am the Alchemist!" He then quickly dropped Cole as the human shot some lightning at the undead being. "Finally, something I can attack!" Cole said, landing on his feet and hands. "What intersting powers!" the Alchemist said, watching Cole's hands light up with red electricity and watched as the female human next to him sent out a bunch flames and water.


Hook was watching Samus as she talked. He looked back at Felix and nodded. "Fine then," he said. "I propose an alliance between us Felix. At least until we get back to Neverland." "Understood," Felix said, nodding. "Oh, and do be careful of cars," Hook said, rubbing his ribs. "Got hit by one in Storybrooke, not the greatest feeling in the world."

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"You are not a warlock's slave, Jaina proclaimed, bewildered. "Or are you? I haven't heard of a human looking race of demon who has been enslaved by those foul beings. Perhaps I was wrong..."

"I am no one's slave, mage!" the demon hissed as she took a menacing step forward.

"Oh really? Jaina challenged. "Can you leave when your master summons you? Did he or she not take you away from the nether by force? Do you not receive any benefit from your connection with your master?" The demon said nothing, but gave a vicious snarl. Everything the mage had said was true and there was no comeback to that.

"Now, do you want to make this more difficult than necessary or should we just end this now?" Jaina asked the proclaimed Alchemist as she readied herself to call down a rain of hail upon the strange creature.


Well thank God that's settled.

Leaning back into the booth, Samus exhaled a sigh and glanced out the window. Today had been very exhausting and she wanted nothing more than to go back yo her hotel room and sleep her worries away. She had met a lot if interesting characters today, but, oddly enough, she only ran into one recognizable face but that old friend seemed to have disappeared. It was nice to meet some new acquaintances, however, Samus found herself longing to see more familiar faces. She only realized this recently when hoping to see Link outside. Why was she the only one brought into this world? Where was everyone else? She didn't want them to be in the same situation as her, but, at the same time, she longed to see them again. Their company was something she treasured and now was a time when she needed it.

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Sebastian laughed in response to Jaina's words. His red eyes instantly became cat-like and glowed unnaturally. What a silly human! My dear, you say this as if this is my true form. No, one cannot remain in their natural forms around humans. He paused to fix the other demon a knowing look. Perhaps she didn't know how to change her form. Turning his head yet again, he smiled at Jaina. I could never stoop low enough to be a man's slave. No, I have my payment. As repulsive humans can be, taking up a role as servant until death allows me to dine upon a soul I can enjoy. With this, his scarlet gaze rested upon Alchemist. Of course. They had an enemy to be rid of. Before he could attack himself, Arthas darted forward at an incredible speed and leaped at the alchemist, snarling and snapping its jaws.

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Elsa followed quickly, her hands clasped together. The entire affair of being whisked away from home was strange but had helped to warm her heart slightly and certainly help to clear the air. So much, in fact, that she even managed a small chuckle as she shook her head. "You'll have to excuse me but I don't know what you're talking about," she replied. "What is Force you speak of? I've certainly never heard of it before. Is it some kind of magic? We're you born with it or cursed?"

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The Alchemist immidiately raised a barrier of corruption between him and the cat. "Fighting is futile," he said. "Give into my lowly expectations and submit to the corruption." He then had to dodge as Cole shot lightning at him.


Felix and Hook stood awkardly about as they tried to figure out what to do next.

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Jaina's attention turned straight to the Alchemist as soon as Arthas attacked him. A fire bolt escaped her hands and the water elemental shot a bolt of frost after it. This undead was just like any other. Just because it was reanimated flesh, that didn't mean it couldn't be killed again. At the corner of her eye, Jaina though she saw the demon's skin ripple into invisibility. When she glanced back at the demon, she saw nothing.

What is she planning to do? Her invisibility only works until she's hit.

Turning her attention back to the Alchemist, Jsina shot another fire bolt at the enemy.

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Recoiling as he collided with a wall of some sort, Arthas landed on his back. He rolled to his feet after a little while of struggle (after all, those quills weren't just for show), leaving several sharp spines embedded in the dirt. The Nexu shook it head and curled its lips back in anger. Stupid rotting man!


Sebastian took another route in attacking. He leaped onto the top of a nearby building so he was facing the Alchemist's back, and grinned. Taking a running start, the demon jumped and dove at the undead creature. As he plummeted, he threw the silver knives in his hands. This should end rather quickly.

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"Oh, you've got to be kidding Puck!" The exasperated fae yelled shortly after he rose from the fall he had taken onto the concrete. The chains around his body held true, undisturbed by the fall he had taken. But, much to his surprise, there was no one in sight that could have summoned him. He certainly had not done this himself, especially not with the chains. So who had? Immediately, a pouting look overcame Puck's face and he kicked a loose stone in the alley. Great! Here he was, taken away from the middle of the first bit of merriment he had had in some time and whomever had done it had not even bothered to removed the chains that female gargoyle had so annoyingly wrapped around his chest and arms. If not ordered now, the best he could do was fly. This was the exact opposite of fun. He certainly could not compromise them himself. "Some other I'll have to convince," He muttered to himself thoughtfully as he peered out of the alleyway he had appeared in.



Loki sighed as they appeared back in the city with a blinding flash of green light. "This change in scenery is welcoming," He muttered, looking about. He looked over at Lanie, checking her over to make sure she was alright. "This city," He continued, "However, is not safe. We should find a place to rest for the moment, then move on to somewhere else. It seems that this place is a cesspool of dangers."



"Well THAT'S not very normal," Puck muttered to himself as a strange man and even stranger woman appeared. The woman he had to assume was some kind of gargoyle but she lacked wings! She certainly was not a Child of Oberon or he would have recognized her. But a cat woman? That was no human for certain. The man must be a sorcerer on the other hand, otherwise how would he know magic? That could work in his favor. Sorcerers and gargoyles would be more likely not to dismiss him. Those, perhaps, could be the key to his freedom. His feet landed lightly on the floor with barely a sound and he made a loud hissing noise in hopes of catching their attention and summoning them to where he was.


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When Luiz started talking, Dug’s tail started wagging again as he looked over to the smaller dog. Even though it wasn’t actually an answer to the question, he was completely ready to take Luiz’s word on the matter. “Ooh, that does sound nice,” he said then he ran over to Clint and gave him the puppy-eyes look as he asked, “Can we go there right now, Master?” Though he’d never really had much luck with giving ‘puppy-eyes’, that never really stopped him from trying. Hopefully, it’d work on his new master…

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Lanie's fur fluffed up when she returned to the cold. Their time in the desert had been nice for her. It was warm and reminded her of her home in Elsyr. The snow...it made her think of dragons and the mountains in Skyrim. She nodded as Loki spoke and glanced about. The city, although larger, was much like the cities in Skyrim. There were no monsters inside the city other than its residents. This place was no different. She opened her mouth to speak, but a sound behind them made her turn around. In the darkness of the alley did she see a figure of some sort. Upon closer inspection, she realized he was chained. Expression softening in concern, she began to walk towards the young man. Are you alright? You're chained...


With a wide grin, Clint patted Dug on the head. Why not? It was Dug's birthday! Yeah! C'mon, let's go guys! He waved a hand for everyone to follow, and then began to walk. He took his phone out and typed in "Petco" into the search engine. Only a second later as he walking towards the pet store. This was going to be his treat.

Edited by shadow_claw

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Loki turned his head towards the sound as well. Unlike Lanie who immediately walked over to the figure in the alley, Loki had his concerns and suspicious. But he followed anyway, if just to ensure that Lanie would not be hurt by the mysterious stranger.

As soon as he attracted the attention of the female, Puck put on his best puppy-dog face. The trickster had played many parts over the ages so a little change in expression to play the role was fine and dandy. "Alas, nay. Puck is not well." He shrugged his shoulders slightly, causing the chains to rattle in the alley. "He cannot remove these by himself. Will you free him, please?"

"Wait, Lanie," Loki said as he stopped behind her and eyed the strange, elf-looking creature wrapped in chains. "Usually, something is in chains for a reason. I suggest not touching those chains until we learn a little more about him."


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Keep in mind I found you muzzled. Lanie pointed out. Granted, she had been hit by a car moments before she met him, but this wasn't much different. With one smooth movement, she unsheathed the Dawnbreaker and gently placed the point against Puck's chest. Her blue eyes studied him for a few short seconds, before she raised her sword and cleanly cut the chains. With the skill of a swordsman, Lanie was sure not to hurt Puck. Sheathing the blade, she took the severed chains in her hands and began to unwind them from around the stranger. There. Are you alright, Puck?

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Well, yes, there was that. Of course, here had been a reason for him being muzzled but he really did not feel like saying that he killed millions of people to Lanie. Hopefully, this creature was not as bad as he had been when he was chained.

Puck looked nervous when the sword was drawn and pointed at his chest. Was that iron? He couldn't tell. But either way, being run through by any weapon wasn't pleasant. Thankfully, her intent was not to harm him but to free him instead. "Many thanks," Puck replied with a grin and a bow as the chains fell off of his body. The act was abandoned immediately in favor of a wide smirk. He rolled his shoulders back as his feet left the ground and he began to hover, now able to be eye level with the two of them. "Now, on to more important matters. What are you two? Your friend with a poor attitude must be a sorcerer. But the better question would be directed at you."

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Lanie rolled her eyes in response to Puck's question. Honestly? That's what he wanted to ask? I find it hard to believe that an Altmer such as yourself would not know what a Khajiit is. she remarked. Her ears swiveled backwards in irritation after speaking. High elves had been in alliance with Khajiit for years. Surely he had seen a Khajiit before?

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(Sorry if this seems a little sloppy. I'm on my 2DS doing this as I'm at the library and the internet on the pcs are down. So forgive my sloppiness ^^')


Fortunately for the Alchemist and unfortunately for the butler, the undead being had to dodge the fireball coming at him, which made him dodge the knives coming at him, before dodging a ball of electricity that soon exploded. Realizing he was outnumbered, he decided to sink into the ground to get away from them.

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"Aw, are you cowering away already?" Demrylin asked as she faded out of the shadows and became visible once more. "I didn't even get have any fun! If I knew you were such a bore, I wouldn't of come up to you looking for a fight in the first place." Demrylin made no movement to attack the Alchemist as he fled. He had proved to be too boring of a opponent anyhow. If she wanted to have some fun, she'd have to find someone who wasn't a coward. The demon knew she didn't want to be bothered by the other people. Jaina Proudmore, although a promising foe, was probably too big of a catch. Demrylin, even with her blood lust, knew better than to attack the mage alone. She was stubborn, but she wasn't an idiot. The other demon reminded Demrylin of Galatrax, calm-headed and a hell of lot stronger than he looked. Just that lone fact alone made her want to keep her distance. The mutt was nothing special, but the man seemed interesting. He had the look of someone who wanted to start a fight. Demrylin recognized that spark and wanted to explore it. How long could he hold out until he broke down from exhaustion? What sort of battle tactics did he have? What would he do when in a life or death situation? Just the thought of a good fight brought a tingle through Demrylin's spine. Although, now was probably not a good time to start a fight. After all, what was stopping the other four from attacking her like they did with the Alchemist. Not wanting to take her chances, Demrylin began to walk away.

"Hey! Where the hell do you think you're going, legion scoundrel?"


Demrylin turned around to see Jaina pointing her staff at the demon. A grin came across the demon's face at the absurd scene.

"Are you going to poke me to death?" she asked Jaina with a raised eyebrow.

"Is your master in the Alliance or the Horde?" Jaina asked with her eyes pierced with ice.


"I said, does your master fight for the Alliance or the Horde? Answer me or I will end your despicable life right here and now."

For a moment, Demrylin was about to blurt out the truth, but she stopped herself. If her master wasn't here, then what was the purpose of telling the truth? After all, she would safe as soon as her master came. She'd probably be sent back to the world of the nether as her master escaped from Jaina's grasp on one of these dragons she obtained. Besides, if Demrylin told Jaina everything right now, the mage would surely kill her.

"Honestly, you'd think I wouldn't attack you on sight if I was part of the Horde?" Demrylin asked Jaina with a sigh. "My master hails from the kingdom of humans, just as you do."

Now that wasn't necessarily untrue. Demrylin's master use to be human. She was undead now, but she was part of the original human kingdom. She must of sound convincing enough because Jaina slowly lowered her staff and went to tend to her beast's wounds. Turning around, Demrylin sheathed two of her swords and placed her middle arms on her hips. Today was going to be quite interesting.

Edited by Doctortear

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"A what?" Puck asked in response as he pulled his legs up and crossed them in midair. He rested his elbow on one of his knees, then rested his cheek on his hand.

"It hardly matters who or what she is, elf," Loki responded, raising his chin in contempt. "I think the better question is why you were in chains in the first place." He watched Puck as the creature once again frowned and gave him a strange look.

"Did you just call me an elf?" Puck asked, his long ears drooping slightly. "Don't be daft, sorcerer. I'm surprised that you don't know what I am considering your magical background. Haven't either of you ever heard of the Third Race?"

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Landing with a graceful roll, Sebastian took no damage as he hit the ground. He stooped to pick up the silver cutlery and hid them once again in his sleeves. He returned to Jaina and Arthas and gave a small bow. We are not far now, ma'am. I suggest we continue on our way to my Master. He stated calmly. Sebastian was getting impatient with how much time they had already wasted. Though, this was never said verbally. The Butler had his manners, after all.


Lanie's eyes narrowed as Loki and Puck started to bicker. Her ears flattened in distaste at the general situation. Without a word, she began to walk away from both men. She didn't have time for senseless arguments. I'm going to find a place to spend the night-with or without you, Loki.


((I say we timeskip once the rest of the groups have a place to stay.))

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The threat to leave was enough to make Loki look away from the prankster and quickly start after Lanie. "I'm coming," He quickly replied, chasing after her. "I'm sorry," He added, feeling bad about the argument. Not because he was wrong but because it made Lanie annoyed.

"Now wait just a minute," Puck replied, flying after them with great ease. It took little difficulty to fly over them and cut off their path, his hands set on his hips. "You two look like you're up to something. Something fun. I'll mind my manners, I promise. After all, you did free me from those iron chains. I must see the debt repaid."

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(Internet is now up, but still a little slow)


Cole tried to straighten up after firing that electricty ball, but that had drained a little bit of his energy. "Hang on one sec," he said, sensing his vision was a bit blurry. He went over to a light pole and drained the energy until he felt better. "I got to say, that Alchemist guy is no pushover. He must have known he was clearly outnumbered and got away real fast." He looked over to where that Alchemist had been. Something about that guy frightened him. "I have a feeling that was not the last we'll be seeing him."


After Kaku got the information he need, which was mainly about One Piece, he decided to get back to the hotel. He figured out real fast that he was only a comic book/anime character. After he got back, he puzzled over what anime and comic books were.


Gilligan decided to follow Clint to Petco.

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