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Gazing down, the healer nodded back to the room.

"Think you can keep an eye on him while he's sick? There's not many I would trust for such a job, but I can see you're a smart young man." A kind smile spread across his lips as he gazed upon the son of Ceil. It was indeed a sad thing to see someone so young go through so much.

"Can I rely you?" He inquired whilst offering out a hand for the other to shake.




Castian tossed and turned inwardly as he fought to open his eyes. His mind was in a panic. The angelic voice echoing through his empty mind soothed his addled thoughts and he settled for a moment. Fingers entwined perfectly with hers and he tightened his grip. In the back of his mind, he was faintly aware of a pleasant scent filling his nostrils. Eyes fluttered open a few moments later and chocolate brown eyes stared up at the blurry figure hovering over him. She was beautiful. It was almost as if there was a brilliant glow about her.

"Are you an angel?"

Edited by evangeline5432

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((Kneeling? Helios isn't that short you know, unless the doctor is phenomenally tall xd.png


*imagines doctor knocking himself out on the doorposts of his own hospital*))


"Yeah okay" said Helios. "I can watch him."


He wondered if word had gotten out about him being a light Summoner. He had known the moment he had first accidentally summoned Cerberus and had spoken with Imari with it later. While he doubted she would have spread that around, some of the staff at the orphange had been known to gossip. People always seemed to like talking about him for reasosn he couldn't quite fathom. He just hoped no one had any big expectations of him.


Helios took the doctor's hand and shook it. Since the darkness Summoner was going to be bed bound for a while it would be pretty easy to keep an eye on him. Easier than some of the kids back at the orphanage anyway, who could run for miles of they felt impish.


Behind the doctor he heard the bed ridden man speak and ask Diana if she was an angel. Helios wondered if it was some sort of cheesy pick up line.

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Diana's breath hitched as his fingers tightened. He had heard her! He was conscious, at least in touch. She still grinned, quite pleased to find this true. But then... wait. What? His lips had moved, and he had spoken. He had asked her if she was an angel. Unsure of whether or not he was joking, she giggled nervously. A light blush coloured her pale cheeks. "Not... quite. Far from it," she admitted, noticing how their fingers had interlinked further. He was holding onto her. "You're alive. In the hospital, but as alive as I am."

Edited by Chicogal

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{{Ooops. Fixed, fort. laugh.gif}}


The physician inclined his head as he gripped the young man's hand firmly.

"Thank you." Shaking Helios's hand once, he released the summoner's hand and he glanced over his shoulder to signal for a nurse to come over.

"Excuse me, young man. I need to go draw up paperwork. Perhaps you can get your summoner friend to a bed." He dipped his head to Ren who was currently asleep on the floor, assuming the man was also from the school. With a crooked brow, he turned away to the nurse to discus Castian's departure.




If it was the drugs in his system or just his terrible attempt to flirt with the woman, one would never know. His vision cleared somewhat and his dilated pupils were focused solely on the stranger currently holding his hand. She was indeed more beautiful than he had originally thought now that he could see more clearly.

"Oh, if it's not heaven then... You can't be a demon..." Castian mumbled weakly as he narrowed his gaze in attempt to concentrate on the lady. His free hand stretched forward to ghost his fingers softly against her crimson tinted cheeks.

"You're too pretty."


{{-rolls eyes hard-}}

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Diana had taken a seat on the edge of his bed. She laughed gently again when his fingers made contact with her cheek. "And you've been through a lot, and are full of drugs. But thank you," she said. Her own free hand came up to take his from her cheek and lower it back to the bed. He was very flattering. He certainly had a way with words and women, even if he was a bit over the top. Probably just whatever they had injected him with. In any case, he would probably stop when he knew that she was his teacher. "Do you remember your name? I believe that you were to come to the Summoner school in Niefir."

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His palm fell to his side with no further complaint. He squinted an eye and swallowed thickly. His throat felt dry and try as he might, he couldn't seem to produce an ounce of saliva. The darkness summoner glanced toward Diana as the hospital mattress dipped underneath her weight. At her inquiry, he wrinkled his nose.

"Jia Castian. What day is it? Where am I?" He pressed his elbow against the course material of the sheets and he tried to push himself with. A fresh jolt of pain shot through his shoulder, causing him to grit his teeth and tighten his grip on Diana's hand. He pushed himself into a half-sitting position and he turned his gaze back to the woman.

"School? Mmm. Yeah. I guess you could say that."

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"Jia Castian," Diana murmured. No, she didn't recognise the words. In fact, something was strange about them. Something... Different. She tugged on her lonely white streak amongst the black, twisting it between her fingers. "It is still the same day as the day you fought that huge monster," she said kindly. "One of my students happened upon you, as we had just fought an abomination nearby. It was lucky that he found you when he did - you were a right mess." Her bright eyes flitted over his head, torso, whatever was damaged in her eyesight. "I am Diana Sare, and I am the teacher at the Summoner School."

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Castian found that he liked the way his name rolled off her scarlet tongue very much. It was almost musical and he found himself wishing for her to use those words more. With a hum, he dipped his head slightly.

"That's the name, darling."


The dark summoner furrowed his brows at the woman at the mention of a huge monster.

"What of the other summoners that were with me? They guaranteed me safe passage, but when that beast attacked, they left me high and dry." His pale lips pursed tightly as brown eyes glinted dangerously in the woman's direction. A desire for revenge coursed through his drug filled veins.

"Your students? I could have sworn you were a student, Miss Diana." A brow arched playfully as his lips spread in a small smile. "But, may I ask exactly how long the school has been in session?"

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Oh, now he really was flirting. Calling her darling? Huh. She had had one older student a few years ago wwho had tried the same sort of thing. He had eventually grown out of it. She smiled a bit more widely at his obvious compliment, trying not to laugh again - she was a teacher, not a teenager anymore. Sometimes she forgot that. "This was the second day. But judging by how you sorted that monster, I don't think you'll need any catching up. Maybe teamwork. I don't know," she said. "I'm having you moved to Niefir so that you're closer to me. And the school. So I can keep an eye on you."

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Helios looked past the doctor at the unconscious Summoner on the floor. Had the fall from the chair not jolted him awake? He shrugged and walked over to the guy, who didn't look that much older than he did. Helios grabbed him under the arms and dragged him down the ward to an empty bed, where with a bit of effort he managed to lift him up and plop him across it.


With this latest exercise Helios was starting to feel light headed between his earlier blood loss and exhaustion. He walked back across the ward to find Diana and the injured Summoner flirting with each other.

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Her smile was enough to confirm that his "subtle" compliments were taken in a good light, and what a breathtaking smile that was. Though, his lips curled into quite the opposite as confusion settled across his countenance.

"I started out for the school two days in advance.." That left four days of his life that had suddenly magically skipped over his existence. He lifted a hand to rub the heel of his palm against his temples. A earth-shattering headache was settling in. Everything was blurry in his mind, especially the happenings of the past few days.


"Only if you're my teammate." He mumbled, his voice wavering for a moment as his head fell back limply. A sudden overwhelming exhaustion fell over the darkness caster. The welcoming grasp of slumber tugged at his consciousness, enticing him with their offers of a restful, pain-free sleep.

"I would be..." Castian slumped down and the blanket fell away, reveling his bare chest. Toned and chiseled muscle peeked out from behind an array of bandagea wrapped across his scarred flesh. There was no doubt he had seen quite a bit of the life of a summoner.



Eyelids drooped heavily as he faded away, but his hold on her hand remained as he drifted off.

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Diana's smile faded as Jia murmured his worry. He didn't remember the past four days? That was some pretty severe amnesia. She watched as he drifted off once more, his last flirt fading with his voice. She gave her head a small shake. That was something, that was for sure. She glanced down at their interlinked fingers and reached down to gently untangle her fingers from his. Suddenly aware of someone looking at her, she glanced behind herself to see Helios. He seemed a bit pale. She rose and went over to him, sending Jia a last glance before closing the door.


"Hold on," she murmured to Helios. Heading over to the doctor, she took her forms and returned to him. "Okay, let's go," she said, casting a worried eye over him before walking on.


Edited by Chicogal

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((Kestra I hope you don’t mind me letting Selena have told Bastian about Diana and Helios))


Bastian kept pacing up and down the area they were waiting. Selena had luckily informed them about where the others went but it still made him feel uncomfortable. Something was bugging him and he didn’t know what. He would feel a lot less stressed if those two would return.

“If those two come back can we go then?” Bella asked as she sat on the floor looking at the pacing teacher.


“Almost. We need to check in with one of the captains so that they can see we have completed the mission. Then I need to visit someone quickly and then we can leave.”

“Who you gonna visit?” Bella asked as she played with her hair.


“It’s personal.”


“Oh so you have a girlfriend here.” Bella giggled.


“No. I don’t have one.” Bastian paused for a second thinking. “Not that I know off.”


“Then who?”


“Do you always ask these many questions?” Bastian spoke as he looked down at the girl.




Bastian merely shook his head knowing this would be a question battle that will continue into the night. It sometimes seemed like she had different personalities at times. One that is normal and one that is annoying.

“Get off the ground. You’re gonna get sick.” Bastian spoke returning to his pacing.


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Stood with Bastian and Bella, Selena had taken the chance to perch on a felled tree that was due to be processed at the wood mill, looking perfectly comfortable even if she was still laden with weaponry and Healer's satchel. She decided not to correct Bastian's assertions about Bella getting sick; it did not look good to usurp the commander's position without good cause, and she recognised a release of stress when she heard it. Bastian was worried, and Bella gave him a chance to release some of that tension without any real harm done. As Bastian told the young girl off Selena simply smiled at the student and patted the trunk next to her as an invitation to come sit with her.


"If you like I could go to the hospital and retrieve our group," she suggested off-hand.

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Helios looked back at the two unconscious Summoners before trailing after Diana. A whole four days missing? Was that the result of the attack or was something ore sinister at play? Helios wondered if they would ever get the answer, or even if he wanted to know it at all.


Together with his teacher he wound his way back through the city towards the meeting point. He hoped Selena had managed to tell Bastain about where he had gone and therefore would not be in too much trouble about wandering off. Besides, Diana had gone with him so it hadn't been all bad, right?


As the merchants were being cleared for entry into Tehgrimm Suda the mass of waiting caravans and wagons were starting to thin. By the time the two of them reached the meeting point most of the carts had gone, making it easy to find the rest of the group.


"Hey" he said to Selena as he drew close. "Everything okay?"

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“No. We’ll wait for now. We might just miss each other if we try to find them. They shouldn’t be taking long now.” Bastian spoke trying his best not to sound annoyed as she paced back and forth. A couple more minutes passed and suddenly he heard a familiar voice. He turned around and saw it was Helios and only a step or two behind him was Diana.


Without thinking much quickly walked past the boy and straight to Diana. He grabbed her by the arm and slightly pulled her a couple feet away from the group.


“What took you so long? I was worried.” Bastian whispered to her.

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"All's well," Selena smiled back at Helios as the Summoners returned, not a few moments after Bastian turned down her offer - good thing she didn't go after all, she mused as she sat there. She looked Helios up and down. "Did you have those leaves?"

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Diana huffed and pulled her arm out of Bastian's grip. "Helios was leading an elderly guy to the hospital. I accompanied him so that he wouldn't get lost - and I had to check up on a young guy we found earlier. Relax." Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out the papers and waved them in front of his face."Papers, okay? He was meant to be a student, but he was late. He left two days earlier, but doesn't remember the past four. I'm having him moved to Niefir," she explained, putting them away. A smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. "His name is Castian. You two might get along," she teased.

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Bastian just narrowed his eyes as he looked at Diana. He wasn’t in the mood to play her games. He did care thou he never showed it much but she still could have more discipline when it comes to her students. There were danger around every corner now and the both needed to pay more attention.


“I’m going to see Imari.” Bastian stated. “You can sort out the papers.” With that Bastian left disappearing into the crowd while his fiend still stayed behind to watch over them.



Bella looked puzzle as the pair talked away from the group. She just shook her head knowing they were both idiots but decided not to say a word.


“I heard you guys found someone in the forest near where we were attacked. Is he okay?” she finally asked.


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"Huh? Oh yeah, I do."


Helios reached into his pocket and pulled out the leaves Selena had given him earlier. He still needed to find some water to take them with. No way he was eating them raw.


Bella came up behind him so he turned to face her.


"The doctors say he is going to be okay. He is a Summoner like us, but he was attacked on the way to the school. Diana is having him moved to Niefir."


He turned again to look around at the two teachers who were speaking a short distance away. Helios wondered what they were talking about.


"What do we do now?" he asked the others. "I mean. Do we go straight back to the school or do we hang out here a bit? If so, I'd like to go and see my foster mom."

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Sandor watched as the teachers talked. It almost looked like they were having an argument, but it ended quickly. Bastian then walked off to someplace. Sandor looked around. Most of the merchants had gone away and now it seemed like it was just normal day to day activity happening. He then realized that his uncle's shop was near here. Or what would be considered near in a city of this size. Sandor looked around to see if he recognized anyone, but no one seemed familiar.


Sandor joined in the conversation saying "Bastian is off going somewhere, so we might stay here for awhile. I wouldn't want to go back down that road with just us anyway."

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Diana sighed and crossed her arms as he headed off. Really, she had expected that he would have loosened up in ten years. Was that enough time? Nope! Idiot. Brushing off his annoyance, she turned to her gaggle of students and walked over to them in time to catch the tails of their conversation. "You can all spend some time in the city. Try not to get lost. If you do, just ask someone where it is that the caravans meet. At the latest, be back in two hours."

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Two hours, that was more than enough time to get to the orphanage and back. Even on foot it was only twenty minutes away.


"Okay" said Helios turning to face the other students. "I'll be back later. And don't worry Selena, I'll take the leaves."


He smiled and started to walk away. Helios waited until he was out of sight and then picked up the pace the best he could with his sore leg.

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"Make sure you do," Selena admonished, softening it with a smile as the young man limped away into the town. She resettled her bag and stood up, looking to the other students. "Are any of you native to Tehgrimm Suda? Or do you need guides?"

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Bastian moved through the crowed without any effort. He luckily knew where he was going so stopping and asking for directions was out of the question. The orphanage was rather well situated in the city. There were a couple of parks surrounding the building and it was big enough for a fiend to land there. Bastian figured this adjustment to the area was made by Imari when the rebuilt the city. It made sense in some point, some of the children might be summoners and have large fiends. Anything was possible.


Reaching the door of the orphanage Bastian gave a few knocks on the door and waited. It took only a minute or so for the door to be opened followed by a young woman no older than himself.


“Good day. Can I help you?”


“I’m looking for Imari?” Bastian asked trying to hide his annoyingness from earlier.


“Oh she is out with some of the older children, teaching them survival things and such.”


“Mmmm... It’s rather urgent that I see her. Do you know where she went?”


“Yes. Just outside the city wall west of here, near the lake. She will be there. You can’t miss her fiend.”


“Ah thank you.” Bastian spoke. He greeted the woman and stepped away going toward the park. If he was going to find her then it’s a job for Areo. With that in thought the large dragon fiend left Diana and the students heading towards his summoner.




“Oh I think it will be a grand idea to get a guide. Then they could show us all the good things. Like where the art galleries is and museums. Oh... Oh... and what about the temple of the gods.” Bella spoke sounding very excited.


“No! I know where we can go. The zoo! What you guys think?”


((I take it the grey dot is a lake O.o))

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