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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Ronan nodded. "What the heck, why not. Blazing Tiger Martial Arts." He smiled at her. He was proud they could get at least this much done today. He checked the time by looking at the nearest clock.

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((Do i Hate my computer some times))


Axle nod to Atlas as he turn to Juna "Could we discuses that issues in a bit?" Axle asked, than soon followed it up with a whisper that was loud enough for Atlas to hear "To many wondering ears are around to discuses about our home land, or those who threaten her people." Axle whisper as Juna nod her head. Juna's, Mekarth's and Axle's heads though turn towards the brute dragon that was approaching them. Juna kind of look at him a bit before speaking.


"Can I help you with something?" Juna asked the brute dragon.



Spinx pulled out a map and look over it again and again for no reason at all, almost like he was lost. The only problem is he was whispering to the map. The map was blink for one moment and than images appeared the next on the parchment, revealing locations, even showing dots of his targets. "Shadow wind" He whisper to the map as it went blink and than re-appeared on the map with two red dots. 'Don't think I have forgot about you two lords, I will personally hunt you down after Axle. Coward in your walls, I will still get in.' Spinx thought to himself as he smiled a bit devilish.



Azera must have taken a wrong turn somewhere, because the next thing he know, he end up back at the road he meet the strange lady at. "Weird, I swore I was heading the right way towards Spinx, but I end up back here." Azera said to himself as he set the dark mist down on the ground. It was still out cold, but at least he got it bleeding to stop now. He went to the blood stain earth he laid at a bit ago. "This does not add up at all." Azera said under his breath, than he heard something behind him. He drew his sword and turn, and to his surprise, there was a nude female standing before him.


"What the-" Azera started to say as he saw the dark mist was gone now. 'Damn it.' Azera though as he look puzzled at the female, and she simple look back at him with strange eyes, almost like the eye the dark mist had. "Can I help you miss?" Azera said as he sheath his sword, and she simple nod her head no, but came closer to him. She was no more than a 16 years old. It was strange, almost like he know her from somewhere.

"May I ask what your name is girl?" Azera asked and he got a reply "I don't know what my name is, where I came from, or what I am." She said back.


'Grand, just f-' Azera started to think before he saw the scars across her chest, almost like the drake wounds it had. 'She the drake, and she does not remember who or what she is.' Azera though than remember that the lady went to a town called sundown. It must be closer than Windfall, and he need answers. "I guess i can have you tag along for a bit until you remember who you are." He said as he took off her cloak and than hand it to her. "Here, at least cover yourself up a bit." He said as she took the cloak and put it over her body and did not say a word after.


Azera started his walk, now with the female girl who knows nothing to Sundown.

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Baltia followed Aeolus like a kitten, absolutely no idea where she was. "What just happened?" she asked. "Where are we? How did we get here?"

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Nick held on as Akuma flew them away from the chaos once more. Luckily this time they were not followed. Nick was rather annoyed by the whole thing after all. Akuma took them not too far off before landing once more and shaking Nick off his back, causing the boy to fall into the grass below. "They were getting on my nerves and they couldn't take a hint..." He sighed "What the hell was all that anyways..." he went on "They just barged in out of no where. 'You two have to save the world, you're the only hope!" Nick spat out in a mock voice. "I am neither a soldier nor a politician, what do they expect me to even do? Uhg" Sighing again he walked over to the river and crouched before the water, running a hand through the cold current. "Sometimes I just want to jump in and let the river carry me away so I don't have to worry about anything anymore."

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((Let me see the times my characters currently are at before I reply as Minerva. I think we all woke up at like 7:00 am. So now their current times are, at least where I think they are:


Atlas/Aeolus: 7:40 am

Kathia: 12:20 pm

Minerva: 11:10 am


You know? If the estimated times are right; I'm going to edit Kathia's last part in the story to say that camp is eating lunch instead of Jason training the people.))


Aeolus answered, "I used the stone to teleport us here, Baltia." Then he told the horde, "Alright Vulture Horde, listen up! After we ambush Axle last night, we learned that Atlas and Axle's family were human-friendly." The disdained words and growls from the horde filled the air, even from some of those who were there last night. "Yes, I know how upsetting it is to hear about a dragon who loves his oppressors. But that is only because they have been deceived by the humans' seemingly kind appearances. They have no idea that these same humans will one day show their true colors and end up betraying them later. I have seen these event happen a few times in my long life; even when it's humans back-stabbing one of their own."

Then he went on to explain some environmental reasons, "But even if some of the humans are somehow genuinely kind, they are still a threat to this planet by how much they pollute. They kill plants that give us our oxygen, they dirty up our waters with their wastes, thus poisoning any of us who drink them, and they even contaminate the air we breathe. And because they don't know when to control their own population, the whole lot of them will kill our world faster." The horde leader sighed and said, "If only those four fools knew the dangers of humanity."


One of the leaf pygmies shouted, "Then we should tell them now before it's too late."


"No," Aeolus declined. "I doubt any of them will be willing to listen to reason; especially that Juna, who distrusts me." Given everything he's heard from Juna, the disaster dragon knew that the Incarus family would so inclined to defend their human citizens. "Besides, I lied to Atlas about how we're going to spare the 'good' humans, so that I can get the transformation spell for us to learn."


"A transformation spell?" asked a canopy dragon.


Aeolus nodded and replied, "Yes, a spell that'll turn us into humans so that we can infiltrate their places and spy on them without suspicion. I intend to us to train with that spell later." He glanced at Baltia, thinking about how one of his magis would use that spell on her to give her the appearance of a child so that she would look less threatening around the guards when she's distracting them. Looking back at the crowd, he told them, "Now anyway, I need everyone to pretend that we're a changed horde, so that we don't upset Axle and others when they get here. And don't even breathe a word about any of this or our true intentions, understood?"


The horde responded, "Yes sir!"


"Good!" said the leader. Then he saw Atlas's nieces bursting out of the woods with Bam running after them as they all laughed.


"Stop, I can't catch you!" the navy blue dragon said playfully.


Aeolus frowned at how his cousin wasn't around to hear his message. Now he was going to have to go over with him, or better yet make someone else do it. 'Bam, where were you while I was talking to the horde?' he asked telepathically.


Bam stopped and replied, 'I was out playing with the hatchling. What did I miss?'


The disaster dragon answered, 'The introduction of our two newest members and how we're going to keep our horde's purpose a secret when Axle gets here. Now I need you to stop this silly game and sit with us. And please stay silent at all times until our guests are gone.'


'Yes, cous,' Bam replied. Then he looked at the sisters with a sad face and said, "Sorry girls, I got to go." Danielle and Kylie made protesting "aww"s as they wanted the fun adult to keep playing with them. Bam went up to the horde and sat with them.




Atlas knew that by 'those who threaten her people', Axle was talking about the Vulture Horde. Apparently, Juna must have shared her wariness of Aeolus with her brother. The magi was about to defend her friend and tell them how he's a changed dragon, when the brute dragon from last night showed up.


Tavurth answered, "Aeolus wants to see Axle about who he really is. I don't know why, but it might be important. So come on and let's see what he has to say."


"What? I just told yesterday that Axle's the good guy? What more does he want?" asked Atlas.


"I don't know, but I bet he must be looking for more details I guess," the brute dragon said.


((Oh by the way, I forgot to tell you people about my two new chapters, including FRoD's character story. You can read them here:




http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...story-510219940 ))

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Akuma continued to pace as Nick rolled to his feet. He listened to the human rant about what had just happened. Akuma certainly felt the same way about all of it, but it was amusing to see Nick riled up like he was. He was usually the calmer one while Akuma lost it. The mage crouched down by the river and ran his hands in the glittering water. He stood silent in place suddenly, eyes boring into the back of Nick. There was only the trickling noise of rushing water as the sun warmed his scales overhead. A summer breeze whisked by. While this would have normally brought a peaceful feeling, the hybrid felt his scale-y lips curl back into an almost malicious smile. He moved forward swiftly, giving Nick's back a good shove towards the river. "I can help!" he called out.


Chi glanced at Zeditha, smiling, "It has to be dried and cleaned before I use it to make anything. When you hunt, it's best to use every part of the animal. Furs are very useful" she explained. She turned, letting the meat on the stove simmer. "Ever had cooked rabbit? I mean human style, not just with fire" she asked shortly after.

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Zeditha stopped nosing the furs. "Usually I just burn the fur," she said. "It makes the fire last longer and cook the rabbit better. But no; I haven't had anything cooked except with my own fire." She watched carefully at what Chi was doing...

((Probably would be a good idea to timeskip the cooking somewhat, and make it done, because Zeditha is worse at small-talk than I am. xd.png))


Baltia fluttered, wondering about the teleport. She noted the two important points; there was a transformation spell that would be used soon, and nobody should speak about the horde killing humans around Atlas or Axle. She calmed down, spotting the sun, and watched it for a while. "Who are Atlas and Axle? Or more importantly, what do they look like?" she asked, finally turning back to Aeolus. "Also, could you show me around? I'm afraid I'm a little bit new here." She chuckled slightly, still hovering with no signs of tiring from being in the air so long.

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Baltia had a few questions to answers. Aeolus started with the first one, "Atlas is a magi dragoness and is a friend of mine; she looks like your typical magi, except that she's got a red tint to her scales. Axle is a white dragon and a dragon lord from Shadow Wind. He may come to us in human form. So if you see a dark-haired man in white clothes; don't attack him, even when there's other humans with him. They could be Atlas and his siblings." He stopped to breathe a bit before going onto the next question. "And lastly, there's nothing of interest around here. We, the Vulture Horde, are a traveling group. We don't set up permanent territories at places we stop. Our goal of worldwide human extinction should have clued you in on that," the horde leader told her.




((Nah, I'll redo her post and make it say she's now eating lunch.))


Kathia and Megan finally made it back to the camp of Sundown. The car was parked and the two got out of it with the girl carrying the bag of spellbooks in her hand. Earlier, she had been using her cellphone to look necromancer spells on the search engine. Most of the links came from gaming websites, which were of the fictional spells. She eventually found a legitimate website where she found a few spells. The first one being the "see ghosts" spell, which required grave dirt to allow her to see spirits, which means that she would have to go back to Windfall next time to get what she needed.


The girl went over to Jason (En'K'haral's character; he's currently inactive now) and gave him the archery equipment he needed for training his students. Then she went over to get some lunch. They were cooking hot dogs and meat of the few animals that were caught; mostly the small ones. Since the dragons were freed, finding bigger animals like bears and deer were harder than ever since the dragons fed on them. Kathia got herself a hot dog and sat at the table to eat.


((I will expand this section in the story.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Baltia nodded. "Reddish Magi; White or dark-haired human. Got it. And I didn't expect a permanent territory to be set up, just a temporary camp or something. Like, 'over here we eat, over here we hunt, over there we sleep and this is where we hold meetings.'" She looked around. "What does everyone do at about this time? More importantly, what should I be doing?"

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((Eh, life has been so cruel these past couple of months.I broke my keyboard, and was using my phone, and my teachers decided to all give me homework at the same time... Among other things of course. But I am back and Jericho is essentially a free character since the last one he was interacting with quit.))


Jericho ended up leaving the town that he grew up in. It all happened after the assassin had left the bar. It was about mid day when the bar doors were shattered and a group of guards entered. The group's eyes all seemed to lock on to Jericho immediately, the head guard pulled out a rolled up parchment from his belt side. "Jericho Aimslef, you are under arrest under multiple accounts including, but not limited to breaking and entering, murder, and the tampering of evidence." As soon as Jericho saw the guard say his name, Jericho had bolted. He went jumping out of the back window, outside of the guards view. Jericho made his way down the empty alleyways to the out skirts of the city. He continued into the woods, fighting off random wildlife and searching for berries. When nighttime would hit, Jericho would make his way up the tallest tree he could find. Jericho's overall goal is to make it to a camp that he had heard of. Jericho didn't know much about the camp, just that it was at or near the foot of Trident Mountain. It wasn't all that long before Jericho had made it to the base of the mountain. He then began to search for the camp or a way up the mountain.

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There was a long moment of silence. It actually felt quite nice and peaceful with the quite burble of the river and the gentle sun warmed breeze. He was about to turn around and say something when Akuma suddenly pushed him in with a SINGLE CRUEL COLD HEARTED SHOVE. He fell into the cold water and vanished below the surface. Though the current here was slow, it ran deep 15 feet. Laying on the riverbed Nick didn't move. He simply held his breath and looked up towards the surface, holding his breath. From the surface all that changed was a few bubbles.

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((Yes, I did. I just didn't know what to say after your post and waited for you follow up after it after I told everyone my characters' times. Sorry I didn't say anything.))


"Nothing," Aeolus answered. "We're all sitting here to wait for Axle to come, so we can hear from him and see if any parts of Dracul's story about Axle are true. And then after that, we're going to do some combat training to prepare ourselves to fight Dracul and capture him. " Having a horde learn how to fight other dragons would improve their chances of survival against enemies such as whatever dragon soldiers Dracul soldiers and the Aquarians. The disaster dragon thought to get Atlas to participate in this too, since her fighting skills as a dragon champion of the coliseum fights in Northeast Rudvich would likely to get passed on to his horde through teaching.




The camp guard was looking out of Sundown to make sure that no unwanted creatures like dragons or wolves wandered into the refugee camp. He stood there as vigilant as he could on the job. For the next quarter of an hour, nothing interesting had happened. But then he saw a lone man wondering out in the woods. He looked like had been scavenging out in the wilderness. "Hey you there! Are you lost or something?" the guard called out to the man.




"Then let's call it that," Minerva said.


((See what I mean? No good idea what to post.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Akuma watched Nick plummet into the water with a satisfied, smug smile. His eyes momentarily drifted up to the stretch of mountains nearby. He did a cat stretch and then shifted down to his human form, sitting in the grass and waiting. Upon looking at the water, Akuma noticed there were a few bubbles, but no Nick. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously and crawled to the edge of the water, peering in. He didn't see Nick, but he couldn't see much of anything after a certain depth for that matter. His clawed hands gripped the grass around the edge as he peered in. He was wary about the mage's tricks. He knew the human knew how to swim.


Chi finished cooking and pulled the rabbit stew off the stove, serving some onto two plates. She set one out in front of Zeditha, "Go ahead and try it. I've come to love these human seasonings. They're quite good" she explained, grabbing a fork and starting to eat some.

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Jericho was slightly caught off guard by the shout in his direction. He looked up and saw the guard and sighed. Jericho knew that there were only two possibilities to come from being faced to face with a guard. He had either found the camp he so longingly searched for, or he has the terrible luck running into a Windfall guard. Luckily this guard didn't have on the uniform to affiliate himself with the city that Jericho just ran from. Jericho fell onto the grass at the outskirts of the camp. He laid there with his back in the grass for a moment before answering. "No not lost necessarily, or at least I hope not. This is Sundown correct? I would like to join the ranks of the city." Jericho specifically left out the part about how he was wanted in Windfall, and since the wanted papers haven't been distributed yet, he felt more or less safe. But really, he thought, how did I get dragged into that assassin's schemes? And because of her they figured out my identity! I know I shouldn't have left those calling cards.

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Nick continued to watch from his spot on the riverbed. His lungs were starting to ache, so he began to slowly ascend to the surface. Luckily his cloths were thin, so they didn't really hinder his ability to swim. Seeing the hybrids face peer over the edge of the river he smirked, suddenly popping up beneath him and spitting a cold mouthful of water right into the hybrid boy's face before kicking away from the side of the river to distance himself from Akuma. "Come on in, the water great!" he offered, suppressing a laugh as he kicked through the water, swimming in circles on his back.

Edited by picknick10

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Baltia shrugged. "Guess I'll hunt then. Hey, any way I could collect lots of small stones and keep them with me? I normally carry a few, but I can only have four at a time. I'll find them, I'd just like a way to carry more than one or two with me while I fly. Gotta be invisible or black though, so I can still hide with it." Her green eyes were bright but serious, and she stayed still in the air for once, looking at Aeolus.


Zeditha sniffed the stew. It certainly smelled good... Cautiously, she flicked out her tongue, and licked at the sauce. It was wonderful! The spices danced inside her mouth, but the feeling quickly disappeared. Eager now, Zeditha bit happily into her food, tail swishing with happiness.

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Username: PickNick10

Name: Ember

Age: 16

Appearance: Click Here (Invalid Hybrid)

Personality: Mischievous, fiery, hot tempered, bull headed.

Powers: Fire magic, shifts into a dragon (cant control when she shifts)

Opinion of Humans: Too slow in both mind and physique

Opinion of Dragons: Limited interaction, but they seem pretty racist.

Likes: Fire, stealing, being in control

Dislikes:being helpless, carrots, bossy people


Nick's new character. Just going to leave this here.))

Edited by Sai

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((I made a new page on the wikia for halflings: http://dragons-vs-humans.wikia.com/wiki/Halfling


DJVoxel, you don't have to make your character infertile; after all, even slim chances are a possibility of being fertile.))


The guard put on a friendly face with a smile and said, "You've come to the right place, pal. Welcome to Sundown!" Then he looked at the camp briefly as he said, "Well as you can see, it's not really a city per say; not yet anyway." He looked back at the man and continued, "But we're going to have the place built and turned into a city with the help of the Rittevon Construction company that's going to come here."




Baltia asked if she could collect some stones and keep them with her. "Yes, go ahead," Aeolus told her. "But be sure to get back when Axle and the others get here so that you don't miss out on anything important."

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Baltia gave a slightly annoyed chatter, but nodded. "I'll be quick. What I meant, though, was do you have any kind of magical contraption that would let me carry more than one or two at once?" She angled herself for a quick flight into the forest. She was going to hunt as well as collecting stones, after all.

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((And I'm back now. Sorry for the wait Red.))


Axle look at the brute Dragon for a bit, than simple shook his head. "If Atlas told you what I told her, there really is no need for him to go deeper in to the subject," Axle said sound a little disappointed with Aeolus, "but might as well see what he wants."


The look Juna gave the brute was not a very nice look, almost like she did not like the idea of Aeolus being talk with.



Azera followed the road from the car tracks, as the un-name girl followed him. She wore his coat, as it came just shy of her knees. The coat was all bloody and torn from Azera fight with Spinx earlier, but it was still doing it job of covering the child. They soon came into view of what look like more of a camp instead of a town. "Let me do the talking, child. Just keep quite and don't try and reveal what you are." Azera said under his breath to the child, as she nod a small nod to him. They both approach the camp or town, he does not know what to call it, but there was a guard there.

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(btw Red, Garin isn't in the spring caves, but he's nearby)


Garin woke up, completely recovered after his rest. And then it hit him, he'd been sleeping in an unexplored cave that may have hidden dangers that could have killed him while ge was asleep. What was I thinking? I need to make sure this place is safe before I set up a permanent camp here. Garin proceeded to get up and head down the back tunnel to explore the cave. On the way, he found a human skeleton, clad in medieval armor and stripped of organs, muscle, and skin, on the ground leaning against the wall of the tunnel with a small satchel on the ground next to him. Garin curiously opened the satchel and found a worn notebook and writing utensils inside. The book, was a complete set of drawn maps outlining all of the important and interesting areas of Rudvich and the surrounding areas. This should come in handy, despite being outdated. Garin carefully placed the book back in the satchel and picked it up, slinging it over his neck and shoulder to keep it from falling off, and continued to explore the cavern.

Edited by DJVoxel

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