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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Minerva watched him go ahead of her and said after him, "Goodnight to you, too." Then she went upstairs to the bathroom to brushed her teeth and take a shower. After that, she went to her room and put on her nightgown. The woman turned off the light and got under the covers of her bed to sleep. Tomorrow, she would be expecting a call from David to hear if he got the blueprint done.




Mrs. Rittevon smiled and greeted, "We missed you, dear. And I know you missed us as well. We wanted to be there to comfort you when you were crying for us a few days ago."


"You were watching over me?" asked the girl. She heard many times about spirits of the deceased watching over their loved ones; looks like it was true after all.


"Yes we were," confirmed Mr. Rittevon. "We saw you swearing revenge, learning magic, trying to kill dragons, and teaming up with this Jason man to build a city and unite all people against the dragons." Then he sounded a bit impressed as he crossed his arms. "I must say; it looks you inherited your old man's ambition." Kathia felt praised by his comment and . The man continued, "Now I don't mind you using my company to build these people homes. In fact, I like how you're keeping it alive under the dragons' takeover of construction. And I certainly don't mind you learning and teaching people magic. The only thing I don't want you to do is going out trying to kill every dragon in sight."


"What?!" Kathia said in shock.


The father told her sternly, "You heard me; stop this foolishness. I've seen you get hurt twice and I don't want you to put your life in danger again."


The mother added to the conversation, "You have no idea how worried we were when that black dragon nearly got killed. I was almost in tears. I wasn't sure if you live or not."


Mr. Rittevon spoke again, "That's how much you scared us, Kathia. Listen, I made you heir to the company and I need you alive to keep it going. Not only that, but we love you too much to see you get hurt."


The mother begged, "Please Kathia, don't try to avenge us. Just live your life peacefully. Do it for us."

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((Okay Tron, as soon as Yopple takes the group outside, you can interact with Aeolus.))

((Got it.

Also sorry in advance for not posting here: preparing for math exams (which are 1st and 3rd of June), and it's pretty taxing. After I'm done with those, I'll try and write something coherent. Assuming I'll survive past 3rd of June ._.

And yes, we have two math exams, one harder than other. Just recently got separated into two versions.))

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Kathia considered whether to listen to her parents or not. Sure she loved them so much that she would do anything for them. But however, she also was aware that so many people in this region lost their loved ones. The world will continue to suffer as long as dragons continued their rampage. She needed to help these people to keep them from going through what she did. The girl shook her head and declined, "Mom, daddy, I really want to do what you say. But I need to be a fighter for these people around the world. Someone's got to take down the dragons and I want to help out in this cause."


Mr. Rittevon warned her seriously, "Kathia, think about what you're doing!"


"I am," replied the girl, who was strong in her resolve. "And don't worry, I'll just start with lone weak dragons until I can handle them with ease. When that happens, I'll be strong enough to take out the tougher dragons and then eventually hordes of them. I'll also have Jason on the others to back me up against them. Together, we'll all grow strong and save the world!"


The parents were stunned to see their daughter go against their wish. The mother murmured to her husband, "My gods, she really does have your stubborness."


Kathia continued, "Besides, The dream recall spell had a prophecy where I would bring the dragons to their downfall and humans will prosper again. I am so going to make that come true, no matter what! I'm going to be a hero!"


The father tried to talk sense into his daughter, "Kathia, it's just a dream; you don't know if it's going to come true or not."


"Well I for one, believe in it!" the girl spoke back. She was getting annoyed that her parents won't trust her to do her mission. "I'm going to do whatever I want and I'm not going to let anybody stop me; not even my own parents!"


The parents were shocked by her defiance as the mother placed her hands on her mouth and gasped. Mr. Rittevon got angry and yelled, "Kathia, you... you disgraceful girl! You are grounded for this, do you hear me? Grounded!"


The girl didn't even care in the slightest. After all, he was just a simple ghost and he can't do anything to her. She scrolled down on the cellphone to read how to banish ghosts. Once she read the instructions, Kathia held her hand out at her parents and willed her parents away. The ghosts disappeared from sight as they were back into the spirit realm.

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((kathia needs to be taken down a notch or two lol.))


Ronan went to his bedroom and got himself changed before he laid in bed and drifted to sleep. Drake was quick to sleep despite his nap earlier. Ronan's mind ran wild in his dreams.


((got nothing else right now. all my toons are asleep))

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Smart. Garin thought. He quickly rolled towards the left, out from underneath Ohimia.


(I'm sooooooooo laz...*snore*)


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Spinx saw the guard and simple did not care for him. He walked right by ignoring the guard completely. His death stench could be smelled on him as he walked by the guard making him seemed a bit more shady than before hand.



"So Arch any Information we got on Axle little friend?" A voice asked from the shadow of a very dim lit room with only a small orb like table lit up.


"As of right now, we know very little." Arch said to the voice.


"That is quite depressing. We need to know if she have some sort of ability we are not aware of. Do we know any thing we can use against her in case we need to?" Another voice said.


The table change to a new image of two hatchlings of a still image with Axle and Atlas. "So far these two were with them for the beginning, but after they teleported to the dessert, we lost them." Arch said as he dragon face came into view.


"Not lost, protected by others." Another voice said as a blue dragon face now came into view. "It took me longer to track them down than I would like to have, but after a bit of digging, quite literally, I found them."


"Well than, Leaza, where are they at currently?" Now a black dragon face came into view.


"They are currently still in the dessert, inside a cave with a large group of dragons protecting them. There no way to get into it without going though the front door, but a small band of people should be able to get in and get out as fast as possible. I elect myself to lead the charge." Leaza said with a firm tone.


"No, I will. We need a more stealthy approach not a damn nuke in a enclose space. So I will go" A white dragon now said.


There was a loud bang on the table as a large sword hit the edge. "It does not matter who goes, We just need leverage over her encase of emergency. If she have ally herself with Axle, and he have yet push her way from this path, she must be good with something." A voice said as all the dragons look into the shadow. "It will be so, Dracul, Arch and Leaza will go with a small band of people, no more than ten. A in and out mission got it."


Every nod their head and replied "Yes Elder."

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Seeing as how the dragoness won't wake up, Aeolus said, "I guess this concludes our test. Vulture Horde, we have won! All seven hits have been done to her."


(insert Baltia scene in story)


The disaster dragon ignored her and said, "Whatever, the whole horde can now be trained. I will announce this to the others when we get outside." Looking to the cassare, he said, "Yopple, teleport us outside."


((Wait, Kathia was using a cell phone? I thought all technology was zapped O.o))


Yopple nodded his head. "Not too much of a distance, should not take much energy. Yessir." He grunted, then focused on the group in there. He thought of the area outside the caves, then thought of the whole group there. Next thing he knew, he felt like being thrown up and into a weird space. Then, he was dumped in the area he was told to teleport them to.




Ohimia quickly dived for the halfling...then slipped and fell flat on her snout

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((Well I recalled earlier that only harmless technology was working. That's why Kathia's cellphone was still working. But now that you mentioned it, Esko; it seems that Nick went and made ALL technology useless without my knowledge. He appeared to have edited the OP last February and the RP started on July 2013.


Well whatever, I've going doing this since the beginning and I'm not going to let this affect my fanfic. Because then that's going to cause problems with Minerva's story, since she used a computer to research business on the internet. Plus, I didn't get any complaints from Nick and Sai ever, so I guess what I'm doing's okay.))


The group was now outside the cave at the heart of the village. But now the sunny sky that used to heat up the desert was replaced by dark gray clouds above. But thankfully it wasn't raining or anything. Apparently, the horde got tired of the heat and had the gray dragons bring up the clouds to use as shade. Aeolus looked at Gneiss and Selenite and told them, "Take Juna over to the cave behind you. Let me know when she wakes up." The two dragons nodded and took the silver dragoness over to the chieftain's cave to rest. The others went to rejoin and the horde outside the village. They saw that half of the horde were still sparring, while the other half were taking a break. The disaster dragon was pleased to see them being persistent in their training, but didn't show it on his face. He thought, 'They're still going at it. Good! But of course, they must train against the same sparring partner all the time. Plus, they needed a break after being in that dark cave for nearly an hour. So Aeolus announced to them through telepathy, 'Vulture Horde, I have returned! Now I need your attention on me.'


The horde stopped sparring and the leader waited until all eyes were on him. Then the leader said to them, "Vulture Horde, we have completed our test with Juna and have landed all hits on her, so that all of us will receive training." Roars of cheer sounded among the crowd; they were all glad that their leader had accomplished this. After the roars died down, Aeolus continued, "But of course, we have yet to hear her decision as she is currently unconscious and will need rest until she wakes up. Speaking of resting, I believe this horde needs a thirty minute break before we resume training again with different partners. So without further ado, everyone take a rest now and review your training. Think about whatever tricks you learned and figure out what you could have done in your fights."


The horde happily started resting and went to mingle with their friends. Fakoo and Omdomiel went over to their leader. The former of the two said to him, "Aeolus, we found a survivor of the Eternal Wind clan."


The disaster dragon asked them, "Is it Rina?"


Omdomiel answered, "I'm not sure; he never gave us his name."


So it's not Rina then; which means another member of the clan had survived. Aeolus asked him, "So what did he look like?"


Fakoo described, "He was a black dragon with a cut in each of his wings. He wanted to ask you if you've see anybody from his clan."


The horde leader replied, "Well what a coincidence, because another survivor had been looking for her kind, too."


The charcoal dragon's eyes grew a bit wide with interest and asked, "You saw another one?" Then he smiled and continued, "Well in that case, he'll be glad to know you saw her."


Aeolus then asked, "That he will be. Now where is he?"


The albino answered, "He left; I think I saw him go into the village. But I'll contact him and let him know you're here." Then she used telepathy to contact the black dragon, 'Our leader's back. He's with us now.' Then remembering how he was unaware of telepathy, she instructed, 'And also, to use telepathy, you must picture someone in your mind and use your thoughts to communicate with them.'




The strange man walked past the night guard without a care. The guard tried to go up to stop him as he said, "Hey, hey, you can't just walk past me without--" He was stopped by a foul smell that stung his nostrils. "Bah! Phee-eww!" he said in disgust as he tried to fan away the stench with his hand, while holding his nose. But there was something shady about the stench; it smelled kind of like dead bodies. But why did he smelled like that? The guard went up to the stranger, while still holding his nose. He touched the man on the shoulder and told him, "Sir, you have some questions that need to be answered."




Kathia picked up her stuff and turned around. Under her breath, she murmured with a confident smile, "Don't worry mom and daddy, you won't be disappointed with me." She made her way back to her tent and set the things in the far corner. Then she went into her sleeping bag and started to sleep. Tomorrow, she was going to teach her students, the ghost seeing spell.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Spinx spin at the guard touching him, and with a quick reflex, drew his sword and went to slash the guard throat. He also made sure no one was watching either.

((Have to wait on that one))

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The night guard's throat was slashed open by the sword. Blood spilled out rapidly as the man gagged on it. He tried to stop the flow by clutching his throat with both hands, but it was no use. Then the man fell over and died with eyes wide open. The blood stained the green grass red.

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Spinx saw the guard die on the ground as he wiped his blade on the guard clothing to clean the blood off. "And that is what happens when you touch me." Spinx said quietly as he devilishly grin. He snapped his fingers as the body started to move back to where it position, near the side of the camp, and once it was there, he had it make it look like the guard killed himself. After that was done, Spinx let go of the spell so the body fell limb, and look at the ground where the blood as flowed at the beginning. He frown a bit as the blood stain the ground. He simple turn away from it and proceed to find a tent to his taste. Well If someone as in it, he would more likely just kill them for it.


((Red you can guess on what tent I had in mind.))

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((*Hums very loudly*))


Spinx seemed to wonder around for about half an hour before he came across a tent that seems to meet his requirement, and it seems someone was in there. He quickly looked into the tent and saw a woman in the tent by her lonesome. He pulled his sword out and started to run it across the tent thin plastic layer, making a very noticeable sound inside the tent of a scratching sound. He walked clockwise from the entrance and moved slowly around the tent.


((Because I was bored, I made a song list for

, Mekarth,
, and
. I mean I can find more music for others if anyone wish, but these were more of the things I could read off the personality charts. This does Include NPCs as well.))

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((Ooooh, Yopple? I can't listen to music atm, so I have to ask; does it fit his current personality?

Speaking of which, I neeeeeed to edit the wiki

Could you search for one for Ohimia?)))


Yopple grinned. He would have rathered to kill the dragoness, but oh well. He looked at the ground. "So, shall we start training once Juna wakes?"


((All I have ._.))

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((I did I will not Bow by breaking Benjamin. Hope that good for Yopple personality. As for Ohimia, there no personality or page available for her, so kind of can't, not saying it impossible. -Draco

PS, I personally Like Spinx and Dracul songs I picked))

Edited by draco8967

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((I did I will not Bow by breaking Benjamin. Hope that good for Yopple personality. As for Ohimia, there no personality or page available for her, so kind of can't, not saying it impossible. -Draco

PS, I personally Like Spinx and Dracul songs I picked))


I will fix that later, in school atm and LAL is starting soon. I hope it works as well =3

Anyways, got two new characters coming soon!))

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Garin smirked as he rolled away from Ohimia's dive. "Next time, try digging your claws in so you don't slip." Garin said. He then started running straight towards Ohimia's body.

Edited by DJVoxel

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Ohimia groaned. Okay. She then saw him run and curled herself up. She clumsily rolled in the direction of the halfling

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Kathia opened her eyes when she heard a scratching sound at her door. Who or what was there? She got up and saw a rip at the tent's flap. Wondering what was the cause of this, Kathia picked up a torch light and turned it on. Then she got out of her sleeping bag and poked her head out the tent. She moved the light left and right, trying to find who left a tear on her tent. There didn't seemed to be anybody in sight.




Aeolus replied, "If she allows us to be trained, then yes."

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A light emulated from the front of the tent. Spinx saw it and though for a brief moment before he got a very grand Idea, well to his stander. He quickly brought a very large green anaconda up from the ground and simple pointed to the front of the tent.


It simple order was to grab a hold on the person and keep them there, but not to kill.


((It a good 22 feet large snake. Average size for that type of snake.))

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"Nice tactic," said Garin. It's hard for me to hit those sweet spots if they're in constant motion and hard to distinguish."


Garin continued running towards Ohimia and then jumped at the last second, using his wings to give him a boost, right over her body.

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Her search finally spotted something, when her lantern found an anaconda nearby. Kathia shrieked in fright and dropped her lantern. The girl backed away, not taking her eyes off the snake, as she started channeling her magic energy. Then she zapped out a lightning bolt from her hand at the anaconda to try and kill it.

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The anaconda was hit by the lighting attack from the girl and it seemed to have killed it, because it stop moving. Spinx came from the right side of the tent, the other side away from the anaconda, behind the woman.

"Did your parents ever tell you not to damage anyone else stuff?" Spinx asked in a devilish tone. His sword was already raise to throat level as he waited for her reply.

The anaconda seemed to started to move again, towards the woman again.

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With the snake struck down, Kathia started to catch her breath and recover from the shock. But apparently, she wasn't out of the woods yet. The girl quickly whipped around and saw Spinx. "Ack! Where did you come from?!" she asked, badly startled as she quickly backed away from him. She nearly tripped over anaconda she had killed or so she thought.

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Spinx watch as the girl nearly tripped over the anaconda. She got to close to the anaconda that it went and attempted to wrap around her and would squeeze just enough to keep her from moving. Spinx simple had that evil grin on his face as he put his sword away and just watched for a second. "Scream, and I will remove that pretty head of yours girl." He said harshly.



After a few hours of staying up way past Atlas went to sleep, Axle started to feel his eyelids start to get heavy as he slowly started to drift to sleep. He fell softly against Atlas side as he slept.

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