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Dragons VS Humans, The Great war

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Atlas was puzzled by all he just said. She wondered what sort of drama had happened between him and his sister that caused them to distance themselves with one another. Then Axle said that he was going to depart to somewhere and started to go on to that place. Remembering all these times Axle got hurt whenever he was alone, Atlas worried that another attack on him might happen on his journey. In order to prevent that from happening again, she had to be at his side. She told him, "Wait, Axle. Let me come with you."




Bam gasped as he witnessed the halfling seemingly die in front of him. "No!" he cried out in dismay. Juna may not have liked the horde, but she didn't deserve to die.


"Tch," Aeolus clicked his teeth, feeling defeated that they didn't get to save her life. If only Kekul hadn't messed up the teleportation spell, then Hewey would have been there to heal her on time. But the full blame didn't go to the magi as the horde leader saw Juna as foolish for having pulled out the dagger that would have stopped her massive blood loss if she had kept it in her wound until help arrived. Well at least the horde will still have Mekarth, Axle and maybe Akil to train them to adapt to Shadow Wind's territory. Though Aeolus felt that Juna would have been the best teacher out of the four, due to the replica training ground being her idea. Just then, Akil showed up and had a brief talk with Juna, who miraculously turned out to be alive, before she left. Aeolus telepathically asked Hewey, 'Hewey, are you with Atlas?'

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Axle stopped when Atlas said she wanted to come with him. "No, Atlas. I will not allow you to travel with me this time. This is something I must do on my own and find my own answer." He said as turn into his dragon form and started to take off from the ground before a greenish orange dragonness came bursting from the brush at a fast pace. She caught Axle by surprise full when she bit down on his tail and slammed him back onto the ground. She let go of his tail, and looked extremely p*ssed off as well, and yelled at Axle. "Just what the h*ll do you think you are doing?!" She yelled.


"Stay out of this Akil." Axle snared back when he started to regain his barings, but as soon as he got up Akil tackled him back down.


"Stay out? Do I look like a dragon who stand Idly by and watch two family members kill each other? No, I don't because I was not trained nor taught that way of life. I was always taught family was important, even if they are not blood-related." She snapped on him.


Axle pushed up against Akil pressure and throw her off him, and quickly return the favor by pinning Akil down to the ground now. "Not when your whole life was built off lies."


Akil growled a bit, twisted her body and pushed Axle way to give her some time to get to her feet. "If that was true, I would not be here today now would I?"


Axle stood calmly in his place, while Akil got into a combat stance. Akil was the first to pounce and Axle went down on his back and used all fours and toss Akil into the air. She took to the air, and Axle rolled onto all fours and looked up at her. He bent his legs and jumped into the air and with one powerful thrust from his wing, which sent a powerful gust all around him, also took to the air. They flow straight at each other, passing each other by the tips of their wings, but the second time that flew at each other they collided and spiraled down towards the ground, before the broke apart, as blood fell from the air as Axle passed over Atlas. It was clear what they were doing, aerial combat.

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((Here's two giftstories for former RPers: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...ory-1-648757856 and http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...ers-3-649976742 ))


Just then, a greenish-orange dragoness ambushed Axle and slammed him to the ground. "Axle!" Atlas cried out frantically as everyone else looked in surprise by how fast and immediately he got attacked just as he was about to leave. The dragoness named Akil was angry at him for attacking Juna. It sounds like she was acquainted with Axle. When the white mentioned that his so-called family wasn't related to him by blood, Atlas now realized what this fight was about as she thought in surprise, 'Wait, did I just hear that Juna and Mekarth aren't related to him?' No wonder he said his life was a lie, because these two dragons lied to him about being his siblings. But why keep that a secret from Axle all these years? Couldn't they just tell him from the start that he was adopted? What did they have to gain from this?


As this was all going on, Hewey heard his leader speaking to him through telepathy, asking him if Atlas was with him. The healer responded, 'She is.'


'Good,' Aeolus said. 'Have her warp you over to Juna so that you can heal her.'


'Yes sir,' Hewey replied. He looked to the magi and asked, "Atlas, can you warp me over to Juna? I have to heal her."


Without saying a word, Atlas teleported Hewey over to Juna's side. Just then, a fight broke out between Axle and Akil as a powerful gust blew past the group as the dragons shut their eyes briefly to keep out whatever dust may touch their eyes. They opened back their eyes to watch the fight in the air. Atlas started to observed Akil's appearance. She remembered what Garin said about Violet describing her daughter: the exact scale colors she just saw and the heterochromia of red and blue eyes. Akil had matched that description; could she be her long-lost daughter? Now the fight started to take a serious turn as blood fell right by the magi. Atlas gaped in shock as she realized that they were both going to kill each other. She couldn't lose either of them now, not her friend nor the daughter she just found and didn't get to know yet. This fight needed to break up right now before the worst happens. Atlas roared up to them, "Stop, both of you!"




Hewey appeared right next to Juna. Bam's right front foot jumped in surprise by how the healer appeared in a flash. The navy blue cried, "Whoa!"


Hewey saw how pitifully weak Juna looked in her injured state. He began to use his healing magic on her to restore the body tissue and close up the wounds. While the healer was working, Bam asked, "Hey Hewey, did you see where Atlas and the others went?"


The healer answered, "We were with Axle. We found out that Juna and Mekarth aren't his real siblings."


Jarilo asked, "They aren't?"


Hewey confirmed, "No. It seems like he was mad about living a life of lies this whole time. Now he's gone off to find the truth about himself." Aeolus didn't really care about this little family matter of the siblings. Though it was disappointing that they will be losing a third healer for the fight against Shadow Wind. Now come to think of it, the horde only had over 150 dragons and only two of them had healing powers. This small number was a disadvantage for the horde and they needed to recruit more healers to treat its dragons faster and help them last longer out in the war. Aeolus better get help from Kekul to find more healing dragons later.

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Axle and Akil did not seem to hear Atlas roar to them, and still collided three more times, and soon it was evident who was taking all the injuries in this fight. Axle wings became ripped more and more as blood keep on dripping from his legs. He had a few gashes on his shoulder and one down his underbelly, but he still was keeping airborne. Akil, on the other hand, was without a single cut. This whole time it seems Axle was unable to bring himself to injure Akil.


"Axle you are stubborn. You can't just sever a tie like what you and everyone have forged over hundreds of years. If you still think that it that easy, then you have lost your way in life." Akil yelled. "So what if they are not blood-related, that does mean they are not your family. They took you into their family and help you grow up during your years. Think of where you would be at if they did not take you in. At least you did not live my life, being born from an egg and force to work your whole life as a slave, you will never understand what it like." She continued before she started to cry. "I've always seen you as a father that I never had, but your recent actions make me want to question whether I still consider you a father, or just another monster."


Axle let his head fall down a bit. "I'm sorry for the pain I have caused to you Akil, but I have to find the answers. I need to know."


Akil Snapped nexted. "That why the H*ll do you have to try and do it alone. You have not just a few people behind you but a whole kingdom behind you willing to help you. Even if you are not a true Incarus, you are what they stand for. The peace and freedom that the Incarus seeks." She yelled at him while she still cried. "Please, let us at least help you, I'm sure Juna can explain or help in some way, you just can't just do this on your own."


"Akil, I.........." Axle started to say before the three bronze claw marks appeared on his body, and one started to crack, and his whole body went limp as he started to fall.


"Axle!" Akil screamed as she flew to grab a hold on Axle falling limp body before they both crashed into the ground. Where they crashed was not far from Atlas location, but they hit the ground seemily hard, as sounds of trees shattering echoed over the area.




Akil started to recover from the impact, The world spun around her as she tried to recover. She looked around from Axle, because he was not in her grasp, and saw him not far off, recoiling from something, almost like he does when he have nightmare, but he awaked right now. When she tried to stand up, she found that her right front leg was broken, and she could not stand up quickly or move very quickly, she also now was bleed very badly too, as cuts were all over her body from the impact and going though trees. It took her a bit to reach Axle, as she curled around him, watching over him sadly. Something with those Bronze marks was the problem, but what ever was their reason, they were now breaking down, and Axle was in a panic attack it seems.

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The fight continued after ignoring Atlas's plea. Upon seeing how badly wounded Axle became, the spring dragon bellowed in awe, "Whoaaa!"


Atlas feared for Axle's life as she shouted, "No!" Why must he always get hurt like that? It was like life was cursing him to be its chew toy to be messed with and bloodied every time. Now she wished that she had kept Hewey here, so that he can heal the white's wounds. As the woman listened to her daughter's story, she felt a stinging tinge of pity for her daughter's miserable past and anger at one of her past masters for taking that egg away from her and subjecting it to a parentless slavery. Then the claw marks from the battle with Spinx reappeared on Axle's body as he started to drop from the sky. Akil tried to grab him, but she crashed along with him somewhere ahead past the trees.


Judging by how low the crash was, Atlas suspected that the two had hurt themselves from the fall. Wanting to see if they were okay, she and the spring dragon ran in the direction towards where they heard the sound from. The woman called, "Axle, Akil, are you both alright?" But when she found them, Atlas was dismayed to see her daughter had become injured like Axle was and even worse, Axle was having panic attacks. "Oh damn..." the woman murmured seriously.


((I forgot that Atlas has been in her human form since she teleported. So I'm retconning her as that in the story and future posts until she transforms back.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((@Dj and Red

Oh dj your back. Let see, We got back from the mountain to the south continent, forgot the name, Axle walked off to find Juna to confront her about what happen to him before he hatched and a fought between them happen which was brief. Juna now is on the verge of death, and Axle was going to leave her in that way before Akil stopped him. Now he is though in a sort of panic attack, as the bronze marks that appear on his body randomly is now degrading. As for where your character is at, He was left with Mekarth, Atlas Nieces, and The lumna, forgot her name. They are in a clearing with a small lake/Large pond. Yopple did ask what is your reason for wanting to help Axle fight against Dracul, but do to your absent, he left before he got your answer. Oh and Atlas is thinking Akil is her daughter now too, but have yet to confront Akil on that matter. That about it, hope that clear it up a bit. Red anything to add to that?))


Akil Looked at Atlas when she came into view. She had a low pitch growl in her answer. "Ya just peachy." She sarcastically replied back. "And Exactly who are you?"


((And you though this baster was dead))


After Flying off for almost 2 hours and ending up in a remote area with a ruin farm out in the wild, then Spinx Dismounted from Eve. The farm was all wore and broken down, like it been like this for almost a year now. Strange though there were no roads leading to this farm, or even a dirt path. He keeped his hand pressed up against his chest, and was keeping himself alive by holding his cloak to his chest to slow down the blood loss. When he touched the door it fell straight off the hinges sending dust into the air. He walked into the house with caustion looking for a full lenght mirror, some things to use and bandages and a bonding agent. Do to Spinx already use up most of his stander healing, kit he did not have much left to patch up the wounds that he still had. He found very old female stockings, some candies and a cracked full lenght mirror in the lower part of the house. He sat down and started to get to work to patch himself up and notice an old wine shelve, peered in and saw one bottle of wine un-open. He grabbed it and looked at the date and was amazed to see it been from 200 years ago. He sat it down and went back to his medical patching.

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((Now with all my Christmas pics done, it's time for me to get back to RPing. Also, the south continent's name is Solomos. The lumina's name is Ohimia. And actually, it was Aeolus who asked Garin and Ohimia why they're with Axle and Atlas. Ohimia answered to him. And lastly, Aeolus got Hewey to heal Juna, though I think she might be asleep right now. You can have Garin be with Atlas's group instead of the lake if you want, DJVoxel.


Anyway, I just realized that Atlas would have time to ask Aeolus about his real goal during Axle's unconsciousness and I think I'm going edit this conversation in on either Chapter 49 or 50. When 50 is done, I'm going to make a poll for it. I just need to decide what I'm going to ask the readers.))


Atlas answered, "I'm Atlas, I'm a friend of Axle's." Then she turned back into a dragoness as she continued, "And also a dragon." She transformed herself so that her next words would sound more understandable. The magi explained her story, "I once had an egg, but it was taken away from me before it could hatch. A girl named Violet said that my daughter had scales the same color as yours as well as the same eye colors. I don't know exactly how she knows this or if she's just messing with me, but that's all I know about my lost egg that's hatched. I think you might be my daughter because you kind of smell like someone I know and was forced to breed with." The dragon she was talking about was Aeolus, whose green color and red eye that Akil inherited from. If Akil was really Atlas's daughter, then the magi would have some good news to share with her friend.

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((No she passed out from blood lost.))




Azera slumbered for a long time, Before he suddenly shot up into a sitting position and was panting. He was covered in sweat and breathing heavy. He pressed his hand against his chest and notice the wound was gone mostly, and the fact he was alive was a shock to him, but the question rise in his mind of where he was at and who saved him.




((So let see how far Atlas is willing to dig))


Akil looked at Atlas for a second after Atlas said she could be her mother, but as Akil, she did not believe that. "Ya right, Like I would believe that bull crap." She snared at Atlas. "A dragon I just met says she my mother, yet does not prove it, makes you a liar."

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((Okay, I got chapter 50 done, but I need to make a picture to accompany it when I upload it. Anyway, chapter 49 has been updated: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...hp-49-626740411 ))


Kathia had been reading her one of spell books, the whole time as she waited for Azera to wake up. She discovered a few new spells that she wanted to try out later when the rain stopped. One of them was the beauty bath spell, which enchanted the water and soap to make the person affected by them more attractive. If Kathia got the chance to return back home, she could try out the spell to see if it will worked. If it does, she would use that spell to stay pretty. The other interesting spell was the sleep spell, which would put someone to sleep. This spell was great for when she needed to render an enemy defenseless and strike them down with ease. Just then, she saw Azera waking up like he just had a nightmare. The girl said, "So you've finally come to. Looks like that nap of yours gave you a nightmare. I guess it's appropriate considering that girl, who's actually-" With scorn, she spat the words, "a halfling-" Back in her normal tone, she continued, "brought you here looking like some kind of damaged doll." Then with teasing grin, she said, "I guess those dragons you were chasing gave you quite a time." She was still mad about the rude tone he had taken with her after the rescue from earlier. It must have been karma for abandoning the halfling child.


((If the rain had ended during this time, let me know. Okay?))




Atlas was peeved at the tone Akil had directed at her, but she knew that Akil was kind of right. There was no evidence other than Violet's words and the mention of Aeolus's scent known to the greenish dragoness. Akil must want physical evidence to prove it. With having mentioned scent, the magi demanded, "Oh yeah? Well why don't you try smelling yourself and then me?" Their scents had to have some degree of similarity. If Akil didn't smell too much like her mother, then Atlas was just going to have to bring Aeolus to their daughter and have him try to confirm the blood relationship.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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Azera never looked at Kathia when he spoke. "It was not a nightmare, but memories. Also, it was not the dragons who put me on the verge of death, but the necromancer Spinx that did. They seemed to not have the slightest interest in me what so ever, but was more focus on Spinx." He said as he clenched his fist. "He also responsible for my memory loss, that much I know."



"Smell myself? Do you know how hard that is to do?" She snapped back. "Let say you are my mother, does not explain why you never came looking for me over these years. Maybe you can tell me the color of the egg I was born from, the date I was laid, maybe even country I was hatched in."

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((Here's Chapter 50, guys! http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...hp-50-646542510. I hope you like how I drew Axle and Juna, Draco. I don't know what Juna's eye color is, so I just went with black/dark gray.))


Kathia raised one of her eyebrows as she looked at Azera like he was nuts. He gets defeated like twice, now thrice, and he's still obsessed with going after Spinx. The girl would think that after all these fights, he would learn to avoid the necromancer, but that wasn't the case. She said, "Seriously? You're risking your own life to get back some memories he stole from you? I'd rather stay away from him until I have a better idea to take him down. One that doesn't involve rushing head first into him."




Atlas retorted in an equally irritated tone, "Your egg was green and you were hatched in Shadow Wind, which I don't know which region in Rudvich that place is in. As for that date, I sure as hell don't even remember exactly, because that was over one hundred years ago when I was a slave."


The spring dragon looked at the two of them and noted, 'I don't know if they really are related, but their attitudes sure resemble each others. I guess that's one thing they share in common.'

Edited by Red Dragonette

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"Like you would understand." He said coldly before he got up from the bed, grab his sword and proceed to leave. "Unlike you who base their actions on their past, I do not know my past. I know nothing past a few years. If I die to uncover my past, then so be it." He said as he opened the tent curtain, and standing in front of the curtain was the woman from before, yet this time she did not look like anything close to a halfling, but her clothing was a bit odd, like leather. Azera did not get a second to react before a spell was cast on him and he fell limp. She caught him and laid him back on the bed. She turned and looked at Kathia.


"Sorry for the inconveniences about me coming into your camp. I understand your, discomfort, towards me. But I could not let him freely walk out of the camp, he still isn't fully recover." She said as she turned Azrea arm and showed the black veins on his arm. "He haves poison in his blood stream, and it effecting him more than what he shows. His heart is pumping harder than normal, and his breathing is slightly more rapid."




Akil know that Atlas was right about her egg color, but wrong about her hatch place, and was mad with Atlas that she does not know her birthday, or her age. 'Some mother you are.' she thought to herself. She then notice Atlas neglected to answer why she never came looking for her. "You still neglect of telling me why you never came looking for me." She snared at Atlas as she tried to keep her magic in check. Her emotion was starting to slip from her and her magic was starting to rise from her.

((Added More for Akil, reason for the edit))

Edited by draco8967

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((Now Chapter 25 has a picture, too: http://silverbeastlaguz.deviantart.com/art...hp-25-497438503 Danielle and Kylie are kinda hard to see.))


"Seriously?" Kathia responded to his last sentence. She wondered why on this planet would a past be worth dying for. To her, it felt stupid. It was waste of time when there may have been other means of getting his past back. She watched as Azera leave her tent before he got put to sleep by the halfling woman, who didn't look so much like one before. After the woman put the man back on the girl's bed, Kathia learned of the poison that was affecting the swordsman. Worried that Azera could die from it, the girl cried, "Shoot! We got to do something!" She began to rummage through her spell books hoping to find a spell that would cure him of the poison that Spinx inflicted.



"Because I didn't know what you looked like," Atlas snarled. "I can't teleport to you if I've never seen the egg I've lost hatched." This dragoness was getting frustrating to deal with. How the heck was Atlas supposed to convince Akil when she is so much readily to deny the blood relationship?

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Akil's collar around her neck started to slightly glow before she yelled back at Atlas. "And what kind of bull**** excuse is that, If you know what the egg look like, you could have easily started there and follow up on the clue, but you did not. Instead, you Ignored it for a hundred plus years."


She stood up, even though it caused her pain, but the pure adrenaline was suppressing it to the point where it was bearable. "But evidently that is ok with you."


((An update about the rain, it ends as soon as you want it too))


The woman who was linked to Azera nodded her head towards Kathia. "Thank you." She said weakly before she fell over and landed on the ground. She had sweat coming from her head. It seemed like whatever poison Azera was suffering from, it was affecting her too. It was also clear what that leather outfit was, her wings were wrapped around her to form a sort of clothing, and to hide what she was at the time being. A quick glimpse and a person would mistake it for clothing, but the longer someone looks at it they could see that it was dragon wings.

Edited by draco8967

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((sry I haven't replied red. I'm kinda blocked. If you don't mind, I can wait till it's the next day, unless you can think of something.))

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((I apologize for not being able to come here to RP with you all. My computer caught a virus and it's making it hard to get on the internet. So now I'm taking this chance at work to borrow its computer to tell you all this. I hope my computer will get fixed soon. I have my post written up on paper and I will type it once the computer works again. And Torch, I'll PM you as soon as I have a post for you or it's the next day.))

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((I am back! I got to double-post so that everyone will know that I'm here. Also, I think I might have misread, I'm going to edit Atlas's part. I'll PM you and let you know when it's done.))


"I did try to track you down. I've had friends from other places who tried to watch out for you and their friends who tried to help as well, so that one day after the Spell I would try to find you. But then somewhere along the way, they all lost track of you," Atlas explained. "That's why I could never find you all these years."


The spring dragon realized that this heated conversation wasn’t going to bring the two dragonesses together at all and would instead make them loathe each other. So he interjected, "Atlas, calm down. I don’t think she’s going to trust you if you keep getting mad at her. You’re her mother, aren’t you? She may be suspicious and distrusting of you, but you should be more gentle and sincere with her." Then he looked over to Axle and continued in concern, "Anyway, Axle looks like he’s having a fit. We shouldn’t be wasting time like this, he needs help fast."


The spring dragon was right; Atlas had been too foolish with her emotion while trying to get Akil to see the truth. She probably might have ended up making Akil see her as a big fat liar trying to claim motherhood for some malicious purpose. Letting go of her temper, she glanced away for a bit and sighed heavily to get all that anger out. She sincerely apologized to Akil, "Look, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. I wished I could’ve escaped early and prevent all these bad things from happening to you. But the damn slave collar and the other circumstances never let me. Think of what you will of me, but know that I didn’t want any of this to happen to you." With that said, the magi started to get on to the business of saving her friend, "Now come on, we got a healer dragon to see. He needs to help Axle and you." Getting her daughter’s cuts healed was one of the first things she was going to do to make up for all these lost years. Then she warped everyone over to Aeolus’s group.


Aeolus and the dragons with him looked to see Atlas’s group and their eyes immediately turned to Axle and Akil, but most of that attention was on the former due to his panic attacks. The horde leader asked the magi, "Atlas, what happened?"


Bam asked about Axle, "Hey, is he going to be alright? Looks like he’s freaking out." Without needing to be told, Hewey began to heal Akil’s cuts.


Atlas answered, "I don’t know. Marks suddenly appeared on his body and he started to fall. Akil tried to catch him, but they both fell through the trees. Now Axle’s having panic attacks and it might be due to these marks."


Aeolus asked, "And what about his white hair? Why did it change color?"


The magi answered, "I don’t know. I’ve never seen how his hair changed to white. That’s something you’ll have to ask Axle about."


'Or perhaps his siblings,' the leader thought. Juna might know something since she was the one who got attacked and may have witnessed the change.




For each book she couldn’t find a useful spell, Kathia would check the other one until she found what she was looking for. Pretty soon, her eyes fell upon the cure poison spell from the book titled 'Spells of Magic'. "Yes!" the girl beamed triumphantly. With this spell, she was going to save the same life thrice in one day. After reading the spell’s instructions on how to perform it, Kathia held her hands above Azera’s chest and said, "I expel the venom from this body." The aura around her hands glowed a light purple color as the spell was being cast.

Edited by Red Dragonette

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After a bit of rest, Mekart got up from the place he laid down at and started to run back towards where he saw his sister and his brother at. Something was tugging on him, telling him that something bad has already happened, and it was going to be getting worse.



((This Axle Problem is not yet over.))


Akil was healed by Hewey, but the look in her eyes when she stared at Atlas, was that she was still in a sort of denial about Atlas begin her mother, but a slight movement caught her eye, as it came from Juna.


"Damn that hurts still." She said as she started to get up off the ground. Set placed her hand on the tree to just add a bit of stability for herself. When she saw Axle in the state he was in, her mouth kind of dropped a bit, before she noticed the bronze claw mark, and her eye suddenly widened with fear. "GET AWAY FROM HIM, NOW!"


Akil looked at her than Axle, she wonder why Juna would tell them to get away from Axle.

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The dragons all looked to Juna and then at Axle. Bam asked, "Why? What's wrong?"


Aeolus got the hint that something bad was going to happen. He answered, "Whatever it is, we must listen to her and fall back now." Then the dragons backed away from Axle, keeping their distance from whatever incident was about to happen.


Both Atlas and Aeolus figured that these marks on Axle were related to the white acting this way. The magi wondered, 'Axle, what is going on with you?'

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Akil stood where she was at still near Axle. "And why is that Juna? Is there some hidden Agenda, something you know."


Juna remained silence for a second before Akil Snapped. "You know what these bronze marks are, and you know what is happening. So Explain what the hell your family did to him."


Juna stood there again before she spoke. "It a supression spell, and if anyone tries to heal him when that spell is degrading, it would ruin his mind. The spell was designed to suppress memories that should stay locked away for his whole life, but now since he found out about his pre-hatch life, the spell is degrading, and at a rapid pace. Right now though, we have bigger problems than that. The spell had a second function to it as well, to suppress his animalist instances. I'm sure you seen it Atlas. Though Excab could not seal it fully away, he was able to suppress most of it."


"So, he was, some kind of weapon?" She snapped, now understanding what Axle now meant.


"Sadly yes. What was recovered from the place we found his egg at, was that his egg was design with the idea of ultra Healer, using white dragons natural gift, and enhancing it, the downside is that animalist instance that rages under his skin. Now we don't have time to be discussing this matter right now."

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Atlas wondered what Juna meant by Axle's animalistic instincts and tried to think back to when she saw such cases, if she ever did that is. Was it during the battle on Trident Mountain? Axle did seem strange during that time, but she rubbed it off as some kind of magic he used to power himself up. That is until she remembered seeing the three claw marks on his body during that time. Perhaps these were the source of the white lord going primal and becoming stronger. After Juna explained more of her adopted brother's origins, Aeolus concurred, "Agreed, it's best we leave right away until we're at a safe distance. Atlas, Kekul, one of you teleport us back to the lake."


The two magis began to teleport everyone, except Axle, back to the lake. Atlas was hesitant to leave the white dragon behind. Even though he was in a ferocious state, she wanted to be around to help him just in case anything bad happened. The tracking spell that was still lasting on him would let her know if he was going to be safe or not. Perhaps leaving him behind might not be so bad. After all, the distance between here and the lake was just about a half of a mile. After everyone was warped, the magis joined them at the lake. Danielle and Kylie stopped playing with Ohimia and came bounding over to Atlas as the whiptail asked, "Aunt Atwas, did you find Axle?"


Atlas answered, "We did, but we had to leave him behind, so that he can calm down. We'll be back for him soon."


Ohimia asked, "What about Mekarth, did any of you see him back there?"


"Mekarth?" asked the magi. Looking around, she did not find the black dragon in sight. He must have gone off into the woods, probably to check on his siblings, even though they did that for him.


((You know? I just realized that we forgot to have Ohimia ask Mekarth where he's going. Oh well, too late now.))

Edited by Red Dragonette

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((So a quick update on why I have not been on lately, been changing my sleeping habit again, going to a third shift position now for work. Also was thinking of a good way of getting Atlas and Akil by themselves, and I set on one idea.))


Juna looked a bit scared, but there were things that need to be done first. "Akil, I need you to head to Shadow Wind and enter the record tome, and retrieve the sealed records named Variable. Once that is done Find Luco would be useful in training this bunch at a much faster pace."


Akil was a bit annoyed by Juna request, but she still bowed down and agreed to the mission. "As you wish. Pardon me asking but what do we do with Axle in the mean time?"


"I have yet to plan that far about him, but in the meantime, he is not near the group. I also want Atlas to go with you, in the case of an emergency that may arise." She said then looked at Atlas, "You will go won't you?"


Akil kept her mouth shut about Atlas having to come with her, but she did look a bit displeased at Juna choice.


Juna than turn to the other teleporting Mage dragon. "Could you retrieve my brother before he gets to Axle, Any unnecessary bloodshed should be avoided right now." She asked calmly.

Edited by draco8967

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((So we both got inactivity problems of our own. This time I caught the stomach flu and was too weak to get on the computer before I got better and started playing Fire Emblem Heroes. I wonder how long that's going to take before the addiction wears off, considering that I love the FE series.))


Atlas nodded and said, "I'll do anything to keep Akil safe." Aeolus looked at the magi wondered if her concern for the messenger general had anything to do with Akil possibly being her daughter, considering their almost similar smell. But for some reason, the green dragoness looked somewhat displeased as if she didn't want to be around Atlas. Something must have happened to make Akil upset with the magi.


Kekul replied, "Okay, I'll go get him." Then he teleported to wherever Mekarth was.


Atlas looked to her daughter and asked, "Ready to go, Akil?" She asked in case Akil wasn't ready to accept going with her, the dragoness she didn't like.

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((Depends. Addicted to league, already dumped almost 600+ dollars into it, do not see myself stopping anytime soon. gone strong so far for about 4 years now. =P))


"Thank you Atlas, but mostly you will only be there as a support to Akil for you will be treading in enemy territory, and many things will happen. For the most part Akil is in charge of the mission, but if things start to get too heated, get both of you out and scrap the mission, but do not teleport back here. If that does happen and you have to teleport out, my recommendation would be to stay away from the group for about a week and keep on the move, don't stay in one place for too long, or they will find you." Juna said as she turned her head to the left to look at nothing but air. "There a safe location just outside the city that mages can't see into, but it a bit of a walk to get out of that cave. it really the only place you can teleport to without being detected. I would also recommend finding a protection collar, so you are not seen when you cast magic in shadow wind, if you don't have one before you cast magic, you might blow the mission."


Juna gave a mental image of the cave to Atlas, so she could teleport both of them there.


"That about it, any question."


"Ya one, why her, why not someone who is a bit smaller frame, and a bit more leaner?" Akil asked quickly.


Juna respond was that in Shadow wind, meaning what she said she wanted to be kept hidden from the group, and Akil gave a small tisk before she turned and started to head away.


"Let get this over with." Akil snarled as she continued to walk away from the group.


Juna sighed a bit. "Atlas, one more thing. Do not allow Akil emotions get out of control if she starts to get aggressive just stand down to her and let her calm down, but if she starts to panic, piss her off quickly, or s*** going to go to hell faster than you realize. That is all."


She turned to the group and cleared her throat a bit. "Aeolus, get your group ready near the replicated sector because training will start when Mekarth gets back."

Edited by draco8967

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