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"I-I have?" Sparkly looked at Ruscella blankly. Had she been acting weirdly? With all the things that had been happening lately, Sparkly hadn't noticed. That, and...she couldn't possibly tell Ruscella what was bothering her and why, could she?



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Lance rose to his paws once they had finished eating, and he manuvered himself under the other half of the tiger. It was a huge load, even though they were some of the largest hatchlings. He had a hard time standing beneath the weight of the massive beast, but besides a small grunt, he strained to hide the effort that it was requiring from him. As they walked along, he too, heard Seraza's call. But as it was more of a threat, he knew she wasn't in danger. He just hoped that she wasn't threatening another hatchling. When they reached the cave, Lance gladly ducked out from under the load, feeling the tiredness down to his paws and even in the weight of his tail. But as he backed up and sat down, he saw Gysentia approach him.


"Hello Lance." She greeted him calmly, though there was a degree of urgency to her voice, so he paid close attention as she continued. "After last night's events, and also more recently, today's, I was thinking that it would be best if the expedition group didn't set off immediately. At the very soonest, I think it would be best to wait until Sun-high. That would give everyone the necessary time to say good-bye, eat, and gather before we set off. I have heard that Tenebris is injured however, so it might be best to postpone the whole thing another day. Though I am not sure what we would do in the meantime." She said, her bright blue eyes very bright as she talked.


"Well," Lance began, using that start to give him time to gather his thoughts. "I can see the sense in waiting until this afternoon. If Tenebris is truly injured, then it might be best for him just to stay behind and the rest of the group to go as needed." He said, repressing a yawn.





Though Ferovan didn't realize it, Seraza's call had disturbed his sleep just enough to cause him to begin to dream. He was standing in a much smaller cave, but it was by no means cramped. He looked around it curiously, and wandered towards the entrance. He stood there a moment, enjoying the view. He was standing on a spectacular cliff, with rugged terrain spread out before him. A view that was obscured by the many trees, instead, the trees were miniscule dots. He raised his wings, which were now large and powerful. The heat within his chest felt endless, and he could feel it running through his wings and tail. Leaping forward, his wings caught the air and he was flying. The earth was far beneath him, yet he could still see many details quite clearly. It was exhilarating. Just for fun, he leaned back and unleashed his flame. He could see it dance through the sky, and heard it's fiery roar. He smiled as he began to climb high into the sky, flying until he couldn't go any further. Then he pulled his wings together, and let himself fall. It was unnerving how fast it was, but he tensed his wings muscles in preparation. While he was still many feet above the ground, he spread his wings. At first they didn't seem to catch any of the air, which scared him, Then, they seemed to catch it all and he felt like they would be pulled off. Gritting his teeth he pulled with all his might, and suddenly, he wasn't falling.


Ferovan opened his eyes. He slowly uncurled, until he could rest his head on his wings as Estra had. He turned his head, he could see her now, she was still just as she was when he had gone to sleep. She must have been tired He thought, somewhat drowsily. He didn't feel like getting up, but his stomach was grumbling at him. He was somewhat worried about getting dizzy again, so he slowly pulled himself into a sitting position. The scratches on his chest and belly had mostly healed, there were still a few scabs scattered about. But his shoulder ached, and he wished that it was already healed. Straightening himself out, he looked around the cave. He was surprised to see that the tiger had been brought in, but as it was already partially eaten, and the fox was yet untouched, he decided to go for the tiger. Besides, it had tasted amazing. He walked over to the carcass, tearing into it as quietly as he could.

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Halith glanced at Malkan, and gave a stern look. "I worked on both sides of his ribs, so I'm not sure what he's thinking. They won't heal automatically, they take time to completely recover, about a few days time. Also, I would advise him not to go hunting. There are plenty hatchlings who would be fine taking care of him. Go tell him I said this." Halith then went back to resting on the wall of the cave.

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Ruscella looked at her with pleading eyes. "Please? I won't bring it up again." She said. She really did want to know to make her feel better. She couldn't have done anything bad, could she?



Velva walked out of her cave after some time thinking about Sage. She walked to the river she came across in the shadows and looked. She could see nothing but thick trees from over here. Then she remembered the expedition she had overheard some hatchling talk about. Oh no. She thought. What will Sage do when they find him over here? What if they find the eggs? What if they found me? Enough what ifs. They won't come over here. Not if I'm here.

She walked to the small stones she jumped on and started sinking them by crushing them while holding onto a floating log. When she thought that was enough, she paddled back to shore and watched from the foliage of the tree. Not even Malkan could probably see her, and that was on her mind.

Edited by Onixthebunny1

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"I...I...Nothing's bothering me," Sparkly said, if not a little uncomfortably. She didn't like to lie and she knew that she was a very. Very. Unconvincing liar. If there was an exam on lying, she'd probably get nowhere near to passing it. What was an exam anyway?

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Ruscella let out an exasperated sigh. "Sparkly, tell me. Please, and don't lie to me." She looked at her in the eye with a poker face. "Tell me." She said once more. Now she was really starting to get suspicious.

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Sparkly fidgeted a little. She was confused. Why did Ruscella want to know?


"Why do you want to know?" she asked, repeating her question aloud.

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"Because I don't like seeing you like this, and I want to help." She told her. Then she eyed her closely. "Why don't you want to tell me? Just say it, there's no one around." She turned her head in different directions to check if it was true. It was. Why was she so keen on not telling her?

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(OOC: Sorry Shiba, I am tired of waiting, Malkan and Bloodwing can chat later)


Deciding Malkan was just going to ignore him, "He must just be too tired to deal with me right now." Bloodwing decided he would try to find someone to tell him what love meant. He decided that he would just ask the purple one, what was her name again, he knew he had heard it.


He turned around and went back to where Tenebris was, realizing he still had water in his wing he dropped it on the ground, "No one needs it right now anyway." he thought. Then he noticed the purple dragon was gone. He looked on the ground and saw hoof-prints in the moss, he began to follow them. He finally saw the purple dragon, she was arguing with a blue(??) one the blue one said there was no one there. "Well i am here, but I can wait until you two are done." He said and turned to go back to Tenebris again. All the while, "Love, love, love," repeated itself in his head, he really needed to figure out what it meant.


(OOC: Glad to be rid of that water.

EDIT: I thought I might be able to get Ruscella off Sparkly and then ruin it for her by asking what love was.


EDIT 2: I will wait for them to be done and then he will ask Sparkly what love is, it will be worse since she will think he overheard.)

Edited by MasterWeavile898

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Sparkly looked around too. She sighed. It was obvious that Ruscella wasn't going to leave her alone on this one. She came a little closer and put her mouth next to Ruscella's ear.


"I-I think...I think I love Tenebris. But I don't know if he has the same feelings for me..." she whispered quickly. She then backed off. She could feel her cheeks grow hot. She looked away uncomfortably, unsure of how Ruscella was going to respond. She glanced at Bloodwing who appeared briefly before going off.


<OOC: AHA! I knew there was going to be some nosy dragon following Sparkly. Good thing I made her whisper. tongue.gif ...Oh wait. What if Ruscella exclaims it out loud?


EDIT: Okay, well...


Forget I said anything.>

Edited by Dream_Dragon

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Ruscella was confused. "What's lo- Oh." It came to her then. She gave the blushing Sparkly a soft smile. "I am sure if you give him some time, he'll come to." That was all? It was such a small thing to be embarrassed about, yet so huge to care for. She gave her a caring nuzzle and lied down. "Well... If that's all. And don't worry, my lips are sealed." She zipped her mouth with her fin as if her fin was some sort of sealer. loyally.


((I think there are two types of nuzzles; a caring nuzzle which is like the dragon hug, and an actual, warm nuzzle of affection.))

Edited by Onixthebunny1

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Sparkly smiled gratefully at Ruscella.


"Thank you," she said. She cocked her head in the direction of the others.


"So are we returning back to the group?" Her eyes darted towards the figure of Tenebris before hurriedly returning to Ruscella.

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Cyros noticed Halith was resting in another portion of the cave. Whether she noticed him in the dark or not, he couldn't tell. He wanted to go talk to her, Cyros didn't know many people anyway besides their names. As he thought about it, he stayed in his corner to avoid getting in anyone's way.

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As the other dragons worked on healing Tenebris Aurae found herself wandering back to the cave stopping to look at this or that. Suddenly Aurae realized she was next to the stream and looking in the water she saw a bright green rock. That's pretty. Aurae thought to herself scooping it up with one paw.

Edited by Raven301

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Looking across the cave, Halith could see a hatchling watching her. Upon closer examination, she found it was the same Nebula she had saw only minutes ago, She expected him to say or do something, but instead he just stayed in a corner of the cave. What could it be? Does he want to talk to me? Or is he just shy? she thought. Halith began patting her fur, and cleaning her paws, to try and look welcoming.

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Inside of Cyros mind, he was hitting himself... a lot. It was so simple, walk over and say 'hello'. The main fear was making a bad impression. Cyros didn't want the others to think he was weird or isolating. Suddenly he felt a spark of confidence when he placed his egg shell on his head. The memory of not giving up at breaking out always gave him confidence, and the egg shell was proof. Cyros stood up and calmly walked over to Halith with his head high. He nicely said,

"Hi there. You did a good job healing... Tenybri... Tinybris... Tenebris?"

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"Why thank you!" Halith replied, "You were helpful tending to Tenebris. Without you and other's hardwork, he might not have been saved." Her voiced trailed off from there. She glanced at the egg shell on his head. He seems...very odd...perhaps I should introduce myself... She got back on all fours. "My name is Halith. What is yours?"

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Cyros smiled,

"That's a nice name. I'm Cyros. I just hatched yesterday."

Since Cyros felt comfortable now that the conversation was going well, he took the shell off his head and put it behind him.

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Eriadna walked over to Lance after he had finished speaking to Gysentia. She heard their conversation about postponing the expidition, and added, I'd be fine with waiting another day. After all, if two of our best fighters are hurt, we should let them rest. I wonder, though, Eriadna continued, what happened to the black dragons that caused them to be hurt so badly? I passed by them, and it seemed that the male, was it Tenebris? Anyways, it seemed like Tenebris was badly wounded, and the other was completely out of energy. I hope that they weren't fighting each other ... Eriadna trailed off, and lay down at the threshold of the cave. She wasn't sure what to do for the time being.




Malkan stretched again. He was calmed and invigorated by the sun's warmth, and decided to see where Bloodwing was. Walking over to him, Malkan said, sorry, Bloodwing, I didn't hear you earlier. What did you want to say to me? Malkan had noticed that Bloodiwng was impressed by his medical skills, but decided not to mention it. He needed no praise, only to see that those he helped became healthy, for that was a reward in itself.




Seraza pretended to sleep calmly while Ruscella was talking to Sparkly. Sadly, they moved away and spoke so softly that she couldn't hear what they were saying. Instead, she commented to Tenebris telepathically, you'll think of something, huh? I'm eagerly awaiting your revenge. It will be funny to see if it backfires. Seraza found it much easier to converse with others if she simply believed in herself. Overconfidence would not hurt her, at least, until the point where it got her into a fight.

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Tenebris peeked open an eye to look at Sereza.

I'm sure that with all this spare time you have forced upon me, I will think of something that shall not 'backfire.' He replied.




Efflorere watched as everyone went their separate ways. He was still somewhat shy of the ones he didn't know, so he searched for Eriadna, the first dragon he had met.

"Hello Eriadna. What are you talking about?" He asked curiously.

Edited by Narath

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"I was simply impressed by the fact that you noticed my oversimplification of how i can keep a constant watch, and I wanted to ask you a question." Bloodwing began. "You see whenever I look at Sparkly, that is her name right? I would hate to get another name wrong. Anyway, whenever I look at her this word pops into my head and I was wondering if you knew what it meant." He lowered his voice, "Love." He said carefully. "Do you know what it means?"

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Malkan turned to Bloodwing as he asked about the definition of 'love'. In reply, Malkan stated, I am not too sure myself, to be honest. Though, whenever it is mentioned, I get the feeling that 'love' is an emotion, and a powerful one at that. It seems to me that is an invisible and unbreakable bond between two dragons, or two of any species. It seems very precious and as if is should be treasured at all costs. I believe it is the emotion Sparkly feels towards Tenebris, which Tenebris may or may not reciprocate. Does that make sense? Malkan hoped that he hadn't confused yet another dragon with his trademark long-winded explanations.




Eriadna looked at Efflorere, and replied, hello, Efflorere. was just saying to Lance here that I thought we might have to delay the expidition. You see, since Tenebris, and possibly the other black dragon, were hurt, I was just worried that we might not have enough fighters to go through with it. What do you think? Eriadna noticed that Efflorere had been a bit shy, and was trying to encourage him to speak up more.




Seraza chuckled. Me? Force spare time on you? I was the one who saved you from having no time at all! You should thank me. And Sparkly too, she's done more than you might think. Seraza decided to leave Tenebris with this thought while she tried to get some more rest.

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"Thank you, I have been trying to figure that out for a while, I was about to ask Sparkly herself, but it appears that would be a bad idea." Bloodwing said, he was in fact quite grateful. "It comes to mind that this bag, " he held up the leaf, "is not very sturdy, do you have ay idea where I could get an animal hide or something else that would work better?"


(OOC: I am glad Malkan and Bloodwing are getting along okay, but he needs to be careful with Sparkly.)

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Tenebris sighed. Though she did have a point, what was he to do since he was not allowed to be active? He pondered until he fell asleep.




((OOC: A little something I wanted to make Efflorere say to divert attention away from him because he is shy: "Distraction!"))


"I'm not really sure what to think. What exactly are their injuries?" Efflorere asked.

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Without waiting for a reply, Sparkly turned and trotted back to Tenebris. She stopped and gazed at the sleeping Tenebris meaningfully for a moment. Then, she lay down, watching him.

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