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The Epic Duo (RWyvern and Draggie)

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After an hour or so of traipsing through the forest, Takhorr stopped, panting. I wonder how close we are to Serah now...' he said between breaths. 'I'll climb a tree and have a look. I only hope we've been going in the right direction...' He hauled himself up the nearest tree, balancing on the top, swaying unsteadily on the thin branches. The forest was now fairly foggy and it was hard to see. He strained his eyes as he thought he say movement. 'I think I can see something, Leira,' he called down. The figure drew closer, now evidently a large serpent like creature, gliding through the air...without wings. It had masses of fur down the length of its spine, ending in a large tuft on the tail. It also appeared to have some sort of mane and two long fine whiskers. An Eijuani.

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Leira watched from the undergrowth with a yawn as he climbed up the tree. She was tired, but she knew she could keep going to Serah. When he called that he could see something, she climbed up the tree carefully -- noticing her wings were particularily large, too large to spread out in this forest thing. When she reached him, she noticed the type of serpeant gliding through the air.

"Oh, censorkip.gif"

She murmured.


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