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Hetalia: War, Peace, or Randomness?

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"It's the Lunar New Year!" China called over at Cairo, making his way over to the crowd of people at the sofa. He passed a red envelope to Cairo, then Egypt, then North Korea. "Xin Nian Kuai Le!"

He was a little puzzled by North Korea's formal greetings.

"Chao Xian, are you unhappy about something? What is wrong?" he asked, not seeming to realize that the country had purposefully not sent him holiday wishes. "You should cheer up, it's Chinese New Year! You, too, Ai Ji." He smiled. Since on Chinese New Year, people usually go directly to another's house to send them holiday wishes, so China rarely ever stays in one place and wouldn't have noticed those holiday wishes anyways. "BeiJing said he might be coming soon, he wanted to stock up on White Spirits..."


((Chao Xian = [North] Korea

Ai Ji = Egypt))

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Surprised, North Korea slowly took the red envelope from his brother, genuinely confused. Had he not..? He was probably so busy that he just hadn't noticed the lack of any message from him in his recent mail yet. Of course, it was bound to come up eventually, but at least for now he could breathe easily.

"Oh... It's nothing. Nothing is wrong. Saehae bog manh-i bad-euseyo." Offering China a small bow from his seat, he opened his red envelope and poked through the various yuan inside, pleased. He'd been particularly low on funds lately, and the fact that stores and the black market in his country actually accepted Chinese currencies made the envelope quite a nice gift for him. With a small smile, he returned the money into the envelope and tucked it into an inner pocket of his black uniform, fixing his red scarf again. "Thank you."


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"Lunar New Year..? Didn't that already pass back in November?" Cairo's confusion passed quite quickly; grinning, the city nudged open his envelope, obviously pleased with the gift inside. "Wow! Someone needs to remind me to give you masari next Eid! That's really cool - hey Masr, did you see this? The money in China looks really cool!"

"Shukuran." Egypt murmured quietly, pocketing the envelope. How awfully nice of him to include all of them in a holiday that they didn't even celebrate - it seemed to be obviously important to him. He would have to repay him once their won festivals came around as well, alongside his city. He couldn't help but think that the foreign bills looked awfully different compared to his own Egyptian pounds - the lack of camels or other animals pictured on the front almost made it seem lonely to him.


((Saehae bog manh-i bad-euseyo: happy new years'/receive a lot of New Years' blessings.

Lunar New Year in November: the Islamic New Year is also a lunar one, but since the Islamic calendar follows only lunar cycles and no solar ones the date skips forward around 11/12/13 days every year for every holiday. In 2012 New Years' was in November.

Masari: money.

Eid: literally festival. There's two main ones where you're supposed to pray, visit family, visit graves, and exchange holiday greetings and give money to children and friends in white envelopes.

Shukuran: thank you))

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Czech grunted when China basically dropped the stuff into his arms. Looking around it, he took the envelope, offering a small thank you. The others greeted each other as he walked into the kitchen and set the stuff down on the part of the table not occupied by food. He watched as Prague got an envelope too, and the capitol finished his drink and tossed it in the recycle bin. Both opened their envelopes, both seemingly pleased by the contents. It had some sort of money in it. It wasn't Czech money, but Czech figured that he could just exchange it. Slipping the money into his pocket, he was about to ask Prague what went on, when Cairo called to Prague from the living room.

"We have bottles of water in the fridge," Czech said before Prague could answer. The capitol was obviously flustered about something. Czech sighed and shook his head. His brother was way too shy around people, but he didn't understand what his brother was even upset about. Nothing was going on to make him flustered, form what Czech saw. Suddenly, Copenhagen burst into the kitchen and quickly took a beer from their freezer. He was gone so quick that it left Czech in sort of a daze. Jaw slacking slightly, he raised an eyebrow at Prague, who shrugged, "This is...a really weird party."

Edited by Icepelt

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"Oh, thanks! You want some, Masr?"


A nod from Egypt was enough to get Cairo to understand, the Middle Eastern city placing his palms on his knees as he stood up to retrieve the bottles of water from the refrigerator. He took the opportunity to finally give China his greeting kisses, before turning down the hall and nearly tripping over Anubis on his way to the kitchen. As soon as he entered the room, he cast a light wave toward Czech and Prague before heading for their refrigerator, pulling open the door and peeking inside. Sure enough, there were plenty of bottles of water filling up the bottom of the refrigerator. He helped himself to two before calling out,

"Does anyone else want any water?"

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"Uh...Um...No, I think I'm fine," said Czech, going back to the living room. For a second, he had forgotten that he had allowed Cairo to get water. Still, he was dazed by all the weird stuff going on. Someone brought their pet and then Copenhagen made a suspicious phone call. The latter worried him the most, but it probably was no big deal. Nothing was going to happen, he was sure. He took a seat back to where he was, while Prague, for some reason, opted to sit to a adjacent to the couch. Sighing, he shook his head, completely confused as to what was up with everyone. Huffing, he looked around at everyone, "Hey, when we're all done eating, does anyone want to get in the hot tub?"

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As China finished 'throwing' around the gifts and envelopes, he took a seat and sighed, yawning. He had a long day today, with all the visiting relatives he had to do and making lanterns. Now that the excitement was over, he realized how tired he really was. Already half-asleep, China wondered toward the kitchen, trying to shake off his drowiness.

"I'll have a bottle of water please..." he muttered, holding out a hand to receive the bottle. Ice-cold water was just what he needed to wake up. A good splash on the face and he'd be awake in no time.

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"Oh, sure! Here you go."

Cairo plucked another bottle of water out of the refrigerator and straightened up, shutting the door and handing it over to China with a smile. The man looked quite fatigued... Then again, he was a major world power and his holiday has just past, so he was probably overloaded with work. It was one of the things he loved most about being a city. He was entitled to almost as much respect as his country by being the capital while having to do half the work. He would never want to be his own country. Much too much... Tension? It seemed as if it could kill someone with stress alone, let alone any possible wars or complicated politics.

He turned around and walked out of the kitchen, back over to the living room, before he tossed one of the bottles into Egypt's lap. With a gracious nod, the nation undid the cap and brought it up to his lips, swallowing a couple mouthfuls before resealing the rest for later. He turned toward Czech as he undid his own bottle. "Hot tub? That sounds pretty cool!"

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Denmark had long since finished her meal. However, she was feeling slightly huffy that she and Copenhagen had been ignored. China was probably just jealous of them... Hmph! At Czech's suggestion, she brightened up slightly and sat up straighter. "I haven't got my costume here, but I'll join you by just letting my legs in," she said cheerfully, tipping her head.

Copenhagen, meanwhile, checked his messages once more. Aha. Quite suddenly, there were noises from the front door, calls and whistles, his name amongst the sounds. There we go! Even if Czech didn't want to admit it, this party needed some life other than himself. "Here they are!" he warned them happily, loping to the front door and opening it. An assortment of people - mostly women - came inside, chattering and laughing excitedly. He spoke a line of simple Czech in greeting and then said something in rather mangled grammar about how they could go ahead and party. Girls were starting to dance on the dance floor, some filling into the kitchen.


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"Alright," said Czech smiling slightly. He looked between Cairo and Denmark and nodded. Standing, he turned and began walking to his hot tub, tugging his shirt over his head as he did so. Before he could slip off his jeans, there were voices at the door. He motioned for Prague to go let what he thought were more nations in, but Copenhagen went to the door instead. Suddenly, about eight people entered his house. Six were women, who went to the wide opening in his house to dance and to his kitchen. His jaw dropped and he looked at Prague, who was giving Copenhagen a rather nasty glare. Czech wanted to be mad, he really did, but there was a young Japanese-looking girl with her white-haired friend. Shrugging, he went up to them, speaking slowly in Czech so they would understand. Seconds later, both of the girls were hanging from his arms.

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