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Balance: A Homestuck Roleplay

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Hyperion frowned at his soon-to-be-teammate's words, barely resisting the temptation to roll his eyes. Why was Aeolus so intent on killing himself? It wasn't enough that he had been blinded, but the other Cherub somehow felt that very slowly poisoning himself would somehow be a good idea. "whilE it is truE that I am not in chargE of your lifE, i fEEl compEllEd to inform you whEn you arE making a tErriblE dEcision. such as right now. thE chEmicals you simply think of as a bEvEragE will slowly corrodE your organs, and yEt dEspitE rEpEatEd warnings, you continuE to drink thEm. why Exactly is that?" While Hyperion could understand that certain toxic fluids served as stimulants, there was something a little 'too' toxic about the stuff Aeolus permitted to flow down his throat. And while Hyperion hated his race for being a race of idiot savages and this was one of the perfect examples of such, he didn't want his 'friend' to fall too deeply within the depths of such a stereotype if he could help it. In layman's terms, he would rather Aeolus just be an ignorant savage than an ignorant savage so stupid he willing poisons himself for fun.


((I've just realized that all three of my characters type in some variant of green. What is with my apparent obsession with that color??))

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Aeolus clicked his tongue, growling as he took another small sip of the liquid. It wasn't nearly enough to affect him yet, but he did feel a bit more adventurous. In fact, he was really ready to start playing the game and wasn't worried about it at all. He knew a couple things about it, but it didn't sound as scary as it did before. Snorting, he set the bottle down and got to typing. "Man, what's with all of these questions?" he asked, smirking slightly. This guy was always so anal about everything. It was actually sort of funny. The weirdest part about him was that he was actually nicer to most cherubs than most were, "Whoa,a re you, my mother? Ni, wait oyu aren't she left me alone by nself. If you really wanna' knwo though, I drink it because it tates really good an d nnumbs everything it. It makes my life much easier. It's not like i'll die immedaitel yor anything/ I knwo =m not that only oner that does it either."

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((I will rarely be able to post here, just a heads up. I'll try to squeeze in some time if possible.))

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Hyperion sighed at Aeolus's obvious defiance. To be fair, he was partly right: Hyperion had no authority over him and he could pretty much do as he pleased. Still, that didn't mean he should simply drink toxins for fun. 'I'm only trying to help him prolong his miserable existence, why can't he just appreciate the fact that I even care enough to help him?' Hyperion thought to himself. "finE. if you wish to kill yoursElf, who am i to intErjEct with common sEnsE? can wE just gEt to this infErnal gamE, alrEady? it is not as though wE havE an unlimitEd amount of timE to simply bickEr over your lifE choicEs. no offEnsE, but i fEEl as though this gamE would provE a bit morE EntErtaining. so... what is the plan? do i just... lEt thE program run? or is thErE somEthing that makEs this procEss morE annoying and prolongEd?" Hyperion was a bit suspicious of how he was essentially just leaping into a situation without much preparation, but it couldn't be helped. Apparently nobody had information on the game, so apparently nobody could be prepared.

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((Thank you for saying something, Durppie!))


Aeolus was about to agree to getting started on the game, but then he paused for a second. He had suddenly remembered the strange dream he had the night before, or rather, the nightmare he had the night before. His smug smile suddenly disappeared as his stomach dropped. That was why he had wished to speak to Hyperion so badly, he remembered now. While he sort of did want to play, that dream was holding him back. "Wait, I want to talk abotu something first," he brought his chair closer to the table as he typed, "It's about a dream I had last night. I...I don't think we should play this game. You know how uoyyu tolod me about those dreama botu the golden planet. Well, last night...I woke up on something similar to what you described, onlty everytihng was dark and it was purple. I...I could see, but i realy wish I had still be unable to know. The planet was horrifying and everything just seemed to violent compared to what you talked about. it was beautfiul though...but...," he paused, trying to keep himself calm while he spoke of his dream, "Monstes...terrible, horrible monsteres were everywhere. i'm sure you remember, stories about the horrorterrors? they're real, but they weren't helpful like in the stores. they taught me how to play a 'special song' on the piano, telling me that i would could use it to help me, but then everything changed all of a sudden. Their voices were rough and uneven and stopped sounding like the music they supposedly create. No...no they damned me. They lashed out and wrapped their digusting tentacles around my body. they threatened my life and began to peck at my head.. it hurt...it hiurt but i couldn't stop oy! they kept asking 'is is him is it him?' They were calling me a 'filthy cherub' and telling me not to play...I...We cant play this, Hyperion. I don't think it's safe."

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"...arE you quitE donE having a psychotic EpisodE? i told you that drinking that stuff would mEss with you. and you didn't bEliEve mE. whilE i admit that drEams might have significancE, EspEcially in rEgards to one's psychE, that cErtainly doEsn't mEan that your suddEn fEar of horrortErrors is rEal and makEs this gamE eEvil. it is not as though i bEliEve half the things i sEE in my drEams. most of thEm arE simply mE looking at a cloud and thEn somEthing happEns. i nEvEr bothEr to rEmEmbEr the spEcifics bEcausE thEy'rE simply nonsEnsE. i am not saying your drEams arE of no significancE, i am saying that you should sharE this information with somEonE who knows about psychology and it doEsn't mEan this gamE is riggEd by Evil tEntaclEd bEasts." Hyperion wasn't one to ramble on if he could help it, but Aeolus was being such a wimp. 'I retract my previous statement of him being as savage as anyone else in our race- the others have some measure of courage.' The Cherub noted mentally. How did something as bizarre as Horrorterrors in any way pertain to the game? And what's more, if it was so important, why didn't Aeolus bring it up earlier?

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"No, you don't understand," said Aeolus, dropping his typing quirk. Usually, to portray that something was really bad or upsetting, he began to type with perfect spelling. He had to admit, yes, he was playing up the blind thing just a little bit. Still, even before he had gone blind, his sentences has been littered with terrible grammar and spelling. It wasn't like he didn't care about it, it was just how cherub society worked. He set his jaw, not in the least bit convinced that what he saw wasn't some terrible foreshadowing. It was all to real to not be. Also, the song that the horrorterrors had taught him had been very strange and had almost a mythical sounding tone to it. Perhaps the strangest thing being that the song was nearly a palindrome. It stood out to him the most in his dream, but Aeolus just didn't think it was important. After all, what did a song have to do with horrid monsters that lived in outer space? "I saw the horrorterrors. Meaning, I wasn't blind. In that nightmare I saw everything. I felt everything. They kept referring to me as 'Maid' like how someone talks to a king. It was all just...weird. If you say that this game is safe and that my dream was crap, then I want proof. Tell me one thing you saw in those clouds of yours that wasn't dangerous. I want to hear about something happy."

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Hyperion looked at the text with a bit of a puzzled expression. 'So what, are we dropping the quirks? Good.' In truth, he never really cared for typing quirks. To Hyperion, they were just an unnecessary courtesy to keep up a false charade of some kind, be it stupidity or in Aeolus's case, inability to see. Quirks were just a way of giving someone a false impression, and after a certain point, were useless as impressions had already passed. The Lime-blood was glad to be able to drop their usage, if only or a moment or two. "Firstly, I don't think you qualify as a maid. Last I checked, such a title was reserved for females. And unless I am sorely mistaken, you are not a female. But that's a relatively minor issue. Secondly, and more importantly, what I see in my dreams are pointless." Hyperion refused to subscribe to the idea that images projected off of a cloud in one's dreams had some kind of basis in reality. "True, some events have some true, others have not. Very few if any are dangerous, and more often than not, the danger is not posed to either of us or indeed, to a Cherub at all. I see other... life-forms in danger. But I don't see how that really matters."

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"That's not good at all," typed Aeolus, frowning. That sounded even worse than the dreams he had. There were others in danger this time. Of course, if there were no red-blooded Cherubs in danger, he didn't really care all that much, but it was almost as bad. He ground his teeth together in thought. Well, Hyperion was extremely smart and maybe the dreams did mean nothing. Still, he had a lot of dreams about dying again and again. Not a single one had been the same either. Those nights, Aeolus lost hours of sleep. Despite the talk of dreams, Hyperion's comment about being called a Maid miffed Aeolus slightly, "Hey, guys camn be Maids too. I stuoid it in ZPradox Space in college. Knightg and Seer were two roles that they thought only belinged to one sex. Then, they found the male Seer and the female Knnight. Who's to say I'm not a Maid?"

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Hyperion sighed. It seemed that Aeolus had gone back to using his quirk, which meant that Hyperion was more or less obligated to do the same. "bEcausE as far as i can tEll, the titlE Knight was actually bEstowEd upon fEmaleE, albEit infrEquEntly, whEn such a tErm was in usagE. likEwisE, thErE havE bEEn malE sEErs as wEll, though morE oftEn thEy'rE callEd 'prophEts' instEad of sEErs. 'sEEr' is a bit ambiguous as far as gEndEr is concErnEd anyway. howEvEr, not oncE in all my lifE havE i hEard of a malE maid. but morE importantly, why do you carE? i would think you would bE glad to bE forbiddEn from such a fEmininE titlE." While Hyperion found the discussion of a supposed title to be relatively pointless and really just another way Aeolus was prolonging the even more pointless conversation, he couldn't see why the other Cherub would even want to be called a Maid. 'I certainly hope that if I'm given a title, it's not something as demeaning as something synonymous with a great deal of labor for a higher power. Perhaps something more empowering... King, or Lord... or even God.' Admittedly, the concept of being referred to as 'God' was quite vain, but it was pure speculation and thought, so it hardly mattered.

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"WEll, becaise I think it shouldn't matter what title is given to what gender because we're all equal," said Aeolus, tipping his head slightly. Depsite how some members of his species acted, he was very polite to female Cherubs, even if they weren't so nice to him. Female cherubs did a lot of work, and he saw their hard work as a reason to give them a lot of respect. He sighed, his lip coming up into a slight snarl in disgust. Hyperion was such a jerk. It didn't matter if the title was usually given to males or females, that didn't mean the other genders wouldn't get it, "You know what, it doesn't matter anyway. If my titles Maid of whatever ,t hen it's goint to be Maid of whatever. Let's just get this game started, okay? I'm getting tired of arguing with you. Jeez, I did have one more thing to be concerned about, but now I don't even care. It's going to ahppen eventually. Let's just start the game, okay? I'll put the disc in my comptuer..."

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"do you nEEd to bE so mElodramatic? who carEs what you'rE 'titlE' is, anyway? if you'rE going to throw a fit about it, finE, i'll start up the sErvEr disk." Was being called 'Maid' really that important to Aeolus? It just seemed outright silly. Partially because Hyperion simply couldn't rap his head around there being a male Maid, but also because he genuinely couldn't see what was so important about it. So, he had been called that in his dreams. Great. Hyperion had seen himself reading books referring to a 'Mage' but that didn't mean he cared at all. 'The idiot thinks his dreams of demons actually have some relevance to reality. I'll let him have his delusions.' He thought to himself. "bEforE i start, is thErE anything i should know about your homE? particularly mEssy or anything?"

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"I don't know," said Aeolus, frowning. It really wasn't necessary to ask all of the questions. Who cared what his house looked like anyway? He did have an aide though that usually helped to clean it up. A younger and much more active cherub by the name of Dione usually visited Aeolus's home when he wasn't around and cleaned up. When he was done, Aeolus would usually send him payment through the mail. If they were humans, Dione would simply be living with Aeolus, but cherubs has to live alone or another war had a chance of breaking out because of their violent nature. Aeolus began to tap his claws against his desk, "I've been blind for about a year now, so I don't exactly know what my house looks like. Though, I might have some firefly juice and special stardust. Also, you might see some blood in on my sarcophagus. Just...Just ignore that."

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"i bEliEvE you mEan sarswapagus. or maybE you do mEan what you said. whatEvEr. somEtimEs i am honEstly pErplExEd by how our spEciEs EvEn functions, much lEss how wE EvolvEd to havE such... uniquE physiologiEs." Deciding that this banter would only get him so far, Hyperion scrounged around his desk area to find the game disk before placing the disk into his terminal. Surprisingly, the data took a considerably long time to unload. Like, at least 2 full minutes. Hyperion didn't have a state-of-the-art gaming terminal or anything, but his was still pretty good. Nothing took that long to download... 'There must have been some massive programs on this disk.' He thought to himself. "alright, thE gamE finally finishEd installing. it must bE prEtty complEx to takE that much timE... anyway, you nEEd to connEct to mE or somEthing? i don't rEally know. again, nothing about this gamE is rEally clEar."


((2 full minutes: I'm going to assume that Cherub tech is at a much higher level than that of most species and that 2 minutes to them must seem like 2 hours to us in terms of download speed.))

Edited by Blobblarg242

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"Man , don't correct my grammar," said Aeolus with a small frown. He was still slightly annoyed by the bad attitude his "friend" had. Well, they weren't exactly friends. They didn't even care for one another. They mostly just tolerated each other. Even then, Aeolus sometimes had a hard time talking with Hyperion, but they were really the only friend the other had. Sighing, he popped the two disks into the computer and waited while it did everything for him. Once it made the ping to signal that it was done downloading, Hyperion asked him to prepare, "Yeah, just go on. I've got the discs in. I don't like playing thie s with just two of us, but we can survivem I guess. Man, hold on my computer is weird, nothing's happening. Uh..." There was a small pause as he adjusted his headset, bringing a piece into his mouth and allowing his tongue to press against the sensor. Now that he could smell and taste what was going on the screen, it was much easier. Though, it was quiet difficult for him to know what was going on, "Oh, I'm in your house! I can smell your musk cologne, dude," There was another flicker of his tongue and Aeolus tipped his head, "it sort of smells like tea..."

Edited by Icepelt

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"i wasn't trying to corrEct you'rE grammar. apparEntly, somE aliEns havE things callEd 'sarcophagusEs' or somEthing, and i was not totally surE what you may havE mEant. must you pErcEivE EvErything i say as a slight?" Sometimes Aeolus could be so sensitive... It could get on the Lime-blood's nerves, truth be told. Nevertheless, this game, whatever it really was, was playable only in multi-player settings. So as much as he would have liked to, Hyperion could not play the game by himself. "i was fairly cErtain that i was supposEd to connEct to you as your sErvEr playEr, but whatEvEr. it hardly mattErs, so long as wE can gEt thE ball rolling. or maybE you arE in thE right and i am just making random accusation on falsE prEtEnsEs? this gamE is not vEry clEar..." So long as Aeolus didn't do something insane and manage to destroy his home, Hyperion was more or less alright with this arrangement. However, having a blind person take control of a bizarre game such as this could be potentially dangerous...


((Yes, I know the plural of sarcophagus is sarcophagi, but I'm fairly certain Hyperion wouldn't.))

Edited by Blobblarg242

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"Uou are?" asked Aeolus, beginning to click around on the screen. Just as they had been taught, there was grist that Hyperion needed to collect and things to extend his home. Hyperion would have to connect to Aeolus first, then they could double time their entrance into the game. Still it was going to be hard with just two players, "I got two CDs in my package. Was I not supposed to? It says I'm connected to you. Also, it says it's waiting for you to connect. Anyway, I'm going to place a few things in your house," he said as he picked the Cruxtruder from the list of objects he could place, "You might want tos move, because o might iht you>

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"i guEss that if it's just the two of us, wE arE both sErvEr and cliEnt playErs to onE anothEr. hErE, lEt mE just connEct to you..." Soon enough after entering the Client Disk, which hadn't taken nearly as much time to install as the Server, Hyperion was able to connect to his team-mate. "alright, i am now connEctEd to you. wEll, your homE isn't a big a mEss as i thought it might bE." The Lime-Blood typed teasingly. He hadn't expected his 'friend' to live in a garbage hole or anything, but he had admittedly made the assumption it would be dirty. At least he wasn't like most Cherubs and left meat and candy everywhere. Hyperion appreciated a bit of candy and meat as much as the next guy, but most Cherubs were so digusting with their eating habits. As he looked through the text however, he became immediately alarmed. "wait, what?? you arE going to movE somEthing? how??? i swEar, if you mEss with the plumbing systEm..."

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"I'm going to put the curxtruder in your house," said Aeolus simply, ignoring Hyperion's comment about his home. It wasn't like he could actually do anything about his house being dirty if it was. He knew that meat often scattered the ground of some cherub's houses, but the smell of blood made it hard for him to navigate. He dragged the cruxtruder from the game menu and tried to find a place to set it down. Flicking out his tongue, he took in the scent of the room, trying to figure out where things were. Finally, he managed to get to a spot where nothing was. Just on the edges of the blank smell though, he could smell the cologne that Hyperion was wearing. Sighing, he positioned the cruxtruder near the smell, "I think it'm seetting it down near touy. Hold on, just let me get it in the big open space on the floor. You might hear a crash or something, I don't know. Here it goes... Clicking once, Aeolus deployed the cruxtruder in Hyperion's house.

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Hyperion heard a loud, resonating crash just as Aeolus had indicated he might. He was not pleased by this. "What the f***?! What the actual f***?! I'm not even using my quirk right now, that's how pissed I am! What are you doing?! Why are you throwing crap into my home that is so huge that is SHAKES THE BUILDING?! Hold on, I'm going to check this out... you'd better not have broken anything..." Hyperion angrily pushed in his chair and rushed towards his stairs, grabbing his cane from where it was leaning against the wall as he passed. Grumbling to himself, he tried to think of what object was heavy enough to create such a sickeningly verbose noise, shuddering at the images he managed to conjure up. Hyperion didn't have any kind of mobile chatting device, so his team-mate would simply have to wait for him to finish investigating. After not too much time searching, as it was fairly difficult to miss something of such sheer size, Hyperion found himself simply staring at the device. "What... am I supposed to do with it?" He wondered aloud. There was a valve of some sort on it. "Maybe if I turn this..." He said, finding himself announcing his actions as he propped his cane against the machine in order to make use of both hands. However, strong as he may have been, Hyperion found himself unable to twist the valve. With a simple "To hell with this." and a great number of drubbings from his cane, the Lime-blooded Cherub managed to finally budge the top of the device to reveal... some kind of... lime-fairy? Or Sprite? Whatever it was, it made some sort of noise, none of which was really intelligable. Some numbers appeared on the device as well, but Hyperion decided to simply twist the valve again, resulting in the device producing a piece of... green... something. Cruxite? The name seemed strangely fitting, so the Cherub made his way back up to his room cane in hand, Cruxite in Stack Modus. "ok... calmEd down now. i apologizE for my outburst, it was morE surprisEd than anything ElsE. i figurEd out what to do. i think. this spritE thing is rEally annoying, though. so... you saw that right? or, smEllEd? i don't have to Explain what just happEnEd?"

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Aeolus smiled, proud of himself that he was playing the game right. It seemed as if it was going to be fun. He didn't really play games all that much because he hated playing them alone. While his "siblings" sometimes came around every so often to visit, they only stayed for about an hour before getting into a fight with him and leaving. Just as he was about to put the item labeled Totem Lathe down, Hyperion began to yell at him. This startled Hyperion, getting him to let out a small squeak and jump. Even if the computer was reading it, he felt tears pricking in his eyes. Jeez, he didn't have to be so mean. Still, he wasn't about to cry. Huffing, Aeolus took off his glasses and wiped at his eyes. Who cared if he didn't wear them anyway? Once his "friend" returned, he curled his lip slightly. "I can seee everyithng you're doing," he typed quickly, still a bit angry from how he had been treated. Gritting his sharp teeth together, he tried his hardest to focus on the game. Perhaps he would somehow have his vengeance, "GThtose numbers on the Cruxtruder, the'yre coutning down. I don't like that. It doesn't sound very good. Just do something with the sprite or whatever. I'll try to fine out what's going on with those numbers."

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