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What not to say to a Newbie

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He probably stinks- give him a bath.


Why did my summon action disappear?

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It's still there. You just need to hatch and raise an un-invisibility dragon in order to be able to see it.


Why won't my seasonals give me eggs?

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They are attracted by blood, so you have to kill one of your dragons to lure a vampire to your scroll.


Why can't I name my pillow dragon Fluffy?

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Because only geodes are allowed to be named Fluffy. blink.gif


What's a fansite?

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Fansites: websites made for the sole purpose of illegally smuggling fans (to be specific, the kind that cool you down).


Why did my egg crack?

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Because you dropped it! tongue.gif


Why do I need three dragons to Summon?

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Because that's also the amount needed to screw in a lightbulb.


Why do my boy and girl dragons look different?

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Because they perfer other dragons not to be confused


There's a hole in my egg! What do I do?

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Patch it up immediately! When the air gets in, the hatchie can become sick.


How do I get a zombie dragon?

Edited by Lagie

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Easy, just feed it poison


My split was two colors before, now it's just one. What happened?

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Your Split has become an ultra-rare Single Colour Split!

It's BSA gives you all the dragons and their alts as CB's or whatever lineage you choose!:)


Why do trophies increase your egg limit?

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Because they are awesome like that.


I don't like my user name, how can I change it?

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First, you put Change of Name ad in all the papers. Then, you have your lawyer draw up a Deed Poll. Finally, after 30 days, if no one has objected to the change, you send all the documentation to TJ, and if he likes you, he might change it.


Why can't I have two scrolls? Or three? Or four?

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(i am a newbie, kinda obvious if you look at my posts)

If you have more then one scroll, you are OBVIOUSLY an overachiever. we don't take to that kind around here.


How come i can't have more then 4 eggs?

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Because the rest of the eggs are a lie


How do I teleport dragons?

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Think REALLY hard, sometimes it works!


Why does the ink disappear?

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You need another pen.


What can I get for a CB metalic?

Edited by Alse15

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Your life


How can I get an Easter Basket on my scroll?

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Buy an easter basket and tape it to your computer. If you leave it there for 12 hours, it will appear on your scroll. and hey! a basket!


Why does my egg have a soft shell?

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Because of the red, magma, and ember dragon's heat


Why is there a red egg floating in the air?

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Because it has really bad gas xd.png


Why did my egg hatch as a boy and not a girl?


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Only if you first get a health certificate from your local vet and then set up a trade agreement with the person you're trading with. If these go smoothly, you then have to arrange a mutual time because you both need t be online or else the dragons will end up in the Wilderness.


Why can't I put eggs in my signature?

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