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Yes, as a matter of fact, but you need the cauldron badge, if you don't have it, that's okay, you can use a cauldron if you go on someone's scroll who has one, click it, and you will be borrowing it for all your dragon-making needs. You can make all sorts of breeds but not hybrids, and unbreedables of course, but you'll need to collect dragon material from any of the biomes, which may include eggshells (these you can simply get on your own scroll if the egg does die), scales, dragon bones, and dragon fossils. You'll need two of each, but the drop for any of them is extremely rare. Once you've collected the number of materials needed, you can simply "drop" them in the cauldron and the following text will appear... "You toss in the random ingredients into the roiling purple-green fluids of the cauldron, it reacts immediately by violently poofing a mushroom cloud of green smoke in your face. It smells... putrid! You lean over and look into the cauldron and you see a sleeping hatchling laying in the bottom. Do you take it? If you take it out it will turn into any random dragon hatchling, which behaves normally to any other hatchling. Currently there are no other ways to make a dragon besides breeding.



Why can we summon only three GON?

Edited by TheToxicCycle

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What are you talking about? You're meant to be able to summon as many as you like... Maybe you've angered the dragon gods, and they've blocked you from their realm! You need to sacrifice 10 Gold dragons, 10 Silver dragons, 50 frozen hatchlings and one of your GoNs to the gods. If you don't have one already, you'll have to make an altar; get 20 eggshells onto your scroll at the same time and you should gain the option to make an altar from them. Sacrifice all the dragons necessary, and the option to summon should reappear. If it doesn't, then your actions against the Dragon Gods were unforgivable, and you will never gain another GoN.


What does 'Earthquake' do?

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The dragons with this BSA live near dairy farms so it's an easy and quick way to make dragon-sized milkshakes.


Why does my Black hatchling look different than usual?

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Because not all Black things look the same!




Why can't I make all my eggs gold?

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Because otherwise people would think they're giant lizards.


Why do the new dragons turn into star constellations when they mature?

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Because they're not actually native to Valkemare, and turning into their constellation form enables transmission back to the Celestial mothership.


Why did the writing disappear when I tried to name a dragon?

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The scrolls are enchanted, so you can't write on them in ballpoint pen. We use quills and ink, people!


What is the rarest type of dragon?

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Mints, definitely. Messy lineages are in especially high demand.



I tried to breed a pair of dragons and got a message that they refused to go near each other. Why is that?

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You forgot to give them the proper payment of gold and jewels.


I've seen some users with a different Pink dragon than I have! How do I get one of those?

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You must sacrifice 100 pinks to the rare Pink Guardian of Nature (a rare pink version of the regular Guardian of Nature who enjoys frolicking in pink fields of flowers) and then you will receive a special pink token which gives you a chance of summoning the special variant of the pink.


Why can't I breed my Cheese dragons together?

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A long time ago, a user tried to breed two cheeses together, and they melted and fused into a muenstrous amalgam that ate thousands of dragons as revenge for all the times the cheeses had been nibbled. It was then that everyone on the site agreed it was better not to try to breed cheeses.


How do I get different colored lunar heralds?

Edited by aqub

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You breed them with Stripe dragons.


Why do Dinos have shoes?

Edited by Syiren

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Because they're actually from the future, and they're far more civilised than the dragons.


How do I breed dragons?

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You have to leave them at the daycare center with the old man. When you come back, you'll have to give him some Pokedollars. Then his wife will give you the egg.


What happens after you abandon a dragon?

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Whenever TJ's scroll gets to 100,000 adult dragons.


How do you become a level 10?

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Level 10's are for TJ's Favorite People. These are people he feels are the most fun people on the forums. So make sure you have a fun positive attitude and make sure you are contributing to as many conversations as possible so you can show how involved and passionate you are about this game. Additionally, TJ is very shy and really likes to make friends by having people send him PMs talking about their lives and asking him lots of questions so he can have really deep and involve conversations so he can get to know the players of this game much more personally. So it is important to post as much as possible on the forum, send TJ lots of long PMs with lots of questions and also to make sure that you show how much you support his work by making fan graphics and art in your sigs and profiles. This is the best way to earn the Special Level 10.... but you could also fill out one of those Mod Applications and read stuff in that News thread, but that could be boring.




I need some really good dragons and am tired of waiting. Where do I go to get the good stuff? I need something really special so I can get everything else I want and I know people like to gift things to people like me who are newer so I can have nice stuff too!

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To get to the really good stuff you have to go to the secret "Treasure Cave" Biome, but it only unlocks if you got your Gold Trophy by raising exclusively 50th gen inbred blocker breeds.


What's so special about May 21st???

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It's the day where nothing but golds drop.


How do you obtain neglecteds?


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Go to your local VSPCD (Valkemarian Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Dragons) and adopt one!


Where do I get Holiday dragons?

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If you set your computers time and date settings to Christmas, Halloween, or Valentine's day, you can find them in the cave!


How do I get zombie dragons?

Edited by aqub

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You don't. Zombie dragons get you.


Why is it so hard to pick up the new release eggs?

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Because you're not wearing any of the As Seen on TV Super Deluxe Egg-celent Catcher's Mitts! Only 6 payments of $29.99! CALL NOW!


How do I get to the Biomes?

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