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Because those dragons may try to eat the puny replicas, or perhaps get into a fight about who's the best Great Guardian of the Fa Family.



What is BSA? Everyone keeps talking about it and I don't understand...

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What is BSA? Everyone keeps talking about it and I don't understand...

The BSA is the Boy Scouts of America. Dragons that "have a BSA" are owned by Boy Scouts of America.


I saw Bright Pink Dragons and Frilled Dragons on the wiki; how do I get them?

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Frills are only in the "Outback" Biome, and to get a Bright Pink you have to stick a regular Pink egg into a pool of Light mana, but it only works on days without a 'y' in them.


Where do the eggs under your avatar come from?

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Those eggs are from the mythical Avatar dragon, the only dragon who's eggs can be picked up on the forum itself. However, only one avatar dragon egg appears at a time, and that in a random page of a random forum topic. Better get searching!


Why can't I find a gold dragon egg?

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It's because you haven't found the secret page that makes all your eggs gold. wink.gif


I noticed some players have a hoard of Christmas dragons. I only can own two. How come?!

Edited by JolteonTails

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You need to have a special permit to have more than two of each Christmas dragon, only obtained when you can prove to TJ that you aren't a Scrooge or a Grinch.


I clicked a weird link on my Ice dragon's page and now I have this strange blue egg.. What do I do with it?

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Abandon it immediately, if it hatches your scroll will burn.


How do I get those badge things that I see on other players' scrolls?

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TJ gives badges out if players behave well on the forum (and site itself). Each badges are designed to fit the occasion, such as April Fools, Halloween, etc. Naughty/inactive players wouldn't get any.


Where can I buy gems for this site? (reference to f2p mobile games)

Edited by JolteonTails

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On the "Shop" link, of course.


Is there a limit to how many adults I can own?

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Yes. The limit for adults is exactly 100 for non-paying players, but purchasing the premium package (50.00£) will allow you to have 101 dragons!


I have an awesome Sci-Fi themed half were-cat half human dragon OC that I wanted to submit into the Dragon Request Forum, but it got rejected! Why?

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Your OC was waaaay too awesome it made all other dragons in existence inferior. They were jealous.


How can I level up my dragons?

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How can I level up my dragons?

You must kill them so they can explore special universe and learn things and then revive afer 3 weeks so they can come back to the living with new experience gained. This is why You can use the 'kill' action only 5 times before you must wait for a few weeks.


Why some dragon breeds have only 1 gender?

Edited by VixenDra

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Because those dragons breed in a manner similar to praying mantises and spiders.


What is a lineage?

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What is a lineage?

A lineage is how old a line is, duh!



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A lineage is how old a line is, duh!



You need to buy some pies from Ned, the piemaker. His house is at northeast with a huge garden of flowers.


What Gons eat? They are special, right?

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You need to buy some pies from Ned, the piemaker. His house is at northeast with a huge garden of flowers.


What Gons eat? They are special, right?

Yes, GoNs are very special, and picky eaters too. A GoN will only consume chicken, so make sure to get some!


How do I breed dragons?

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You have to put on a special Matchmaker's Costume and bring the two dragons you want to breed to a sacred shrine and lock them in until a mystical egg appears.


What does CB mean?

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CB=Cookie Bag - this is what you need to hoard to keep your dragons happy and never rejecting a mate. They all love Cookies!


What is the most valuable dragon in the game? What can I buy with it?

Edited by VixenDra

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The most valuable egg is the elusive Rooster egg and if you ever find one it's easily worth 100 CB Prizes.


What is a Hybrid?

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A hybrid is what you get when you interbreed two-headed Dragons with regular ones or drakes. Hybrids are three-headed, and their unique breeding circumstance means they can only be obtained on February 29 each year.


My dragon refuses to breed with one of my hellfire wyverns. Is there a solution?

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Give the Hellfire Wyvern a lot of flowers and candy and say it's from the other dragon.


What is a GoN?

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GoN is an acronym for Grievance of Nursing. It's a horrifying beast that will actually remove one of your eggslots after it grows up. The only way to reverse this process is to kill your 5 most precious dragons.


How do I get a CB Prize?

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There are many ways you can get a CB Prize such as participating in a (probably) annual raffle where you sacrifice as many of your dragons as you can to get more raffle entries to win! Alternatively, you can always try to bribe for one! it probably wont work though


Where is the Graveyard?

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Go past the Whomping Willow and into the Forbidden Forest, but watch out for R.O.U.S.


Why is my egg cracked in half?? Did it hatch?

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Yes, it hatched, but it ran away because you're such a bad caretaker for your dragons. It would rather be wild than be owned by you.



What can I trade to get a Guardian of Nature? laugh.gif

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