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little lost dragon

The Great Divide

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The Great Divide was a large canyon that was home to the strongest and healthiest clan in the region; the Solis clan. However there came a time when a dangerous and mortal disease was passed around by a sickly Zombie Dragon. This incident caused the leader of the clan, Nio a Gon, to split the Solis clan into two separate clans. The only exception to this separation, was that dragon families would stay together. The leaders agreed that making the family's split up would lead to more strife then they could afford.


A year had almost passed and the dragons were questioning if they should unite the clans again. They wished to do this, so that if another larger, more powerful species showed up, they wouldn't be defenseless. After much deliberation, the leaders of the clans came to a conclusion; the clans would come together as a whole clan. The Animus Clan.



The Present

Present day 2084. The human civilization has grown exponentially, but the Animus Clan hasn't been discovered yet. The human civilization has grown exponentially both in numbers and technology. Through many years they have developed new technology that includes laser beams, electromagnetic fields and much more. However, the Animus Clan has yet to be discovered. Because of this, the clan was able to find out about the new technologies that the humans had invented.


To this day, the Animus Clan has been found by only six humans who have befriended the dragons and live among them. The Clan has accepted them, only to spy on them and learn more about the humans and to know what they are up to.


The Animus Clan has plenty of food, water and other staples for their survival, with the most common prey being deer, rabbits and voles. The humans have taken much of the land that the Animus clan used to own. Some dragons feel that they need to teach the humans a lesson about claiming their land, and others feel that the dragons should go and make the humans give back their land.




With the humans taking over the land around the Animus clan, it is inevitable that they will be found at some time or another. Already there are tensions developing over what each dragon believes based on the humans. Humans are on both sides of the land and it seems that they are encroaching upon the Animus Clan every day which still does no help the situation.


It is with this knowledge that the clans are deciding whether or not to separate yet again, or stay together and teach the humans a lesson about taking land that was not genuinely theirs.





user posted image


Rules ((Yes there are rules.))


1. No god-modding or power playing

2. Put Schnoozeberries in your Other Section

3. Keep it PG-13

4. Only DC dragons

5. What ever I say goes

6. You may not spotlight your character (Unless for a sub plot. PM me details if you get one. Spotlight meaning your character is the main character of the sub-plot, ect.)

7. Respect each other. Negative behavior (OoC) is not acceptable. Also please keep OOC in (()) {{}} [[]] please.

8. Regarding mates: Your characters cannot be mates, ask someone if your dragon can be their mate, and don't take mating to far please

9. Please PM me your sheets! I will accept them from now until forever!

10. No perfect characters. No one will ever be perfect.

11. Limit yourself to three characters.

12. Last one that you have to follow or you're kicked: HAVE FUN!


Animus Clan Characters and Ranks:


Alpha Male - Vita


Alpha Female -


Beta Male


Beta Female Vrans


Beta Male


Beta Female Thania
























Credit to Orange for making this RP.

Edited by little lost dragon

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Character Sheets!~




Age: (egg, hatchling 1 or 2, adult)

Type of Dragon:



History: (optional)






Name: Vrans

Age: adult

Type of Dragon: Ribbon dancer

Job: Beta Female

Appearance: user posted image Like a normal ribbon dancer only her scales have more of a shiny to them. Don't look at her in bright sun light.

History: (optional)

Mate: Kadaen



Username: LLD

Name: Vita

Age: Adult

Type of Dragon: Magi

Job: Alpha male

Appearance: user posted image Normal Magi but the frill on his head is missing.

History: (optional)

Mate: open







Name: Dharsii

Age: Adult

Type of Dragon: White

Job: Gamma Female

Appearance: user posted image Looks like a normal white but does not carry a staff and her eyes are purple instead of blue. She also has a permanent scar just behind her right eye.

History: (optional)

Mate: open

Other: Password approved



Name: Runara Tonitrui (Yep, surname in Latin)

Age: Adult.

Type of Dragon: Electric.

Job: Gamma Female

Appearance: user posted image

History (optional):

Mate: None

Other: Password approved






Name: Thania

Age: Adult

Type of Dragon: Shadow walker

Job: Beta female

Appearance: user posted image

History: --

Mate: None, but open

Other: Password approved


Username: rainface

Name: Xavier

Age: Adult

Type of Dragon: Golden Wyvern

Job: Male Gamma

Appearance: user posted image

History: --

Mate: Open

Other: Password approved




Forum name: BlazingPhoenix

Dragon Name: Spearmint

Gender: Female

Breed of Dragon: Mint

Breed description: Same as DC descriptions.

Description of your dragon: Bright green with sky blue eyes, she is small even for a hatchling.

Talent: Peacemaking

Personality: Peaceful and shy

History: She was found abandoned in the forest, and the Animus Clan kindly took her in.

Other: password approved







Type of Dragon:Guardian


Appearance:Usually wears armor,a light gray and blue.

History:Used to be an adventurer until his whole family was killed by a Nuclear Warhead.Now seeks revenge against all Mankind.


Other:Breathes fire,Arachnophobia,tinkers with machines in spare time.





Name: Emeraldan

Age: Young Adult (equivalent of like an 18 or 19 year old)

Type of Dragon:Gray

Job: Gamma

Appearance: Like a normal gray dragon except areas that would be gray are the color of a royal blue and areas that would be black are a beautiful silver, he also has brilliant blue eyes and can breath fire...He has a well varied family background

History: Although he has a few siblings he came to the clan battered and beaten up, exhausted and somewhat incoherant, dizzy, but still ready to do whatever needs to, even though he passed out shortly after impact, values loyalty highly, will go out of his way to help those that need it, known as a good leader and a great dragon, Emeraldan has always been a loyal ally to those he knows

Mate: Serina

Other: He is a good warrior, amazing negotiator and persuader, and an even greater flyer, perhaps the best in the clan, while still an amazing flyer he spends much more time on the ground than most gray's whom only land when absolutely necessary



Name: Talaren

Age: Young Adult (equivalent of like an 18 or 19 year old)

Type of Dragon: Grey

Job: Gamma

Appearance: same color scheme as his brother Emeraldan but his eyes are a bright green and the tip of his tail is black and has to silver stripes on his neck

History: Has always been there for Emeraldan and a caring brother, would do anything to help with what he needs

Mate: available

Other: behaves somewhat similar to Emeraldan but sometimes takes unexpected actions and usually seem to work somehow, Emeraldan and Talaren make an amazing team together


Name: Serina

Age: Adult

Type of Dragon: White

Job: Gamma

Appearance: beautiful even for a white and has brilliant deep blue eyes

History: Came from the same clan as Emeraldan and Talaren, is Emeraldan's mate and supports him

Mate: Emeraldan




Name: Faolim

Age: Adult

Type of Dragon: Golden Wyvern


Appearance: Gamma

History: Ever since Faolim was a hatchling she has always had a bit of a temper, because of her parents death. They had died when a war broke out and Faolim had been left to fend for herself. The war took everyone she knew.

Mate: None

Other: A ruby necklace- takes it off when going to sleep, and guards it under her paw. She is a light sleeper and easily woken up, so it is hard to take it from her.




Username: CrossingStar

Name: Relvaii

Age: Adult

Type of Dragon: Moonstone


Appearance: user posted image (Looks like any other moonstone except for the fact that his underbelly is gray.)

History: A wandering dragon from another part of the world. He has not been accepted yet, and lives on the fringes of the Animus clan.

Mate: Shimmer daughter of Ravina


Username: CrossingStar

Name: Shimmer daughter of Ravina (just Shimmer)

Age: Adult

Type of Dragon: Moonstone


Appearance: user posted image (Has more blue on her than most moonstone dragonelles.)

History: A wandering dragon from another part of the world. She has not been accepted yet, and lives on the fringes of the Animus clan with her mate Revaii.

Mate: Relvaii




Username: AuraX13


Name: Azura


Age: Adult


Type of Dragon: Royal Blue


Job: Gamma


Appearance: user posted image


History: From the moment she hatched, Azura was a little ball of energy and loved to play when she could. Her parents had a tough time keeping her away from danger whenever she strayed too far from the den. Other times, mainly at night, Azura would sneak away to explore the human town that was close by. Sometimes during the day, if she got lucky, she would sneak off and go back to the town to play with the human children there. When she matured, she tried visting them but was close to being seen by the adult humans. After her parents found out, they forbade her from leaving the clan.


Mate: None


Other: Password approved




Username: vallay111

Name: Sinare {Sin-near-e}

Age: Egg {Hatching soon}

Type of Dragon: Snow Angel Dragon

Job: Gamma

Appearance: Egg;; user posted image


Hatchling;; user posted image


Mature Hatchling;; user posted image


Adult;; user posted image ~ Except without the bow on her tail.

History: She was laid on December 25th on Christmas. And that's it ^^.

Mate: None.

Other: (password approved)... How did you come up with that? Lol. Also she is quick and agile, and an excellent flyer once she's matured of course. Her favorite food is fruit but she will eat meat for she is not a picky eater at all. She is protective and loyal and somewhat shy when meeting new people, but she'll grow on you, hopefully. Also here's the link to the Snow Angel's page tongue.gif. http://dragcave.wikia.com/wiki/Snow_Angel_Dragon






Age: egg

Type of Dragon:red



egg:regula red egg,exept there is blood inside the egg.tere are holes in the egg,and sometimes pepole and other dragons mstake the egg for a vampire egg.

hatchling:scratched and brused by hummans.

mature:mostly healed.wings are kind of large for a hatchling.

adult:ready for revenge aganst hummans.

History: the egg was badly brused and damadged.attacked by hummans.

Mate:none...why would a egg have one? blink.gif

Other:to be RP'D


Edited by little lost dragon

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((Approved. There are a lot of redundancies in your plot though which can probably be deleted.))

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Vita woke up in his den and yawned. Another day today it seemed, another day of maneging the clan making sure things stayed in order roughly and hunting and patroling. Nothing new was planned today. He hoped things would go smoothly today. He looked at his mate Crio, a thunder dragon. He loved her and could not explain how but that was not needed. She was what he needed a lot. He looked to the dens entrance as a beta bumped it. The glint of shiny green and yellow scales told him who it was. He stood up and nuzzled his mate before heading out of the den to see a hard to look at ribbon dancer. Hard to look as cause the sun was right on her. Both a gift and curse, from what she tells him.


"Just reporting patrols are out and food is stocked. Humans seemed to be having a day though." she said "And you and your mate are sleepy heads." she said in a amusement tone. Vita laughed a bit "What leaders can't sleep either?" he asked and Vrans faked a frown "No of course not." she said then smiled "Well leaders do need there sleep sleepy head." she said then walked off. He grunted amused and poked his head to look at his mate to see if she was up.


((And thus the RP is started.))

Edited by little lost dragon

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Crío woke up with a yawn. She stretched out and went to go find her mate Vita. She saw him standing next to the Beta Female Vrans. Crío walked over to the Beta den and greeted Vrans. "Good morning Vita and Vrans, did you sleep well? I didn't cause those stupid humans kept waking me up. So I was wandering if you wanted to go patrolling or hunting with me Vita? Or we could go raid the humans or whatever. As long as we do something today." Crío yawned again half asleep.

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Tropi woke up and stretched. He walked out of the cave and saw the other three dragons already awake and standing outside of the cave talking, "boy I woke up late today" he thought to himself. He blinked a couple of times to adjust to the bright sunlight and then he walked over to join the group. He had no idea what they were talking about so he just stood there yawning because he was still tired and waiting until someone said something to him. Then he heard Crio say something about hunting so he said, “I would be willing to hunt if you need me too.”

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Vita looked at the new comer to the talk. "Why don't we all go hunting. Wake up then eat when we get back." he said and Vrans snorted "If one beam of sunlight hits me I'll never catch anything." she objected and Vita smiled "Roll in some mud then." he said amused and she looked offended "But that would leave me all filthy." she said then sighed "I'll.... I'll hunt flying birds. I'll blind them first then catch them." she said smiling at her joke.

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Dharsii panted as she beat her wings, struggling to stay aloft. Blood ran from multiple injuries across her body, staining her white scales crimson. She had been flying for days with no food and only brief stops to rest. But she had made it. The Great Divide, one of the last refuges of dragonkind, spread out beneath her. She began to allow herslf to lose altitude, it would be safe enough to fly lower or even land here since the humans did not live here. Her injuries hurt abominably. especially the gash behind her right eye. She saw several figures a little ways off on the ground below. One was orange, one black, and the other two were different shades of green. Were they other dragons? She had not seen any other dragons besides her parents in her life. These dragons were all larger than the young adult white as well. Dharsii tried to get there attention with a blast of flame into the air but instead of crackling blue flames only a small puff of yellow fire appeared from her jaws. She couldn't keep flying anymore and began to drop from the sky thinking to herself as she gave in to her wounds, Why did the humans attack me? I had never done anything to them... She tried to level out but didn't have the strength. She slammed into the ground and skidded a few meters before coming to a halt. She lay there panting, battered and bruised but alive. She sighed and her amethyst colored eyes slid shut as she lost conciousness.

Edited by Drakossozh

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((Dcaver please read the rules and delete your posts))


Vrans and Vita, both there heads shot to the thud noise of a dragon crashing. Vita started to walk forward and noticed a few marks of a human attack on the new dragon. "Vrans get a medic!." he ordered and Vrans nodded and shot off to the medic den. He bent down to see if the white was awake still "Hold on, where going to help you." he said in a soothing tone. He had no idea if this one was in panic or not.

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Dharsii came back into consciousness breifly as she heard voices but could not make out the words. She shifted her head to the side and groaned slightly, exposing a massive gash behind her right eye.(this will be the permanent scar) She opened her bright purple eyes and saw a form towering above her, but her vision blurred and she lost consciousness again before she could speak.

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Mylan was woken by the sound of Dharsii crashing to the earth. She looked around, then cautiously made her way out of the den, looking around. She ran up to the older dragons. "What happened?" She asked softly to no one in particular.

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Tropi saw the dragon fall from the sky and he became oblivious to everything else. He followed Vrans and Vita over to the dragon and stood there waiting for the medic to come. For a brief period of time she became conscious but then she fell back into unconsciousness. He saw the damage the humans had done and still could not believe how violent they are. Silently he prayed to himself that she would be ok. All they could do now was wait for the medic.

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Crío ran toward the fallen dragon. She was unconscious. "Vita what happened? Where did this dragon come from? Where is the medic? We need one now." Crío was blabbing out orders. Had the humans done this? The wounds don't look like an animal had done them. Humans. They did this. "Vita I think the humans did this. We should go attack them right now; well once our visitor gets better that is."

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Vita closed his eye's and looked at Crio "First we focus on nursing this one to health." he said as another white showed up with Vrans "Alright, give me some space." the white demanded. Vita nodded to the others to back away from the injured white.

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Dharsii regained consciousness again and after her vision cleared she saw that another white was tending to her wounds. She lifted her head slightly off the ground, cringed at the pain behind her right eye, and almost passed out again. Her head dropped to the ground and she panted a few minutes with her eyes closed before opening them again to look at the other dragons gathered around her. She trembled slightly. These dragons were all at least slightly larger than she was and that fact made her slightly nervous. What if they decided to attack? She tried to move away from the white, beating one bloodstained wing at it to try and ward it off, but she collapsed and nearly blacked out from the pain again. She lay there trembling, her amethyst eyes darting from one dragon to the next, never remaining off of one for too long.

Edited by Drakossozh

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((Uh *giggles* LLD you got my dragons genders mixed up. and edit my character form to adults please.))


Aleron drifted suddenly awake. He rose his head and saw only grey darkness around him. Suddenly he remembered that he was a shadow walker and this was most of his life. Wondering where Dragina was he started trying to return to the regular realm of dragons. Ever since he could remember Aleron had been stuck with Dragina. His earliest memory was waking in a dark field with her resting a few feet away. Now worried Aleron ran hoping to find her soon. She was the only one who understood his pain, he needed her to be sane. ((It's hard to be sane when floating through different realities)) Now he couldn't find her and he gave up laying down in what appeared to be a patch of medical plants silently sobbing at the lose of his close friend and trying to ignore the darkness that surrounded him.

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"I think she is about to black out again! Ok white, its ok we won't attack you, just please be still and do not flap your wings." Dang it! She is going to black out! Maybe we should back up. "Ok everyone give the white some space to try to heal this dragon. Everyone just return to your normal duties and yah."

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The white grunted when his patient started to weakly bat him. He continued anyway and nodded when Crio told everyone to get back to work "Yes. I need space. This one is hurt badly and frightened. Your numbers are scaring her even more." he said and went back to work. "Vita. I could use some help with shade. Vrans I'm lacking in some medicen plant's. Go to the tree that lets no shade through and start gathering. Return shortly please." He ordered making use of authority he had as a medic. "Crio make sure I have space here, Tropi fetch some food for later." he said.


Vrans nodded and took off into the spot she was told. When she got there she swore there was a ghost tail sticking out of the plants. She slowly poked at it not sure if she was just reflecting light oddly.


((I did? *checks* um.... could ya just resubmit a updated version of your char sheets then lol? I must be tired.))

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Tropi watched as the white began to become conscious. He heard Crio saying to move away from the white, so he quickly backed up and watched from there. Then the medic told him to go get food for later. He set of for the woods and began to hunt. After a few minutes of following the main path he saw nothing so he ventured off onto a side trail.

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Aleron heard a rustling and decided to hide trying to dissipate and hunkered down in the tall plants.


(Dragina now)


Dragina twisted and turned trying to escape the goo and the net wondering what hese small pink things were and how they manage to capture. It was a feat to capture a dragon but a Shadow Walker made your name known all around the world because they were cautious and pretty much a ghost. Suddenly their was a bright light and the were in a spotless room and they had a cube made out of carboni which all Shadow Walkers feared. It was the one material that could touch them when they were immaterial and blocked their powers. They dropped her in here and left her alone. (This gives Aleron a reason to dislike/hate humans.)

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((So Aleron is the male?))


Vrans saw the tail move. She looked at it with puzzled eye's. She moved her neck... nope no change.... not her then. To narrow to not be a light distortion from her body. She looked at the tail. "Hello?" she asked feeling half stupid for saying hello to a.... tail... or something that looked like a tail.

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(Yes, check my scroll (the Elidragon at the beginning))


Aleron heard the dragon say hello and he bolted for better cover and was finally able to turn invisible and watched the new dragon with interest. He almost instantly liked her. She had kind eyes and her scales always shimmered casting beautiful patches of light and ,because of those scales, looked like she was surrounded by a golden halo and Aleron though that she was a very special dragon and probably was very popular and must of had a mate.

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