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X-Men: The End

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Kelvyn took a deep breath, the chilling air flowing through his lips as the window was open. The boy got onto his feet quietly to not disturb Willow as he closed the window shut. The boy felt cold and went on inside the bed. He put the blanket on. The warm, marshmallow-like cozy and puffy blanket covered the guy's body softly and tenderly, as if it would kiss his body with mch grace and tenderness. The boy looked upon the girl who crumbled within her own blanket, looking like a small baby covering itself from the dark and cold outside. Kelvyn sighed and slosly closed his eyes.


((When will they cuddle?))

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"Kraaawk!" Shini replied in his usual cryptic language. Jason found that he could communicate with the bird, as in he could give Shini directions, but it wasn't like he could speak bird, he had no idea what Shini said, and was still under the impression that he was just a bird... with the brain capacity of a bird.


Jason immediately brought the energy bar to his lips and devoured it, forcing himself to chew between bites and drink the water slowly as his body cried out for calories and nourishment. In a moment two bars were gone and half a quart of water had vanished. He took a deep breath, knowing that eating anything else could make him sick. Unfortunately it takes the human body around 20minutes to register that food has been introduced to the system and the feeling of "hunger" can cease being transmitted by the brain.


Jason smiled, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, allowing his vision to clear. "I believe," he stated, "that people are not generally good, that instead they are typically evil and seek only after what they want and what benefits them." That was his experience in life, altruism was virtually non-existent. "But sometimes, rarely, something called love can fill someone and cause them to want to do what is best for someone else instead of for themselves. Love can even cause someone to die for someone else, the ultimate sacrifice, if they love that person enough, they would be glad to die in their place." He shrugged, "I don't put much stock in religion or philosophy, but I don't need those things to know how I feel about you Ziva. What I do for you, how I love you, I can't help but do it, because I love you."


Jason took one of her hands and gripped it as firmly as his still shaky arms could manage. "I will do whatever it takes to cause you to understand love in the way I love you. And I will see your dream fulfilled. Because that... is my dream. Because of my love for you."


It wasn't often, but Jason occasionally spoke about love to Ziva. Back when he had first fallen in love with her, one of the reasons had been because she didn't understand what love was, what it meant to be loved, and how to love someone else. SHIELD had almost taken that away from her completely and it had hurt him so deeply to see her that way, moving him to compassion even though up to that point he hadn't placed much hope in love himself. He knew she had trouble trusting others, even him, even though she hid it and he made a point of affirming his love to her verbally whenever he had the chance, to let her know he was sincere, and wouldn't abandon her.







Will followed Moira into the lab. There was so much in it, so much he'd both never seen before and so much that drew his attention, he had trouble repressing his inner curiosity to touch and feel everything. Only the idea that he might break something or... blow something up, kept his hands in line as his eyes roamed the room.


"It is written, that none of us will be tested beyond what we can bear." Will said quietly, almost thinking it to himself. "That... was very hard for me to accept for a long time. but looking back I can see all of the small things, and the big things, that God used to get me through it. I almost didn't make it, and I often wonder what the purpose of it all was... I would have been so much more happy to simply not have survived it all and not held on to the sliver of life I was often left with day after day."


He grinned suddenly, "but then I thought... what if I could escape, and meet someone else who was struggling with what they believe. Just one person, that I could talk to. And I decided that one was enough, one was worth it, even if it was only one. And here I am now, it seems I'm going to be meeting a lot of others. Others going through this nightmare of a life as it is at times, and everyone will be wondering what they believe, you have to... because life is so hard you're forced to believe something. There's no better place I could be. And as much as it hurts still, I wouldn't take back my choice to live through it all."


He grinned, suddenly looking embarrassed, "sorry, it's been a long time since I've had someone besides myself to talk to. And on top of that I tend to be "an open book" as Nightcrawler told me. I'd probably share my life's story with a passerby on the street if they asked... gets me into trouble sometimes. Feel free to throw something if I start to ramble," he winked, "Moira," this time not attaching a miss or Mrs. to the front.

Edited by Rakashua

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((Well, Willow won't take initiative ;-) She's rather scared of physical contact, since it always makes her pass out... tongue.gif))




Willow opened her eyes as Kelvyn stood up to close the window. Images had been swirling through her head, keeping her awake. Not only did Kelvyn’s memories try their hardest to keep her attention, her own usual doubts about her memories come back. Was that what her memories would look like if someone saw them? Sighing, Willow lifted herself up to her elbows and looked at Kelvyn, who had crawled back to bed. “Can’t sleep?” She asked.




“So you just go snoop into all my secrets?! Exactly what gave you the right to do that? You’re damn lucky…” Róise quickly shut her mouth, not wanting to tell people she had just met about… that… She crossed her arms and glared at the two people in front of her. “Who are you, what are you doing here and why on earth do you need to if you can trust me?” She fired of questions, sneering a little at the last two words. The only thing she had done to these two people was walk down the same street as them, why would they care about being able to trust her?

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((Kelvyn will, probably, when they're asleep. CMON CMON MAKE 'EM FALL ASLEEP!))


Kelvyn smiled at Willow innocently.

"Why, can you sleep?" He asked her with doubt in his voice, with a hint of sarcasm. "I can't seem to do it." Kelvyn took a sigh, and breathed. He extended his arm bones in order to reach a desired location, grabbing the water bottle by the drawer.

"Don't be freaked, I always do it when I'm too lazy to walk." He said, pulling the arm back and drinking the water rather calmly, appreciating every single droplet like it was heaven and the thing to change the world, utterly.

"So, oh ol' powerful Willow, what's your powers?" He asked her questionably as he closed the bottle's cap.

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((She's going to Boston... Because I have no one to RP with anyways.. tongue.gif))

When she got back to the house, she morphed into dog form again. "Hey guys, me again. I'm going to Boston. Do want to come?" Nikki yipped a yes, but Teddy woofed a no. "You guys are staying together. That's the only rule. I'll give you some time." When it was clear that it would take a while, she sighed and turned on he DVR. Meh. I'll watch Rocky Horror. The dogs were still arguing in the backround. "Quiet DISCUSSION, please and thank you." Hey Janet. Yes, Brad? I've got something to say... "WOOF!" Ella looked down to see Teddy standing indignantly waiting. Switching back to dog form, she jokingly asked him "What is your verdict?" "We're staying here. How do we get food and water?" Ella rolled her eyes.

"I'll use the dispenser." The dispenser delivered an appropriate amount of food per day, and could be set up for years. "And I'll leave the dog door open too." She picked up 7 one hundred dollar bills and put them in her animal pouch. The pouch enabled her to carry key things like money when she flew. "Off I go then. Bye Ted, Bye Nikki!"

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~Lyra and Nico~


Lyra glanced around once, glad that it was still fairly early. The streets were empty thank God. She focused on Nethofelshi mansion for a few seconds and turned her full attention back to Róise. "You're right it was none of my business, but well... You were thinking about starting a forest fire." Lyra shifted uneasily, because that too had been none of their business to know. Her eyes darted to Nethofelshi mansion once again and she frowned, "And well... This isn't the safest street for mutants. I needed to make sure you weren't going to kill us. If you were, Nico would've found out and helped me restrain you just long enough for us to get away." It made her nervous to be explaining this to Róise, but the girl deserved an explanation. Nico decided to step in then, and the transfer of leadership was a relief. Though they were similar in appearence, Nico had a much more commanding demeanor he just didn't like being in charge. "Listen. We needed to make sure you weren't going to kill us. We know you aren't we aren't going to kill you. We need a place to stay. Do you have shelter? We can help. We have useful powers if you're on the run."

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Ziva listened to Jason trying desperately to understand what he said. It was till a new and odd concept that whole love thing. She knew that with Jason she could be herself, and she would die for him. She knew that when she saw him, that her heart jumped into her throat when she was uninhibited. But outside of being alone with him, she stell felt her feelings turn cold and at times, the cold stoney look that she had, was real and her words were meant in reality instead of as a facade. Did she love him? Or was it just another emotion that she had learned?


As Jason explained what he thought to her again, and as he would probably have to even after they would have children in the future. But from what his definition told her, was that she did love him, and he, her. How he sacrificed his well being for her, and how he now held her hand tightly trying to convey that his love was a real love. Not like those men that she had been told to 'love' but a love of the deepest and truest kind. One that would accept her for her faults even if they did irritate him. Even if, God forbid, Ziva somehow had a breakdown and mentally sabotaged the relationship, she knew that Jason would love her.


"I know Jason. I know here," she touched her heart then placed her hand on her head. "But here, it is still hard to understand." She scooched over to him and placed his arm around her shoulders and curled up against his side. "Love is still something that is hard for me to understand because of the sheer abandon of it. The love that you are teaching me, isn't the physical love that I was tought was nothing more than a way to get informtation. Instead, it is something deeper than that. I can feel it at times, in my heart...my soul. But there are times where it is so foreign, even after a year, that I find myself going back to the way things were before I met you, and before we married." Ziva sighed as she fiddled with a piece of her hair then looked up at Jason with apology in her sunny eyes.


"I don't mean to say that you don't love me, or that I don't feel it with my heart. I just don't understand it yet. And with me being who I am, understanding things with my heart is new therefore it is hard for me to trust it completely." she said and then leaned her head back against his side as gently as she could; almost as if she was afraid to break the man in two.





Moira had been moving as she listened to William speak. Several different sheets of metal were placed on one of the large work tables as four other "humans" appeared and started to move things as well. Moira listened though and actually pushed a rolly chair over to William as she listened. When he stated something about being called an "open book" she couldn't help but laugh at that comment.


When he winked at her, Moira smiled and laughed. "Noaw kep it dat weh." With a smile she went over to the table and thought about what William had spoken about. He was so determined to talk to someone who was questioning, or struggling with their faith. Why would he be so devoted to that? Why?


"Uhnd ya can kep talkin if yeh wunt." With a smile, Moira peered over her glasses. Not only was this the most she had smiled in several months, but she felt at ease around William which was odd. "You can talk all ya want. It's better than listening to the three of them bicker day out and night in." she said with a glance at Rnji, Ichigo and Nerissa who were quietly arguing over what metal should be used as joints in Nicandro's hands and what element would be a better conductor for Moira's abilities.


"You idiots. Just get me the bloody metal!" she said and watched as the three of them quickly set about to their duties as Aaus walked over to her to shift into a lizard and crawl up to her neck. Within her deep red hair, he found solace from the shouting of the other three.


"I swear...I will break them down someday." she said as she herself sat on a rather high chair so that she could reach the work table and still talk to William.


"You know you were sayin, that you wanted to talk to someone who questioned their faith as well. How do you question yours? You seem so sure about all of it that it seems that there could be nothing that you question in the entire world. From what I saw of your life, William, you should have more questions than someone like me. I had an easy life growing up in Ireland, and then I came over here and the only difference was that the government had changed. You have so much to be well, questiony about." she said as she looked at him over the top of a pair of green rimmed glasses.


Her hands hovered over the metal and the impression of a slightly large palm was there and melted out of the metal with a whole bunch of wires appearing behind it and more metal revolvoing around it, clicking into place with an invisible force. When the majority of it was done, in a few seconds, Moira placed the hand on the table then looked at the metal noting it's chemical makeup. The chemical words appeared in front of her eyes as well as their percentages. The impurities quickly changed into a pure form of the metal that she wished to use causing the metal hand to alter in color to a slightly more golden appearance.



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“No,” Willow said, thinking about the memories with a slight feeling of guilt. Willow hardly reacted as Kelvyn’s arm grew, as she now knew what his powers were. "So, oh ol' powerful Willow, what's your powers?" Willow turned over to her back and looked up at the ceiling. “Well…” She began, a grin spreading across her face. Willow was a bit of a show-off, and well… this was an excellent opportunity to show-off. Willow closed her eyes and reached up towards the ceiling. She took a deep breath and focused on Kelvyn’s powers. Feeling the bones in her arm lengthening, Willow opened her eyes. “Look familiar?” She asked, returning her arms to their right length and turning over to face Kelvyn.




“I wouldn’t start it on purpose. I’ve had enough to do with the police to last a lifetime. I just… Well, you saw what happened.” Róise shrugged and tried to push that incident out of her mind. Róise crossed her arms and listened as the boy, Nico apparently, took over.


“I have an apartment down-town for another week or so I think. Then I have to go into hiding. Big time hiding…But I’m pretty sure it’s bugged somehow…” Róise sighed and looked around for a second before continuing. Though she knew that trying to keep anything secret from these two was a lost cause, she still didn’t like talking about how the police had caught her and all that had led to. “And I was at an island earlier this week that has a bunch of mutants. I should be able to find my way back easy enough, considering how I found my way back home well enough…”

Edited by coralkiki

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Kelvyn wasn't truely shocked, but gave Willow a nice, not-really-surprised smile to make her slightly happy.

"I've seen it before... Power Copying... Ability Stealing, how is it called? It's still cool. You can copy the mutant's powers as long as he is near you in the same room if he stays with you within a specific amount of time period, no?" Kelvyn asked Willow, slightly intrigued by how this power method and mechanics exactly work. Kelvyn grinned,

"Time for my powers?" He said.

He turned white as the organism spread on his body again, making him look like an anti-venom. He wall-crawled, reaching the ceilings. As he got to the ceiling, he sent a hand at Willow.

"Excuse me momentarily for this physical contact." He said with a creepy voice, holding her and taking her to the ceiling.

"Lovely view, isn't it? Most of my other powers are sort of... biologic." He said, taking Willow down so she won't frighten.

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She soared. Wings otspread, a tilt of them would send her on a barrel roll. She dove down to a sign. It read: 60 miles to Rockport, MA. She dove intp the air once more, and sped up. Later She smelt salt air. Diving down, she saw the main Street. Opening the house, she fell asleep.

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Jason took a deep breath and let it out slowly as Ziva leaned into him. It was so hard sometimes, loving her that is. He always felt love for her, he always felt compassion for what she had been made by SHIELD and he always wanted to change that. But sometimes he was discouraged... like now. He shook his head to clear it, reminding himself that he probably felt this way because of the withdrawal from using his power so long.


"I know..." he said quietly, draping an arm over her. "I can't deny that it hurts, so much, every time I know that you don't understand it completely. But it's not your fault Ziva. None of this should have happened to you. And before you can love me..." he sighed, hugging her to himself. "You have to be able to love yourself. You have to accept yourself the way I accept you. What you've done in the past, what SHIELD made you, none of that is who you truly are. But I know who you are."


He kissed the top of her head, "you're my wife. You're not a monster, you're not a slave, you're not a tool for someone, even me, to use. You're beautiful, gentle, smart, kind, trusting. SHIELD didn't make you any of those things, those have been with you forever because they are part of who you are here." He place a hand over her heart. "And you've just begun learning how to be yourself, and not the thing that SHIELD tried to make you. They tried to erase you, but I know they failed. I know because I've been with you in my mind and I've seen everything, just as you have. Undearneath the dirt and grime that SHIELD tried to bury you with, is a beautiful flower, a rose, breaking through the soil on its way to blossom."


"You are worth so much, don't you ever think any different. You are worth loving, and no one can take that away from you." Jason leaned back against the side of the car, resting his eyes for a moment. That was the real thing that cut him inside. Not that Ziva had trouble loving him and understanding it. But that she hated herself and what SHIELD had made her, she hated that she enjoyed doing her job, and there was always that part of her inside that he could see, crying, over what she had been conditioned to do without remorse or question, everything from killing to using her body as a tool to get information. And it was his fault... he had opened her eyes to the idea that she could be loved, that he saw her as beautiful, that he could see the part of her that SHIELD hadn't quite obliterated. And she knew that was the part of her he loved and cherished and nourished and grew. He just wanted her to know that he didn't hold it against her, any of it, he didn't hate her for it. And she shouldn't hate herself either.






William nodded, his face took on a more solemn look. "You're right, I had a lot of questions, I still do." He watched as Moira and the androids worked, having no idea what they were really doing but it looked interesting.


"I had a lot of time to think though, not much else to do between torture sessions and meals... just sitting by yourself in the dark." He shrugged, "why am I here? How can there be a God who loves me and lets this happen to me? Does God love mutants too or are we inherently evil? Is God even there... watching, if so does he really care? Why me... and why... should I keep on living?"


William shuddered involuntarily, thinking back to memories most unpleasant of the things that had gone on during those days. "Perhaps I asked every question there was to be asked, I certainly didn't get every answer nor do I have all the answers."


William shrugged, "I did learn a lot from Joseph, you know, the kid who got sold into slavery by his own brothers... then was falsely accused of committing a crime against his master and thrown into jail for several years and not a nice clean cell like serial killers get either..." William paused, "But God used him to save millions of people from a seven year famine, including his brothers and his family whom he forgave. He realized that God used what his brothers had meant for evil, to bring about a great good. The idea that God could somehow use my suffering for good later... if I endured it... that truth kept me living for quite a while. Eventually I escaped, now I just have to find out what it is I was kept on this side of heaven for."

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Elyon watched as the flames from the microwave begin to lick their way up the wall behind. The kitchen had many fine wooden beams supporting the ceiling and it wasn't long before the fire had caught hold of one. As she turned to leave Elyon noted that the over was powered by gas, so when she reached the doorway she fired two shots into that as well.


The resulting explosion nearly tore the kitchen in two as the wall and ceiling collasped and fell into burning rubble. Elyon made her way back to her back and put on her helmet and the fire got a real grip on the house behind. Climbing onto her bike she kicked it into life and drove away.


When she finally got back to base her handler was waiting for her. He stood flanked by two guards who took the satchels of data from her as she turned to face him.


"You're late" he told her, sounding annoyed.


"The search took longer than I anticipated" she explained. "There was a lot of information there."


"Did you destroy everything you couldn't bring?"




"Good girl. Now get to bed. And don't forget your medicine."

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Ziva Pride


Ziva listened to Jason as he spoke about who she was. The person that he described was someone that was only a small part of her. Did he still love her for all she was? How could she even ask a question like that? Jason was the one who first showed her that she could love herself and him if it only took time. Her questioning nature against others other than SHIELD was something that she always found hard to deal with. She shouldn't question Jason... at all.


WHen Jason started stating what she was deep down, the her that was covered with the grime and hatred that SHIELD had bred in her from a young age, she found herself tearing up at the words. Kind. Gentle. Trusting. Was she really these things? If he saw them, then they must be there somewhere and for him to keep mentioning those qualities meant that they had to be something that could be brought back from when she was a little girl. Just the thought of not having to always keep a visage of hatred or anger was something that she could hold on to. Ziva always wondered what it would be like to show her emotions in public.


But how could those things exist when she was a cold hearted murderer? Would she lose that animal instinct within her that was played upon by SHIELD? No. She couldn't and wouldn't. Ziva may have been all those things that Jason mentioned, but there was also a part of her that was animal with animalistic instinct and desires. If that part of her ever overode the part that SHIELD had made her and the part that Jason loved, would he still love her?


Ziva sighed deeply as she wiped the tears from her eyes and without thinking about it, instead of saying 'I love you' a deep purr escaped her chest with a rather statement like mew. "Sorry." she chuckled at how she sometimes didn't think about her forms of communication. Because of her animal abilities, when she was in her animal form, she could easily converse with her fellow animal kind which she did at night when she was allowed outside of SHIELD.


"Jason?" she looked up at him with questions that threatened to burst forth, but she knew that he would answer them as quickly as he could, however he was still rather tired. Instead of asking the questions though, she merely curled up tighter against him after setting a notification on her phone that would warn them if the car found any sort of extra data or noticed Nicandro.


"I love you." she said trying to mean it as best she could with what information she knew.



Moira Fain

Moira was amazed at how William spoke. The sheer devotion he had to what he believed in was something that she felt intimidated by which caused her to stop in her work just to stare at him. She had given up on religion long ago because of what little trials she had faced and here he was someone who had gone through great trials and still held onto his religion. However what he had wasn't religion. Instead, as she raced through her definitions in her mind, it was faith more so. Or something akin to belief. But it was in no way religion.


"How..." Moira slipped her glasses off of her face as she placed the now finished mechanical hand aside. Her fingers steepled in front of her mouth as she thought. This man had so much that was mysterious about him. So much that she couldn't understand even if she tried. Well maybe if she tried, but for some reason, and she didn't know why, things were weighing heavily on her mind. Compared to him, her trials in figuring out how to live in America as a Mutant, were nothing. Compared to him, what she had just done to be his guardian, was nothing. They were trials yes, but why did they weigh so heavily on her mind? Why was this something that bothered her? He had these things that happened to him and yet his mind had protected him from them which meant that now he had to go through learning all that had happened for a short amount of time.


Moira looked down at the desk and chuckled. "You know, most compare my mind to that of the Beast's in his prime. Yet with that same mind, I can in no way figure out why it is that you are still holding onto something as thin as trying to survive to see how your SUFFERING could be used? I've that blasted book over and over again and I cannot see how you could do that. The only thing that I have ever used it for were scientific comparisons." Moira seemed a little put off and even she didn't know why.


William wasn't attacking her, but why couldn't she see? Why couldn't she feel the same love and hope for God and the Bible as William did? What was it that blocked her mind from that? Why couldn't she see?


Moira stood up and placed the hand in a glass vacuum that would keep it clean for some time.


"I don't mean to seem rude or angry William. I guess I am more angry at myself, but for what? I don't know and I don't like not knowing." she said with a chuckle as she turned to face him again. Nerissa woofed from where she was signifying that the androids were going to recharge and shut down for the day since they hadn't done so in some time.

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Krys rinsed her mouth out at the sink and trudged down two flights of stairs to the basement. The second refrigerator down there was stocked with beer, spirits, and soda. She ignored the alcohol and popped the tab on a Root Beer to wash the taste of Vomit out of her mouth while she trudged back up the stair to her room. The carbonation served to still her stomach, but she quickly stashed the laptop back in her closet and slid the phone and iPod into her side pockets of her bag.


She had slipped out the back door of the house and was putting the bag in the back seat of the Camero when she heard a car-door slam out front. She checked her watch.


11:43 PM


The digital, neon numbers gleamed on the watch-face as snuck around the side of the house, so she slid it off to hide the glow. She clutched the car-keys tightly to prevent them from jingling. She heard a grouchy grunt followed by the barely audible reply of a calm feminine voice. The grunt came again and this time, it was obvious that the speaker was drunk. The sober voice of the female tried to calm the drunk one and as they drew closer, she recognized the voices of her foster parents.


She backed up to turn around and go back to the car, but her foot caught in the hose and she hit the ground hard. Krys held her breath, praying that her foster hadn't heard, but as usual, her luck ran foul. Her foster father, Vincent Mesconi, tramped around the side of the house with Tina peeking after him. He was towering over Krys before she could get up and grabbed her by the back of the jacket, yanking her upright.


He growled in her face and she writhed backwards he escape the foul, alcoholic fumes emanating from between his teeth. "What the fudge are you doing outside this late at night, wench!" He hissed, flinging spittle and cursing like the devil's own grandson.


"Vince, dear. Let the poor girl go, she might have just been out for a ---"


"Shut the heck up! I'll deal with her." Tina cowered and Vince over balanced and reached to side of the house to steady himself. That second was all Krys needed to wiggle away and dash for her car. Tina gasped and Vincent took part in a maniacal, half-crazed, drunken dance-cum-run that could only be classified as raging.


Krys yanked the door open and leapt in, slamming her hand down on the door-lock. She leaned over to lock the other door and then jammed the key into the ignition. Vincent Mesconi raged after Krys with his wife behind him, begging some measure of decency. He yanked on the door and then ventured to the hood with some engineering mischief in mind.


Krys slammed the car into reverse and hit the gas, backing up at about 40 MPH. She fumble for the gear shift and slammed it into Drive, looping around the raging Vincent Mesconi and through the yard, out onto the driveway and out onto the road.

Edited by Krys

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She woke up rejuvenated. Aah, lovely. The salt air always does me good. Under the cover of darkness, she flew over the water and turned mid air into a cookiecutter shark. I've always wondered if there are sharks up here. Swimming around, she found sharks, small ones, but out a good 50 miles from the harbor. She saw back and morphed into bird form. She got back, took a shower, and headed by air to Boston.


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((back and mostly recovered from WW, finally Also, I don't know if you guys were at a different mansion, but Asashi's mutant-hating father's mansion is the 'Nethofelshi' mansion. ^^))




V smiled in amusement, a fake sort of curiosity entering his eyes--almost mockingly--as the stranger walked over to a car and pulled a sword out of it. V found this very interesting, considering the fact that there had been no sword imbedded in the hood of the car in the first place. He didn't move from his position on the hood of his favorite car; despite the fact that he would rather have walked away from a fight and not go all public with his powers again, he felt it his duty to protect this small part of his territory, quite near to the actual complex he called home base.


"Turn me into a puddle? That's a threat I've never heard before. A puddle of what?" He cocked his head slightly, still smiling. His eyes twinkled and he looked younger than he was. He had always had a young face, and if he hadn't been so fit and in such clothing that exaggerated his fitness, he could have been mistaken for fifteen. Well, if he used a false voice. His voice was a bit deep for being taken so young. Still, he was relaxed and didn't look threatened at all, yet he didn't mock the superiority of the stranger; he wasn't smirking or grinning, just smiling lightly.

" well a puddle of blood is the normal case but I can turn you into a puddle of water since that is what most of your body is made of." He said, making the sword spark. In the same flash as before, he turned the sword into four throwing knifes, holding each inbetween his fingers." Now don't scream." He said as he threw the knifes around the kid's head. " those are warning shots. Next hit won't be."

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Willow nodded at Kelvyn’s explanation. “That’s more or less it.” Willow’s eyes followed Kelvyn with interest, watching as he crawled up to the ceiling. She laughed at Kelvyn’s comment, and him lifting her up to the ceiling didn’t help much. As he let her back down, the laughter slowed down. “A lovely view, yes, I wonder why people don’t walk around upside down all the time.” She smiled, but it was soon replaced by a slightly guilty expression. “There’s…” She considered telling Kelvyn about the rest of her powers, but hesitated. After what she had seen, she did like him and didn’t think that he would do something to harm her, but she felt weird talking about that part of her powers. “Never mind.” Willow shook her head and lay down, staring up at the ceiling. Maybe she would be able to explain later. If she still felt like she had to explain, that was.

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Kelvyn looked at Willow, smiling steadily. He jumped off the ceiling with agility. "I can sense diseases, insert them to people's bodies, know if someone feels bad, physically, that is. All the biogical stuff that speak of anatomy, mood, health conditions and so on.. and organism. That's all for now." He said as the white, glue-like stuff started crawling inside his mouth and disappearing as he swallowed it. "Sorry if it disgusted you. We should get back to sleep, maybe." Kelvyn then suggested, smiling and getting inside his bed.

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Krys cruised for about 15 minutes before she pulled to the side of the road. There was a little horse-pasture gate leading into the woods, so she climbed out, opened it, drove through, and closed it behind her. She considered turning her headlights off to avoid detection, but the fear that she'd run into a tree quickly snuffed out that possibility.


Finally, she reached a small copse of ferns that was just big enough for her to drive up beneath the under brush and park. The car was already muddy and filthy and long, leafy fern and palm branches lay scattered everywhere for meters in all directions. She went to the trunk, pulled out her satchel and stowed a sweater, her phone, her water bottle, a bag of jerky, and her car keys inside.


Krys pressed down the rising feelings of panic and apprehension at the thought that she was now alone in the world. The foster father had literally driven her off and she was left with what little she had put in the car mere minutes before. The majority of her remaining belongings were still back at the Mesconi's house and she desperately felt the need to retrieve them. There was one way she could do that now.


Krys pulled off her jacket and stowed it in her satchel, trading it out for her other jacket. This one was customized, a project from back when her mom was alive. There were two long slits down the back. Precisely cut and edged like two massive button-holes. She stretched out her wings at the back and fanned them a few times to stretch out and warm up. Long hours of having them folded neatly down her back and tucked under her jacket had left the stiff and cramped. When the cramping began to fade, she donned the jacket, slipping her arms into the sleeves and threading her wings through the holes in the back.


((I'm gonna leave off here. You guys can barge in any time =3))

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"Well a puddle of blood is the normal case but I can turn you into a puddle of water since that is what most of your body is made of."


V was no longer smiling; he was assessing. If the kid could really do all that, he might be useful. If not, V saw no reason to let him live, especially if he was always so reckless...


...he watched closely as the stranger turned the sword into four throwing knives. It was a quick and effortless motion, and didn't seem tiring at all. An interesting power, though V still was trying to confirm how it worked. There were several ways it could work, two that made sense and one that didn't, but logic put aside, still could work. A car into a sword, a sword into four knives, a person into blood or water.


"Now don't scream."


It was the oddest thing V could ever remember anyone telling him. He had never even thought of screaming and in fact couldn't remember the last time he had, if ever. He remembered his mother telling him it was okay to cry if it hurt, okay to cry if he missed daddy. He had wanted to please her as an eight-year-old, even going so far as to try to force himself to cry, but had been unable to actually do so. Suddenly four knives were whizzing through the air towards V, and he quickly rolled off the end of the car to dodge them. He landed crouched next to the front of the car, one hand resting on it. He frowned passively at the stranger before him.


"Those are warning shots. Next hit won't be."


V sighed and stood. "I'm not sure why you're so intent on owning this pile of junk, but if you don't mind..." V extended his aura just enough so that it was passing the newcomer by a foot, "...I'd like to settle this the old way. I don't have time for a power battle." V began to take off his gloves, but kept his eye on the stranger.


"Your powers are very interesting and probably useful, and I have a lot of work to do. If you're a coward, I expect you to cheat and attempt to use your powers in the fight we're about to undergo. Or perhaps you'll use a gun. If you're an actual mutant who has more guts than just what your powers offer... well then, show me what your fists are worth, if anything."


Still not smiling, V stood and prepared himself in a casual fighting stance, only his fists as weapons or defense.




"Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow!" Ren grinned and laughed in excitement, now casually strolling Boston's not-so-busy night streets. "Tomorrow I will show Understood where the mutants are! So many of them, all together... then Understood will be my ally. She will be the center of the target, the vertebrae of the back, the eyes of the head! When they are gone, there's nothing left. Tomorrow!" Ren laughed again, but stopped short at the sight ahead of her; a small gang of guys were about one-hundred feet ahead in an ally, mostly hidden in the shadows and moving subtly about. Ren didn't want to deal with it and instead simply crossed the street.


"Tomorrow, everything will change..."

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Jason could fell the questions and the anxiousness build up in Ziva and almost make it to the surface, she wanted to ask... and he wanted to answer, in whatever ways he could. But she changed her mind and said something that she told him occasionally, but rarely like she was now, meaning it as best she could, even though she didn't fully understand it.

"I know, don't worry, I know." He sighed, kissing the top of her head again. There was a sudden beeing of the computer and Jason turned, dragging the machine closer to the two of them so he didn't have to get up. A figure had just emerged from the hole and took off, no point in chasing after it, but that did mean there were less mutants there than there had been before, if there were any.


"Alright, that looks like our cue..." Jason smiled grimly as he stood up slowly. His muscles weren't exhausted, physically he was ready to go, it was in his mind that he still felt like falling asleep. But he shook his head to clear it and forced himself to concentrate.


"We should leave the equipment here and the car. Get there on foot and check it out." Jason opened the trunk and pulled out a P-90, checking to make sure it was loaded he also grabbed an additional clip of ammo. In close quarters he wasn't an amazing fighter, that was Ziva. Fortunately only 15 some odd percent of mutants could counteract flying lead. It was just a precaution, it would be best to take any alive, so gas was preferred, but just encase... it never hurt to be over-prepared... that was SHIELD's model.






William gave Moira a half sad smile. "That's alright, it's probably my fault, I'm terrible in social situations, I probably said something the wrong way..." He tried to think about it, but his mind had such little frame of referrence to draw from that the line between appropriate and inappropriate ways of talking about things was not only blurry, but it was virtually non-existent.


"I guess I've been told it's not about your mind." He continued, "you can't reason your way to God or to faith. That's the idea. If God were something I could understand, then he really wouldn't seem that great to me because I could understand him. Having faith by definition means trusting in things you can't figure out." He shrugged, "I wouldn't know though, I'm all of a middle-school education and not much else." he shrugged with a slightly embarrassed smile. "I don't even know what... ok I don't know what ANY of this is..." he motioned to the lab, "but it's shiny, and it looks very interesting." With those words William suddenly seemed like a little kid again.


It was true, William hadn't received any education since the age of twelve. He could read and write fairly well and had taught himself how to use a computer... mostly, but everything Moira was talking about doing and the androids... he didn't even try to wrap his mind around such things.

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“That was… mildly disturbing, yeah,” Willow said, watching as Kelvyn’s body went back to normal. Shaking her head to get rid of the last images, she turned over to her side and yawned. Kelvyn suggested they should try to sleep again. “Probably,” She said, wondering briefly how many times they had suggested going back to sleep that night. “Night,” Willow closed her eyes, and tried to fall back asleep.

Edited by coralkiki

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Ziva pratically jumped to her feet when the buzzer went off warning them that people had left the man hole. As she looked over Jasons shoulder, she recognized a white haired man that could be identified as Nicandro Anapoli. He was smooth hiding in the sewers, but it was going to be difficult for her to track his scent through them. But as she watched, she had to stop and look at what was going on across the street. "Oh my god..." she said as she watched the windows of the large business building across the street expand then shatter in a loud resounding boom. Before she could do anything, Nicandro, and a few others were there trying to put out the fire.


She stood there, too far away to get there without drawing suspicion, watching Tempest come into view commanding the winds and weather to try and put out the flames. Other mutants were there trying to get the fire out while some gigantic monster helped a black suited man around.


They had missed her....dangit! They had missed her! She was right there right in front of them and they missed her. She kicked a tree firmly enough to make leaves fall around her then made sure to watch where they would go, but she couldn't because Nicandro formed earthen bubbles around everyone and moved them far away from there. Her best guess was that they went somewhere away from the city and they would need some sort of super nose to figure out where he was.




Moira chuckled as she totally lost track of what William was saying. "Well, they are all ways to make sure I do what needs to be done..." she said without questioning his education. She didn't want to offend him but wondered if he wanted to touch a few things and decided that maybe she should set out a few things to keep him from messing up her work. But then again, Nightcrawler should be able to help him learn what to do and what not to do? Hopefully? Maybe? Not? Oh she didn't know and if he messed something up, she could fix it.


"It's a lab...." she said stating the obvious in a rather comical way feeling ready to turn into an insane scientist just to make herself feel normal. "You sound like a kid when you do that you know?" she smiled at the idea and wondered for a moment, what kinds of synapses his brain might have because of the subconscious vesper that always followed him around, or became him.


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" really? Ugh I hate using my fists like this because the other person would cry and beg for their lives. You know your a pain in the neck if you don't show any fear. Really." He groaned as he took off his pack with his board off. The pack slamed into the the ground with a loud thud. He cracked both knuckles and his neck. " make your move then kid." He said as he went into the same fighting position and same blank look.




( sorry about not posting for a while. I forgot about this rp because of the holiday. )

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((Guys I'm really sorry but I am going to withdraw from this RP. I'm not going to have as much time to RP for a while and since I haven't posted a lot here I think it's best I let it go.


I'm sorry if this screws up with anyone's plans but I figured I should let you know instead of just keeping people waiting around.


Thanks for letting me join and have a little fun smile.gif))

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