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Monster Hunters 1x1 with me and ND...

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The pen was still for a long time, before it started moving again. If I told you, I'd have to kill you. The words remained on the page by themselves for a long time before the pen moved once more. Personally, I don't want to kill anyone at the moment. Or ever, if I can help it.

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"Alright. I just wondered." Iso shrugged. "Can you communicate with other trapped spirits?"

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Haven't tried before, but I suppose I can. It's better that they communicate by themselves, unless they can't. The pen dipped into the ink and began writing again. Your orb is powerful enough. Why don't you ask it instead of asking everyone else?

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Well, you're not afraid when giving it to someone else, even though you know what can happen. You're pretty much saying that you'll let others suffer before you will let yourself get hurt.

"It does have a point," Yvastar said, nodding down at the paper. "The worse it can do is try eating you, but we'll just knock it out of your hands if it does. Don't worry about that, at least trying would help something."

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Iso glared, and poked the orb. It turned slightly green. "Um... hi? I just... wondered... if you could do what Zsalin's staff is doing..." she said timidly. "You know... with the pen and paper..." another pen started writing beside Zsalin's. What do you want?!!!

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Sorry, did she wake you up? Not a morning person, are you?

"You're not much of a nice 'person' either," Yvastar said, glaring at the staff. "You clobber whoever, whenever."

You deserved it.

"I didn't deserve it, you stupid piece of wood! It hurt!"

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Naw, you deserved it. And yes she censorkip.gif in woke me!!! Running away from everything, no wonder I ain't fond of ya! You're being consumed more and more everyday, and yet you run from your fate. I will not support that. "Wow. Somebody's rude..." Iso mumbled.

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"Well, obviously she isn't running from you, or she'd would've ditched you a long time ago, floating glowing rock," Yvastar said, poking a finger at the orb, not impressed. "And from the way you seemingly react terribly for everyone else, seems like you got some heart for her just by killing her slowly or whatever you're doing besides looking pretty. Go snuggle up with that wyvern and cheer up a bit- or just fall asleep again."

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I ain't the one that needs to be snuggling with men. Her sisters demanded she bear a child for her gift to be passed on, and she's selfish and wants her powers all to herself. She ain't runnin from me, she runnin from her sisters, and that ain't right! They took her in and put a roof over her head. And I haveta have a heart for her, I serve the oracle. the orb wrote furiously on the paper. Iso was beginning to nod off herself, too tired from not sleeping. I was meant to stay in the Naga community, and she's keepin me away! Her censorkip.gif mother stole me originally, but at least she knew what to do with her life. That girl's happy to mope.

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"Those sisters of hers are selfish as well, not considering her own opinion about it. Besides, if they're her sisters, they'd have the bloodline as well, so even though the power's not strong in them, it could be in their children." Yvastar crossed his arms, scowling slightly. "And you're selfish as well for wanting your way as well. Pathetic."

I don't think it matters much- she's too tired to pay attention. Yvastar blinked at the staff's sudden words, before looking over at Iso. "Indeed..." Sighing, he rose to his feet. "I got things to do, so I'll kick you large rock later." With that, Yvastar walked out of the room, the door shutting behind him.

He's gone, Zsalin. With the words came a gentle clinking sound. Zsalin rolled onto his other side, facing the paper, his dragonish green eyes open as he read the words scrawled across the paper. "So that's how it is..." he murmured softly, frowning slightly at the words on the paper. His eyes turned, looking at the orb thoughtfully for a moment. "If she dies before having any children...wouldn't that mean you'd be free of your duties?" he said quietly, watching the orb. "Then you could do whatever you wished, and not forced to be dragged around doing stuff you dislike."

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No, if she has no children, I will serve no purpose. I will eventually rot and die. And they aren't her biological sisters, they are her comrades-in-arms. That man is an idiot. The orb stopped as Iso groggily curled up into a ball and slept. And besides, I sacrficed myself to serve the oracles. They used to be proud and disciplened. Not like this one, never paying attention to a lesson given to her.

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Zsalin's eyes turned to watched Iso curl up, sleeping soundly. He sat up slowly, his arm reaching out to take hold of a blanket on a nearby chair, pulling it down and laying it over the sleeping girl. He watched her for a moment, his lips pressed together as he thought, before he turned to look down at the paper. "Perhaps...is there a way to set you free? For what I see...you're stuck with the last one unless she straightens up..." He frowned for a moment, before looking down at the orb. "What's the purpose of an oracle, anyway?" The charms on the staff clinked together, as if heaving out a sigh, but the staff's pen remained still.

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Oracles have lost their purpose it seems. They are supposed to guide the lost, but now they have dwindled into nothingness. I will stand by them until the very end though, and they at least deserve that. The orb scrawled. Iso cried out in her sleep, and turned onto her stomach.

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Zsalin watched Iso as she rolled over, frowning slightly. "Guide the lost...huh...?" He bit his lip, letting out a small sigh. "One way or another, everyone loses their purpose in life..." Shaking his head, his eyes gazed down at the paper again. Some lose it before they're suppose to...but anyone can find a new purpose if they look in the right direction. Zsalin frowned at the thought. "A new purpose... ha..." He laid down on his back, staring up at the ceiling, going silent as he lost himself in thought.

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Well, oracles used to be the guide to that new direction. Now they're a lazy girl who only wants to go her own way. The orb scrawled, and then laid down the pen, making a nice unattractive inkblot. Iso whimpered, and held her wings closer to her body.

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"They need to live their life as well... otherwise, they miss everything it has to offer them..." Zsalin sat up again, shifting position so he was right beside Iso. He rested a hand on her shoulder, the other reaching and picking up the bounded book. Going back to your past, Zsalin? the staff's pen wrote quietly, as the wyvern untied the string, opening the book to dusty pages. In between two pages was a feather, a rainbow of colors that seemed to light up the pages with color. Yet, it was old, slowly fading away. "A past I wish I didn't remember half of..." he murmured. Resting his head back, he stared up at the ceiling, before he started to hum softly a strange, soft tune. He remembered the tune, but not the words. And the singer was no longer around to remind him. He stared down at the feather, a frown on his lips, humming softly.

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Zsalin paused in his humming, looking down at Iso, a small frown on his lips. His hand was just above her, before he let it rest back down again, gently. "It's alright..." he murmured softly, not caring if she didn't hear him. "There is nothing to be afraid of except for fear itself." His eyes fell down on the feather inside the open book on his lap. "Even if you are alone, and everything you had was taken away from you..." he whispered softly, more to himself than to anyone in the room.

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Iso practically ripped Zsalin's hand off and yelled. She studied him, before loetting his hand go. "S-sorry..."

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Zsalin blinked, a bit surprised by the suddeness, but made no sound as she let go of his hand. "It matters not," he said softly, closing the book in his lap with a small cloud of dust. "I'm not dead yet, so that must be a good thing..." Or not, in his opinion. But he said nothing about it, and the staff didn't either, the pen lying motionless. Perhaps it had decided to stop talking as well.

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Iso stood and exited, the orb picking up the pen again. She had a vision again, might want to go see what's wrong. it wrote, before dimming again.

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Zsalin glanced down at the orb, before at the paper. "I see... I guess it can't be helped. Watch my book, will you?" Setting the book down, he rose to his feet before walking after Iso. "You don't typically run out of rooms..." he said quietly as he found her.

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"Just... go! Okay? I just need to be left alone." she said, and put back on her cloak.

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A sigh escaped Zsalin's lips as he grasped her shoulder, firmly so she wouldn't get out, but not enough to hurt her. "Look, running away isn't going to help you, Iso. If you keep hiding everything, holding it in yourself, you'll just be eaten away by it."

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